Therapy General Poster Discussion |
Therapy General Poster Discussion |
3:00:00 PM - 4:30:00 PM |
Room: Exhibit Hall |
SU-FF-T-1 |
SU-FF-T-01 Investigation of Pagat Gel Dosimeter Application in Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy by Determination of TG-43 Parameters of Selectron Cs-137 Source - m. zehtabian*, r. faghihi, m. zahmatkesh, A. Meigooni, M. Mosleh-Shirazi, s. mehdizadeh, s. sina, m. nili, k. mansouri |
SU-FF-T-2 |
Plan Comparison On Magnetic Resonance Image Between Inverse Planning Simulated Annealing and Point A Normalization for High Dose Rate Brachytherapy On a Cervical Cancer Patient. - Y. Huang*, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, D. Gaffney, B. Salter |
SU-FF-T-3 |
Accurate Surface Dose Determination for Electronic Brachytherapy Applicators - J. Segala*, G. Cardarelli, J. Hiatt, B. Curran, E. Sternick |
SU-FF-T-4 |
Permanent Brachytherapy Seed Localization Via Iterative Forward Projection Matching (IFPM) Algorithm Using Intraoperative Cone-Beam CT Sinogram Projections - D. Pokhrel*, M. Murphy, D. Todor, D. Lazos, E. Weiss, Y. Motai, J. Williamson |
SU-FF-T-5 |
A Monte Carlo Based Dose Calculation and Evaluation Toolkit for Electronic Brachytherapy: Feasibility of IMBT - B. Guo*, C. Cheng, B. Director, T. Rusch, C. Esquivel, S. Stathakis, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-6 |
Analytic Expression and Functional Fitting for the COMS Eye Plaque Dosimetry Data - S. Chiu-Tsao* |
SU-FF-T-7 |
Treatment Planning Considerations and the Effect of Tissue Heterogeneities On the Absorbed Dose Distribution From the Xoft Axxent 50 KVp Electronic Brachytherapy Source - J. DeMarco*, B. Fahimian, K. Iwamoto, R. Holt |
SU-FF-T-8 |
Morphological Seed Identification and Removal of the Post-Implant Prostate Brachytherapy Patients in Cone-Beam CT Sinogram Projections - D. Pokhrel*, D. Lazos, M. Murphy, J. Lu, D. Zheng, J. Williamson |
SU-FF-T-9 |
Integral Target Dose Comparison for MammoSite Brachytherapy and Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy Systems - T. Li*, J. Gong, S. Tong, B. Fountain, E. Duffy |
SU-FF-T-10 |
Impact of Source Production Revision On the Photon Energy Spectrum and Dose Rate Constant of Cesium-131 Sources - Z. Chen*, P. Bongiorni, R. Nath |
SU-FF-T-11 |
Measurements of Dose Discrepancies Due to Inhomogenieties and Radiographic Contrast in Balloon Catheter Brachytherpay - S. Oh*, J. Scott, D. Shin, T. Suh, S. Kim |
SU-FF-T-12 |
Comparison of Biological Effective Dose Between Protons and Seed Implant Plus IMRT for Prostate Treatment - R. Sheu*, C. Hua, A. Svoboda, J. Cesaretti, R. Stock, Y. Lo |
SU-FF-T-13 |
Clinical Use of Multi-Lumen Catheter for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation - J. Lee*, R. Chan |
SU-FF-T-14 |
Skin Dose Evaluation for HDR Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation - Y. Xu*, C. Watchman, S. Krafft, S. Jang, K. Haddad, B. Ganapol, R. Hamilton |
SU-FF-T-15 |
Comparison of Various Monte Carlo Codes for Brachytherapy Source Dosimetry - A. Meigooni*, C. Luerman, J. Perez-Calatayud, F. Ballester, M. Rivard, K. Sowards, m. zehtabian, s. sina, J. Williamson |
SU-FF-T-16 |
Evaluation of the Dose Perturbation Caused by Tungsten Shields Within a Fletcher-Suit Delclos Applicator in Ir-192 HDR Brachytherapy - T. Stanley*, T. Tran, M. Bakhtiari, W. Jaggernauth, H. Malhotra |
SU-FF-T-17 |
Impact of Applicator and Dummy Pellets On the TG 43 Parameters of Selectron Cs-137 Source - s. sina*, r. faghihi, M. Mosleh-Shirazi, s. mehdizadeh, A. Meigooni, m. zehtabian |
SU-FF-T-18 |
On the Determination of the Absolute Dose for a 192Ir HDR Source Using a Fricke Dosimeter: Correction Factors for Several Radii Using MC Calculation - S. Benhabib*, H. Mota, C. Austerlitz, M. Ferreira, R. Allison, C. Sibata |
SU-FF-T-19 |
Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation With Shielded MammoSite-Type Applicator - N. Govindarajan*, V. Nazaryan, C. Keppel, P. Gueye |
SU-FF-T-20 |
Near Source Dosimetry of HDR Base of Tongue Treatments Using BrachyVision TPS & GrafChromic HD-810 Film - M. Luckstead*, M. Lamba, W. Kassing, H. Elson |
SU-FF-T-21 |
The Optimal Number of Lumens for Multi-Lumen Devices Used in Partial Breast Irradiation - B. Liu*, H. Jiang, T. Kampp, M. Astrahan |
SU-FF-T-22 |
Treatment Planning Changes to Reduce Side Effects From Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy with Cs-131 - D. Lasher*, A. Shah, J. Wojcicka, B. Kassas, E. Bagan |
SU-FF-T-23 |
Analysis of Dosimetric Quantities Associated with Partial Breast Brachytherapy - D. O''''Farrell*, A. Steward, M. Racine, Y. Lyatskaya, P. Devlin, R. Cormack |
SU-FF-T-24 |
A Monte Carlo Phantom Study for Brachytherapy Dose Perturbation in Henschke Type GYN Applicator - P. Yu*, T. Chao, C. Lee, C. Tung |
SU-FF-T-25 |
Cervix Brachytherapy Dosimetry: Observed Improvement in Data Submitted to Clinical Trials - J. Lowenstein*, J. Roll, G. Ibbott |
SU-FF-T-26 |
Correlation Between Radiation Post-Survey and Planning Parameters in Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy - T. Li*, S. Tong, J. Gong, B. Fountain, E. Duffy |
SU-FF-T-27 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of a Redesigned High-Dose Rate (HDR) Vaginal Applicator for Treatment of Cervical Cancer with Extension Into Lower Vagina - C. Cheng* |
SU-FF-T-28 |
Localizing Differences in 131Cs Intraoperative and Postoperative Prostate Seed Brachytherapy Plans - J. Treas, D. Dean, A. Jones* |
SU-FF-T-29 |
Application of Optically-Stimulated-Luminescence Dosimeters in Partial-Breast-Irradiation Brachytherapy - M. Morales*, G. Ding, C. Coffey |
SU-FF-T-30 |
Commissioning the Ring & Tandem Combination Applicator Set - CT & MR Compatible, for Clinical Use with the VariSource™ HDR Unit - D. Waid*, J. Morrison, G. Glennie |
SU-FF-T-31 |
Time Dependence of Energy Spectra of Brachytherapy Sources and Its Impact On Their Half and the Tenth Value Layers - N. Yue*, Z. Chen, R. Hearn, J. Rodgers, R. Nath |
SU-FF-T-32 |
Optimized Dose Distribution of Gammamed Plus Vaginal Cylinders - V. Chandraraj*, S. Supe, R. Manickam |
SU-FF-T-33 |
3D Conformal Brachytherapy for Partial Breast Irradiation - J. Zhu*, P. Crossan, V. Griffin |
SU-FF-T-34 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of Gammamed High Dose Rate Intraluminal Brachytherapy Applicators - V. Chandraraj*, S. Supe, R. Manickam |
SU-FF-T-35 |
A Monte Carlo Study for Evaluation of Tissue Heterogeneity Effect of Inversely Optimized Intracavitary High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Plan - K. Cheong*, M. Lee, S. Kang, S. Park, K. Kim, T. Hwang, H. Bae, D. Oh, T. Suh |
SU-FF-T-36 |
Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Immobilization: Three Novel Techniques as Potential Candidates for Robotic Implementation - T. Podder*, K. Yan, Y. Yu |
SU-FF-T-37 |
Contura Multilumen Balloon (MLB) Registry Trial: Initial Dosimetric Experience - D. Todor*, F. Vicini, D. Arthur, T. Julian, M. Lyden |
SU-FF-T-38 |
Dosimetric Characteristics of a P-32 Conformal Source for Irradiation of Paraspinal Tumors - J. Turcotte*, T. Mauceri, J. Seco |
SU-FF-T-39 |
Investigating Thermal Properties of a Thermobrachytherapy Radioactive Seed for Concurrent Brachytherapy and Hyperthermia Treatments: Design Considerations - D. Shvydka, B. Gautam, E. Parsai,*, J. Feldmeier |
SU-FF-T-40 |
Brachytherapy TPS QA Using EBT Model GafChromic Film - S. Devic*, N. Tomic, F. Deblois |
SU-FF-T-41 |
A Study of Effectiveness of Dose Volume Histogram Based Multi-Solutions Optimization Algorithm in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for the Prostate - G. Pokharel*, A. Sadeghi, B. Prestidge |
SU-FF-T-42 |
A Novel Approach to Scar Boost in Mesothelioma Treatment - L. Doyle*, T. Showalter, H. Liu, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu, A. Harrison |
SU-FF-T-43 |
Feasibility of Using Radioactive Bone Cement to Treat Vertebral Metastases - T. Kaneko*, V. Sehgal, H. Skinner, M. Al-Ghazi, B. Hoang, N. Ramsinghani, J. Keyak |
SU-FF-T-44 |
Dosimetric Analysis of the Effect of Edema in 131Cs Prostate Permanent Seed Implants - T. Kehwar*, H. Jones, M. Huq, S. Beriwal, R. Benoit, R. Smith |
SU-FF-T-45 |
Sensitivity of the 50 KVp Xoft Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy Skin Applicator to Flattening Filter Design, Source-Filter Position, Applicator Alignment and Surface Collimation - R. Holt*, S. Axelrod |
SU-FF-T-46 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Superficial X-Rays and a Custom HDR Surface Applicator for the Treatment of Superficial Cancers - B. Merz, J. Feldmeier, E. Parsai,* |
SU-FF-T-47 |
Automated Planning Volume Definition for HDR Brachytherapy: Application to Intraluminal Treatment of the Bile Duct - E. Lee*, K. Cha, M. Zaider |
SU-FF-T-48 |
Dosimetric Feasibility of Using Low Energy Sources in Multi-Lumen Device for Partial Breast Brachytherapy - H. Liu*, . Fu, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu |
SU-FF-T-49 |
Investigating Radiation Properties of a New Radioactive Seed for Concurrent Brachytherapy and Hyperthermia Treatments: A Monte Carlo Study - N. Khan*, E. Parsai,, J. Feldmeier, D. Shvydka |
SU-FF-T-50 |
Clinical Implementation of New Endometrial Cylinder Applicator for Electronic Brachytherapy - G. Cardarelli*, J. Hiatt, B. Curran, J. Segala, E. Sternick, R. Markelewicz, J. Hepel, Y. Puthawala, S. Shioshiansi, D. Wazer |
SU-FF-T-51 |
Robotically-Assisted Minimally Invasive Brachytherapy: Dosimetric Aspects - J. Hanley*, J. Napoli, J. Barbiere, M. Tuna, D. Smith, L. Godfrey |
SU-FF-T-52 |
A Method to Measure the Output of IORT Applicators Used with the Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy System - A. Sabbas*, F. Kulidzhanov, S. Trichter, H. Chen, B. Parashar, K. Chao |
SU-FF-T-53 |
Comparative Dosimetry of the Xoft Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy Skin Applicator at 50 KVp with Film, Chamber, and Diode in Various Backscatter Media - R. Holt*, T. Rusch |
SU-FF-T-54 |
Quantification of CT Artifact Reduction of Second Generation Intracavitary Brachytherapy Applicator - Z. Yu*, P. Balter, Y. Zhang, A. Klopp, M. Price, P. Eifel, F. Mourtada |
SU-FF-T-55 |
A Novel Applicator System for HDR Treatment of Endometrial and Cervical Cancer - Z. Zhang*, E. Parsai,, J. Feldmeier |
SU-FF-T-56 |
A Simple Method for Dose Fusion From Multi-Modality Treatment: Brachytherapy to External Beam Therapy - S. Ko*, M. Cao, E. Slessinger, P. Johnstone, I. Das |
SU-FF-T-57 |
Evaluation of CT-Based High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning in Nasopharynx Using Dose Volume Indices - G. Senthil*, S. Muthulingam, V. Shankar, j. prajapathi |
SU-FF-T-58 |
Dosimetric Study of a New Surface Applicator for the Xoft Axxent System - S. Axelrod*, L. Kelley, A. Walawalkar, S. Yao, T. Rusch |
SU-FF-T-59 |
Experimental Verification of Dosimetric Parameters for a New I-125 Interstitial Brachytherapy Source - R. Kennedy*, S. Davis, J. Micka, L. DeWerd |
SU-FF-T-60 |
SPECT-Guided Radiation Therapy Planning for Yttrium-90 Microspheres Therapy - S. Goddu*, D. Rangaraj, D. Yang, A. Apte, D. Low, P. Parikh, R. Myerson |
SU-FF-T-61 |
Determination of Neutron and Gamma Dose Rates in Water Surrounding a New Interstitial Cf-252 Brachytherapy Source - C. Wang*, R. Kelm |
SU-FF-T-62 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of An Internal Shielding Used with a HDR Skin Applicator - D. Granero, F. Ballester*, J. Perez-Calatayud, F. Lliso-Valverde, V. Carmona Meseguer, J. Richart |
SU-FF-T-63 |
Comparison of Optimized Interstitial HDR Brachytherapy Plans Using Adaptive Simulated Annealing Algorithm and Physical, Biological and Hybrid Cost Functions - R. Yao*, A. Templeton, J. Chu, Y. Liao, J. Turian |
SU-FF-T-64 |
Characterization of MOSFET Dosimetry System for Source Position Verification in HDR Brachytherapy - T. Ivanova*, L. Gilbert, D. Lazos, D. Todor |
SU-FF-T-65 |
A Phantom Study to Characterize a Doppler Ultrasound Scanner for Application in Prostate Brachytherapy - G. Sandhu, R. Khan*, P. Dunscombe |
SU-FF-T-66 |
Dwell Position Inaccuracy in the Varian GammaMed HDR Ring Applicator - R. Stern*, T. Liu |
SU-FF-T-67 |
Implementation of the TG-128 Recommendations for Quality Assurance of Prostate Brachytherapy Ultrasound Systems - S. Sutlief* |
SU-FF-T-68 |
On the Dosimetric Differences Between Single Dwell and Multiple-Dwell Accelerated Partial Breast Brachytherapy Plans Delivered with a Single Catheter Spherical Balloon - C. Nelson, S. Kirsner*, K. Gifford |
SU-FF-T-69 |
An Inter-Fraction Adaptive Strategy for High-Dose Rate Prostate Brachytherapy - J. Pouliot*, W. Foster, J. Cunha, I. Hsu |
SU-FF-T-70 |
In-Phantom Calibration of High Dose Rate Ir-192 Brachytherapy Source – A Feasibility Study - k. mandiram, G. Senthil*, v. sundaram, S. Muthulingam, S. karthik |
SU-FF-T-71 |
Dose Perturbation Due To Contrast Solution In Mammosite Balloon In Ir-192 HDR Treatment - W. Li*, S. Prasad |
SU-FF-T-72 |
Dosimetric Comparison of SAVI, MammoSite, Contura and Clearpath for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation - D. Scanderbeg*, P. Barna, S. Jiang, T. Pawlicki, C. Yashar |
SU-FF-T-73 |
Evaluation of Inverse Planning Dose Optimization for HDR Brachytherapy in Treatment of Cervical Cancer - L. Tao*, B. Taylor |
SU-FF-T-74 |
Preplanning of Suture Coordinates for Episcleral Plaque Therapy - M. Astrahan* |
SU-FF-T-75 |
Importance of Contamination Signal Removal On HDR Brachytherapy In Vivo Dosimetry When Using a Scintillating Fiber Dosimeter. - F. Therriault-Proulx*, M. Guillot, L. Gingras, L. Beaulieu, S. Beddar |
SU-FF-T-76 |
Non-Template Dosimetry for Prostate Seed Implant - . Fu*, H. Liu, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu |
SU-FF-T-77 |
Measurement of the Average Seed Strength in a Mick Cartridge - D. Plenkovich* |
SU-FF-T-78 |
High Dose Rate Interstitial Brachytherapy (HDRIB) for Localized Breast Cancer: New Plan Evaluation Criteria - M. Nair*, R. Mark, P. Anderson, M. White, Y. Ho, B. Banwo, S. Nair |
SU-FF-T-79 |
Dosimetric QA Tests of An Online Replanning Technique for Prostate Adaptive Radiotherapy - C. Peng*, E. Ahunbay, G. Chen, C. Lawton, X. Li |
