2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting
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Session Title: MPLA Session: Personal Leadership in Uncertain Times
Question 1: Nonverbal communication refers to the ways in which beings convey information about their emotions, needs, intentions, attitudes, and thoughts without the use of verbal language.
Reference:Paul, B. International Encyclopedia of the Social &Behavioral Sciences (2001). https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/social-sciences/nonverbal-communication/pdf
Choice A:True
Choice B:False
Question 2: Paralinguistics involve
Reference:Riggio, R. E., & Riggio, H. R. (2012). Face and body in motion: Nonverbal communication. In Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance (pp. 425-430). Academic Press.
Choice A:Tone
Choice B:Pitch
Choice C:Speed and pace
Choice D:Volume
Choice E:All of the above
Question 3: Which of the following are examples of non-verbal behavior sequential relationships to verbal behavior?
Reference:Beeman, W. O. (2012). Linguistics and anthropology. The Philosophy of Linguistics. Elsevier.
Choice A:Anticipate
Choice B:Coincide with
Choice C:Substitute for
Choice D:Follow
Choice E:All of the above
Question 4: Which of the following represents the 7-38-55 rule from Mehrabian’s 1967 research concerning the communication of emotions?
Reference:Mehrabian, A., & Wiener, M. (1967). Decoding of inconsistent communications. Journal of personality and social psychology, 6(1), 109. and Mehrabian, A., & Ferris, S. R. (1967). Inference of attitudes from nonverbal communication in two channels. Journal of consulting psychology, 31(3), 248.
Choice A:7% spoken word, 38% tone of voice, 55% body language
Choice B:7% tone of voice, 38% body language, 55% spoken word
Choice C:7% body language, 38% spoken word, 55% tone of voice
Choice D:7% spoken word, 38% pitch of voice, 55% body language
Choice E:7% spoken word, 38% volume of voice, 55% body language
Question 5: Doctors use verbal and nonverbal communication physiological responses and detection for depression and anxiety because both have their basis in the way that the brain functions and can result in changes in the physical and behavioral aspects of the individual.
Reference:Wilson, A. S., Prescott, J., & Krasniewicz, J. (2016). Using Technology for Evaluation and Support of Patients’ Emotional States in Healthcare. In Emotions, Technology, and Health (pp. 3-21). Academic Press.
Choice A:True
Choice B:False
Question 6: An individual may manifest anxiety in which of the following ways?
Reference:Craske, M., Rauch, S., Ursano, R., Prenoveau, J., Pine, D., & Zinbarg, R. (2009). What Is an Anxiety Disorder?. Depression and anxiety. 26. 1066-85. 10.1002/da.20633.
Choice A:Heart working slower
Choice B:Lungs working slower
Choice C:Muscles becoming tenser
Choice D:Decreased sweat production
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