2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Professional Letters of Reference: Advice for Those Who Need Them and Those Who Need To Write Them
Question 1: To ensure you receive a quality, professional letter of reference, all of the following apply *except*:
Reference:https://hbr.org/2010/04/how-to-ask-for-a-reference-let-1-2 accessed 4/12/2021
Choice A:Highlight your qualifications and provide a recent CV
Choice B:Provide a way out if the person does not want to write you a reference letter
Choice C:Ask one of your parents or your best friend to write a letter of reference
Choice D:Provide a draft letter of reference or template for editing
Question 2: A high-quality letter of reference is often written by all of the following *except*
Reference:AAPM newsletter Jan/Feb 2021, vol 46, no 1, pp32-33 hGps://issuu.com/aapmdocs/docs/4601? mode=embed&viewMode=doublePage&backgroundColor=eeeeee
Choice A:A colleague with direct knowledge of your work
Choice B:An acquaintance who is unfamiliar with your work
Choice C:A former manager who is supportive of your aspirations and who you have kept in touch with
Choice D:A mentor who you have been working with
Question 3: There can be several different types of professional relationships, but no matter the type, the key trait that can strengthen it is:
Choice A:A shared relevance
Choice B:An understanding of the purpose of the relationship
Choice C:A commitment to the relationship
Choice D:All of the above
Question 4: What is one overarching goal that you should try to achieve when writing a letter of reference?
Reference:AAPM Newsletter., Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 33-35, 2021.
Choice A:to explain why the information you provided about the candidate is important or relevant
Choice B:to describe the technical details about the candidate’s medical physics skills
Choice C:to provide guidance or career recommendations to the candidate in case they see the letter
Choice D:To write the shortest letter possible
Choice E:to write the longest letter possible
Question 5: What are typically the four main components when writing an academic letter of reference?
Reference:AAPM Newsletter., Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 33-35, 2021.
Choice A:Management, Teamwork, Leadership, Background
Choice B:Research, Teaching, Service, Teamwork
Choice C:Research, Teaching, Service, Leadership
Choice D:Research, Teaching, Service, Clinical care
Choice E:Research, Teaching, Service, Quality assurance
Question 6: There are many times in a Medical Physicist’s career where a reference letter may be needed. Which of the following is a type of reference letter you may find yourself writing?
Reference:AAPM Newsletter., Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 33-35, 2021.
Choice A:Clinical job
Choice B:Graduate school or residency
Choice C:Awards or honors
Choice D:Academic jobs
Choice E:All of the above
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