SU-FF-T-80 |
Hybrid Image Guided Radiation Therapy for Hypofractionated Prostate IMRT: Feasibility Study - D. Thongphiew*, X. Zhu, Q. Wu, Q. Wu, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-81 |
Automated Planning for Fast On-Line CT-Guided Adaptive Re-Planning in IMRT for Prostate Cancer Patients - X. Pan*, X. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Li, X. Wang, R. Mohan |
SU-FF-T-82 |
Rapid Dose Calculation for IMRT Fields in Heterogeneous Medium - T. Zhu*, Y. Hu, J. Finlay |
SU-FF-T-83 |
An Image-Guided Adaptive Treatment Planning Optimization for IMRT - E. Lee*, K. Cha |
SU-FF-T-84 |
DIRART - a Software Suite for Deformable Image Registration and Adaptive Radiotherapy Research - D. Yang*, I. El Naqa, A. Apte, Y. Wu, S. Goddu, S. Mutic, J. Deasy, D. Low |
SU-FF-T-85 |
Adaptive Planning Due to Daily Dose Variations in Bladder and Rectum with Image-Guided Radiotherapy - X. Wu*, R. Jacob, J. Carlisle, M. Gui, R. Popple, J. Fiveash |
SU-FF-T-86 |
The Effect of Set-Up Errors On the Final Target Dose Distribution in Step-And-Shoot IMRT Plans Compared to Helical Tomotherapy Plans. - V. Sarkar*, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-87 |
Dose Reconstruction of Intracranial Hypofractionated Helical Tomotherapy Treatments for Adaptive Planning - C. Yang, N. Sheth*, S. Murphy, M. Weiss, S. Sim |
SU-FF-T-88 |
Image Registration for Real-Time Dose Calculation of Adaptive Radiation Therapy - Y. Hu*, T. Zhu |
SU-FF-T-89 |
Comparison of RADPOS 4D in Vivo Dosimetry System with Phillips Bellows and Varian RPM Systems - A. Cherpak, S. Andrusyk, A. Pourmoghaddas, G. Wells, J. Cygler* |
SU-FF-T-90 |
Adaptive Radiotherapy Treatment Re-Planning For Head And Neck Cancer Patients - A. Al-Basheer*, J. Greskovich, M. Boerste |
SU-FF-T-91 |
Initial Dosimetric Experience with Mega Voltage Computed Tomography (MVCT) Detectors and Estimation of Pre and Post-Repair Dosimetric Parameters of a First Helical Hi-Art II Tomotherapy Machine in India - R. Kinhikar*, C. Tambe, D. Dhote, D. Deshpande |
SU-FF-T-92 |
A Dosimetric Analysis of IMRT Used to Replace and Mimic HDR Brachytherapy in the Treatment of Gynecologic Malignancy - J. Weatherford*, M. Lamba, H. Elson, W. Kassing |
SU-FF-T-93 |
Assessment of Dose Conformality and the Effects of Inter- and Intra-Fraction Motion On the Dose Distribution Intensity Modulated Proton Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Treatment Planning Study - S. Qamhiyeh*, M. Stuschke, D. Geismar, A. Kaiser, J. Abu-Jawad, J. Farr |
SU-FF-T-94 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of the Setup and Breathing Motion Effect for Modulated Electron Radiation Therapy of Breast Cancer - L. Jin*, J. Li, J. Fan, L. Wang, L. Chen, Q. Xu, R. Price, G. Shan, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-95 |
Reduction of Larynx Dose in Head and Neck IMRT: A Restricted Field Approach - D. Schofield*, R. Tishler, T. Balboni, L. Court, D. Sher |
SU-FF-T-96 |
Clinical Study of the Necessity of Replanning IMRT Treatment for Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - H. Yang*, W. Hu, W. Wang, W. Ding, G. Shan, C. Yu, B. Wang, Y. Yan, H. Zhu, Q. Xu |
SU-FF-T-97 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Whole-Breast Irradiation Techniques: Supine Versus Prone Positions Using Helical Tomotherapy - Y. Wang*, S. Chang, W. Chen |
SU-FF-T-98 |
Evaluation of RapidArc for Locoregional Radiotherapy of Left-Sided Breast Cancer: Comparison with Conventional Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy(cIMRT) - C. Popescu*, E. Wai, I. Olivotto, W. Beckham |
SU-FF-T-99 |
Impact of Proper Bladder and Rectum Delineation in the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of IMRT in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy - J. Xu*, C. Buckey, G. Swanson, S. Stathakis, C. Esquivel, A. Gutiérrez, C. Shi, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-100 |
The Dosimetric Impact of the New 160MLC On Head and Neck IMRT Treatments - P. Rassiah-Szegedi*, M. Szegedi, D. Cochran, H. Zhao, Y. Huang, B. Wang, B. Salter |
SU-FF-T-101 |
Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for the Treatment of Paraspinal Lesions - L. Happersett*, P. Zhang, K. Wang, A. Jackson, Y. Yamada, G. Mageras, M. Hunt |
SU-FF-T-102 |
Is Average Fractional Dose Representative of Cumulative Dose for HN-IMRT? - Q. Wu, D. Worthy* |
SU-FF-T-103 |
Dosimetric Plan Index (DPI): A New Quantitative Tool for Evaluation of Prostate IMRT Treatment Plans - Y. Zhang*, V. Sathiaseelan, J. Kalapurakal |
SU-FF-T-104 |
Simultaneous Boost and Skin Dose Toxicity Reduction for Breast Cancer Treatments Using IMRT and RapidArc - D. Roa*, R. Chung, N. Ramsinghani, M. Al-Ghazi |
SU-FF-T-105 |
Surface Doses Comparison for Spot Scanned and Passively Scattered Proton Therapy Beams - B. Arjomandy*, N. Sahoo, J. Cox, A. Lee, X. Zhu, M. Gillin |
SU-FF-T-106 |
Does Intrafraction Motion Increase Dose to the Inframammary Fold Areas in Whole Breast Treatment Using Direct Machine Parameter Optimization IMRT? - S. Hossain*, P. Xia, M. Descovich, J. Chen, L. Ma |
SU-FF-T-107 |
Selective Extended Field IMRT Can Protect Larynx and Adequately Treat the Lower Neck Lymph Nodes in Head and Neck Cancer - P. Qi, P. Xia* |
SU-FF-T-108 |
Evaluation of IMRT Plans Between Linac and Helical Tomotherapy Based On Dose Volume Indices and Normal Tissue Sparing in Prostate Cancer Patients - P. Sharma*, V. Murthy, Z. Master, R. Ph, S. Patkar, s. chaudhari, R. Kinhikar, U. Mahantshetty, R. Engineer, D. Deshpande, S. Shrivastava |
SU-FF-T-109 |
The Dependence of IMRT Plans On the Maximum Number of Segments - S. Kang*, T. Hwang, K. Cheong, S. Park, M. Lee, K. Kim, D. Oh, H. Bae |
SU-FF-T-111 |
Head-And-Neck IMRT Without Beam-Splitting - S. Lei*, W. Harter, S. Collins, F. Xia, D. Pang, G. Gagnon |
SU-FF-T-112 |
Dose Sparing of Brainstem and Spinal Cord for Re-Irradiating Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy - C. Lee*, C. Chen, D. Mah, R. Sharma, E. Landau, M. Garg, A. Wu |
SU-FF-T-113 |
Effect of the Same Plan On Doses to Patients During Radiotherapy with Nasopharyngeal Carinoma - J. LU*, Y. Yin, t. bai, T. Sun |
SU-FF-T-114 |
The Investigation of Dosimetric Reduction On Organs at Risk in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma for Static IMRT Planning - J. Zhu*, M. Liu, Y. Yin |
SU-FF-T-115 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy with Conventional Techniques for Simultaneous Irradiation of Prone Breast and Regional Lymph Nodes - K. Kainz*, J. White, G. Chen, X. Li |
SU-FF-T-116 |
A Study of Planning Dose Constraint Template for IMRT Treatment for Patients with Early Stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - W. Hu*, H. Yang, B. Wang, W. Ding, m. shao, C. Yu, G. Shan, W. Wang, H. Zhu, Q. Xu |
SU-FF-T-117 |
Dosimetric Impact of Bladder Contrast On Prostate Helical Tomotherapy Treatments - L. Schubert*, D. Westerly, W. Tome, B. Paliwal |
SU-FF-T-118 |
Improvements to the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART) Open-Source Software System - A. Pyakuryal*, K. Myint, M. Gopalakrishnan, S. Jang, V. Sathiaseelan, J. Logemann, B. Mittal |
SU-FF-T-120 |
The Impact of Variable Gantry Rotation Speed and Dose-Rate On the Quality of Aperture-Modulated Arc Therapy (AMAT) - X. Wu*, J. Both, E. Bossart, K. Wang |
SU-FF-T-121 |
Dosimetric Comparison Between Intensity-Modulated Arc Therapy and Helical Tomotherapy Plans for Simultaneous Boost Treatment of Esophageal Cancer - C. Han*, Y. Chen, A. Liu, T. Schultheiss, J. Wong |
SU-FF-T-122 |
Investigation of Clinical Performance of Two 4DRT Techniques ― RPM and Bellows System - Y. Song*, K. Mizuno, C. Obcemea |
SU-FF-T-123 |
Comparison of Elekta VMAT with Tomotherapy: Plan Quality, Delivery Efficiency and Accuracy - M. Rao*, W. Yang, K. Sheng, F. Chen, J. Ye, V. Mehta, D. Shepard, D. Cao |
SU-FF-T-124 |
Comparison of Eclipse Step-And-Shoot IMRT Plans with Direct Aperture Optimized Treatment Plans - M. Weldon, D. Zhang, T. Korytko, J. Radawski, N. Gupta* |
SU-FF-T-125 |
Commissioning of Monaco Monte Carlo IMRT Treatment Planning System - J. Li*, A. Doemer, J. Cao, T. Podder, A. Harrison, Y. Yu, J. Galvin, Y. Xiao |
SU-FF-T-126 |
Initial Experience with Philips SmartArc On An Elekta Linac - D. Shepard*, D. Cao, M. Rao, F. Chen, V. Mehta |
SU-FF-T-127 |
Perhipheral Dose of Tungsten Powder Compensator (WPC) Based IMRT - A. Maurizo*, S. Jang, C. Watchman, R. Hamilton |
SU-FF-T-128 |
A Novel Approach for Measurement of Dosimetric Leaf Gap for a Rounded Leaf End Multi-Leaf Collimator - R. Weinberg*, A. Boyer |
SU-FF-T-129 |
Comparison of IMRT Planning with Two-Step and One-Step Optimization: Strategy for Improving Therapeutic Gain Reducing Integral Dose - L. Strigari*, M. Benassi, C. Pressello, A. Abate |
SU-FF-T-130 |
Radiotherapy Treatment Plans with RapidArc for Head-And-Neck Cancer. - S. Yoo*, S. Das, Q. Wu, D. Brizel, D. Yoo, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-131 |
Assessing the Dosimetric Impact of Intra-Fraction Prostate Motion On Step-And-Shoot IMRT Plans - K. Langen*, J. Moore, P. Kupelian, J. Siebers |
SU-FF-T-132 |
Efficiency of Respiratory-Gated Synchrotron Based Scanning Beam Delivery of Proton Therapy for Lung - Y. Tsunashima*, S. Vedam, L. Dong, X. Zhang, M. Umezawa, A. Smith, P. Balter, R. Mohan |
SU-FF-T-133 |
RapidArcTM: Commissioning and Dose Escalation Possibilities - W. Crijns*, T. Depuydt, G. Defraene, J. Verstraete, K. Haustermans, T. Budiharto, S. Junius, F. Van den Heuvel |
SU-FF-T-134 |
Segmented Field Electron Conformal Therapy with An Electron Multi-Leaf Collimator - J. Eley*, K. Hogstrom, K. Matthews II, B. Parker, M. Price |
SU-FF-T-135 |
Dosimetric and Delivery Advantages of a New 160-Leaf MLC - D. Prah*, K. Kainz, C. Peng, X. Li |
SU-FF-T-136 |
Improved Dose Characteristics From Proton Arc Therapy - S. Fournier, S. Luan, M. Holzscheiter, A. Hecht* |
SU-FF-T-137 |
IMRT Treatment Delivery Efficiency - A Multi-Institutional Retrospective Study - S. Chang*, K. Deschesne, H. Chen, K. Weeks, C. Sibata, E. Carey, P. Hill, T. Mackie, L. Marks |
SU-FF-T-138 |
Time Optimal Delivery of Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy - D. Rangaraj*, D. Yang, S. Goddu, L. Papiez |
SU-FF-T-139 |
Dosimetric Accuracy of Low Dose Region (V5-V10) in TomoTherapy Planning of Lung IMRT - S. Krafft*, S. Jang, R. Hamilton, C. Watchman |
SU-FF-T-140 |
The Inter- and Intra-Fraction Reproducibility of Three Common IMRT Delivery Techniques - C. Buckey*, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, C. Esquivel, P. Mavroidis, D. Mihailidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-141 |
Initial Clinical Experience with Elekta VMAT - D. Shepard*, D. Cao, M. Rao, F. Chen, M. Afghan, J. Ye, T. Wong, V. Mehta |
SU-FF-T-142 |
Feasibility Study of Linac-Based IMTMI for Clinical Implementation - M. Yeginer*, B. Aydogan |
SU-FF-T-143 |
Dosimetric and Geometric Evaluation of Dynamic IMRT Delivered with a Commercial Respiratory Gating System - J. Delgado*, A. Vieira, P. Besa |
SU-FF-T-144 |
Commissioning of Item Part Values (IPVs) in Order to Improve the Efficiency of VMAT Delivery On An Elekta Synergy Linac - C. Golby, S. Atherton, C. Rowbottom, R. MacKay* |
SU-FF-T-145 |
Comparison of IMRT Delivery MUs for Three Commercial Treatment Planning Systems for Two Different Delivery Methods - Compensator and MLC Imrt - K. Cashon*, C. Warner |
SU-FF-T-146 |
Pulsed Reduced Dose-Rate Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Delivery for Use in the High Dose Re-Irradiation Setting - R. Price*, T. Lin, N. Kuritzky, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-147 |
Intra Fractional Motion in Clinical IMRT Prostate Treatments, Warrants the Use of Faster Treatment Techniques - F. Van den Heuvel*, P. Slagmolen, T. Budiharto, S. Junius, J. Verstraete, R. Oyen, K. Haustermans |
SU-FF-T-148 |
Effect of Dose Rate On Gated IMRT Dose Delivery - Q. Zhang*, R. Chan |
SU-FF-T-149 |
Energy Modulated Electron Therapy Using Few Leaf Collimator: Plan Optimization - A. Alexander*, F. Deblois, J. Seuntjens |
SU-FF-T-150 |
Optimizing Spot Spacing and Margin for Intensity-Modualted Proton Therapy Planning - D. Robertson*, X. Zhang, Y. Li, A. Lee, M. Gillin, X. Zhu, R. Mohan |
SU-FF-T-151 |
Perfusion-Based Plan Optimization for Lung Cancer Using An Anatomy-Based Aperture Inverse Planning System - J. St-Hilaire*, F. Beaulieu, A. Dagnault, D. Tremblay, L. Beaulieu |
SU-FF-T-152 |
Comparison Between Fixed Gantry Angle Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy and Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy for Head-And-Neck Cancers - C. Velasco*, J. Penagaricano, E. Moros, I. Mihaylov |
SU-FF-T-153 |
Variable Prescription Dose Guided IMRT Planning - P. Lougovski*, J. LeNoach, L. Zhu, Y. Ma, L. Xing |
SU-FF-T-154 |
Balancing Plan Quality, Delivery Accuracy and Efficiency in VMAT - F. Chen*, M. Rao, J. Ye, D. Shepard, D. Cao |
SU-FF-T-155 |
Four-Dimensional Inverse Treatment Planning with Inclusion of Implanted Fiducials in IMRT Segmented Fields - Y. Ma*, L. Lee, P. Keall, L. Xing |
SU-FF-T-156 |
Inverse Treatment Planning for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Using Total-Variation Regularization and Angular Smoothing - L. Zhu*, L. Xing |
SU-FF-T-157 |
A Comparison of Treatment Planning and Delivery of VMAT Using Anatomy-Based and Fluence-Based Inverse Planning with Step and Shoot IMRT - M. Rao*, T. Wong, D. Cao, F. Chen, J. Ye, V. Mehta, D. Shepard |
SU-FF-T-158 |
A Method to Overlay Biological Optimization On Traditional Dose-Volume Constrained Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Optimization - S. Das*, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-159 |
Inverse Planning for Segment-Modulated Arc Therapy (SMART) as a 0-1 Labeling Problem - Y. Ma*, L. Zhu, L. Xing |
SU-FF-T-160 |
Planning Dynamic Particle Therapy - D. Riofrio*, R. Keyes, A. Hecht, S. Luan, M. Holzscheiter, J. DeMarco, B. Fahimian |
SU-FF-T-161 |
Intensity Modulated Arc Treatment Planning Based On Iterative Fluence Optimization and Sliding Window Conversion. - D. Schulze*, M. Matuszak, J. Liang, D. Yan, T. Zhang |
