Therapy General Poster Discussion |
Therapy General Poster Discussion |
3:00:00 PM - 4:30:00 PM |
Room: Exhibit Hall |
SU-GG-T-1 |
Performance Study of Novel Acceleration-Enhanced Filters in the Prediction of Normal and Irregular Respiration Motion - K. Huang*, I. Buzurovic, M. Werner-Wasik, T. Biswas, A. Dicker, J. Galvin, Y. Yu, T. Podder |
SU-GG-T-2 |
Clinical Application of the ENAL Set-Up Correction Protocol to Compensate for Time Trends in Breast Cancer Treatments - M. Dirkx*, J. Penninkhof, S. Quint, M. Baaijens, B. Heijmen |
SU-GG-T-3 |
A Distance to Dose Difference Tool for Estimating the Required Spatial Accuracy of a Displacement Vector Field - N. Saleh-Sayah*, E. Weiss, F. Salguero, J. Siebers |
SU-GG-T-4 |
Proof-Of-Principle Investigation of Computer-Controlled Couch Adjustments for Correcting Drift in Target Position During Radiotherapy - J. McNamara*, D. Lovelock, E. Yorke, G. Mageras |
SU-GG-T-5 |
Toward Adaptive Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (AVMAT) for Head and Neck (H&N) Cancer: Dose Reconstruction Using On-Treatment CBCT and Dynamic Log-Files - J. Qian*, K. Lee, K. Chu, Q. Le, L. Xing |
SU-GG-T-6 |
Determining the Optimal Gating Window Size by Considering the Effect of Tumor Displacement On Dose Distributions - M. Yousuf*, K. Malinowski, S. Naqvi, W. D'Souza |
SU-GG-T-7 |
Adaptive IMRT Plan Modification for Head-And-Neck Cancer Patients - Y. Feng, N. Li, K. Sun, X. Liang*, C. Yu |
SU-GG-T-8 |
A Novel Treatment Couch for Real-Time Tracking of Respiration Induced Target Motion: Evaluating Its Geometric Accuracy - M. Yousuf*, K. Malinowski, T. Mc Avoy, W. D'Souza |
SU-GG-T-9 |
Uncertainty-Based Tuning of Deformable Image Registration Algorithm Parameters - F. Salguero*, N. Saleh-Sayah, C. Yan, J. Siebers |
SU-GG-T-10 |
Deformable Model Based Dose Reconstruction for Total Body Irradiation with Helical TomoTherapy - M. Chao*, J. Penagaricano, Y. Yan, E. Moros, K. Gardner, P. Corry, V. Ratanatharathorn |
SU-GG-T-11 |
Dosimetric Impacts of Rotational Setup Errors On Head & Neck IMRT Treatments - W. Fu*, Y. Yang, N. Yue, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-GG-T-12 |
Dosimetric Impact of Intrinsic Uncertainties of Deformable Registration Algorithms - F. Salguero*, N. Saleh-Sayah, C. Yan, J. Siebers |
SU-GG-T-13 |
Efficacy of the Fiducial Marker Based IGRT Approach in Prostate Tomotherapy and An Inter-Fractional Motion Correction Optimization Method for Dose Coverage Improvement and Potential Margin Reduction - N. Yue*, A. Patel, B. Haffty, S. Kim |
SU-GG-T-14 |
Intercomparison of Breathing Restriction Techniques Using Commercially Available Immobilization Devices for SBRT - I. Olorunnisomo*, A. Gutiérrez, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-15 |
Variation Estimation of Parotids - Towards More Accurate Image Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy of H&n Cancers - X. Nie*, J. Liang, D. Yan |
SU-GG-T-16 |
A Dynamical System Approach for Real-Time IMRT Optimization - I. Dasanayake*, J. Li, I. El Naqa |
SU-GG-T-17 |
Mathematical Framework to Optimize the Intensity Adaptive to Biological Response to Radiotherapy - M. Kim, A. Ghate, M. Phillips* |
SU-GG-T-18 |
Respiratory Motion Sensitivity Study On Four-Dimensional Inverse Planning (4D-IP) - X. QIN*, D. Yan |
SU-GG-T-19 |
Automatic Contour Propagation Between Planning Computed Tomography (CT) and Cone Beam CT (CBCT) Scan for In-Room Adaptive Planning: A Feasibility Study On Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients - M. Peroni*, M. Spadea, M. Riboldi, J. Seco, G. Sharp, S. Comi, E. Rondi, D. Zerini, D. Alterio, R. Orecchia, G. Baroni |
