48th AAPM Annual Meeting Program
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Joint Imaging/Therapy Moderated Poster Session

Joint Imaging/Therapy Moderated Poster Session
Moderated Poster - Area 2 (Joint) Modeling of Intra-Fraction Organ Motion
Sunday 1:30:00 PM - 2:15:00 PM  Room: Exhibit Hall F

Joint Imaging/Therapy Moderated Poster Session
Moderated Poster - Area 3 (Joint)Tomographic Imaging for Therapy Localization
Sunday 1:30:00 PM - 2:15:00 PM  Room: Exhibit Hall F

Joint Imaging/Therapy Moderated Poster Session
Moderated Poster - Area 2 (Joint) Correction Strategies
Sunday 2:15:00 PM - 3:00:00 PM  Room: Exhibit Hall F

Joint Imaging/Therapy Moderated Poster Session
Moderated Poster - Area 3 (Joint) Molecular Imaging & Image Registration / Fusion
Sunday 2:15:00 PM - 3:00:00 PM  Room: Exhibit Hall F