2019 AAPM Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Managing Conflicts of Interest: Building Trust and Improving Outcomes
Question 1: A conflict of interest is:
Reference:AAPM PP24-D
Choice A:A situation in which one’s position of trust is compromised by virtue of relationships with other parties and/or by self interest
Choice B:A situation in which a person is using his position of influence to affect outcomes
Choice C:A situation in which one’s position is threatened by the interests of their peers
Choice D:A situation more likely to occur when working in industry
Question 2: Examples of conflicts of interest include:
Reference:Ethics and Conflict of Interest by Michael McDonald, UBC 29/4/2019 https://ethics.ubc.ca/peoplemcdonaldconflict-htm/
Choice A:Self-dealing, i.e. using one’s position for personal benefit alone
Choice B:Influence peddling, i.e. accepting benefits in return for using one’s position to advance the interests of a particular party
Choice C:Using confidential information, i.e. using information one is privy to due to their position for personal benefit
Choice D:All of the above
Question 3: A good conflict of interest statement:
Reference:Institute of Medicine. 2014. Conflict of Interest and Medical Innovation: Ensuring Integrity While Facilitating Innovation in Medical Research: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/18723.
Choice A:Includes the value of the individual’s monetary compensation
Choice B:Includes past and present funding and/or other resources related to the task/project
Choice C:Includes autobiographical information
Choice D:Excludes the end-of-year performance related bonus
Question 4: What is a perceived conflict of interest?
Reference:Conflict of interest examples and actions guideline. Monash University. 29/4/2019 https://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/1248489/Conflict-of-Interest-Examples-and-Actions-Guideline.pdf
Choice A:All conflicts of interest are perceived
Choice B:A potential conflict of interest that appears substantial enough to compromise the ability of a professional in the fulfillment of their public duty
Choice C:A conflict of interest that has not been declared
Choice D:There is no such thing. Only actual conflicts of interest exist.
Question 5: Conflicts of interest must be:
Reference:AAPM PP24-D
Choice A:Avoided
Choice B:Disclosed
Choice C:Managed
Choice D:All of the above
Choice E:B & C only
Question 6: Which of the following are examples of conflict of interest in medicine:
Reference:Institute of Medicine. 2009. Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/12598
Choice A:The provision of unnecessarily complex treatment for the benefit of gaining experience in a technique
Choice B:The prioritization of the treatment of a colleague’s family member
Choice C:The delay of a medical procedure to attend urgent personal business
Choice D:All of the above
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