SU-GG-T-20 |
GPU-Accelerated Auto-Segmentation for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy - A. Godley*, C. Peng, E. Ahunbay, X. Li |
SU-GG-T-21 |
Dosimetry Benefits of Online Adaptive Replanning for Whole Breast Irradiation - C. Peng*, J. White, J. Wilson, X. Li |
SU-GG-T-22 |
An Adaptive Strategy for Simultaneous Treatment of the Prostate and Pelvic Lymph Nodes - A. Hwang*, T. Nguyen, W. Hu, M. Roach, A. Gottschalk, J. Pouliot, M. Aubin, J. Chen |
SU-GG-T-23 |
Feasibility of An Online Adaptive Replanning Scheme for Pancreatic Cancer Radiotherapy - C. Peng*, F. Liu, E. Ahunbay, A. Tai, B. Erickson, T. Kelly, X. Li |
SU-GG-T-24 |
Adaptive Planning for Neurofibro Sarcoma of Thigh On Helical Tomotherapy - P. Yadav*, Y. Rong, R. Tolakanahalli, B. Paliwal, K. Kozak |
SU-GG-T-25 |
Improving Deformable Dose Registration of Brachytherapy by Incorporating CT Scan Masking - M. Quinn*, M. Hoggarth, K. Albuquerque, N. Comsia, J. Roeske |
SU-GG-T-26 |
An Accurate and Efficient Finite-Size Pencil Beam Based Dose Calculation Engine for Online Adaptive IMRT Replanning - X. Gu*, U. Jelen, C. Men, X. Jia, S. Jiang |
SU-GG-T-27 |
Use of Tomotherapy Exit Detector Data to Detect Changes in Patient Anatomy - H. Wooten*, V. Rodriguez, J. Cates, S. Goddu, D. Low |
SU-GG-T-28 |
Patient-Specific Rotational Tolerances and Margins Based On Prostate Shape - H. Amro*, S. Hadley, K. vineberg, D. McShan, H. Sandler, D. Hamstra, D. Litzenberg |
SU-GG-T-29 |
Dosimetric Advantages of Online Adaptive Replanning for Radiotherapy of the Prostate and Seminal Vesicles - S. Holmes*, C. Peng, E. Ahunbay, C. Lawton, D. Wang, X. Li |
SU-GG-T-30 |
Comparison of Correction Methods for Dose Computation Using Cone-Beam CT Images - D. Lazos*, E. Furhang, C. Kim, K. Hu, R. Ennis, L. Harrison |
SU-GG-T-31 |
A Novel Fully Automated Re-Planning Method for CT-Guided Adaptive Planning in IMRT and SmartArc for Prostate Cancer - X. Li*, E. Quan, X. Wang, Y. Li, X. Pan, X. Zhang |
SU-GG-T-32 |
Dosimetric Advantages of Active Tracking and Dynamic Delivery - I. Buzurovic*, M. Werner-Wasik, T. Biswas, J. Galvin, A. Dicker, Y. Yu, T. Podder |
SU-GG-T-33 |
An Investigation On the Acquisition and Modification of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images for Head and Neck Cancer - C. Hu*, J. Wu, H. Chao, C. Tsai, C. Wang, J. Cheng |
SU-GG-T-34 |
Effects of Target Replacement On Helical MVCT Images for Use in Adaptive Radiotherapy - L. Schubert*, E. Soisson, D. Westerly, R. Tolakanahalli, B. Paliwal, W. Tome |
SU-GG-T-35 |
A Study On Effect of Inter-Fractional Anatomical Changes On IMRT and RapidArc Dose Distribution for Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri - P. Sriram*, B. Raghavendiran, K. Bhuvana, G. Selvaluxmi, S. Prabakar, K. Syam, J. Prakash, R. Dhanabalan, N. Vivekanandan |
SU-GG-T-36 |
Influence of Dose Grid Resolution in Cumulative Dose Computation for 4D Inverse Planning - J. Liang*, D. Yan, Y. Chi |
SU-GG-T-37 |
Monte Carlo Dose Comparison Assessing Material Inhomogeneity Effects in Breast Brachytherapy - M. Graf*, D. Scanderbeg, C. Yashar, S. Jiang |
SU-GG-T-38 |
Dosimetry and Inverse Treatment Planning for 3D Intensity Modulated Brachytherapy - B. Guo*, C. Shi, C. Cheng, C. Esquivel, T. Eng, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-39 |