SU-FF-T-162 |
Significance of RBE Optimization in Proton Radiotherapy and Its Impact in the Low Energy Treatment Case - J. George*, V. Nazaryan, C. Keppel, R. Britten |
SU-FF-T-163 |
Impact of MLC Width On IMRT Planned Dose Distributions in the Skull Base - V. Estall*, R. Jena, N. Burnet |
SU-FF-T-164 |
Compartmentalized Modulated Electron and Photon IMRT Planning - M. Surucu*, H. Wooten, D. Mansur, D. Khullar, E. Klein |
SU-FF-T-165 |
Dosmietric Comparison of Fixed Beam Geometry with Optimized Beam Geometry IMRT Plans: - S. Srivastava*, I. Das, A. Kumar, P. Johnstone |
SU-FF-T-166 |
Determination of Minimum Number of Segments for Direct Machine Parameter Optimization (DMPO) for IMRT Plans and Impact On Treatment Delivery Time - D. Odero*, D. Shimm |
SU-FF-T-167 |
A 3-Step Methodology-Cum-Algorithm for Fast Optimization of Beam Weights and Shapes in Aperture-Based IMRT - V. Ranganathan*, S. Vatyam, J. Bhangle, K. Gupta, S. Basu, V. Maiya, R. Achari |
SU-FF-T-168 |
Randomized Prescription Dose IMRT Inverse Planning - P. Lougovski*, L. Zhu, L. Xing |
SU-FF-T-169 |
Search for IMRT Inverse Plans with Piece-Wise Constant Fluence Maps Using Compressed Sensing Techniques - L. Xing*, L. Zhu |
SU-FF-T-170 |
A Markov Decision Process Approach to Temporal Modulation of Dose Fractions in Radiotherapy Planning - M. Kim*, A. Ghate, M. Phillips |
SU-FF-T-171 |
Arc Therapy Comparison of TomoTherapy, RapidArc and Dynamic Conformal Arc - M. Schell*, R. Abu-Aita, M. Rajecki, A. Philip, R. Meiler, D. Rosenzweig, D. Clark, L. Constine, A. Katz, P. Okunieff, M. Milano |
SU-FF-T-172 |
MU Reduction in Different Aperture Based Optimization Systems - P. Qi*, P. Xia |
SU-FF-T-173 |
A New Software for Beam Orientation Optimization in Radiation Therapy Using Genetic Algorithm - M. Bakhtiari*, M. Jones, H. Malhotra, M. Podgorsak, j. Delmerico, D. Nazareth |
SU-FF-T-174 |
Evaluation of a New Dynamic Arc IMRT Optimization - J. Shakeshaft* |
SU-FF-T-175 |
Examining Dose Gradients in Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy - E. Wong*, D. Hoover, M. Jensen, J. Chen |
SU-FF-T-176 |
Rectal and Bladder Dose in Relationship to PTV Percentage Coverage in Prostate IMRT - J. Yang*, T. Liu, C. Yang, R. Jennelle, A. Chen, D. Ly, R. Valicenti, J. Purdy |
SU-FF-T-177 |
Physics-Based Respiration Modeling for Radiation Treatment Using Patient-Specific PV Curves - J. Eom, S. De, X. Xu*, C. Shi, D. Vines |
SU-FF-T-178 |
Optimization of Internal Target Margins for Dynamic IMRT and RapidARC - B. Winey*, M. Wagar, R. Popple, D. Sher, L. Court |
SU-FF-T-179 |
Evaluation of An IMRT Planning Technique to Incorporate Intrafraction Organ Motion Using Rigid-Body Tumor Modeling - M. Afghan*, D. Cao, M. Earl, S. Van Liew, S. Naqvi, W. D'Souza, D. Shepard |
SU-FF-T-180 |
Tomotherapy Dose Painting Delivery Robust to Respiratory Motion - M. Kissick*, X. Mo, D. Westerly, R. Flynn, S. Bowen, L. Schubert, R. Jeraj, T. Mackie |
SU-FF-T-181 |
The Development of Eye Treatment Gating System for the Proton Therapy - D. Shin*, M. Yoon, Y. LIM, D. Kim, S. Ahn, S. Lee, S. Park, S. Moon, D. Kim, J. Shin |
SU-FF-T-182 |
Validation of Amplitude and Phase Gating Against Potential Irreproducibility of Motion - I. Yeo*, J. Jung, B. Yi |
SU-FF-T-183 |
Helical Tomotherapy Treatment Plan Optimization for Superficial Chest Wall Irradiation Incorporating Intrafractional Motion - M. Moldovan*, J. Gibbons, C. Chu, B. Parker |
SU-FF-T-184 |
Incorporating Geometric Uncertainties Into IMRT Optimisation for Prostate Cases Using a Multiple Isocenter CTV-Based (miCTV-Based) Objective Function - T. Nguyen*, A. Hoole, N. Burnet, S. Thomas |
SU-FF-T-185 |
Implementation of a Dose Delivery Model to Handle Respiratory Motion with Variability - J. Kang*, J. Unkelbach, A. Trofimov, T. Bortfeld |
SU-FF-T-186 |
Pattern Distance Method Analysis On Potential Clinical Benefit in Using 2.5mm Width Leaf MLC-Based IMRT - D. Zhang*, K. Li, M. Weldon, J. Wang, H. Zhang, L. Lu, N. Gupta |
SU-FF-T-187 |
Dosimetric Accuracy Analysis of Dose Calculation Algorithms Using Inhomogeneity Phantom for IMRT Treatment Plan - J. Lah*, J. Park, T. Suh, D. Shin, S. Lee, M. Yoon, S. Park |
SU-FF-T-188 |
Dose Verification for IMRT DMLC Delivery Using An EPID Imager - B. Zhao*, Y. Yang, T. Li, X. Li, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-FF-T-189 |
Skin-Sparing Technique for Breast Cancer Treatments Using Tomotherapy - O. Pechenaya*, S. Goddu, M. Michaletz-Lorenz |
SU-FF-T-190 |
Monte Carlo-Guided Improvement of Therapeutic Ratio in Pencil Beam Dose-Based IMRT Plans of Small Tumors in Lung - W. Xiong*, E. Yorke, K. Rosenzweig, R. Sheu, J. Yang, C. Burman, Y. Huang, R. Gewanter, G. Mageras |
SU-FF-T-191 |
Considerations of Reference Level Definition for IMRT Plan Verification and Application of a Three Dimensional Gamma-Index Analysis - B. Poppe*, A. Ruehmann, B. Allgaier, K. Willborn, D. Harder |
SU-FF-T-192 |
Complete 3D QA for Rapid Arc Using BANG Polymer Gel and OCTOPUS-IQ Fast Laser CT Scanner - M. Maryanski*, J. Keane, S. Johnson |
SU-FF-T-193 |
An Investigation of the Accuracy of Esophageal IMRT Dose Distribution Using Three-Dimensional Dosimetry Techniques and Monte Carlo Simulation - Z. Chi*, W. Zhang, D. Liu, Z. Ma, y. cao, P. Shao, C. Han |
SU-FF-T-194 |
Volumetric Verification of RapidArc Plans - J. Keane*, T. Urrutia |
SU-FF-T-195 |
An Independent Program for MU Check of Modulated Scanning Beam for IMPT - S. Both, T. Zhu*, J. Finlay, X. Zhu, R. Slopsema, D. Dolney, J. McDonough |
SU-FF-T-196 |
Adaptation of Free Software Tool for Radiotherapy Treatment Dose Evaluation - A. Perez-Rozos*, M. Lobato Muñoz, I. Jerez Sainz, J. Rico Pérez |
SU-FF-T-197 |
In Vivo Dose Reconstruction Using a 2D Array Dosimeter Via Transit Dosimetry - H. Chung*, J. Li, S. Samant |
SU-FF-T-198 |
A Comprehensive MLC Dose Model: Use in Dynamic IMRT Verification Using An EPID - S. Steciw*, B. Warkentin, S. Rathee, B. Fallone |
SU-FF-T-199 |
Development of Customized QA Program to Generate 2D Dose Map with High Resolution for IMRT Plans Using 120 Leaf DMLC - W. Cho*, J. Chung, W. Jung, J. Park, T. Suh |
SU-FF-T-200 |
Independent MU Calculation for Pre-Treatment Verification of TomoTherapy StatRT - B. Nyiri*, L. Gerig |
SU-FF-T-201 |
Dosimetric Verification of Dynamic IMRT Plans Using I’mRT MatriXX - A. Oinam*, L. Singh, P. Goswami |
SU-FF-T-202 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of a New Two-Dimensional Diode Matrix System for IMRT Planning Validation - M. Ahmad*, M. Lund, H. Halpin, J. Deng, Z. Chen, R. Nath |
SU-FF-T-203 |
Evaluation of a New Metric for Assessing IMRT Modulation Complexity and Plan Deliverability - A. McNiven*, T. Purdie |
SU-FF-T-204 |
The Determination of Optimal Hounsfield Unit Assignment of Materials in a 2 Dimensional Diode Array Used in the Calculation of Rotational Therapy Verification Plans - S. de Boer*, H. Malhotra |
SU-FF-T-205 |
Evaluation of Dosimetrical Verification of IMRT Plan Using Mapcheck with Full Phantom Scatter - J. Shen*, S. Both, T. Zhu |
SU-FF-T-206 |
Clinical Investigation of the Effects of Implant Geometry On 3D-Image-Based Intracavitary Brachytherapy of Carcinoma of the Cervix - S. Li*, B. Micaily, P. Chan, Z. Liu, N. Kuritzky, C. Miyamoto |
SU-FF-T-207 |
An Effective Correction Algorithm For Off-Axis Portal Dosimetry Errors - D. Bailey*, M. Podgorsak, L. Kumaraswamy |
SU-FF-T-208 |
Dose Verification for Total Marrow Irradiation Using HELICAL TOMOTHERAPY Planned Adaptive - X. Zhang*, J. Penagaricano, K. Boyd, Y. Yan, P. Corry, V. Ratanatharathorn, E. Moros |
SU-FF-T-209 |
Implementation of 2D Arrays for TomoTherapy Patient-Specific QA - T. Winningham*, R. Staton, S. Meeks |
SU-FF-T-210 |
Method for and Results From a EPID Based IMRT QA for the Siemens Artiste - P. Haering*, S. Nill, B. Rhein |
SU-FF-T-211 |
Influence of Anatomical and Physical Aspects of Treatment Planning On Prostate and H&N IMRT Plan QA Results - N. Reddy*, A. Mazur, A. Osian, B. Sood, A. Ravi, D. Nori, H. Chang, C. Lange |
SU-FF-T-212 |
Quality Assurance of IMRT Plans Using IMSure QA™ Software as a Substitute for Measurement - B. Shahine*, F. Cao, R. Ramaseshan |
SU-FF-T-213 |
Evaluation of RadCalc V5.2 as An Independent Monitor Unit Checking Program for Dynamic IMRT Plans - J. Morales*, G. Cho |
SU-FF-T-214 |
The Viability and Use of MOSFET as Alternate Methodology for Routine Verification of IMRT Plans - s. deshpande*, Y. Ghadi, R. Nehru, S. De, A. Vivek, V. Kannan |
SU-FF-T-215 |
Evaluation of a Planar Ion Chamber Array for Patient Specific IMRT QA - A. Magnelli*, L. Bloe, S. Gajdos, T. Djemil |
SU-FF-T-216 |
Comparison of a 2D and 3D Array of Diodes for IMRT QA - M. Lawrence*, L. Potter, T. Cullip, Z. Xu, K. Deschesne, S. Chang |
SU-FF-T-217 |
Assessing the Sensitivity of a Multi-Detector Array for IMRT Patient QA - S. Moral*, O. Calvo, J. Armas, A. Gutiérrez, S. Stathakis, T. Roland, C. Esquivel, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-218 |
Volumetric Patient-Specific Quality Assurance for VMAT Treatment Delivery Using the Dynalog Files - E. Schreibmann*, A. Dhabaan, E. Elder, T. Fox |
SU-FF-T-219 |
Investigation of An Implantable Dosimeter for Beam Range Verification in Proton Therapy Treatment - H. Lu*, G. Mann, E. Cascio |
SU-FF-T-220 |
In Vivo Proton Range Verification/correction for Safe Anterior-Posterior Field Treatment of Prostate Cancer - H. Bentefour*, H. Lu, D. Prieels |
SU-FF-T-221 |
Efficient Registration of Dose Distributions - S. Kamath*, W. Song, J. Li, J. Palta |
SU-FF-T-222 |
A Novel Approach to Machine Specific QA for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - D. Cao*, M. Rao, F. Chen, J. Ye, S. Luan, D. Shepard |
SU-FF-T-223 |
A New IMRT/RapidArc QA Procedure Utilizing MLC Dynalog Files - W. Luo*, F. Yin, Q. Wu, J. Fan |
SU-FF-T-224 |
Comparison of Commercial 2D and 3D Devices for Patient-Specific IMRT QA - P. Tynan*, S. Stathakis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-225 |
Verification of Geometric Parameters in Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) - J. Qian*, L. Lee, L. Xing |
SU-FF-T-226 |
Comparing the Sensitivity of Ionization Chamber Array to Film and Point Dose Measurement for IMRT Delivery Errors - C. Ng*, H. Li, L. Kwong, M. Law, P. Wu |
SU-FF-T-227 |
A Method for Intra-Fractional Beam Range Control in Proton Therapy Treatment - H. Lu* |
SU-FF-T-228 |
Investigation of Treatment Planning Parameters as a Corollary to IMRT Patient Specific QA Passing Rate for Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer - A. Doemer*, S. Anamalayil, J. Galvin, Y. Yu, Y. Xiao |
SU-FF-T-229 |
Evaluation of a Beam Model Applicable to Small Fields in TomoTherapy Delivered Dose Distributions - P. Caprile*, G. Hartmann |
SU-FF-T-230 |
Clinical Implementation of the First RapidArc Treatment Within MOSAIQ Environment: Dosimetric Validation and QA Considerations - X. Kong, S. Wang* |
SU-FF-T-231 |
Adaptive Warning and Alarm Levels for Error Detection with the DAVID System - B. Poppe*, H. Looe, A. Ruehmann, K. Willborn, D. Harder |
SU-FF-T-232 |
IMRT QA Using a Hybrid Mapcheck / Electronic Portal Dosimetry Environment - H. Malhotra*, M. Bakhtiari, L. Kumaraswamy, D. Bailey, J. Liu, T. Tran, M. Podgorsak |
SU-FF-T-233 |
Commissioning and Quality Assurance of VMAT with An Ion Chamber Profiler - G. Yan*, T. Simon, L. Peng, C. Liu, J. Li |
SU-FF-T-234 |
A Simple Method for Quality Assurance of Proton Compensators - Q. Zhao*, H. Wu, L. Zhao, I. Das |
SU-FF-T-235 |
Patient-Specific QA of Intensity-Modulated Arc Therapy with 2D Diode Array: Initial Experience - G. Tang*, B. Yi |
SU-FF-T-236 |
Dynalog Based Quality Assurance for Rapid Arc Therapy - D. Rangaraj*, D. Yang, S. Goddu, S. Oddiraju, S. Yaddanapudi, J. Monroe |
SU-FF-T-237 |
To Evaluate the Intensity Modulated Split Field Using Proprietary Software - V. Goncalves, V. Goncalves*, C. Lopes, J. Cruz, R. Sakuraba |
SU-FF-T-238 |
Establishing An Efficient EPID-Based IMRT QA Protocol Using Gamma Analysis Coupled with DVH - C. Kim*, E. Furhang, R. Masino, J. Dolan, L. Harrison |
SU-FF-T-239 |
Planning Dose Comparison of EBT Films and 2D Diode Array at Different Gantry Angles - M. Chan*, C. Burman, S. Chiu-Tsao |
SU-FF-T-240 |
Clinical Application of MC-Based Non-Iterative Dose-Reconstruction Method for IMRT - J. Jung*, J. Kim, I. Yeo |
SU-FF-T-241 |
Pretreatment Quality Assurance Program for Prostate IMRT Fields Based On Absolute Dose Measurements at Specific Control Points - G. Grigorov*, J. Chow, A. Fleck |
SU-FF-T-242 |
Evaluation of Tomo Quality Assurance™ (TQA™) Performance for Daily Quality Assurance - R. Holmes*, W. He, A. Gutiérrez, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-243 |
Evaluation of Local Dose Reduction in the Fluence Map for Varian 2.5 Mm HD120® MLC Using Portal Dose Image Prediction (PDIP) - C. Polvorosa*, S. Berry, C. Wuu |
SU-FF-T-245 |
Improvement of QA Pass-Rate in IMRT Patient Specific QA Using MapCHECK - C. Yang*, T. Liu, H. Zhou, J. Cui, J. Perks, R. Stern, J. Purdy |
SU-FF-T-246 |
Daily Verification of RapidArc Delivery - J. Keane*, S. Zimberg |
SU-FF-T-247 |
Influence of Gantry Angle, Multi-Leaf Collimator (MLC), and Jaw Position Errors to Dose Distribution in Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) - A. Haga*, K. Nakagawa, K. Shiraishi, S. Itoh, S. Saegusa, T. Imae, K. Sasaki, S. Kida, A. Terahara, K. Yoda |
SU-FF-T-248 |
Quality Assurance for Total Marrow Irradiation (TMI) Using Helical Tomotherapy - X. Zhang*, J. Penagaricano, Y. Yan, S. Hancock, V. Ratanatharathorn, P. Corry, E. Moros |
SU-FF-T-249 |
Quality Assurance of Intensity Modulated Beam Using MatriXX - A. Tyagi*, M. Singh |
SU-FF-T-250 |
Impact of Pulse Forming Network (PFN) and Injection Current (IC) Parameters On Output and Energy Variations of Helical TomoTherapy - C. Shi*, A. Gutiérrez, Y. Liu, Y. Zhai, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-251 |
Sinogram-Based Quality Assurance for Twinned Tomotherapy Machines - S. Oddiraju*, O. Pechenaya, D. Rangaraj, S. Goddu, S. Yaddanapudi, D. Yang |
SU-FF-T-252 |
