Question 1: Any patient information uploaded into the ROILS system is: |
Reference: |
Choice A: | Accessible to the patient. |
Choice B: | Privileged and confidential. |
Choice C: | Available to AAPM or ASTRO. |
Choice D: | Subject to Freedom of Information Act. |
Question 2: Implementation of RO-ILS system requires: |
Reference: | |
Choice A: | A Contract with the PSO. |
Choice B: | An application to AAPM and ASTRO. |
Choice C: | An agreement to submit all incidents to PSO. |
Choice D: | An agreement to release patient information to other participants. |
Question 3: Event reports uploaded to the national database: |
Reference: | Hoopes DJ, et al. RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System: A report from the first year of experience. PRO (2015) 5, 312-318.
Choice A: | Are reviewed for completeness by the Clarity PSO staff. |
Choice B: | Are randomly selected for distribution to all RO-ILS participants. |
Choice C: | Have all patient and staff identifiers removed from the narrative information. |
Choice D: | Are reviewed by a panel of experts (RO-HAC) for quarterly reports to participants. |
Question 4: The practice setting with the most participants in RO-ILS is:
Reference: | RO-ILS: 2016 Year in Review.
Choice A: | Private Practice/Community-based system. |
Choice B: | Academic/University setting. |
Choice C: | Hospital. |
Choice D: | Free-standing clinic. |
Question 5: The external beam technique most commonly involved in reports submitted to RO-ILS is: |
Reference: | RO-ILS: 2016 Year in Review.
Choice A: | Electrons. |
Choice B: | 3D conformal. |
Choice C: | IMRT/VMAT. |
Choice D: | SRS/SBRT. |
Choice E: | Protons or other particles. |
Question 6: Which of the following is NOT a common contributing factor for reported radiation incidents?
Reference: | Ganesh, T. Incident reporting and learning in radiation oncology: Need of the hour. Journal of Medical Physics. 2014; 39: 203-205. |
Choice A: | Communication failures. |
Choice B: | Lack of understanding policy. |
Choice C: | Rapidly advancing technology. |
Choice D: | Haste. |
Question 7: For every one critical incident, how many minor incidents are expected to have occurred?
Reference: | Bird F.E., and Kirkwood, G.L. Practical loss control leadership. Loganville, GA: Institute Publishing, A Division of the International Loss Control Institute; 1986
Choice A: | 100. |
Choice B: | 300. |
Choice C: | 500. |
Choice D: | 600. |
Question 8: Which group of event reporters contributed the largest number of RO-ILS events in 2016? |
Reference: | Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System. Sponsored by American Society for Radiation Oncology and American Association of Physicists in Medicine: 2016 Year in review. Accessed March 28, 2017. |
Choice A: | Physicians. |
Choice B: | Physicists. |
Choice C: | Therapists. |
Choice D: | Dosimetrists. |
Question 9: According to the study “the utility of safety barriers was highest for those embedded into the pretreatment quality assurance checks performed by:
Reference: | The association between event learning and continuous quality improvement programs and culture of patient safety. Mazur et al. Prac. Radiat. Oncol (2015)5, 286-295
Choice A: | Pre-treatment quality checks by physics & dosimetry, New start check by therapists. |
Choice B: | Therapist weekly checks. |
Choice C: | Physics weekly chart checks. |
Choice D: | Physics, Dosimetry and therapy weekly checks. |
Choice E: | Chart rounds. |
Question 10: Which of the following resulted in reduction of errors in the MD treatment planning order design?
Reference: | Eliminating Inconsistencies in Simulation and Treatment Planning Orders in Radiation Therapy, Santanam et al. Int.J.Radiat Oncol. Phys 2013,85(2),484-491
Choice A: | Automation. |
Choice B: | Standardization. |
Choice C: | Mandatory fields & Context sensitive logic. |
Choice D: | Ability to store templates. |
Choice E: | All of the above. |