Grid-Based Boltzmann Solver (GBBS) Vs TG-43 for Ir-192 HDR Intracavitary Brachytherapy: A Retrospective Dosimetric Study - J. Mikell*, A. Klopp, K. Kisling, P. Berner, M. Price, F. Mourtada |
SU-GG-T-40 |
A Monte Carlo Based Treatment Optimization Technique for the Xoft Electronic Brachytherapy System - B. Fahimian*, J. DeMarco, K. Iwamoto, S. Saxon |
SU-GG-T-41 |
Dose Reduction Study in Vaginal Balloon Packing Filled with Radio-Contrast for HDR Brachytherapy Treatment - A. Saini, G. Zhang*, S. Finkelstein, M. Biagioli |
SU-GG-T-42 |
Oblique Needle Based Low Dose Rate Prostate Brachytherapy (LDRPB) Using 3D Trans-Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS) and Robotic Assistance - B. Ryu*, C. Edirisinghe, J. Bax, C. Lewis, D. D’Souza, J. Chen, D. Hoover, A. Fenster, E. Wong |
SU-GG-T-43 |
Physics Commissioning in Xoft Axxent® Electronic Brachytherapy (eBx) for the Primary Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer - Y. Rong*, B. Paliwal, J. Welsh |
SU-GG-T-44 |
Evaluation of Xoft Electronic Brachytherapy System for Intraoperative Treatments - P. Mobit*, M. Brewer, M. Baird, P. Rajaguru, C. Yang |
SU-GG-T-45 |
Use of MVCT with Image Registration for Planning HDR Treatments Using a Custom Oral Applicator with Lead Shielding - B. Libby*, K. Sheng, R. McLawhorn, A. McIntosh, R. Van Ausdal, A. Martof, P. Read |
SU-GG-T-46 |
An Equivalent Path Length TG-43(U) Model for Heterogeneity Corrections of HAM Applicator Treatments Using Low Energy Electronic Brachytherapy - R. Holt*, L. Kelley, T. Rusch |
SU-GG-T-47 |
A Novel Approach to HDR Brachytherapy Dose Planning Using Integer Programming with Direct Dosimetric-Index-Based Objectives - T. Siauw*, J. Cunha, A. Atamturk, I. Hsu, J. Pouliot, K. Goldberg |
SU-GG-T-48 |
Clinical Implementation of Electronic Brachytherapy Skin Applicator in IORT Setting - C. Kim*, E. Furhang, M. Chadha, K. Hu, L. Harrison |
SU-GG-T-49 |
Real Time Dose Verification for Novel Shielded Balloon Brachytherapy - N. Govindarajan*, V. Nazaryan, P. Gueye, C. Keppel |
SU-GG-T-50 |
Evaluating Source Constancy From the Xoft Electronic Brachytherapy System - J. DeMarco*, S. Park, K. Iwamoto, S. Saxon, B. Fahimian |
SU-GG-T-51 |
CT Verification of Tissue-Balloon Conformance and Skin Distance for HDR Partial Breast Irradiation Using a Multi Catheter Balloon - B. Miller*, I. Chetty, T. Nurushev, I. Aref |
SU-GG-T-52 |
Plan Evaluation for Treatment of Malignant Gliomas Using Californium-252 Neutron Brachytherapy and Compared with SRS - Y. Liu*, A. Diaz |
SU-GG-T-53 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Iridium-192, Ytterbium-169, and Thulium-170 Sources for HDR Prostate Brachytherapy - D. Krishnamurthy*, J. Cunha, I. Hsu, V. Weinberg, J. Pouliot |
SU-GG-T-54 |
A Phantom for Physics QA to Check the Accuracy of An Ir-192 Stepping Source Dwell Position and Reproducibility of Dwell Time in HDR Brachytherapy - M. Madebo*, J. Pillainayagam, T. Kron, R. Franich |
SU-GG-T-55 |
Stability of the Xoft Axxent X-Ray Source During Simulated IORT Procedures - D. Hughes, T. Rusch* |
SU-GG-T-56 |
On the Impact of Dose Sculpting Optimization in High Resolution (3.0 Tesla) MRI-Guided HDR Brachytherapy for GYN Cancer: For Different High Risk CTV Sizes - Y. Kim*, J. Xia |
SU-GG-T-57 |
Collimated Beams for HDR Brachytherapy Dosimetry - S. Benhabib*, C. Austerlitz, C. Sibata |
SU-GG-T-58 |
Commissioning of Varian Ring & Tandem HDR Applicators: Reproducibility and Inter-Observer Variability of Dwell Position Offsets - R. McMahon*, T. Zhuang, B. Steffey, H. Song, O. Craciunescu |