Clinical Application of the DAVID System and 2D-ARRAY for Quality Assurance in IMRT Treatments - B. Poppe*, H. Looe, A. Ruehmann, D. Harder, K. Willborn |
SU-FF-T-253 |
Use of a Commercial Linac QA Device for RapidArc Routine Quality Assurance - R. Popple*, I. Brezovich, J. Duan, S. Shen, X. Wu |
SU-FF-T-254 |
Factors Study for MapCheck IMRT QA Evaluation - M. Su*, V. Ayzenberg, W. Li |
SU-FF-T-255 |
Transmission of a Passive Double-Scattered Proton Beam Through Brass: - D. Pack*, K. Shahnazi, B. Allen, M. Fitzek, A. Tasson, R. Reed |
SU-FF-T-256 |
Measurements of Leakage Radiation for Secondary Barrier Shielding Calculations for the CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery System - A. Purwar, M. Lee*, J. Rodgers, C. Ma, D. Taylor, N. Ipe, T. Sorensen, M. Nikolic, G. Kuduvalli, C. Maurer |
SU-FF-T-257 |
Gamma Knife Absolute Dose Rate Calibration Using the AAPM TG-51 Protocol and Comparison with the AAPM TG-21 Protocol - A. Niemkiewicz*, J. Niemkiewicz |
SU-FF-T-258 |
The Effect of Treatment Couch Attenuation On Radiation Dose for Megavoltage Photon Beams - H. Li*, A. Lee, X. Zhu, R. Kudchadker |
SU-FF-T-259 |
The Impact of Photon Beam Spectra On OneDose MOSFET Dosimeter Response - J. Pursley*, T. Rand, C. Singerline, M. Ray |
SU-FF-T-260 |
In Vivo Dose Measurements for Total Body Irradiation Using Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters - C. Esquivel*, M. Smith, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-261 |
A Comprehensive Neutron Survey for the First Clinically Operated ELEKTA Infinity LINAC in North America and Comparison with Other 15 MV LINACs - C. Wu*, D. Asche, H. Tran |
SU-FF-T-262 |
Impact of Stomach Size and Position On Out-Of-Field Organ Dose - S. Scarboro*, M. Stovall, S. Smith, D. Yaldo, S. Kry, A. White, R. Howell |
SU-FF-T-263 |
Evaluation of a PAGAT Gel for Use in An Anthropomorphic Phantom - M. Heard*, G. Ibbott, D. Followill, E. Jackson, M. Salehpour, A. White |
SU-FF-T-264 |
Applications of Optically Stimulated Luminescent Detectors in Patient Dosimetry - C. Reft* |
SU-FF-T-265 |
A Study On Output Factor Determination for Kilovoltage X-Ray Beams - J. Kim*, E. Claridge Mackonis, R. Hill, Z. Kuncic |
SU-FF-T-266 |
Characterizing a Multi-Axis Ion Chamber Array - T. Simon*, C. Fox, W. Simon, J. Li, J. Palta, C. Liu |
SU-FF-T-267 |
Total Skin Electron Therapy Skin Dose Validation Using Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters - C. Esquivel*, M. Smith, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-268 |
Study of Field Size Factors for Passively Scattered Proton Therapy Beams - X. Wang*, N. Sahoo, X. Zhu, X. Ding, B. Arjomandy, G. Ciangaru, M. Gillin |
SU-FF-T-269 |
Comparison of Out-Of-Field Doses in Pediatric Patients From Craniospinal Irradiations Using Photon, Electron and Proton Spinal Fields - G. Georgiev*, D. Followill, G. Ibbott, S. Kry, J. Fontenot, A. White, A. Mahajan |
SU-FF-T-270 |
The Neutron Dose in the Maze and at the Maze Door - M. Krmar*, Z. Kuzmanovic, K. Ganezer |
SU-FF-T-271 |
Measurement Validation of Attenuation Values of Proton Facility Shielding Materials - K. Chen*, E. Klein, Y. Zheng, W. Miller |
SU-FF-T-272 |
Measurement of Leakage Radiation From Fixed Electron Applicators On Siemens Primus Accelerators - C. Yeboah*, A. Karotki, D. Hunt, R. Holly |
SU-FF-T-273 |
Energy Dependence of TLD-100 Chips and Microcubes for the Xoft Axxent® 50 KV Miniature X-Ray Source and Cs-137 Relative to Co-60 - T. Pike*, J. Raffi, S. Davis, L. DeWerd |
SU-FF-T-274 |
Evaluation of a Self-Contained Orthovoltage X-Ray Unit - P. Alaei*, B. Gerbi, P. Higgins |
SU-FF-T-275 |
Dose Delivery Effects in Electron Beams From Surgical Breast Clips - M. Gossman*, L. Zhao, M. Cao, J. Lopez, I. Das |
SU-FF-T-276 |
Utilization of Conebeam CT to Accurately Assess TLD Placement for In-Vivo Dosimetry - M. Taylor*, J. Nautiyal, M. Lambert, L. Ku |
SU-FF-T-277 |
Measuring High Energy Neutrons at a 230 MeV Proton Therapy Facility - V. Nazaryan*, C. Keppel |
SU-FF-T-278 |
Study of Differences in Lateral Penumbra Widths of Passively Scattered and Spot Scanned Proton Therapy Beams - N. Sahoo*, C. Martin, X. Zhu, X. Ding, B. Arjomandy, G. Ciangaru, M. Gillin |
SU-FF-T-279 |
The Influence of Readout Parameters On the TL Dose Response of TLD-100 - Q. Liang*, L. DeWerd |
SU-FF-T-280 |
Evaluation of the Accuracy, and Energy Dependence of the Nano-Dot Dosimeters - S. Dini*, A. Jamshidi, E. Hussain, L. Pottes, G. Liu, A. Meigooni |
SU-FF-T-281 |
Variation of Beam Characteristics for Physical and Enhanced Dynamic Wedge From a Dual Energy Accelerator - V. Chandraraj*, R. Manickam, S. Supe |
SU-FF-T-282 |
Development of a Multi Electrode Well Ionization Chamber to Be Used in Nuclear Medicine - F. Takeda*, M. Santos, J. Vieria, W. Calvo, T. Ghilardi-Netto, P. Nicolucci |
SU-FF-T-283 |
Proton Beam Dosimetry Using Gafchromic EBT Film - L. Zhao*, I. Das |
SU-FF-T-284 |
Accurate Determination of a Linac Radiation Isocenter Using Iterative Analysis of Digitized Star Shot Images - P. Chi*, W. Du, J. Yang |
SU-FF-T-285 |
Daily Verification of Isocenter Alignment for a New Image Guided Radiotherapy System, MHI-TM2000 - A. Sawada*, S. Kaneko, K. Takayama, K. Nagano, Y. Miyabe, M. Nakamura, Y. Narita, M. Kokubo, K. Takahashi, T. Mizowaki, M. Hiraoka |
SU-FF-T-286 |
Dosimetric Differences in Dynamic MLC Performance as a Result of Alignment and Software Configuration - B. Curran*, D. Roberts, G. Cardarelli, E. Sternick |
SU-FF-T-287 |
Characterization of In-Air Anisotropy of Brachytherapy Sources Using Clinical Ionization Chambers - M. Mitch*, L. Tong, S. Seltzer |
SU-FF-T-288 |
Spot Position Uncertainty of Scanning Proton Pencil Beam - H. Li*, X. Zhu, G. Ciangaru, N. Sahoo, K. Suzuki, A. Lee, M. Gillin |
SU-FF-T-289 |
Gamma Is a Necessary, But Not Sufficient Criteria for Comparing Dose Distributions - J. Siebers*, S. Wang, J. Gardner |
SU-FF-T-290 |
A Practical Method of Composition Ratio QA for 103Pd and 125I Hybrid Seeds: Derivation and Monte Carlo Verification - G. Zhang*, A. Saini, M. Biagioli, K. Forster |
SU-FF-T-291 |
Verification of In-Vivo Dosimetry in TomoTherapy Treatments - Q. Chen*, W. Lu, E. Schnarr, K. Ruchala, G. Olivera |
SU-FF-T-292 |
An Efficient Method for Image Quality Analysis of the On-Board Imager® - R. Atkins*, A. Jones |
SU-FF-T-293 |
Quantitative Determination of the Alignment of Accelerator Light and Radiation Fields Using Optical Methods - M. Vicic*, J. Ohrt, S. LaNeave, R. Tailor, K. Prado |
SU-FF-T-294 |
Design and Validation of a Source Deployment Test for An Intra-Ocular Sr-90/Y-90 Brachytherapy Source - S. Holmes*, J. Micka, L. DeWerd |
SU-FF-T-295 |
Using a 3-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimator For The Scoring Of Radiotherapy Treatment Volumes Against Multiple Expert Observers - R. Jena*, N. Kirkby, N. Burnet |
SU-FF-T-296 |
On the Comparison of Epson V700 and 10000XL Scanners for GafChromic EBT Film Dosimetry - L. Xu*, M. McEwen |
SU-FF-T-297 |
Total Electron Therapy Calibration with TG-51 - J. MacKenzie*, M. Johnson |
SU-FF-T-298 |
MLC Quality Control Evaluation Combining Dynalog Files and Portal Dosimetry Using Proprietary Software - V. Goncalves, V. Goncalves*, R. Sakuraba, J. Cruz, C. Lopes |
SU-FF-T-299 |
The Use of Beam Fluency to Assure Image-Guided Radiosurgery Accuracy - S. Dieterich*, B. Nelson |
SU-FF-T-300 |
Simple Commissioning and Quality Assurance of a Gating System - O. Morin*, A. Hsu |
SU-FF-T-301 |
Clinical Implementation and Commission of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - Q. Wu*, R. McMahon, Z. Chang, T. Zhuang, J. O'Daniel, S. Yoo, X. Zhu, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-302 |
Response of OneDoseTM and TLD100 Dosimeters Over 6MV to Pd-103 Equivalent Energies - Z. Yu*, R. Tailor, G. Ibbott, N. Wells, K. Prado |
SU-FF-T-303 |
How Accurate Are Treatment Planning System Isodose Values Outside the Treatment Field? - R. Howell*, S. Scarboro, S. Kry, S. Smith, D. Yaldo, M. Stovall |
SU-FF-T-304 |
Calculation of the Cavity Correction Factor, Pcav, for Cylindrical Ionization Chambers in Clinical Electron Beams by Monte Carlo Simulation - F. Araki* |
SU-FF-T-305 |
The Use of TomoDose for TomoTherapy MLC Alignment Verification - T. Bichay*, C. Chen |
SU-FF-T-306 |
Optically Stimulated Light Dosimetry: Commissioning of An Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) System for Remote Dosimetry Audits, the Radiological Physics Center Experience - J. Aguirre*, P. Alvarez, C. Amador, A. Tailor, D. Followill, G. Ibbott |
SU-FF-T-307 |
A Multileaf Collimator Quality Assurance Tool for Modulated Electron Radiation Therapy - I. Emam*, J. Fan, L. Jin, A. ElDIB, A. Guemnie Tafo, G. Shan, J. Li, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-308 |
Output Factor Measurements and Aperture Size Dependence of Dose Distributions for Scanned Proton Beams at MPRI - M. Wolanski*, D. Pack, R. Jesseph |
SU-FF-T-309 |
Quality Assurance for Imaging Guided Stereotactic RadioSurgery with Novalis Tx™ System - Z. Chang*, Z. Wang, Q. Wu, J. Bowsher, S. Yoo, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-310 |
Evaluation of Angular Response of 2D Diode Array Detectors with Buildup Phantom - M. Chan*, J. Li, P. Wang, C. Burman |
SU-FF-T-311 |
Calibration of Lot 47207-01I GAFCHROMIC EBT Film Using the Xoft Axxent X-Ray Source - L. Kelley*, S. Axelrod, T. Rusch |
SU-FF-T-313 |
Dosimetry Quality Assrance in Japan - t. minemura*, s. Ishikura, T. Miyagishi |
SU-FF-T-314 |
Patient-Specific Quality Assurance Techniques for RapidArc Radiotherapy - J. O'Daniel*, R. McMahon, Z. Chang, H. Yan, H. Sakhalkar, S. Das, Q. Wu, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-315 |
Determination of the Energy Correction Factor for TLD-100 in Electron Beams Relative to 60Co - S. Junell*, K. Kunugi, L. DeWerd |
SU-FF-T-316 |
3 Years of Data Collection and Analysis of Film Flatness and Symmetry Using Vidar/ RIT Software From Different Centers Nation Wide - A. Movahed* |
SU-FF-T-317 |
Physics Quality Assurance in the Evolving Industry - K. Blodgett*, A. Readshaw, B. Coopey, O. Gayou |
SU-FF-T-318 |
Software Quality Assurance with and Beyond TG-53 for the Cyberknife MultiPlan System - J. Antony*, S. Dieterich, L. Wang, A. Lo |
SU-FF-T-319 |
Dosimetrical Properties and Applications of the StarCheck - B. Poppe*, N. Chofor, S. Foschepoth, H. Looe, A. Ruehmann, K. Willborn |
SU-FF-T-320 |
The Radiological Physics Center’s Annual TLD Machine Calibration Audit and Its Impact On Clinical Trials - D. Followill*, J. Lowenstein, L. Palmer, G. Ibbott |
SU-FF-T-321 |
Megavoltage Electron Beam Energy Estimation Using Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - V. Nelson*, I. McLean, L. Holloway |
SU-FF-T-322 |
Geometric Calibration of a Dual Cone Beam CT System with Large Flat Panel Detectors - H. Li*, J. Bowsher, W. Giles, J. Roper, T. Li, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-323 |
Dosimetry Study On An Amorphous Silicon Electronic Portal Imaging Device(a-Si EPID) - Q. Wu*, Y. Hu |
SU-FF-T-324 |
Comparison of RTPS and Monte Carlo Dose Distributions in Heterogeneous Phantoms for Clinical Photon Beams - Y. Nakaguchi*, F. Araki, S. Fukuda |
SU-FF-T-325 |
Dose Perturbation Study in a Multichannel Breast Brachytherapy Device - E. Slessinger*, I. Das, R. Fletcher |
SU-FF-T-326 |
A Systematic Methodology in Dosimetric Verification of Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm in Eclipse Treatment Planning System - R. He*, C. Yang |
SU-FF-T-327 |
Effect of Rectal Balloon Filling Content On Rectal Wall Dose Distribution in Prostate Radiotherapy - R. Scheuermann*, S. Both |
SU-FF-T-328 |
Dose Perturbation and Range Shift with High-Z Medium in Proton Beam - I. Das*, D. Nichiporov, V. Moskvin, K. Shahnazi, L. Fanelli, M. Fitzek, P. Johnstone |
SU-FF-T-329 |
Measurements of Delivered Dose in Tissue Inhomogeneity Using a MOSFET Detector for An Anthropomorphic Phantom - R. Kohno*, S. Kitou, T. Nishio, S. Kameoka, T. Matsuura, T. Goka, T. Ariji, M. Kawashima, T. Ogino |
SU-FF-T-330 |
A Practical Method to Measure and Evaluate Different Dose Calculation Algorithms in Varian Eclipse Treatment Planning System - L. Lu*, G. Yembi-Goma, J. Wang, N. Gupta, K. Li, H. Zhang, M. Weldon, Z. Huang, S. Lo, D. Martin, N. Mayr |
SU-FF-T-331 |
Dose to the Body Organs From IMRT and 3D-CRT Breast Radiotherapy: Prone and Supine - S. Becker*, C. Elliston, G. Jozsef, J. De Wyngaert, J. Chang, D. Brenner, S. Formenti |
SU-FF-T-332 |
The Effect of Metal Implants On Proton Transport - A. Wroe*, R. Schulte, V. Lingampally, B. Patyal |
SU-FF-T-333 |
Onyx Embolization Effect On Diagnostic Images for Radiosurgical in AVM Patients - N. Shtraus, s. alani*, D. Schifter, S. Mimon, k. andrew |
SU-FF-T-334 |
Assessment of the Accuracy of Gafchromic® EBT Film Dosimetry in Inhomogeneous Media - H. Jeong*, O. Kum, Y. Han, C. Kim, T. Suh |
SU-FF-T-335 |
Dose Uncertainty Due to Motion-Induced Depth Changes in Energy-Stacked Proton Beams - R. Slopsema* |
SU-FF-T-336 |
Influence of Permanent I-125 Seeds On the Dose Perturbation to Prostate Using 6MV and 18MV Beams - J. Steinman*, M. Bakhtiari, D. Nazareth, H. Malhotra |
SU-FF-T-337 |
Use of GAFCHROMIC® EBT Film for In-Water Measurements of Surface Dose of Build Up Region, and Other Dosimetric Parameters Using 6, 9, 12, 16, and 20 MeV Electron Beams - N. Ruiz Gonzalez*, S. Stathakis, R. Waggener, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-338 |
Dose Shadowing and Diode Consistency in Small Electron Fields - S. Anamalayil*, L. Doyle, A. Harrison, L. Shabason, Y. Yu, Y. Xiao |
SU-FF-T-339 |
Small Field Electron Beam Dosimetry Using MOSFET Detector - M. Amin*, R. Heaton, B. Norrlinger, M. Islam |
SU-FF-T-340 |
A New Parameterisation of Small Photon Fields in Off-Axis Regions for the 160MLC - B. Poppe*, J. Riediger, G. Suft, A. Ruehmann, K. Willborn, D. Harder |
SU-FF-T-341 |
Small Field Dosimetry for Electron Beams - A. Dimofte*, T. Zhu, J. Novak |
SU-FF-T-342 |
Evaluation of Superficial Dose for Helical Tomotherapy with GAFCHROMIC® EBT Film - H. Lee, C. Lin* |
SU-FF-T-343 |
