2010 ITART [amosv.2]
2010 ITART
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Session: MO - A-BRM - Imaging for Target Definition Symposium
Title: How Do We Define the Treatment Target?
Byline: A.J. van der Kogel , Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Department Radiation Oncology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Contact Email: A.vanderKogel@rther.umcn.nl
Session: MO - A-BRM - Imaging for Target Definition Symposium
Title: How Are We Going to Define Targets in 20 Years?
Byline: S Bentzen1 *, (1) University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Contact Email: bentzen@humonc.wisc.edu
Session: MO - C-BRM - Imaging for Treatment Assessment Symposium
Title: What Can Anatomical Treatment Assessment Tell Us?
Byline: D Jaffray1 *, (1) Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, CA
Contact Email: david.jaffray@rmp.uhn.on.ca
Session: MO - C-BRM - Imaging for Treatment Assessment Symposium
Title: Imaging for Treatment Assessment: Are We Forgetting Normal Tissue?
Byline: L Marks1 *, S Das2 , M Lawrence3 , J Bailey4 , (1) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, (2) Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, (3) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, (4) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Contact Email: marks@med.unc.edu
Session: MO - -BRM - Welcome and Introduction
Title: Introduction
Byline: R Jeraj1 *, (1) University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI
Contact Email: rjeraj@wisc.edu
Session: MO - A-BRM - Imaging for Target Definition Symposium
Title: How Do We Image the Treatment Target?
Byline: V Gregoire1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: vincent.gregoire@uclouvain.be
Session: TU - A-BRM - Quantitative Imaging Symposium
Title: What Can We Learn From Each Other?
Byline: D Sullivan1 *, (1) Duke Cancer Center, Durham, NC
Contact Email: daniel.sullivan@duke.edu
Session: TU - A-BRM - Quantitative Imaging Symposium
Title: How Can We Improve Quantification?
Byline: E Jackson1 *, (1) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: ejackson@mdanderson.org
Session: TU - C-BRM - Industry, Regulatory Issues Symposium
Title: Tumor Imaging for Treatment and Response Evaluation-Regulatory Issues
Byline: Gerald H. Sokol MD, CDER/DOPP, FDA, Silver Spring, Md.
Contact Email: Gerald.Sokol@fda.hhs.gov
Session: TU - C-BRM - Industry, Regulatory Issues Symposium
Title: NCI Initiatives: Imaging As a Biomarker for Therapy Response
Byline: L Clarke, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD
Contact Email: lclarke@mail.nih.gov
Session: TU - A-BRM - Quantitative Imaging Symposium
Title: How Important Is Quantification?
Byline: M Schnall1 *, (1)  University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: marcy.roche@uphs.upenn.edu