SU-GG-T-59 |
Optimization of the Applicator Position in the Treatment of Vaginal Vault HDR Brachytherapy: A Study Based On GEC-ESTRO Guidelines - H. Malhotra*, S. Patil, Z. Wang, K. Johnson, S. Lele, K. Odunsi, N. DuPont, J. Yap |
SU-GG-T-60 |
Clinical Implementation and Quality Assurance of a New HDR Applicator for Partial Breast Irradiation - K. Dou*, M. Jacobs, M. Seidal, M. Ottinger |
SU-GG-T-61 |
Dose Correction in Lung for HDR Breast Brachytherapy - E. Slessinger*, E. Pepin, Q. Zhao, L. Zhao, I. Das |
SU-GG-T-62 |
Potential for Target Underdosing with Small Skin Bridges in Balloon HDR Brachytherapy of the Breast - N. Orton*, B. Petruzzello, W. Lamoreaux |
SU-GG-T-63 |
Determination of Dose Objective Parameters and Dose Evaluation During Inverse Planned HDR Brachytherapy Based On a Global DVH-Based Statistical Comparison - J. Pouliot*, D. Krishnamurthy, J. Cunha, V. Weinberg, I. Hsu |
SU-GG-T-64 |
A Study of Computed Radiography for High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Source Position Quality Assurance - D. Piriyasang*, P. Tangboonduangjit |
SU-GG-T-65 |
Dosimetric Verification of HDR Treatment Planning System Dose Calculations by Farmer Chamber Measurements in Water - A. Corrao*, G. Cardarelli, I. Mihaylov, B. Curran, E. Sternick |
SU-GG-T-66 |
Dosimetric Comparison Between Contura MLB and MammoSite ML - X. Liang*, D. Arthur, D. Todor |
SU-GG-T-67 |
Objective Approach to Report Planner-Independent Skin and Rib Distance and Maximal Dose in Contura® HDR Breast Brachytherapy Planning - Y. Kim*, M. Trombetta |
SU-GG-T-68 |
Dosimetric Effect of the Source Position Uncertainty for the Mammosite-Based Brachytherapy - S. Chen*, S. Zhou, A. Wahl, S. Li, R. Thompson, C. Enke |
SU-GG-T-69 |
Comparison of Three Optimization Methods of BrachyVision™ for IORT Using HDR and HAM Applicator - T. Zhuang*, B. Steffey, H. Song, O. Craciunescu |
SU-GG-T-70 |
A Dosimetric Study of the MicroSelectron HDR Ir-192 Brachytherapy Source - D. Granero*, M. Rivard, F. Ballester, J. Perez-Calatayud, J. Vijande, A. Otal |
SU-GG-T-71 |
Study of Dosimetric Variation Due to Interfraction Organ Movement in High Dose Rate Interstital (MUPIT) Brachytherapy for Gynecologic Malignancies - T. Velmurugan*, S. Prabakar, C. Krishnappan, B. Raghavendiran, M. Janarthina Kani |
SU-GG-T-72 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Three Multi-Lumen Brachytherapy Applicators with the Original MammoSite® Balloon Used in Partial Breast Irradiation (PBI) - J. Detwiler*, D. Pearson, E. Parsai, |
SU-GG-T-73 |
High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy Using Foley and Catheter Technique for Treatment of Urethral Cancer - S. Deore*, M. Atanas, X. Xu, J. Haynes, L. Donahue |
SU-GG-T-74 |
CT-Based 3D Planning Using Non-CT Compatible Ring and Tandem Brachytherapy Applicator - E. Fourkal*, Y. Chen, R. Price, C. Ma, P. Anderson |
SU-GG-T-75 |
Phantom Studies of Difficulties with Seed Detection Software Following I-125 Prostate Implants - B. Krancevic*, M. Kolar, D. Wilkinson |
SU-GG-T-76 |
Post Implant Dosimetry for I 125 and Pd 103 Anchor and Non Anchor Seeds - M. Szegedi*, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, Y. Huang, J. Tward, H. Zhao, D. Shrieve, B. Salter |
SU-GG-T-77 |
Effect of Mobile Seed Components On Dosimetry of Theragenic Model 200 Pd-103 Seed Source - G. Yegin*, S. Duman, G. Aydogdu, B. Camgoz, S. Aras, M. Kumru |
