2019 AAPM Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Advances in Ultrasound Imaging Technology
Question 1: What is the FDA limit for mechanical index for diagnostic ultrasound imaging in the presence of microbubble contrast agents?
Reference:Lantheus Medical Imaging. (2018). Definity: Highlights of prescribing information. Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2018/021064s022lbl.pdf Bracco (2016). Lumason: Highlights of prescribing information. Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2016/203684s002lbl.pdf GE Healthcare (2016). Optison: Highlights of prescribing information. Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2016/020899s018s019lbl.pdf
Choice A:1.9
Choice B:0.8
Choice C:It’s agent-dependent
Question 2: What factors determine the physical state (liquid vs. gas) of a perfluorocarbon (PFC) agent?
Reference:P. S. Sheeran, V. P. Wong, S. Luois, R. J. McFarland, W. D. Ross, S. Feingold, T. O. Matsunaga, and P. A. Dayton, "Decafluorobutane as a phase-change contrast agent for low-energy extravascular ultrasonic imaging," Ultrasound Med Biol, vol. 37, pp. 1518-1
Choice A:Ambient temperature and pressure
Choice B:Shell composition
Choice C:Diameter
Choice D:All of the above.
Question 3: How does the circulation time for nanodroplet contrast agents compare to microbubbles?
Reference:P. S. Sheeran, J. D. Rojas, C. Puett, J. Hjelmquist, C. B. Arena, and P. A. Dayton, "Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging and in vivo circulatory kinetics with low-boiling-point nanoscale phase-change perfluorocarbon agents," Ultrasound Med Biol, vol. 41, pp. 814-31, Mar 2015.
Choice A:Shorter than microbubbles
Choice B:Longer than microbubbles
Choice C:Similar to microbubble circulation time
Question 4: When a pulsed beam of electromagnetic radiation (X-ray, protons) strikes a material, the localized temperature increases leads to thermoelastic expansion, and it will produce:
Reference:Susannah Hickling, Liangzhong Xiang, Kevin C. Jones, Katia Parodi, Walter Assmann, Stephen Avery, Maritza Hobson, Issam El Naqa: Ionizing radiation-induced acoustics for radiotherapy and diagnostic radiology applications. Medical Physics 45(7):
Choice A:Acoustic waves
Choice B:Visible light
Choice C:Near Infrared Light
Choice D:Florescent X-ray
Question 5: The initial acoustic pressure generated by the ionizing radiation is proportional to :
Reference:Susannah Hickling, Liangzhong Xiang, Kevin C. Jones, Katia Parodi, Walter Assmann, Stephen Avery, Maritza Hobson, Issam El Naqa: Ionizing radiation-induced acoustics for radiotherapy and diagnostic radiology applications. Medical Physics 45(7): e707-e721, April 2018
Choice A:The pulse duration of the radiation beam
Choice B:The deposited radiation dose in the tissue
Choice C:The energy of the particles
Choice D:None of the above
Question 6: Proton induced acoustic signals was proposed to be used for:
Reference:Susannah Hickling, Liangzhong Xiang, Kevin C. Jones, Katia Parodi, Walter Assmann, Stephen Avery, Maritza Hobson, Issam El Naqa: Ionizing radiation-induced acoustics for radiotherapy and diagnostic radiology applications. Medical Physics 45(7): e707-e721, April 2018
Choice A:Tumor imaging
Choice B:Image-guided surgery
Choice C:Proton therapy range verification
Choice D:None of the above
Question 7: In X-ray induced acoustic computed tomography (XACT), the signals detected are:
Choice A:Acoustic waves
Choice B:Light
Choice C:Thermal waves
Choice D:X-rays
Question 8: The intensity of x-ray induced thermoacoustic wave is relevant to:
Choice A:The intensity of the x-ray beam
Choice B:The density of the irradiated tissue
Choice C:The Gruneisen parameter of the irradiated tissue
Choice D:All of the above
Question 9: The frequency spectrum of the x-ray induced thermoacoustic signal is relevant to:
Choice A:The time duration of the x-ray pulse
Choice B:The x-ray beam size
Choice C:The structure of the irradiated tissue
Choice D:All of the above
Question 10: T/F XACT stands for:X-ray induced acoustic computed tomography
Choice A:True.
Choice B:False.
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