2017 AAPM Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Medical Physics 3.0 in Design
Question 1: What is the primary responsibility of a clinical medical physicist?
Choice A:Working with technologists and dosimetrists to ensure proper patient handling.
Choice B:Testing equipment to make sure they meet the claim specifications.
Choice C:Taking care of the patient.
Choice D:Being a scientific catalyst for innovation and quality in the development and practice of medicine.
Question 2: To be most effective, a medical physicists needs intentional competencies in these area(s):
Choice A:Medical physics knowledge.
Choice B:Administrative and leadership skills.
Choice C:Communication and education skills.
Choice D:Critical thinking and problem solving.
Choice E:All of the above.
Question 3: Decisions benefit most from:
Reference:Harvard Business Review on Making Smarter Decisions: Make Better Decisions by Thomas Davenport pp185-198, 2011, ISBN 978-1-4221-7239-1
Choice A:Groupthink.
Choice B:Systematic analysis.
Choice C:Input from only senior leadership.
Choice D:Reliance on complex analytical models.
Question 4: To help ensure a decision-making process is perceived as fair, which behavior(s) demonstrates proper consideration:
Reference:Harvard Business Review on Making Smarter Decisions: What you don’t know about making decisions by David A. Garvin and Michael A Roberto, pp 109-133 ISBN 978-1-4221-7239-1
Choice A:Collaborative problem solving.
Choice B:Present balanced arguments for alternatives.
Choice C:Dismiss minority points of view.
Choice D:A and B, but not C.
Question 5: What are the signs a conversation has become crucial?
Reference:“Crucial Conversations” Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny
Choice A:Behavior, emotion, physical reaction
Choice B:The subject matter becomes very intense
Choice C:Voices become elevated
Question 6: What is the key component of effective communication?
Reference:“Intensive Care for Health Care” Vital Smarts White paper
Choice A:Listening.
Choice B:Ask yourself “what do I really want from this conversation?.”
Choice C:Not interrupting.
Question 7: Precision medicine is expected to gain from the quantitative image analysis of medical images. What factors may contribute to the success of such research and its ultimate translation to the clinical arena?
Reference:New material in the presentation.
Choice A:Physics of the imaging chain
Choice B:Knowledge of imaging processing methods, deep learning, classifier design, etc
Choice C:Knowledge of radiologists’ interpretation methods
Choice D:Existence of a robust dataset of images
Choice E:All of the above.
Question 8: Medical physicists can conduct impactful research in various peripheral fields including:
Reference:New material in the presentation.
Choice A:Genomics.
Choice B:Computer Interface design.
Choice C:Epidemiology.
Choice D:Radiobiology.
Choice E:All of the above.
Question 9: According to a study by Arum and Roska, what percentage of students had shown no statistically significant improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning, or writing after TWO years of college education?
Reference:R. Arum, et al., Academically adrift: Limited learning on college campuses. 2011: University of Chicago Press.
Choice A:10 - 20%.
Choice B:20- 30%.
Choice C:30 - 40%.
Choice D:40 - 50%.
Question 10: Around 52% of participating medical physics students are not matched to a clinical residency training program. In a recent survey of medical physics educational program directors, what percentage of program directors believe that their curriculum should prepare students for non-clinical careers?
Reference:S. Tanny, et al., SU‐E‐E‐04: Assessment of Medical Physics Students and Trainees Interest and Awareness of Non‐Clinical Careers. Medical physics, 2015. 42(6): p. 3224-3224.
Choice A:Over 95%.
Choice B:80-90%.
Choice C:60-70%.
Choice D:50-60%.
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