SU-GG-T-78 |
Influence of Material Heterogeneities for Brachytherapy Dose Calculations - M. Rivard*, L. Beaulieu, F. Mourtada |
SU-GG-T-79 |
Voxel-Based Imaging Analysis for Quantitative Characterization of Post-Implant Prostate Edema in Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy - Y. Zhai*, X. Papademetris, D. Scheinost, K. Roberts, R. Nath, Z. Chen |
SU-GG-T-80 |
Accounting for Prostate Motion in Interstitial Prostate LDR Brachytherapy for Aiding Post-Implant Dosimetry - M. Gulam*, A. Gopal, D. Pradhan, C. Smith, T. Nurushev, I. Chetty |
SU-GG-T-81 |
Evaluation of Prostate Volume Change in Tumor Control for LDR Brachytherapy - C. Knaup*, P. Mavroidis, S. Stathakis, M. Smith, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-82 |
Clinical Experiences and Dosimetric Comparison of the Model 6711 and 9011 I-125 for Intra-Operative Prostate Implant - L. Wang*, Y. Cao, L. Lee, H. Gaballa, A. Jamshidi, L. Potters |
SU-GG-T-83 |
Investigation of Critical Ocular Structure Doses Using a 3D Plaque Simulator Model - S. Qi*, M. Miften, H. Rice, S. Oliver |
SU-GG-T-84 |
Rapid Strand Source Verification - D. Lightfoot* |
SU-GG-T-85 |
Anisotropy Function Verification of I-125 Brachytherapy Source with Film Dosimetry - D. Zhang*, N. Gupta, L. Lu, H. Zhang |
SU-GG-T-86 |
Retrospective Evaluation of Symmetrically Loaded COMS Plaques For Juxtapapillary Choroidal Melanoma Patients Using Plaque Simulator - A. Beiki-Ardakani*, H. Krema, A. Sahgal, R. Simpson, J. Jezioranski, M. Heydarian, W. Xu, D. Weisbrod, D. Payne, N. Laperriere |
SU-GG-T-87 |
Seed Cloud Volume as Surrogate for Prostate Volume for Dosimetry of ¹²5I Permanent Brachytherapy - P. Ravindran*, R. Sloboda |
SU-GG-T-88 |
Quality Assurance of I-125 Seeds Prostate Implant - J. Tsai*, A. Olzsanski, M. Naguib, S. Brown |
SU-GG-T-89 |
Real-Time Intraoperative Planning Is Not Required to Achieve Consistent High Quality Implants for Prostate Brachytherapy - R. Kudchadker*, D. Swanson, T. Bruno, S. Frank |
SU-GG-T-90 |
Comparison of Annulus and Sector Dosimetry Between Prostate Brachytherapy Biochemical Failures and Matched Non-Failures - W. Butler*, G. Merrick, Z. Allen, B. White |
SU-GG-T-91 |
Effect of Edema On Survival Fraction and Biologically Effective Dose in 131Cs Prostate Permanent Seed Implants - T. Kehwar*, M. Huq, H. Jones, R. Smith |
SU-GG-T-93 |
Investigation of Various Phantom Materials for Very High Energy Electron (VHEE) Beams 150-250 MeV: A Monte Carlo Study - D. Stewart*, V. Moskvin, C. Desrosiers |
SU-GG-T-94 |
An Automated Tool for Determining Output Factor For Electron CutOuts - L. Brewster Mallalieu*, G. Gill, P. Yuen, A. Kapur, A. Jamshidi, Y. Cao |
SU-GG-T-95 |
The Effect of Cloth and Paper Gowns On Skin Dose for 6 MeV Total Skin Electron Treatments - J. Steinman*, L. Hopkins, Z. Wang |
SU-GG-T-96 |
Energy Differential Response of Cancer Cells For Low Dose Irradiation:Impact Of Monoenergetic Brachytherapy Sources - P. Gueye*, Y. Prilepskiy, C. Keppel, R. Britten |
SU-GG-T-97 |
Virtual Simulation for Intraoperative Radiotherapy - J. Ruiz Rodriguez, J. López-Tarjuelo*, A. Bouché-Babiloni, V. Morillo-Macías, C. Ferrer-Albiach, J. Santos-Miranda, J. Pascau González, F. Calvo |
SU-GG-T-98 |
Pencil Beam for Electron Intraoperative Radiotherapy. Early Results From Profile and Percentage Depth Dose Modelling - J. López-Tarjuelo*, M. Lardiés, A. García-Romero, J. Ruiz Rodriguez, E. Lavado-Rodríguez, J. Calama-Santiago, M. Infante-Utrilla, C. Ferrer-Albiach, E. Sanfeliu-Lucas |
