2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Who's Culpable? Moving Beyond Blame to Create a Just Culture and Avoid Burnout
Question 1: Which of the following human errors is an inadvertent act?
Reference:Rogers, E., Griffin, E., Carnie, W., Melucci, J., & Weber, R. J. (2017). A just culture approach to managing medication errors. Hospital pharmacy, 52(4), 308-315. CHPSO. (June 5, 2012). Just culture algorithm from Outcome Engenuity. www.chpso.org/post/just-culture-algorithm-outcome-engenuity. Accessed January 5, 2017. Marx D. Patient Safety and the “ Just Culture”: A Primer For Health Care Executives; Medical Event Reporting System – Transfusion Medicine (MERS-TM). Available online: https://www.chpso.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/marx_primer.pdf
Choice A:Slip
Choice B:Lapse
Choice C:Mistake
Choice D:All of the Above
Question 2: The cause commonly associated with mistakes and errors is which of the following?
Reference:Rogers, E., Griffin, E., Carnie, W., Melucci, J., & Weber, R. J. (2017). A just culture approach to managing medication errors. Hospital pharmacy, 52(4), 308-315. CHPSO. (June 5, 2012). Just culture algorithm from Outcome Engenuity. www.chpso.org/post/just-culture-algorithm-outcome-engenuity. Accessed January 5, 2017. Marx D. Patient Safety and the “ Just Culture”: A Primer For Health Care Executives; Medical Event Reporting System – Transfusion Medicine (MERS-TM). Available online: https://www.chpso.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/marx_primer.pdf
Choice A:Human error
Choice B:At-risk behavior
Choice C:Reckless Behavior
Choice D:All of the above
Question 3: The U.K.’s National Health Service Incident Decision Tree test that examines whether protocols and safe working practices were adhered to is…
Reference:Meadows, S., Baker, K., & Butler, J. (2005). The incident decision tree: guidelines for action following patient safety incidents. Adv Patient Saf, 4, 387-99. https://www.ahrq.gov/downloads/pub/advances/vol4/meadows.pdf Accessed August 15, 2019.
Choice A:Deliberate Harm
Choice B:Incapacity
Choice C:Foresight
Choice D:Substitution
Question 4: All of the following are identified dimensions of burnout except:
Reference:Maslach, C. (2003). Job burnout: New directions in research and intervention. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12(5), 189-192.
Choice A:Emotional exhaustion
Choice B:Depersonalization
Choice C:Lack of personal achievement
Choice D:Alexithymia
Question 5: In a survey of over 1,000 medical physicists, what percentage indicated experiencing some level of burnout?
Reference:Johnson, J., Ford, E., Yu, J., Buckey, C., Fogh, S., & Evans, S. (2019). Peer support: A needs assessment for social support from trained peers in response to stress among medical physicists. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics.
Choice A:71.1%
Choice B:52.5%
Choice C:33.3%
Choice D:15.2%
Question 6: Which of the following was strongly associated with perceived errors amongst American surgeons?
Reference:Shanafelt, T., Balch, C., Bechamps, G., Russell, T., Dyrbye, L., Satele, D., Collicott, P., Novotny, P., Sloan, J., & Freischlag, J. (2010). Burnout and medical errors among American Surgeons. Annals of Surgery, 251(6), 995-1000.
Choice A:Number of nights on call each week
Choice B:Burnout
Choice C:Practice setting
Choice D:Number of worked hours
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