2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting
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Session Title: Conflict to Mutual Goals: Foundational Mindset and Skills
Question 1: Leadership skills and the promotion of leadership training is a focus area of the AAPM strategic plan. (T/F)
Reference:https://w3.aapm.org/org/objectives.php accessed 5/20/2020.
Choice A:False
Choice B:True
Question 2: Which of the following best describes the definition of conflict?
Reference:Almost J, Wolff AC, Stewart‐Pyne A, McCormick LG, Strachan D, D'souza C. Managing and mitigating conflict in healthcare teams: an integrative review. Journal of advanced nursing. 2016 Jul;72(7):1490-5 Caza, BB, Olekalns, M, Vogus, TJ. How to Mend a Work Relationship. Harvard Business Review, February 14, 2020. https://hbr.org/2020/02/how-to-mend-a-work-relationship
Choice A:Strong emotions around a decision that would impact my work.
Choice B:Team members failing to align around mutual goals.
Choice C:People going around a person with a difficult personality.
Choice D:All of the above.
Question 3: Which of the following does not contribute to sources of workplace conflict?
Reference:Kim S, Buttrick E, Bohannon I, Fehr R, Frans E, Shannon SE. Conflict narratives from the healthcare frontline: A conceptual model. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 2016 Mar;33(3):255-77. Kim S, Bochatay N, Relyea-Chew A, Buttrick E, Amdahl C, Kim L, Frans E, Mossanen M, Khandekar A, Fehr R, Lee YM. Individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors of healthcare conflict: a scoping review. Journal of interprofessional care. 2017 May 4;31(3):28 90.
Choice A:Resource scarcity that results in people clamoring to secure resources at the cost of others.
Choice B:Unclear scope of practice that creates inefficiencies.
Choice C:Lack of visibility by leadership resulting in low team morale and cohesiveness.
Choice D:None of the above.
Question 4: True or False? Most people are aware of sources of their implicit bias.
Reference:Banaji MR, Greenwald AG. Blindspot: Hidden biases of good people. Bantam; 2016 Aug 16.
Choice A:True
Choice B:False
Question 5: Which of the following is NOT one of the social bases of power?
Reference:Raven BH. The bases of power and the power/interaction model of interpersonal influence. Analyses of social issues and public policy. 2008 Dec;8(1):1-22.
Choice A:Intuition.
Choice B:Information.
Choice C:Expertise.
Choice D:Coercion.
Question 6: Which of the following sentences is not true?
Reference:Cloke K, Goldsmith J. Resolving conflicts at work: Ten strategies for everyone on the job. John Wiley & Sons; 2011 Apr 8. Caza, BB, Olekalns, M, Vogus, TJ. How to mend a work relationship. February 14, 2020. https://hbr.org/2020/02/how-to-mend-a-work-relationship
Choice A:Starting a question with a “Why” puts people in a defensive position.
Choice B:People in positions of power are entitled to make solo decisions.
Choice C:Charisma is a form of an important power base.
Choice D:Promoting my position can deter collaborative conflict management.
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