Analysis of Chest Wall In-Vivo Dosimetry for Post Mastectomy Radiotherapy Using Helical TomoTherapy - S. Ito*, B. Parker, J. Gibbons, R. Levine, K. Hogstrom |
SU-FF-T-344 |
Backscatter Correction Factor for Megavoltage Photon Beam - Y. Hu*, T. Zhu |
SU-FF-T-345 |
Agreement of Different Methods of Measuring Relative Electron Cone Output - D. Lightfoot* |
SU-FF-T-346 |
Measurement of Surface Dose Increase From Patient Immobilization Thermoplastic Masks Using Gafchromic EBT Films - I. Ali*, S. Ahmad |
SU-FF-T-347 |
Utility of Serpentine Curve for Smoothing and Extrapolating Depth Dose Scans - D. Lightfoot* |
SU-FF-T-348 |
Beam Attenuation and Beam Spoiling Properties of An Electromagnetic Array Used for Patient Localization and Tumor Tracking - A. Kassaee*, L. Lin, E. Garver, J. Metz, N. Vapiwala |
SU-FF-T-349 |
Small Field Dosimetry in Non-Homogeneous Phantom - R. Srivastava*, C. De Wagter |
SU-FF-T-350 |
Dose in Buildup Region of Flash: PBC, AAA Calculation Vs Measurement - S. Musser*, C. Mayo, L. Ding |
SU-FF-T-351 |
Using EPID Images to Verify the Dose Delivered From 3D Conformal Or Step-N-Shoot IMRT Fields - H. Chen*, K. Huang, D. Jacob, A. Sarkar, L. Simpson |
SU-FF-T-352 |
Characterization of Small Volume Ion Chambers for Absolute Dosimetry - O. Calvo*, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, P. Mavroidis, S. Moral, C. Esquivel, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-353 |
Influence of a Novel Transmission Detector On 6 MV X-Ray Beam Characteristics - S. Venkataraman*, K. Malkoske, M. Jensen, K. Nakonechny, G. Asuni, B. McCurdy |
SU-FF-T-354 |
Evaluation of Dosimetric Characteristics of Electron Beam Arc Therapy Using Gafchromic EBT Film - J. Swamidas*, R. Upreti, P. Sharma, S. Sharma, R. Pai, D. Deshpande |
SU-FF-T-355 |
Investigation of Doped Quartz Fibre Detectors for Radiotherapy Dosimetry Applications - R. MacKay*, A. Aitkenhead, M. Hardy |
SU-FF-T-356 |
Operating Parameters of a Novel CVD Diamond Detector for X-Ray Dosimetry - G. Betzel*, S. Lansley, F. Baluti, J. Meyer, L. Reinisch |
SU-FF-T-357 |
Clinical Implementation of the OneDosePlus™ MOSFET Detector for in Vivo Dose Measurement - C. Ainsley*, S. Both |
SU-FF-T-358 |
Evaluation of the Delta4 ™ 3D Cylindrical Phantom for Delivery Quality Assurance of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Treatments Using Helical Tomotherapy - A. Gutiérrez*, O. Calvo, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-359 |
MapPhan with MapCHECK and Im’RT MatriXX for Real Gantry Angle IMRT QA - R. He*, C. Yang |
SU-FF-T-360 |
Correction for Angular Dependence of the MatriXXEvolution Ionization Chamber Array - M. Wagar*, L. Wolfsberger, P. Nitsch, M. Bhagwat, P. Zygmanski |
SU-FF-T-361 |
Dose Response Characteristics of the New EBT-2 Film for Different Megavoltage Beams - S. Chiu-Tsao*, M. Chan |
SU-FF-T-362 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of the OneDose MOSFET for Measuring Kilovoltage Imaging Dose From Image-Guided Radiotherapy - G. Ding*, C. Coffey |
SU-FF-T-363 |
An Investigation of the Accuracy of Head-And-Neck IMRT Dose Distribution Using Three-Dimensional Dosimetry Techniques and Monte Carlo Simulation - d. wu* |
SU-FF-T-364 |
Skin Dose Measurement for Partial Breast Brachytherapy Using OneDose MOSFET Dosimeter - H. Liu*, S. Anamalayil, L. Doyle, A. Harrison, J. Cao, J. Pursley, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu |
SU-FF-T-365 |
Dosimetry QA of Scanned Proton Beam with An Ion Chamber Array - L. Zhao*, W. Simon, I. Das |
SU-FF-T-366 |
Temporal Methods for the Elimination of the Cerenkov and Fluorescence Interference in Optical Fiber Dosimeters for External Beam Radiation Therapy - T. Liu*, R. Stern, C. Yang, J. Kahilainen, J. Purdy |
SU-FF-T-367 |
Surface Dose Measurements with OneDose MOSFET System - J. Lehmann*, K. Sydlowski |
SU-FF-T-368 |
Evaluation of Physical Characteristics of a Prototype Portable Dosimeter System in CT: Comparison Between Portable and Mobile MOSFET Dosimeter Systems - G. Toncheva*, C. Anderson-Evans, T. Yoshizumi |
SU-FF-T-369 |
Electron Therapy with Hanging Lens Block for Orbital Lymphoma: Dosimetry Measurements Using Diode Arrays - W. Gao*, W. Mourad, W. Chan, M. Cheng, J. Salloum |
SU-FF-T-370 |
Evaluation of An Anthropomorphic Pelvis Phantom for Proton Therapy - R. Grant*, G. Ibbott, N. Sahoo, S. Tucker, X. Zhu, D. Followill |
SU-FF-T-371 |
3D Dose Distribution Around Two Low-Energy X-Ray Brachytherapy Seeds - G. Massillon-JL*, R. Minniti, M. Mitch, C. Soares |
SU-FF-T-372 |
Novel Neutron Dosimetry Using Radiochromic Films for 10 MeV Neutrons - S. Brady*, R. Gunasingha, T. Yoshizumi, C. Howell, A. Crowell, B. Fallin, H. Song, A. Tonchev |
SU-FF-T-373 |
Investigation of Humidity Effects On Beam Monitor Performance in a Proton Clinical Gantry - D. Nichiporov*, K. Solberg, A. Klyachko, I. Das, Q. Zhao |
SU-FF-T-374 |
Dynamic Anthropomorphic Eye Phantoms for Targeting and Dose Verification of a Novel Ophthalmic Radiosurgical Device - M. Firpo*, E. Chell, M. Herron |
SU-FF-T-375 |
Radiotherapy Dose Reconstruction Using a Compton Camera Imaging System - D. Mundy*, M. Herman |
SU-FF-T-376 |
Electron Beam Dosimetry Using a 2D Detector Array: - S. Srivastava*, I. Das |
SU-FF-T-377 |
Liquid Scintillation Detector System for Real-Time IMRT Quality Assurance - F. Poenisch*, L. Archambault, T. Briere, M. Gillin, S. Beddar |
SU-FF-T-378 |
Accurate Water Calorimetry Without Corrections for Heat Transport? - R. Tosh*, H. Chen-Mayer |
SU-FF-T-379 |
Procedure for Dose Rate Determination Via System Response of A Water Calorimeter - H. Chen-Mayer*, R. Tosh |
SU-FF-T-380 |
The Application of MRI Pulse Sequences for In-Vivo Verification of the Proton Beam Radiotherapy - J. Seco*, R. Seethamraju , M. Bussiere, H. Kooy, G. Sharp, M. Harisinghani |
SU-FF-T-381 |
Design and Clinical Implementation of a TG-106 Compliant Linear Accelerator Data Management System - N. Adnani* |
SU-FF-T-382 |
Ball-Cube II: A New Film-Based QA Tool to Characterize Stereotactic Dose Delivery - A. Purwar*, W. Main, A. Leonovich, T. Sorensen |
SU-FF-T-383 |
Practical Use of Gafchromic® EBT Films with Electron Beams – Application to TPS Quality Assurance Tests - J. El Barouky*, N. Fournier-Bidoz, G. Fares, A. Mazal, J. Rosenwald |
SU-FF-T-384 |
A Proto-Type Design of a Real Tissue Phantom for the Validation of Deformation Algorithm and 4D Dose Calculations - M. Szegedi*, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, J. Hinkle, B. Salter |
SU-FF-T-385 |
Commissioning of a PTW Starcheck 2-D Ion Chamber Array - M. McEwen*, L. Xu |
SU-FF-T-386 |
Validation of the Delta4 Dosimetry Phantom Against Ionometric Measurements - O. Calvo*, A. Gutiérrez, S. Stathakis, P. Mavroidis, S. Moral, C. Esquivel, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-387 |
Performance of a Portable MOSFET Dosimetry System for In-Vivo Dose Measurements in Orthovoltage Treatments and Kilovoltage Cone Beam CT - M. Amin*, K. Kohli, B. Norrlinger, P. Lindsay, R. Heaton, R. Ramaseshan, A. Hallil, M. Islam |
SU-FF-T-388 |
Comparison of R2 Estimation Algorithms for Polymer Gel Dosimetry - Y. Watanabe*, H. Kubo |
SU-FF-T-389 |
Prototype Electron Phantom for Radiographic and Radiochromic Film Dosimetry - C. Robertson*, M. Price, B. Parker, K. Hogstrom |
SU-FF-T-390 |
In-Vivo Prostate Brachytherapy Absorbed Dose Measurements - P. Gueye*, C. Velasco, C. Keppel, B. Murphy, C. Sinesi |
SU-FF-T-391 |
IC Profiler Study: The End of Water Tank Measurements for Monthly QA? - C. Furstoss*, M. Ayles, P. Munger, W. Wierzbicki |
SU-FF-T-392 |
Alanine as a Small Field Dosimeter - First Tests in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Fields - J. Novotny, M. Desrosiers, M. Huq*, G. Bednarz, J. Puhl, S. Seltzer |
SU-FF-T-393 |
Investigation of Varian’s Trilogy LINAC to Deliver Fractional MU - S. Tong*, T. Li, K. Chu |
SU-FF-T-394 |
Monte Carlo Computation of the Effective Dose in Scanning Beam Proton Therapy - D. Mirkovic*, U. Titt, G. Sawakuchi, X. Zhang, Y. Li, R. Mohan |
SU-FF-T-395 |
The Effect of Lung Heterogeneity and Respiration On Proton Therapy Treatment Margins - A. Guemnie Tafo*, I. Veltchev, J. Li, J. Fan, E. Fourkal, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-396 |
A Novel Approach for Determining Radiation-Induced Second Cancer Risks From Selected Prostate Treatments Using Monte Carlo Simulations and An Anatomically-Realistic Computational Phantom - B. Bednarz*, X. Xu |
SU-FF-T-397 |
Positioning Recommendations for Parallel-Plate Ionization Chambers in Clinical Electron Beams According to Different Dosimetry Protocols - a Monte Carlo Study for Three Different Chamber Types - K. Zink*, S. Altintas, B. Poppe, J. Wulff |
SU-FF-T-398 |
Monte Carlo Simulations to Configure a Treatment Planning System for Modulated Scanning Proton Delivery - D. Dolney*, J. McDonough |
SU-FF-T-399 |
Characterizing Secondary Gamma Fluence From a Scanned Beam Proton Therapy Nozzle - S. Peterson*, J. Polf |
SU-FF-T-400 |
Monte Carlo Simulations of Compact Plasma Accelerators for Proton Radiotherapy - M. Constantin*, P. Keall, J. Perl, F. Poehlmann, G. Rieker, M. Cappelli |
SU-FF-T-401 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Batch Assay of Iodine-125 Seeds Preloaded in Unshielded Cartridges - C. Chen*, R. Yaparpalvi, H. Kuo, S. Tsai, C. Guha, D. Mah |
SU-FF-T-402 |
Source Modeling for CyberKnife Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Using the IRIS Variable Aperture Collimator - J. Fan*, J. Li, L. Wang, L. Jin, Q. Xu, L. Chen, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-403 |
Comparison of Calculated RBE Between Actively Scanned and Passively Scattered Carbon Beams Based On GEANT4 Monte Carlo Simulations - N. Remmes*, M. Herman, J. Kruse |
SU-FF-T-404 |
Dosimetric Effect of a Small Air Cavity for Clinical Electron Beams: A Monte Carlo Study - J. Chow*, G. Grigorov |
SU-FF-T-405 |
Dose to Water Versus Dose to Medium in Proton Beam Therapy - H. Paganetti* |
SU-FF-T-406 |
Toward a More Accurate Dose Calculation Technique Using a Semiautomatic Organ Contouring in Monte Carlo Post-Implant Assessment of Breast LDR Brachytherapy - H. Afsharpour*, J. Pignol, B. Keller, J. Carrier, B. Reniers, F. Verhaegen, L. Beaulieu |
SU-FF-T-407 |
Full Monte Carlo Computation of K Correction Factors Calculated in Tomotherapy Static and Helical Deliveries for Future Ion Chamber Reference Dosimetry Protocols of Non Standard Beams - E. Sterpin*, T. Mackie, W. Lu, G. Olivera, S. Vynckier |
SU-FF-T-408 |
Tissue Inhomogeneities in Monte Carlo Treatment Planning for Proton Therapy - L. Beaulieu, M. Bazalova*, C. Furstoss, F. Verhaegen |
SU-FF-T-409 |
Simulation of the Risk of Developing a Second Cancer Due to the Scattered Radiation for Different Treatment Modalities at Different Sites - B. Athar*, J. Seco, C. Hancox, H. Paganetti |
SU-FF-T-410 |
Simulation of Large X-Ray Fields Using Independently Measured Source and Geometry Details - D. Sawkey*, T. O'Shea, V. Taranenko, B. Faddegon |
SU-FF-T-411 |
Boundary Study of Bragg Peak Shift and Bragg Peak Degradation in Proton Dose Calculation - W. Chen*, Y. Liu, B. Guo, D. Jette, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-412 |
Dosimetic Characterization of a Compact Proton Therapy Unit with Monte Carlo Simulations - Y. Zheng*, E. Klein, D. Low |
SU-FF-T-413 |
Density Scaling of the Proton Energy Spectrum for Analytic Reconstruction of the SOBP - A. Guemnie Tafo*, E. Fourkal, I. Veltchev, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-414 |
Monte-Carlo BEAM Modeling of Off-Axis Headscatter for Megavoltage Photons with MLC - T. Zhu, C. Chang* |
SU-FF-T-415 |
Impact of Dm Vs. Dw in Electron Beam Monte Carlo Based Treatment Planning for Breast - E. Gil, E. Vandervoort*, B. Clark, J. Cygler |
SU-FF-T-416 |
Antiproton Therapy: A Simplified Method to Characterize and Compare Dose From Peripheral Radiation Fields - R. Keyes*, S. Luan, M. Holzscheiter |
SU-FF-T-417 |
Effect of Transverse Magnetic Fields On MV Photon Dose Distributions in Heterogeneous Media - M. Gauthier*, H. Bouchard, P. Després |
SU-FF-T-418 |
Development of An Easy to Commission Electron Beam Model Using Highly Accurate Fluence Benchmarks From Full Monte Carlo Treatment Head Simulations and Measurements. - J. Hirscht*, J. Hirscht, B. Faddegon |
SU-FF-T-419 |
Improved Electron Monte Carlo Dose Calculation for Low Energy Electron Beams Using EMC - M. Fix*, D. Frei, W. Volken, H. Neuenschwander, E. Born, P. Manser |
SU-FF-T-420 |
A Track Repeating Algorithm for Carbon Therapy Dose Calculation - I. Veltchev*, J. Li, J. Fan, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-421 |
Acceleration of Photon Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Using Multi-Resolution Voxel Transport Geometry - R. Sheu*, C. Chui, J. Yang, A. Jackson |
SU-FF-T-422 |
Dependency of Proton Dose On Tissue Composition Investigated Using Monte Carlo Models of Hounsfield Number Conversion and Cadaver-Based Anatomical Data - Y. Liu*, C. Shi, X. Xu, W. Chen, D. Jette, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-423 |
Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Method for Dynamic Movement of All Linac Components in Presence of Patient Motion - S. Naqvi*, G. Lasio, W. D'Souza |
SU-FF-T-424 |
Benchmark Investigation of MCNP5, EGSnrc, and PENELOPE Monte Carlo Codes for Calculating the Emitted Photon Spectrum From An Electronic Brachytherapy Source - S. Davis*, L. DeWerd |
SU-FF-T-425 |
The Causes of the Lateral Envelop of Low Doses in Scanning Proton Beamlets - G. Sawakuchi*, U. Titt, G. Ciangaru, D. Mirkovic, X. Zhu, R. Mohan |
SU-FF-T-426 |
Fast 4D Monte Carlo Dose Calculations in Deforming Anatomies - E. Heath*, I. Kawrakow |
SU-FF-T-427 |
Monte Carlo Dose Distributions From Photon Beams Obtained with the Bethe-Heitler and NIST Bremsstrahlung Cross-Sections - M. Fragoso, B. Faddegon, I. Chetty* |
SU-FF-T-428 |
Deformable Computational Breast Phantoms for Monte Carlo Based Calibrations of Detector Systems Used for Assessing Internal Radioactivity Burden in the Lungs - M. Mille*, L. Hegenbart, Y. Na, J. Zhang, X. Xu |
SU-FF-T-429 |
