2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Establishing Efficient and Effective Systems for Policy and Procedures
Question 1: Which one is NOT among the reasons we write policies and procedures?
Reference:How to Write a Policies and Procedures Manual by Chris Anderson www.bizmanualz.com
Choice A:Consistency
Choice B:Accountability
Choice C:Transparency
Choice D:To show others how good we are
Question 2: According to best practices, how often should a policy and procedure document be updated/reviewed?
Reference:ACR–ASTRO Practice Parameter for Radiation Oncology 2018
Choice A:Annually
Choice B:Every six months
Choice C:Every five years
Choice D:There are no recommendations
Question 3: Which statement is NOT correct for a policy and procedure document?
Reference:How to Write a Policies and Procedures Manual by Chris Anderson www.bizmanualz.com
Choice A:Policy statement is level 1 followed by processes, procedures, and instructions
Choice B:A policy defines the big picture and procedures are more detailed steps
Choice C:Although it's called policy and procedures document, the policy statement is not really required
Choice D:In writing policies and procedures we must keep in mind the organization’s mission, vision, and values
Question 4: Which statement is NOT a reason people fail to follow policies and procedures?
Reference:How to Write a Policies and Procedures Manual by Chris Anderson www.bizmanualz.com
Choice A:Document is too old
Choice B:Policies are hard to find
Choice C:Policies are too long
Choice D:Policies are needed for transparency
Question 5: Which statement is NOT correct when writing a policy and procedure document?
Reference:How to Write a Policies and Procedures Manual by Chris Anderson www.bizmanualz.com
Choice A:Use active verbs
Choice B:Follow the subject-verb-object rule
Choice C:Policy is a part of an element, so-called meta data
Choice D:A single physicist normally writes all the documents without any help
Question 6: Which statement is NOT correct when writing a policy and procedure document?
Reference:Williams, Lemon. How-To Write Quality Compliance Documentation: Policy and Setting the Tone for Controlling Process (Volume Book 1) (p. 14). Ionado Press. Kindle Edition
Choice A:All acronyms must be spelled out on first use
Choice B:Any non-standard term must be defined within the document
Choice C:Use appendices for lengthy or complex reference information that would disrupt the flow of the document
Choice D:The writing style should adhere to legal document standards
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