2018 AAPM Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Workforce Supply/Demand Into The Future
Question 1: The main determinants of demand for medical physics workers include.
Reference:Newhauser WD, The Medical Physics Workforce, Health Physics Journal 2017 Feb;112(2):139-148.
Choice A:The extent to which radiation is utilized in health care
Choice B:Changes in the size and age distribution of the population
Choice C:Changes in the productivity of medical physicists
Choice D:All of the above
Question 2: A profession has....
Reference:Greenwood, E. (1957). "Attributes of a Profession." Social Work 2(3): 45-55.
Choice A:Systematic theory.
Choice B:Community sanction
Choice C:Ethical Codes.
Choice D:Culture, and it is "prepared to apply knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others".
Choice E:Authority.
Choice F:All of the above.
Question 3: According to 2016 CAMPEP data, what percentage of CAMPEP MS Graduates entered a CAMPEP Therapy Physics Residency Program?
Reference:CAMPEP website: http://www.campep.org/2015AnnualGraduateReport.pdf
Choice A:35 - 40%
Choice B:30 - 35%
Choice C:25 - 30%
Choice D:20 - 25%
Question 4: Which statement regarding Medical Health Physics certification is true?
Reference:AAHP website: https://www.hps1.org/aahp/cec/wp_cepolicy.htm
Choice A:The Health Physics Society encourages their members to become certified in Medical Health Physics by the American Board of Health Physics (ABHP)
Choice B:The American Board of Medical Physics (ABMP) exam for Medical Health Physics does not include questions about non-ionizing radiation
Choice C:The American Academy of Health Physics grants Continuing Education Credits to Certified Health Physicists for attending AAPM scientific meetings
Choice D:The ABMP and the ABHP have a reciprocity agreement so that certification by one Board is recognized by the other
Question 5: The best estimate of the number of board-certified nuclear medicine physicists in the US currently is:
Reference:AAPM/SNNMI Joint Task Force: report on the current state of nuclear medicine physics training,” JACMP, Vol 16, Number 5, 2015.
Choice A:100 - 150
Choice B:200 - 250
Choice C:300 - 350
Choice D:400 - 450
Question 6: The median years of experience for all categories of nuclear medicine physicists is:
Reference:AAPM/SNNMI Joint Task Force: report on the current state of nuclear medicine physics training,” JACMP, Vol 16, Number 5, 2015.
Choice A:Less than 5 years
Choice B:5 - 10 years
Choice C:10 - 20 years
Choice D:20 - 30 years
Choice E:More than 30 years
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