Electron Monte Carlo Dose Calculation in Eclipse for Siemens Linear Accelerators - M. Fix*, J. Cygler, E. Vandervoort, H. Karle, J. Tertel, D. Frei, W. Volken, E. Born, P. Manser |
SU-FF-T-430 |
Comparison of Dose Volume Histograms From Selected Proton Therapy Treatments Between Geant4.5.0 and Geant4.9.0 Monte Carlo Simulations with and Without Dynamic Densities - B. Bednarz*, C. Hancox, H. Paganetti |
SU-FF-T-431 |
4D Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for Particle Therapy Combined with a Computational Biomechanical Model of Lung Motion - K. Ishikawa*, S. Takagi, K. Matthys, S. Wada |
SU-FF-T-432 |
Measurement Driven, Electron Beam Modeling and Commissioning for Monte Carlo Treatment Planning with Improved Accuracy - J. Thebaut*, F. Deblois, A. Alexander, J. Seuntjens |
SU-FF-T-433 |
Reducing the Simulation Time of a Prostate Cancer Clinical Setup by Two Orders of Magnitude - P. Yepes*, W. Newhauser, S. Randeniya, P. Taddei, D. Mirkovic |
SU-FF-T-434 |
Neutron and Photon Fluence Distributions and Ambient Dose Equivalents for 250 MeV Proton Interactions in Tissue Using Geant4 Monte Carlo Code - Y. Chen*, S. Ahmad |
SU-FF-T-435 |
Dosimetry Performance Comparison of Proton IMPT Versus Photon IMRT for Ocular Tumors Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Pinnacle3® TPS - B. Massingill*, Y. Liu, A. Diaz, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-436 |
Comparison of Neutron Doses to a Water Target Exposed to a 10 MeV Neutron Beam: Foil Activation Method Vs. Monte Carlo Simulations - R. Gunasingha*, C. Howell, A. Crowell, B. Fallin, T. Yoshizumi, H. Song, A. Tonchev, S. Brady, C. Anderson-Evans |
SU-FF-T-437 |
Improving the Efficiency of Monte Carlo by Using Systematic Sampling in Phase Space Reconstruction: Feasibility Study - J. Fan*, J. Li, Q. Xu, E. Fourkal, L. Jin, L. Wang, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-438 |
Modeling 6 MeV Electron Beam From Medical Linear Accelerator Using Monte Carlo Simulation - P. Dechsupa*, C. Tannanonta, N. Phaisangittisakul |
SU-FF-T-439 |
Dynamic Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for IMRT in Geant4 - C. Hancox*, J. Seco, G. Sharp, M. Peroni, H. Paganetti |
SU-FF-T-440 |
Validation of Accuray Multi Plan Monte Carlo Treatment Plans - G. Mardirossian*, M. Muniruzzaman, C. Lee, H. Jin, D. Fuller |
SU-FF-T-441 |
Application of the Simplified Monte Carlo Algorithm to a Clinical Case for Proton Treatment Planning - K. Hotta*, R. Kohno, Y. Takada, T. Himukai, Y. Hara, H. Akasaka, T. Kimura, R. Tansho, T. Nihei, T. Nishio, T. Ogino |
SU-FF-T-442 |
Comparing Geant4 and MCNPX for Joint Research to Minimize Uncertainties in Proton Therapy - U. Titt*, H. Paganetti, R. Mohan |
SU-FF-T-443 |
Measurement of Lateral Dose Distributions Using GafChromic EBT Films and PTW Starcheck 2-D Array - L. Xu*, M. McEwen, C. Cojocaru, B. Faddegon |
SU-FF-T-444 |
Validation and Benchmark of a Source Model for a Varian 6 MV Photon Beam Using Monte Carlo Calculations - S. Davidson*, J. Cui, S. Kry, M. Vicic, J. Deasy, A. White, G. Ibbott, D. Followill |
SU-FF-T-445 |
Changes in Clinical Practice Due to Electron Monte Carlo Implementation - P. Sansourekidou* |
SU-FF-T-446 |
Deciphering Electron Dose Distributions in Ophthalmologic Radiation Therapy - N. Fournier-Bidoz*, R. Dendale, J. El Barouky, L. Desjardins, A. Fourquet, A. Mazal |
SU-FF-T-447 |
A Monte Carlo Study for Characterization of Solid Brass Compensators Used for IMRT - Y. Zhai*, S. Stathakis, X. Jin, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-448 |
Siemens Primus Linear Accelerator Commissioning for IMRT Verification Using PMCEPT Monte Carlo Code and GAFCHRONIC™ EBT Film - O. Kum*, Y. Han, K. Cheong, S. Ju, H. Jeong |
SU-FF-T-449 |
A Monte Carlo Study of Stray Neutron Background Produced in Ocular Therapy - S. Randeniya*, W. Newhauser, N. Koch, P. Yepes |
SU-FF-T-450 |
Verification of the GEANT4 Monte Carlo Code in Low Energy Photon Transport - H. Jiang* |
SU-FF-T-451 |
Determination of Optical Properties in a Heterogeneous Turbid Media Using a Cylindrical Diffusing Fiber - A. Dimofte*, T. Zhu, J. Finlay, K. Wang |
SU-FF-T-452 |
The Manageable Levels of Induced Radioactivity in Medical Accelerators From High Energy Photon Beams - B. Han*, R. Nath, F. Bateman, M. Islam, M. LaFrance, M. Moore, B. Thomadsen, X. Xu |
SU-FF-T-453 |
An Electronic Database for Radiation Oncology Physics Quality Assurance (DROP QA) - A. Jones* |
SU-FF-T-454 |
Impact of CT Number and Electron Density in Proton Dose Distribution - J. Kuros-Zolnierczuk*, I. Das, K. Shahnazi, A. Tasson, C. Allgower |
SU-FF-T-455 |
Methodology to Incorporate the BED and EUD in Patient-Specific 3-Dimensional Dosimetry for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients Targeted with 131I Tositumomab Therapy - H. Amro*, S. Wilderman, Y. Dewaraja, P. Roberson |
SU-FF-T-456 |
A Comparison of Cysto-Conray II to Readi-Cat 2 Contrast Material for Use in Rectal Balloons During Proton Therapy - A. Tasson*, M. Fitzek, K. Shahnazi, J. Simmons, V. Simoneaux, D. Speights, M. Sullivan-Dickey, A. Thornton, D. Wallace |
SU-FF-T-457 |
Second Cancer Risk From Secondary Neutrons for a Boy Who Received Proton Craniospinal Irradiation - P. Taddei*, D. Mirkovic, J. Fontenot, A. Giebeler, Y. Zheng, D. Kornguth, R. Mohan, W. Newhauser |
SU-FF-T-458 |
Complementing Targeted Radionuclide Therapy with External Beam Radiotherapy: Planning Study - J. Grudzinski*, S. Bowen, W. Tome, J. Weichert, R. Jeraj |
SU-FF-T-459 |
The Effect of Proton Therapy Beam Scanning Pattern Size On Secondary Neutron Dose Equivalent - D. Hecksel*, V. Anferov, K. Shahnazi, M. Fitzek |
SU-FF-T-460 |
Comparison of Dose Distributions for Proton Machines with In-Room Energy Degradation with Variable Energy Machines - S. Wang*, J. Gordon, A. Langenegger, J. Siebers |
SU-FF-T-461 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of a 120-MLC Plan Delivered On a 80-MLC Linear Accelerator - I. Corona, C. Esquivel*, A. Gutiérrez, S. Stathakis, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-462 |
Treatment of Retinoblastoma Using Different Proton Delivery Methods: Scattering, Rectangular Scanning, and Circular Scanning - K. Shahnazi, A. Chang, V. Anferov*, D. Hecksel, A. Thornton, M. Moyers, M. Fitzek |
SU-FF-T-463 |
Analytic Technique to Calculate the Out-Of-Field Dose From IMRT Therapy - S. Kry*, N. Childress, R. Howell, M. Stovall |
SU-FF-T-464 |
Field in Filed Technique for Total Body Irradiation - S. Ozawa*, K. Miura, T. Furuya, M. Kawashima, C. Toramatsu, S. Sugimoto, C. Kurokawa, K. Karasawa |
SU-FF-T-465 |
Study On Secondary Cancer Risk Induced by Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Passive Proton Beam Therapy - S. Ahn*, J. Kim, M. Cheong, J. Shin, D. Shin, S. Park, S. Lee, M. Yoon, W. Kim, S. Park |
SU-FF-T-466 |
Optimization Models for Strategic Patient Scheduling Problems in Proton Therapy Delivery - C. Men*, E. Salari, Z. Li, N. Mendenhall, J. Palta, E. Romeijn |
SU-FF-T-467 |
A New Patient Scheduling Approach for Proton Therapy Treatment Delivery - E. Salari*, C. Men, Z. Li, N. Mendenhall, J. Palta, E. Romeijn |
SU-FF-T-468 |
Comparison of Target Dose Inhomogeneity for Four Different Techniques of Breast Cancer Treatment - Y. Kim*, M. Trombetta, E. Werts |
SU-FF-T-469 |
Energy Spectra Reconstruction From Beta Emitters: A Study of the Sr-90/Y-90 Case - P. Gueye*, C. Keppel, A. Munden |
SU-FF-T-470 |
Head Leakage, Collimator Scatter, and Patient Scatter Contributions to Out-Of-Field Dose - S. Kry*, R. Howell, M. Stovall |
SU-FF-T-471 |
Incident Learning in Radiation Therapy: A Tale of Two Cities - B. Clark*, J. Ploquin, R. Brown, M. Gackle, P. Dunscombe |
SU-FF-T-472 |
Quality Assurance for MR Guided Focused Ultrasound as a Multi-Modality Platform for Cancer Therapy - C. Ma*, L. Chen, A. Pollack, A. Konski, G. Freedman, M. Buyyounouski |
SU-FF-T-473 |
Time Response Study of Calypso Localization and Tracking System for Moving Tumors - A. Kassaee*, L. Lin, M. Ingram, M. Bieda, N. Vapiwala, J. Metz |
SU-FF-T-474 |
QA of Dose-Volume Histogram - C. Cheng*, I. Das, S. Srivastava, Z. Gao |
SU-FF-T-475 |
DICOM-RT Data Transfer From Odyssey Treatment Planning System to Siemens Linear Accelerators Using ARIA Record and Verify Software: A Multi-Vendor Environment - V. Lingampally*, A. Ghebremedhin, S. Leeds, B. Patyal |
SU-FF-T-476 |
Dose-Sparing Effects of a Rectal Balloon in Proton Therapy of the Prostate - D. Lee*, M. Yoon, D. Shin, Y. LIM, D. Kim, S. Park, S. Lee, J. Lee, T. Suh |
SU-FF-T-477 |
Study On the Modeling of Digital Couch for Proton Treatment Planning System - M. Yoon*, J. Kim, S. Ahn, M. Cheong, Y. LIM, D. Kim, D. Shin, S. Lee, S. Park |
SU-FF-T-478 |
Radiation Oncology Failure Mode Effect Analysis (ROFMEA) Development and Application - S. Wasserman*, V. Gironda, K. Forster |
SU-FF-T-479 |
Design of a Flexible, Web Accessible, Clinical Outcomes Database to Support Evidenced Based Radiation Treatment Planning - C. Mayo*, C. Riberdy, B. Steadman, R. Deegan |
SU-FF-T-480 |
Minimum Multi-Plan IMRT Framework Knowledge Base for Predicting Organ-At-Risk Dose-Volume Levels and Complications - H. Zhang*, R. Meyer, L. Shi, W. D'Souza |
SU-FF-T-481 |
Computerized Implementation of Radiation Treatment Planning Directives - D. McShan*, M. Kessler, W. Keranen, B. Fraass |
SU-FF-T-482 |
Extension of An Informatics Architecture to Compare and Analyze 3D Dosimetric Data - W. Brown*, J. Deasy, D. Khullar, A. Apte, A. Thomas, M. Oldham |
SU-FF-T-483 |
Optical Enhancement of DNA-Base Radio-Resistivity - M. Abolfath*, L. Papiez, S. Stojadinovic, T. Solberg |
SU-FF-T-484 |
Late Survival Post Acute Total Body Irradiation in the Rhesus Macaque With Bone Marrow Sparing - F. Lerma*, T. MacVittie, A. Farese, Z. Wang, P. Amin |
SU-FF-T-485 |
Monte Carlo Simulation for DNA Damage in Gold Nanoparticle Solution - M. Lee*, Y. Hsiao, T. Chao, S. Tu |
SU-FF-T-486 |
The Impact of Prolonged Fraction Delivery Time in Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques On Cell Survival and DNA Damage - S. Khachonkham*, N. Chawapun, S. Uaapisitwong, P. Kamnerd-supapon |
SU-FF-T-487 |
Saturation of Repair Model for Cell Survival Applied to X-Ray and Carbon-Ion Irradiation - G. Luxton* |
SU-FF-T-488 |
Estimation of Alpha/beta Ratio for Benign Tumor of the Brain From Clinical Data - N. Stansook*, V. Boonkitticharoen, M. Dhanachai |
SU-FF-T-489 |
Simulating the Effects of Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Using Voxel-Based Biological Parameters Derived From Functional Imaging - B. Titz*, V. Adhikarla, K. Kozak, R. Jeraj |
SU-FF-T-490 |
The Effect of Daily Cone Beam CT Imaging Dose On the Secondary Cancer Risk for Patients Receiving Prostate IMRT Treatments - C. Altunbas*, D. Zheng, E. Weiss, J. Williamson |
SU-FF-T-491 |
Cell Survival Curve Fitting Techniques in High Dose Region for Use in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) - F. McKenna*, S. Ahmad |
SU-FF-T-492 |
Mechanistic Formulation of a Lineal-Quadratic-Linear (LQL) Model: Split-Dose Experiments and Exponentially Decaying Sources - M. Guerrero*, M. Carlone |
SU-FF-T-493 |
Can An Addition of a Simple Constant to Linear Quadratic Formula Improve Cell Survival Curve Fits for Some Cell Lines? - F. McKenna*, S. Ahmad |
SU-FF-T-494 |
Effects of Ionizing Radiation Exposure On Arabidopsis Thaliana - T. Kurimoto*, J. Constable, A. Huda |
SU-FF-T-495 |
Risk Estimation of Radiation Induced Second Cancers in Prostate Cancer Patient Treated by Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy (3D-CRT) - S. Sakulsingharoj*, V. Boonkitticharoen, C. Tannanonta, C. Kakanaporn, P. Iampongpaiboon |
SU-FF-T-496 |
A Simple Kinetic Model with a Mechanistic Basis for Tumor Survival Curves - R. Martín-Landrove*, M. Martín-Landrove, N. Guillén |
SU-FF-T-497 |
When Tumor Repopulation Starts? An Outcome Analysis of Radiotherpay for Cervical Cancer - J. Wang*, Z. Huang, M. Gao, S. Lo, W. Yuh, N. Mayr |
SU-FF-T-498 |
Improving Normal Tissue Complication Probability Fits Using Non-Binary Outcomes - S. Das*, S. Chen, F. Yin, L. Marks |
SU-FF-T-501 |
The Effect of Monte Carlo-Based Dose Calculations On Tumor Control Probability Modeling - E. Huang*, P. Lindsay, A. Hope, I. El Naqa, J. Bradley, J. Deasy |
SU-FF-T-502 |
Biological Modeling of the Beam Delivery Line Components for Active Scan Irradiation Technique in Heavy-Ion Radiotherapy - F. Bourhaleb*, A. Attili, G. Russo, E. Schmitt, R. Cirio, S. Giordanengo, F. Marchetto, V. Monaco, C. Peroni, R. Sacchi |
SU-FF-T-503 |
Biological Effect of Different IMRT Delivery Techniques: SMLC, DMLC and Helical TomoTherapy® - M. Shaikh*, B. Zhao, J. Burmeister, Q. Liu, S. Pandya, M. Joiner |
SU-FF-T-504 |
An Integrated Software Framework for Radiotherapy Research and Outcome Analysis for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - D. Liu*, M. Ajlouni, J. Jin, A. Patel, B. Movsas, S. Ryu, I. Chetty |
SU-FF-T-505 |
A Novel Method for Balancing Focal Treatment Based On Biological Images with a Traditional IMRT - M. Romesberg* |
SU-FF-T-506 |
Patterns of Care in the Era of ICRU-50 for 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy: A Multi-Institutional Study - I. Das*, S. Srivastava, C. Cheng, K. Chopra, A. Jones, D. Mihailidis, S. Pai, A. Sarkar, M. Taylor, C. Wuu, P. Johnstone |
SU-FF-T-507 |
Radiobiology-Guided IMRT for Dose-Deficit Compensation in Permanent Interstitial Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer - Z. Chen*, K. Roberts, R. Decker, S. Rockwell, R. Nath |
SU-FF-T-508 |
Utilizing Radiobiological Measures and Planned Adaptive Software to Evaluate Adaptive Tomotherapy Plans for Lung Cancer Patients - F. Su*, C. Shi, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-509 |
A Gamma Dose Distribution Evaluation Technique Using the Kd-Tree for Nearest Neighbor Searching - J. Yuan*, W. Chen, D. Jette |
SU-FF-T-510 |
Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy, MLC-Based IMRT, and 3D-Conformal Radiation Modalities in BEUD Utilization and Analysis - S. Rodriguez*, F. Su, C. Shi, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, C. Esquivel, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-511 |
