2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting
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Session Title: Modern Mammography QC: Managing Quality Amidst a Mindset of Growth
Question 1: A facility QC technologist may begin using the ACR Digital Mammography QC Manual on a mammography unit __________.
Reference:Berns EA, Pfieffer DE, Adent C, et al. Digital Mammography Quality Control Manual. Reston, Va: American College of Radiology; 2018, p15.
Choice A:As soon as they have received their ACR DM Phantom
Choice B:Once the medical physicist has conducted an annual survey of the digital mammography unit using the ACR DM QC manual and phantom
Choice C:Once their facility has undergone its next scheduled MQSA inspection under the manufacturer’s QC manual
Choice D:Once they have notified the ACR that they intend to transition QC manuals
Question 2: Once a mammography unit has had its transition survey for the ACR Digital Mammography QC manual, all affiliated display devices (on and off-site) must have their transitions completed ________.
Reference:The American College of Radiology Digital Mammography QC Manual: Frequently Asked Questions (revised 10/03/2019), p5. https://www.acraccreditation.org/-/media/ACRAccreditation/Documents/Resources/DMQC/DMQCFAQs.pdf?la=en
Choice A:Within 1 month
Choice B:Within 3 months
Choice C:Within 6 months
Choice D:Before the next regularly scheduled annual survey for that mammography unit
Choice E:The display devices are not required to transition to the ACR QC manual
Question 3: When the technologist is performing the Phantom Image Quality test under the ACR Digital Mammography QC manual, what technique should be used to acquire the phantom image?
Reference:Berns EA, Pfieffer DE, Adent C, et al. Digital Mammography Quality Control Manual. Reston, Va: American College of Radiology; 2018, p39.
Choice A:The technical factors provided in the manufacturer’s QC manual
Choice B:A photo-timed exposure at the maximum kVp
Choice C:The technique for a 4.2 cm thick compressed breast consisting of 50% glandular and 50% adipose tissue as used clinically during routine screening mammography exams
Choice D:A manual technique specified by the physicist
Question 4: If the LIP is not available on the day of the MQSA inspection, what are the site's options to demonstrate compliance with LIP QC/QA oversight (EQUIP question #3)?
Reference:MQSA EQUIP attestation, found at: https://www.fda.gov/media/101655/download
Choice A:There are no options, you cannot complete the inspection without the LIP.
Choice B:The LIP may seek out, sign, and date, an FDA provided attestation form to serve as their communications.
Choice C:The facility may offer the inspector an LIP signed written policy containing all required elements.
Choice D:Both B and C
Question 5: In a multi-site network of certified facilities, where the IP and RT move between multiple sites, will a single clinical image quality review (CIQR) assessment per IP and RT from just one site suffice?
Reference:MQSA EQUIP FAQ, found at (p.5): https://www.fda.gov/media/101293/download
Choice A:No, because MQSA regulates facilities, not people.
Choice B:No, because we may have missed an IP/RT combination.
Choice C:Yes, because we have assessed each IP and RT.
Choice D:Yes, because we have assessed a large sample size.
Question 6: Who can complete the periodic clinical image quality review (CIQR) for a site?
Reference:MQSA EQUIP FAQ, found at (page 6): https://www.fda.gov/media/101293/download
Choice A:The lead QC technologist
Choice B:The mammography manager
Choice C:The qualified medical physicist
Choice D:Any of the above, so long as they are working in conjunction with an IP
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