2019 AAPM Annual Meeting
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Session Title: In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession
Question 1: AAPM Report 197: Academic Program Recommendations for Graduate Degrees in Medical Physics includes all of the following EXCEPT:
Reference:AAPM Report 197: Academic Program Recommendations for Graduate Degrees in Medical Physics. American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 2009. https://www.aapm.org/pubs/reports/RPT_197.pdf
Choice A:A suggested core curriculum for M.S. and Ph.D. programs
Choice B:A list of suggested laboratory training experiences
Choice C:A detailed list of topics covering all modern imaging equipment
Choice D:A bibliography of suggested resources
Question 2: Which of the following is true regarding a combined imaging and nuclear medicine residency?
Reference:AAPM Report 249: Essentials and Guidelines for Clinical Medical Physics Residency Training Programs. American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 2013. https://www.aapm.org/pubs/reports/rpt_249.pdf
Choice A:The residency must include 2 full years of training dedicated solely to nuclear medicine physics
Choice B:The ratio of nuclear medicine physics faculty to residents must be at least 2:1
Choice C:The nuclear medicine and imaging physics competencies may be scheduled so that the resident finishes training in both specialties at the same time
Choice D:Overlap between the imaging and nuclear medicine content allows all competencies to be completed in 36 months
Question 3: AAPM does NOT have a current position supporting licensure of medical physicists because of the numerous complexities surrounding the process.
Reference:AAPM Professional Policy PP-2-D, Licensure and The Medical Physicist's Role in the Practice of Medicine - A Guide for Administrators and Regulators, July 31, 2008. https://www.aapm.org/org/policies/details.asp?id=259&type=PP
Choice A:True
Choice B:False
Question 4: In which of the following states must an individual be licensed to practice medical physics?
Reference:AAPM Government Affairs Website, State Regulations and Licensure. https://www.aapm.org/government_affairs/licensure/default.asp
Choice A:Texas and New York
Choice B:Texas, New York and California
Choice C:Texas, New York and Florida
Choice D:Texas, New York, Florida, Hawaii
Question 5: Publication NCRP Report 122 provides guidance on personnel monitoring in fluoroscopy procedures?
Reference:NCRP Report No. 122 - Use of Personal Monitors to Estimate Effective Dose Equivalent and Effective Dose to Workers for External Exposure to Low-LET Radiation (1995) https://ncrponline.org/shop/reports/report-no-122-use-of-personal-monitors-to-estimate-e
Choice A:True
Choice B:False
Question 6: Dr Brateman was effective at using what methodology to improve radiation protection for workers and patients in Florida?
Reference:Community Tool Box Chapter 11. Influencing Policy Development https://ctb.ku.edu/en/influencing-policy-development
Choice A:File lawsuits against the regulations when they are adopted
Choice B:Train regulators on how to inspect
Choice C:Participate in state radiation protection advisory committees’ activities as a subject matter expert
Question 7: The ACR Mammography Accreditation Program was launched in
Reference:Hendrick RE. Standardization of radiation dose and image quality in mammography. Radiology 1990; 174: 648-654.
Choice A:1987
Choice B:1993
Choice C:1998
Choice D:2019
Question 8: Which of the following states have been approved by the FDA to certify mammography facilities under MQSA?
Reference:FDA MQSA Policy Guidance Help System - Accreditation and Certification Overview. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cdrh_docs/presentations/pghs/Polic_Guidance_Help_System.htm
Choice A:California, Illinois, Iowa and Texas
Choice B:Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Texas
Choice C:Illinois, Iowa, South Carolina, and Texas
Choice D:Hawaii, Florida, New York and Texas
Question 9: May we use the old ACR phantom to perform the tests in the ACR Digital Mammography QC Manual instead of obtaining the new ACR Digital Mammography Phantom?
Reference:The American College of Radiology Digital Mammography QC Manual: Frequently Asked Questions https://www.acraccreditation.org/-/media/ACRAccreditation/Documents/Resources/DMQC/DMQCFAQs.pdf?la=en
Choice A:Yes
Choice B:No
Question 10: If the FDA’s 2019 Proposed Rules are published as final, what new information will be provided to patients in letters sent to them by their mammography facility?
Reference:Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR Part 900, Mammography Quality Standards Act, Proposed rule. Federal Register Vol. 84, No. 60; Thursday, March 28, 2019. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2019-03-28/pdf/2019-05803.pdf
Choice A:A summary of their mammography report written in lay terms
Choice B:The radiation dose they received during the examination
Choice C:The name and phone # of the facility’s medical physicist
Choice D:Their breast density
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