Lay language version of paper MO-D-519-5#

Non-Contact Ultrasound for Osteoporosis
and Bone Imaging
S. Ganezer
Posted 7/15/2002
Lay language version of paper WE-D-518-8

A High-Resolution Rapid-Sequence Imaging
System For Region Of Interest Micro-Angiography
Iacovos Kyprianou,
et al.
Posted 7/15/2002
Lay-language version of paper TU-D-518-6

Massive Training Artificial Neural Network
for Reduction of False Positives in Computerized Detection
of Lung Nodules in Low-Dose CT
K Suzuki, et al.
Posted 7/15/2002
Lay-language version of paper TU-C-517C-6

Comparing the potential of digital and
film-screen mammography
Nickoloff, et al.
Posted 7/15/2002
Lay-language version of paper TU-E-517B-3

Predicting post-radiotherapy outcomes
for prostate patients using artificial neural networks
Gulliford, et al.
Posted 7/15/2002
Lay language version of paper MO-D-518-7

MR Elastography of the Weight-Bearing
Tissues of the Foot Developed in the Effort to Reduce Diabetic
Foot Amputations
Weaver, et al.
Posted 7/10/2002
Lay language description of paper
Evidence of the Anisotropic Nature of
the Mechanical Properties of Breast Tissue
Weaver, et al.
Posted 7/10/2002
Lay-language version of paper MO-E-517B-7

Predicting the Cancer Cure Rate Improvement
for Combined Gene Therapy and Radiation Therapy
Paul Keall, et
Posted 7/10/2002