Effect of Setup Motion and IMRT On the TCP and NTCP for Pediatric Ependymoma - M. Naik*, T. Merchant, C. Beltran |
SU-FF-T-512 |
Reporting and Assessing Radiation Damage of Normal Structures in Radiotherapy - J. Martin, B. Stallter, J. Traeger, K. Li, L. Lu, J. Wang, N. Gupta, J. Ashburn, H. Zhang* |
SU-FF-T-513 |
DVM Vs. DMH in Lung Cancer Radiotherapy - N. Papanikolaou*, O. Calvo, P. Mavroidis, E. Dzintars, D. Mihailidis, S. Stathakis |
SU-FF-T-514 |
Unified Dose Tolerance Limits for SBRT - J. Grimm*, T. LaCouture, Y. Zhu, J. Xue, I. Yeo, R. Croce, S. Hughes |
SU-FF-T-515 |
NCTP Of Bladder And Rectum : Does Simultaneous Integrated Boost IMRT Score Over Other Techniques - K. Jothybasu*, V. Subramani, A. Bahl, G. Rath |
SU-FF-T-516 |
Parameter Invariant TCP Radiation Therapy Plan Ranking - P. Stavrev*, N. Stavreva, K. Markov, D. Mihov |
SU-FF-T-517 |
Dose Painting by Numbers Using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography with Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy to Reduce Dose to Highly Functional Lung Region for Lung Cancer Patients - X. Pan*, X. Li, Y. Li, R. Mohan, X. Zhang |
SU-FF-T-518 |
Implications of Radiation Treatment Planning Based On Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Map for Malignant Brain Tumors - J. Park*, K. Ahn, D. Woo, J. Lee, J. Kim, W. Jung, B. Choe, T. Suh |
SU-FF-T-519 |
Potential for Increased Pneumonitis Risk with IMRT as Compared to 3D-CRT for Patients Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy: A Radiobiological Modeling Study - D. Westerly*, I. Vogelius, M. Mehta, G. Cannon, T. Mackie, S. Bentzen |
SU-FF-T-520 |
Is IMRT Better Than 3D Conformal Therapy for Prostate Cancer? A Radiobiological Comparison - S. Stathakis*, C. Buckey, P. Mavroidis, G. Swanson, D. Mihailidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-521 |
Experimental Verification of Biological Gamma Plus Index - Y. Zhai*, X. Jin, D. Giantsoudi, W. He, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-522 |
Incorporation of Setup Uncertainties Through Gaussian Convolution of the Dose Distribution - M. Kantor*, G. Starkschall |
SU-FF-T-524 |
Development of Software for Performing Radiobiological Studies and Treatment Plan Optimization - P. Mavroidis, A. Tzikas, N. Papanikolaou*, S. Stathakis, B. Lind |
SU-FF-T-525 |
The Study On the Effects of MLC Leakage-Ray and Scattered-Ray to Eyes and Lens in Whole Brain Radiotherapy - X. Lin*, T. Sun, T. Liu |
SU-FF-T-526 |
Radiobiological Evaluation of Inhomogenity Corrections in Tissue for Lung Cancer Patients - E. Dzintars, P. Mavroidis, S. Stathakis, C. Shi, A. Gutiérrez, C. Esquivel, F. Su, N. Papanikolaou* |
SU-FF-T-527 |
Patient’s Variation On Tumor Control Probability for Lung Cancer Treatment - W. Xiong*, Y. Huang, R. Gewanter, C. Burman |
SU-FF-T-528 |
Retrospective Analysis On Patient Localization Accuracy for Linac-Based Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using Frameless System - J. Wang*, R. Rice, T. Pawlicki, A. Mundt, K. Murphy |
SU-FF-T-529 |
A Feasibility Study On Frameless Gated Head Stereotactic Radiosurgery/Radiotherapy Via Real-Time Optical Position Monitoring and Adaptive Head Motion Compensation - Z. Wen*, K. Yenice, K. Farrey, R. Wiersma |
SU-FF-T-530 |
Volumetric Arc Treatment of Multiple Brain Metastases - K. Smith*, E. Ford, J. Wong, T. McNutt |
SU-FF-T-531 |
An Efficient Planning Technique for Tomotherapy Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery - E. Soisson*, P. Hoban, T. Kammeyer, A. Basavatia, D. Westerly, W. Tome |
SU-FF-T-532 |
Immobilization Accuracy of a Novel Re-Locatable Head Frame Investigated with a Real-Time Optical Tracking System - N. Nayebi*, Y. Cho, G. Bootsma, W. Li, M. Ruschin, D. Jaffray |
SU-FF-T-533 |
Target and Peripheral Dose During Patient Repositioning with the Gamma Knife APS Device - T. Tran*, T. Stanley, H. Malhotra, S. de Boer, D. Prasad, M. Podgorsak |
SU-FF-T-534 |
A Novel Image Guided Stereotactic Radiosurgery Strategy Employing Virtual Frame Preplanning and Frame Based Treatment - Y. Le*, E. Tryggestad, E. Ford, J. Wong |
SU-FF-T-535 |
Effects of Peripheral Dose Fall-Off On Biologically Equivalent Dose to Normal Brain for Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy - L. Ma*, A. Sahgal, Y. Cho, M. Descovich, C. Chuang, K. Huang, N. Laperriere, D. Shrieve, D. Larson |
SU-FF-T-536 |
Cone Beam CT Observation of Intra-Fraction Shift During Intracranial Treatments for Patients Held in a Mask - A. Lightstone*, M. Tsao, P. Basran, G. Chan, G. Pang, L. Ma, F. LOchray, A. Sahgal |
SU-FF-T-537 |
MRI-Based Polymer Gel Dosimetry for Validating Plans with Multiple Matrices in Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery - N. Gopishankar*, Y. Watanabe, S. Vivekanandhan, S. Senthilkumaran, S. Kale, V. Subramani, R. Bisht, S. Thulkar, G. Rath, B. Sharma |
SU-FF-T-538 |
Feasibility Study of Frame-Less Mask-Less Bite-Block-Less Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment with Real-Time Surface Imaging - L. Cerviño*, W. Song, J. Wang, J. Lawson, T. Pawlicki, S. Jiang |
SU-FF-T-539 |
Independent Treatment Time Verification for GammaPlan PFX - S. Yaddanapudi*, M. Mamalui-Hunter, R. Drzymala |
SU-FF-T-540 |
Assessment of Clinical Response Factors of Acoustic Neuromas After Gamma Knife Treatment - E. Koutsouveli, P. Mavroidis, P. Karaiskos, P. Sandilos, N. Papanikolaou*, S. Stathakis, C. Stergiou, M. Torrens |
SU-FF-T-541 |
Registration Strategy in Trigeminal Neuralgia Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Using T1-Weighted and FIESTA MRI Sequences - T. Wang*, R. Brisman, Z. Lu, X. Li, S. Isaacson, J. Shah, E. Yoshida, T. Liu |
SU-FF-T-542 |
Evaluation of Total Accuracy for Three Radiosurgery Systems - H. Shao*, X. Wu, A. de la Zerda |
SU-FF-T-543 |
Gradient Cumulative Index: A Method of Dose Gradient Evaluation in Radiosurgical Dosimetry - R. Laureckas*, G. Lemole |
SU-FF-T-544 |
Optimal Number of Blocking Beams for Plug-Modulated Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery - K. Li*, J. Wang, N. Gupta, H. Zhang, L. Lu, S. Lo, J. Grecula, N. Mayr |
SU-FF-T-545 |
Feasibility Study for Treatment of Intracranial Multi-Focal Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Multiple Intensity Modulated Arc Technique - Z. Wang*, J. Kirkpatrick, Z. Chang, J. O'Daniel, C. Willett, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-546 |
A Novel Template Technique for the Analysis of Alignment Accuracy of a Linac Based SRS System - Z. Gao*, D. Chin, M. Koblinski, T. Wilson, M. Yunes, S. Kaufman, T. Napier, B. Acker, J. Chin |
SU-FF-T-547 |
Preliminary Results About Reliability and Accuracy of Stereo Camera Based Quality Assurance System for Stereotactic Head Frame - S. Kim*, S. Oh, J. Kim, T. Suh |
SU-FF-T-548 |
Comparison of Cone-Beam CT and Frame-Based Localizations for Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Fixed Head Rings and Removable Frames - Z. Wang*, J. Kirkpatrick, Q. Wu, Z. Chang, C. Willett, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-549 |
Virtual Simulation of Frame Placement for Gamma Knife® PerfexionTM - Y. Cho*, Q. Zhang, M. Ruschin, D. Jaffray |
SU-FF-T-550 |
Evaluation of Setup Accuracy of a Stereotactic Radiotherapy Head Immobilization Mask Using KV On-Board Imaging - I. Ali*, S. Ahmad |
SU-FF-T-551 |
From Frame-Based to Frameless Radiosurgery - T. Gevaert, N. Linthout, K. Tournel*, M. Duchateau, T. Reynders, D. Verellen, G. Storme |
SU-FF-T-552 |
Dosimetric Accuracy of the Varian HD120 MLC and Eclipse & IPlan Algorithms for Radiosurgery - B. Poffenbarger*, C. Audet, E. Pursiful |
SU-FF-T-553 |
A DVH Study of Single and Multiple Shot Gammaknife Treatments - S. Jang*, G. Noren, A. Pyakuryal, B. Curran, J. Luo, E. Sternick |
SU-FF-T-554 |
Commissioning a New Anthropomorphic Spine and Lung Phantom to Be Used for Remote Dose Verification of Spine Radiosurgery - D. Caruthers* |
SU-FF-T-555 |
Credentialing SBRT Clinical Trials: Is There a Flaw in the Current Methodology? - J. Perks*, J. Cui, M. Mathai, J. Purdy |
SU-FF-T-556 |
ITV Delineation and Setup Verification for Image Guided Liver SBRT - C. Bloch*, B. Teh, S. Richardson |
SU-FF-T-557 |
The Use of General Anesthesia and Suspended Ventilation to Halt Respiratory Motion During Single-Fraction Cone Beam Based Radiotherapy of a Liver Metastasis - D. Lovelock*, W. Marx, P. Dalecki, P. Wang, S. Fontenla, J. Keam, J. Zatcky, Y. Yamada |
SU-FF-T-558 |
Respiratory Motion and Delivered Dose Accuracy for Gated Intensity-Modulated SBRT for Lung Cancer - Y. Yang*, X. Li, T. Li, C. Ding, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-FF-T-559 |
Effect of Cardiac Motion On the Cyberknife Synchrony Tracking System for Radiosurgical Cardiac Ablation. - B. Teo*, S. Dieterich, O. Blanck, T. Sumanaweera, E. Gardner |
SU-FF-T-560 |
Evaluation of ExacTrac and CBCT Patient Positioning On the Novalis TX - N. Wink Walls*, T. Nurushev, K. Levin, S. Patel, B. Movsas, S. Ryu, I. Chetty |
SU-FF-T-561 |
Measuring Extracranial Dose with the Leksell Gamma Knife Model 4C Using Gafchromic EBT Film - T. Tran*, C. Arndt, J. Steinman, D. Prasad, M. Podgorsak |
SU-FF-T-562 |
Interfraction Dose Variation Resulting From Anatomic Deformation in CyberKnife Prostate Radiosurgery - E. Schreiber*, M. Foskey, T. Cullip, J. Lian |
SU-FF-T-563 |
Dosimetric Impact of Five Tumor Delineation Strategies in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer - J. Wu*, C. Betzing, A. Srisuthep, M. Fuss |
SU-FF-T-564 |
Analysis On the Decrease of Planning Target Volume in the Case of Lung Radiation Surgery with the Application of Respiratory Gated Radiotherapy Method - J. Song*, B. Nah, W. Chung, S. Ahn, T. Nam, M. Yoon, J. Jung |
SU-FF-T-565 |
Implementation of Feedback Guided Voluntary Breath Hold Gating for CBCT Based Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - Y. Peng*, S. Vedam, S. Gao, J. Polf, R. Sadagopan, M. Bues, P. Balter |
SU-FF-T-566 |
A Method to Achieve Protocol Dosimetry for Thoracic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy with a Traditional Linear Accelerator and Widely Available Treatment Planning System - B. Dirksen*, T. McKone |
SU-FF-T-567 |
Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Spine Body Radiotherapy: Comparison with Static Intensity Modulated Treatment - Q. Wu*, S. Yoo, J. Kirkpatrick, R. McMahon, D. Thongphiew, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-568 |
Clinical Implementation and Evaluation of Monte Carlo Treatment Planning for CyberKnife - S. Sharma, J. Ott*, J. Williams, D. Dickow |
SU-FF-T-569 |
A Study On the Dosimetric Accuracy of Lung Cancer Treatment Plan Using Average and Maximum Intensity Projection Images in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy - L. Huang*, K. Park, L. Papiez, T. Boike, C. Ding, R. Timmerman, T. Solberg |
SU-FF-T-570 |
A Dosimetric Comparison as a Function of Respiration and Tumor Location in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Treatment Plans For Patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer - T. De La Fuente Herman*, T. Herman, K. Hibbitts, M. Vlachaki, J. Stoner, S. Ahmad |
SU-FF-T-571 |
A Dosimetric Comparison of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Irradiation Techniques: CyberKnife Versus Conventional Linac-Based Systems - C. Ding*, C. Chang, J. Haslam, R. Timmerman, T. Solberg |
SU-FF-T-572 |
Dose Tolerance Limits and DVH Evaluation for SBRT - J. Grimm*, T. LaCouture, Y. Zhu, J. Xue, I. Yeo, R. Croce, S. Hughes |
SU-FF-T-573 |
Tracking Versus Gating for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy. A Retrospective Study Involving 5 Patient 4DCT Data Sets - T. Roland*, C. Shi, Y. Liu, S. Stathakis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-574 |
Radiotherapy Treatment Plans with RapidArc for Prostate Cancer Involving Seminal Vesicles - S. Yoo*, Q. Wu, W. Lee, F. Yin |
SU-FF-T-575 |
Prostate Treatment with CyberKnife: Comparison of Virtual HDR and Homogeneous Dose Plans and the Effect of Tissue Inhomogeneity - M. Muniruzzaman*, G. Mardirossian, C. Lee, H. Jin, D. Fuller |
SU-FF-T-576 |
Effects of Respiration On Proton Dose Distributions and DVHs in Pancreatic Cancer as Assessed by 4D Treatment Planning - G. Chen*, S. Mori, G. Sharp, H. Lu, J. Wolfgang, J. Kung, T. Hong |
SU-FF-T-577 |
Getting the Most From Prostate IMRT: Do Stricter Constraints Produce Better Results? - C. Buckey*, G. Swanson, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-578 |
Assessment and Management of Dose Perturbations Due to the Treatment Couch - M. van Prooijen*, M. Islam, R. Heaton |
SU-FF-T-579 |
Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy and Mixed Beam Treatment Plans for Superficial Parotid Cancers - O. Blasi*, J. Fontenot, J. Gibbons, K. Hogstrom |
SU-FF-T-580 |
Compensator-Based IMRT Re-Planning Using Field-In-Field Technique and the Original Compensators - G. Zhang, V. Feygelman*, K. Javedan, S. Hoffe |
SU-FF-T-581 |
To Reduce Hot Dose Spots in Craniospinal Irradiation: A Two-Field IMRT Approach with Matching Beam Divergence - A. Rahman*, J. Montebello, L. Lu, N. Gupta, Z. Huang, N. Mayr, J. Wang |
SU-FF-T-582 |
Delivery Angle Dependency On Treatment Plan Quality for Whole Breast Radiotherapy Using Helical Tomotherapy - P. Myers*, L. Weber, A. Gutiérrez, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-583 |
Integral Dose Variation in Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy, and Helical Tomotherapy - R. Yang*, J. Wang, S. Xu |
SU-FF-T-584 |
4D Treatment Planning Strategy for Lung Tumor Irradiation with Protons - N. Wang*, A. Ghebremedhin, B. Patyal |
SU-FF-T-585 |
Dose Gradient Analysis with Beam Concentricity in Conformal Planning - J. Feng*, J. Yang, J. Lamond, R. Lanciano, S. Arrigo, N. Lavere, L. Brady |
SU-FF-T-586 |
Evaluation of Dose Distribution According to Various CT Slice Thickness - C. Choi*, J. Kim, J. Park, Y. Park, H. Kim, Y. Choi, S. Ye |
SU-FF-T-587 |
Evaluation of the Dynamic Conformal Arc Therapy as An Alternative to Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy in Prostate, Brain, Head-And-Neck, and Spine Tumors - M. Morales*, H. Lambert, G. Ding |
SU-FF-T-588 |
Novel Use of Electron Pre-Planning Software and a Penumbral Calculator Improves Abutment of Megavoltage Electron/Electron Fields - J. Gentry* |
SU-FF-T-589 |
Effects of Imaging Artifacts From a Wide-Bore CT Scanner On Treatment Planning - V. Wu*, Z. Wang, M. Podgorsak |
SU-FF-T-590 |
Treatment Planning Study of Epithelial Ovarian Cancers Using Helical Tomotherapy - J. Swamidas, D. Deshpande*, U. Mahantshetty, V. Goel, R. Engineer, S. Shrivastava |
SU-FF-T-591 |
Improvement of IMRT Plan Quality with Non-Isocentric Beam Arrangement for Head and Neck Cancers - G. Chen*, B. Hu, X. Qi, C. Schultz, D. Wang, X. Li |
SU-FF-T-592 |
Is Smaller MLC Width Really Better for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Treatment Planning? - D. Mihailidis*, L. Farinash, P. Raja, B. Plants, p. Tomara, G. Kagadis, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-593 |
The Feasibility of Volumetric Comparison Between Respiratory Gating and ABC - S. Anamalayil*, A. Doemer, J. Li, H. Perera, A. Harrison, T. Podder, J. Galvin, Y. Yu, Y. Xiao |
SU-FF-T-594 |
Effect of IGRT Motivated Margin Reduction in Postprostatectomy IMRT Plans - T. Niedermayr*, M. Herman |
SU-FF-T-595 |
Correlations of Organ Growth with Age, Body Mass, and Height for Pediatric Radiotherapy Treatment Planning - K. Kainz*, S. Firat, J. Moulder, K. Kalakota, J. Bagley, X. Li |
SU-FF-T-596 |
Dosimetric Impact of Anatomic Changes Due to Patient Weight Loss On TomoTherapy Plan - S. Jang*, C. Watchman |
SU-FF-T-597 |
Dosimetric Characterization of Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) Using Helical Tomotherapy - A. Gutiérrez*, H. Chotaliya, S. Stathakis, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-598 |
International Comparison of Varian LINAC Commissioning Data for a Common Independent Monitor Unit Calculator - B. Rasmussen*, K. Chu, S. Tong |
SU-FF-T-599 |
Investigate the Effectiveness and Benefits of a Treatment Plan Without Field Splitting as Compared to a Plan with Field Splitting - N. Thakur*, C. Kurokawa, C. Liu, J. Palta, J. Li |
SU-FF-T-600 |
3D Dose Volume Histogram with Position Index ---3D DVHp - Z. Deng*, P. Higgins |
SU-FF-T-601 |
Dosimetric Effects of Lung Regional Density Variation Based On 4D CT Study - J. Li*, M. Chan, C. Burman |
SU-FF-T-602 |
A New Method to Calculate the Dose Distribution From An Isocenter Shift Without Recalculating Dose Distribution to Evaluate Plan with Geometric Uncertainties - T. Nguyen*, A. Hoole, N. Burnet, S. Thomas |
SU-FF-T-603 |
The Impact of Dose Prescription On Treatment Volume - S. Chaudhari*, P. Higgins, M. Reynolds |
SU-FF-T-604 |
Evaluation of IMRT Plans From Four Treatment Planning Systems Based On Independent Monte Carlo Dose Calculation - Z. Chi*, y. cao, Y. Zhang, D. Liu, R. Li, R. Qiu, C. Han |
SU-FF-T-605 |
Developing a Universal Treatment Plan Review System - S. Park, J. Monroe, J. Brindle, J. Sohn* |
SU-FF-T-606 |
Improvement of Patient Setups with Cone Beam CT Using Contour-Assisted Matching in Radiotherapy - H. Jin*, S. Huh |
SU-FF-T-608 |
Planning Comparison Between IMRT and RapidArc in CGMH Experience - s. Lee*, C. Lo, C. Lee |
SU-FF-T-609 |
Dose Summation Technology for Radiation Therapy Facilities Equipped with Heterogeneous Planning and Delivery Systems - Y. Yan*, Y. Dou, J. Penagaricano, V. Ratanatharathorn, K. Gardner, E. Moros, P. Corry, X. Zhang, M. Chao, I. Mihaylov |
SU-FF-T-610 |
Dose Fault by Enhanced Image in Planning System - C. Lo, Y. Huang*, S. Tu |
SU-FF-T-611 |
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) in Spinal Tumors - a Head to Head Comparison Between the Most Advanced Planning Techniques - N. Shtraus, D. Schifter*, s. alani, B. corn, k. andrew |
SU-FF-T-612 |
Developing a Treatment Planning Framework for Using Non-Coplanar Non-Isocentric Beams to Improve Plan Quality - V. Semenenko*, X. Li |
SU-FF-T-613 |
Evaluation of Changes in Dose Distribution Caused by Weight Loss Using Megavoltage CT - S. Park*, M. Yoon, D. Shin, J. Kwak, Y. LIM, D. Kim, S. Lee, S. Park, K. Cheong, S. Kang, K. Kim, H. Bae |
SU-FF-T-614 |
A Clinical Study of the Accuracy of Maximum Intensity Projection for Lung Tumor Volume - J. Tracy*, L. Qin |
SU-FF-T-615 |
Multicenter Intercomparison for Treatment of the Mesothelioma with IMRT and Tomotherapy - G. Guidi* |
SU-FF-T-616 |
Influence of Respiratory Motion On Helical Tomotherapy Treatment Planning for Chest Wall Irradiation - M. Moldovan*, J. Gibbons, C. Chu, B. Parker |
SU-FF-T-617 |
Configuration and Validation of a Single Gaussian Dose Model for Scanning Proton Beams - X. Zhu*, U. Titt, M. Bues, N. Sahoo, G. Ciangaru, G. Sawakuchi, F. Poenisch, M. Lii, X. Zhang, Y. Li, B. Arjomandy, K. Suzuki, R. Mohan, M. Gillin |
SU-FF-T-618 |
Configuration and Validation of a Double Gaussian Dose Model for Scanning Proton Beams - X. Zhu*, N. Sahoo, G. Sawakuchi, M. Lii, G. Ciangaru, M. Bues, X. Pan, X. Zhang, X. Ding, U. Titt, B. Arjomandy, K. Suzuki, R. Mohan, M. Gillin |
SU-FF-T-619 |
Electron Dose Kernels to Account For Secondary Particle Doses in Deterministic Simulations - A. Al-Basheer*, G. Sjoden, M. Ghita |
SU-FF-T-620 |
Assessment of Dose Reconstruction Methods for Prostate Image Guided Radiotherapy Protocols - Q. Wu, J. Adamson* |
SU-FF-T-621 |
Evaluation of a Novel Heterogeneity Inclusive Pencil-Beam-Based Dose Calculation by Monte Carlo Calculation and by Measurement in Anthropomorphic Phantom - H. Zhao, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, B. Wang, M. Romesberg, B. Salter* |
SU-FF-T-622 |
Fast GPU-Based Raytracing Dose Calculations for Brachytherapy in Heterogeneous Media - J. Gariépy*, S. Hissoiny, J. Carrier, B. Ozell, P. Després |
SU-FF-T-623 |
Dosimetric Comparison Among 3D Conformal, IMRT, and Phase-Average Compensators for SBRT Treatment Planning - L. Vazquez*, A. Gutiérrez, S. Stathakis, T. Roland, C. Esquivel, C. Shi, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-FF-T-624 |
Skeletal Neutron Dose Response Function Development for Use in Proton Therapy - A. Bahadori*, K. Eckerman, D. Jokisch, W. Bolch |
SU-FF-T-625 |
Estimation of Uncertainty for the Patient and Compensator Scatter Correction Factor in Proton Therapy D/MU Calculations - A. Giebeler*, X. Zhu, G. Starkschall, U. Titt, P. Balter, S. Tucker, W. Newhauser |
SU-FF-T-626 |
Dynamic Splitting of Gaussian Pencil Beams in Heterogeneity-Correction Algorithms for Radiotherapy with Heavy Charged Particles - N. Kanematsu*, M. Komori, S. Yonai, A. Ishizaki |
SU-FF-T-627 |
Off-Axis Correction Factors for the Enhanced Dynamic Wedge - R. Benson*, M. Evans |
SU-FF-T-628 |
Calculation Time Analysis of Combinations of 3D Algorithms and Calculation Grid Sizes for a Commercial Treatment Planning System - B. Coopey*, S. Anolik, J. Logan, L. Slack, O. Gayou |
SU-FF-T-629 |
XBeam: An Accurate, Easily Commissioned Radiotherapy X-Ray Beam Model - V. Taranenko*, B. Faddegon |
SU-FF-T-630 |
Characterizing the Enhance Dynamic Wedge Parameters in the Eclipse Treatment Planning System and Assessing Its Accuracy in Beam Modeling - P. Tsai*, R. Chan |
SU-FF-T-631 |
Deviation of Electron Density with CT Simulator Image Reconstruction Kernels and Its Impact On Dosimetry in Radiotherapy - S. Li*, S. Zhou, W. Zhen, C. Enke |
SU-FF-T-632 |
Rotational Smooth for Arc Therapy Dose Calculation - M. Chen*, W. Lu, K. Ruchala, G. Olivera |
SU-FF-T-633 |
Impact of Tissue Heterogeneity Corrections in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Treatment Plans for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients - T. De La Fuente Herman*, T. Herman, H. Gabrish, M. Vlachaki, S. Ahmad |
SU-FF-T-634 |
Dosimetric Impact of Imaging Artifacts From KVCT and MVCT in the Presence of Metallic Prostheses - C. Wallace*, A. Mahamud, B. Paliwal, R. Tolakanahalli |
SU-FF-T-635 |
Investigation of Dosimetric Effect of Repiratory Lung Density Variation - N. Demez*, T. Lee |
SU-FF-T-636 |
A Highly Accurate, Rapid Dose Calculation Method Employing Direct Solution of Transport Equations - R. Holland*, M. Sontag, D. Cunningham |
SU-FF-T-637 |
Investigation of Dose Accuracy in XiO Superposition Convolution Dose Calculation for Linacs with Jaws and MLCs - T. Lin*, M. Hossain, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-638 |
Radiation Treatment Techniques and Gastrointestinal Dose in Breast Patients - A. Hu*, F. Newman, K. Rusthoven, M. Ding, K. Stuhr, M. Miften, R. Rabinovitch |
SU-FF-T-639 |
IVDT Variations and Their Impact On Dose Calculations - E. Chao*, K. Ruchala, G. Olivera |
SU-FF-T-640 |
Evaluation of Monte Carlo Treatment Planning for CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery/radiotherapy Treatments of Head and Body Lesions - E. Wilcox*, G. Daskalov, H. Lincoln |
SU-FF-T-641 |
Testing the Sc, Sp , Scp Formulism for Elekta Beam Modulator - J. Cui*, R. Stern, C. Yang, J. Purdy |
SU-FF-T-642 |
Evaluation of 3-D Treatment Plans Using Physical and Motorised Enhanced Dynamic Wedges - R. Manickam*, s. saminathan |
SU-FF-T-643 |
The Dose Calculation of Pelvic Radiotherapy in Presence of Hip Prosthesis - W. Hu*, J. Cheung, J. Aubry, J. Pouliot |
SU-FF-T-644 |
Comparison of Electron Dose Distribution in Film with Treatment Planning Software Predictions - K. Shay*, M. Lamba, H. Elson |
SU-FF-T-645 |
Microindexed Robotically-Delivered Photon Activation Therapy - M. Carol* |
SU-FF-T-646 |
Quality Evaluation of Unflattened Photon Beam Model - Y. Huang*, R. Flynn, R. Siochi, J. Bayouth |
SU-FF-T-647 |
RapidArc Versus DMLC IMRT: Planning Comparison Utilizing AAPM TG119 Guidelines - D. Mynampati*, R. Yaparpalvi, L. Hong, H. Kuo, E. Miller, D. Mah |
SU-FF-T-648 |
Time Analysis of Image-Based Dynamic MLC Tracking - P. Poulsen*, B. Cho, A. Sawant, P. Keall |
SU-FF-T-650 |
Dosimetric Benefit of a Combination of Respiratory-Gating, Image-Guidance and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment - S. Park*, K. Westover, D. O''''Farrell, H. Mamon, R. Berbeco |
SU-FF-T-651 |
Acceptance and Clinical Commissioning of a Uniform-Scanning Proton Therapy System - R. Slopsema*, L. Lin, G. Mathot, B. Adam, J. Rexford, Z. Li |
SU-FF-T-652 |
TomoAxial for Stereotactic RadioTherapy/RadioSurgery (SRT/SRS) - W. Lu*, D. Henderson, E. Schnarr, M. Chen, Y. Chen, K. Ruchala, G. Olivera |
SU-FF-T-653 |
Treatment Planning and Delivery of Modulated Electron Radiotherapy for An Extensive Scalp Treatment Using Photon MLC - L. Jin*, J. Li, J. Fan, L. Chen, R. Price, L. Wang, Q. Xu, M. Hossain, I. Mohamed, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-654 |
Dynamic TomoTherapy Treatment Delivery - Y. Chen*, W. Lu, M. Chen, Q. Chen, E. Schnarr, G. Reitz, D. Henderson, K. Ruchala, G. Olivera |
SU-FF-T-655 |
A Simulation of Position and Volume Errors in 4D-CT Caused by Irregular Breathing - J. Sarker*, A. Chu, K. Mui, J. Wolfgang, A. Hirsch, G. Chen, G. Sharp |
SU-FF-T-656 |
4D IMRT Planning Using a Direct Aperture Morphing Method - M. Gui*, Y. Feng, G. Tang, A. Dhople, C. Yu |
SU-FF-T-657 |
Performance Characteristics of An Experimental Couch for Real-Time Tumor Motion Tracking - M. Yousuf*, T. McAvoy, W. D'Souza |
SU-FF-T-658 |
Investigation of An in House Monte Carlo Based Inverse Planning System for Mixed Beam Radiation Therapy - A. ElDIB*, L. Jin, J. Fan, J. Li, I. Emam, C. Ma |
SU-FF-T-660 |
Treatment Quality Sensitivity to Varying Beam Spot Size and Number of Fields in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy - J. Farr*, D. Geismar, A. Kaiser, M. Stuschke |
SU-FF-T-661 |
Investigating the Benefits of Stereotactic Light Ion Radiation Therapy for Treating Large Intracranial AVMs - B. Andisheh, P. Mavroidis, A. Brahme, M. Bitaraf, N. Papanikolaou*, B. Lind |
SU-FF-T-662 |
Comparison of RapidArc and IMRT for Pediatric Patients - P. Nitsch*, P. Zygmanski, K. Marcus |
SU-FF-T-663 |
Treatment Plan Comparison Generated by Volumetric Arc Modulation with Helical Tomotherapy and Conventional IMRT for Prostate Cancer Patients - D. Tewatia*, R. Tolakanahalli, B. Paliwal, W. Tome |
SU-FF-T-664 |
Dose Grid Effects in Adaptive Planning of Helical TomoTherapy for Hypofractionated Treatments - C. Yang*, N. Sheth, S. Murphy, S. Sim, Y. Chen |
SU-FF-T-665 |
Comparasion of Entrance Dose of Uniform Scanning and Double Scattering Modes in Proton Therapy - Z. Zhao*, Z. Li |
SU-FF-T-666 |
The Interplay Effect When Treating Moving Targets with RapidArc - L. Court*, M. Wagar, R. Berbeco, A. Reisner, B. Winey, D. Schofield, A. Allen, R. Popple, T. Lingos |
SU-FF-T-667 |
Planning Comparison to Determine Techniques and Role for Volumetric IMRT (RapidArc) in Routine Treatment Planning - C. Mayo* |
SU-FF-T-668 |
A Simple Algorithm for Range Modulation Wheel Design in Proton Therapy - X. Nie*, V. Nazaryan, P. Gueye, C. Keppel |
SU-FF-T-669 |
A Comparison of MLC Demands Between Dosimetrically Equivalent RapidArc™ and Conventional IMRT Deliveries - V. LaPointe*, C. Swift |
SU-FF-T-670 |
Dose Comparison of Rival Plans for Cranio-Spinal Irradiation Using Helical Tomotherapy - G. Guidi* |
SU-FF-T-671 |
Investigation of Effects of Treatment Planning Variables On Small Animal Therapy Dose Distributions - A. Motomura*, M. Bazalova, H. Zhou, P. Keall, E. Graves |
SU-FF-T-672 |
A Simple Quality Assurance Test for MU Verification in RapidArc Treatment Planning - N. Vivekanandan*, S. Prabakar, J. prakash |
SU-FF-T-673 |
Application of RapidArc Technique to Cervical Spine Stereotactic Treatment - A. Brooks*, F. Yin, J. Kirkpatrick, Z. Wang |
SU-FF-T-674 |
Evaluation of An Application to Transfer Tomotherapy Plans to Step-And-Shoot IMRT Plans - R. Tolakanahalli*, P. Hoban, R. Holmberg, C. Sundgren, P. Ploc, W. Tome |
SU-FF-T-675 |
Evaluation of a New Reclining Technique for Improved Patient Set Up - I. Näslund, L. Weber*, M. Arevärn, B. Nordin, K. Maad |
SU-FF-T-676 |
First RapidArc Treatment Within the MOSAIQ Environment: Implementation, Procedure Time Frame and Clinic Flow - X. Kong, P. Meek, B. Shevlin, S. Wang* |
SU-FF-T-677 |
Dosimetry for Small Animal Irradiation Using Gamma Knife Perfexion - R. Drzymala* |
SU-FF-T-678 |
Commissioning the 3D-Line MicroMLC Controller in the Pinnacle TPS - N. Sperling*, E. Parsai, |