SU-GG-T-99 |
Re-Evaluation of a Tungsten Made Commercial Eye Shield in Electron Beams - Y. Wang* |
SU-GG-T-100 |
Comparison of Measured D-Max for Irregular Electron Cutout Fields to Treatment Planning System Prediction and Nominal Open Field D-Max - A. Magnelli*, B. Krancevic, P. Xia |
SU-GG-T-101 |
Dosimetric Analysis of Matching 6 MV Photon and Electron Fields in Chestwall Treatment - W. Xiong*, Y. Huang, R. Gewanter, P. Dutta, C. Burman |
SU-GG-T-102 |
Implementation of a Comprehensive Quality Assurance Regime for the Deliverance of Electron Conformal Radiotherapy Using Custom Bolus Compensators - T. Denton*, C. Coffey, M. Morales |
SU-GG-T-103 |
Dosimetric Investigation of the Requirements Needed for Elekta Machines to Perform Modulated Electron Radiation Therapy - A. Eldib*, M. A.Moez, N. ElSherbiny, J. Fan, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-104 |
Modulated Electron Radiotherapy for Bilateral Chest Wall Treatment - E. Huang*, M. Surucu, K. Moore, M. Taylor, D. Mansur, E. Klein |
SU-GG-T-105 |
Dosimetric Analysis of Matching Photon and Electron Fields for the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancers - C. Gerrein*, M. Lamba, H. Elson |
SU-GG-T-106 |
Simultaneous Integrated Boost Radiotherapy Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (RapidArc) in the Treatment of Head&Neck Cancer: A Dosimetric Comparison with Helical TomoTherapy and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy - M. Yeginer*, B. Smith, J. Turian, G. Kim, B. Aydogan |
SU-GG-T-107 |
Feasibility Study of Total Marrow Irradiation Using RapidArc - G. Kim*, Y. Liang, G. White, X. Ning, L. Mell, T. Pawlicki |
SU-GG-T-108 |
Optimal Management of Respiratory Motion Without Motion Management: A Tomotherapy Phantom Demonstration - M. Kissick*, X. Mo, K. McCall, L. Schubert, D. Westerly, T. Mackie |
SU-GG-T-109 |
Comprehensive RapidArc™ Treatment Planning and Quality Assurance for Head and Neck Cancers - J. Zhang*, G. Vanderbeck, S. Dietrich, D. Schiffner, J. Wong, J. Kuo, N. Ramsinghani, M. Al-Ghazi, D. Roa |
SU-GG-T-110 |
A Novel Aperture-Based Algorithm for Fast Treatment Plan Optimization of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) - C. Men*, E. Romeijn, X. Jia, X. Gu, Y. Liang, S. Jiang |
SU-GG-T-111 |
Volume-Modulated Arc Therapy Delivery to Moving Targets - B. Sun*, D. Rangaraj, H. Li |
SU-GG-T-112 |
Segment-Modulated Arc Radiation Therapy: Single Arc Inverse Planning with Binary Programming and Exact Leaf-Sequencing Algorithm - Y. Ma*, L. Xing |
SU-GG-T-113 |
Impact of Treatment Planning Optimization Parameters On Dose Painting Plans - M. Deveau*, S. Bowen, D. Westerly, R. Jeraj |
SU-GG-T-114 |
A Feasibility Study of a 4D Intensity-Modulated Arc Tracking Technique for Treatment of Moving Targets - Y. Yang*, W. Fu, T. Li, X. Li, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-GG-T-115 |
Inclusion of MLC Leakage in Treatment Plans to Reduce Monitor Units and Treatment Time - D. Tedeschi*, H. Alkhatib, J. Stenbeck, I. Sundararaman |
SU-GG-T-116 |
A Novel Inverse Planning Strategy for Dose Escalation with PET Image Guidance in RT of NSCLC - Y. Li*, X. Li, D. Luo, E. Quan, T. Pan, N. Sahoo, J. Chang, R. Mohan, X. Zhang |
SU-GG-T-117 |
Gated RapidArc Treatment Delivery Using The New Varian Trilogy MX Linear Accelerator - B. Poffenbarger* |
SU-GG-T-118 |
Investigation of Intensity Modulated Compensator-Based TBI for Small Children - S. Sample*, B. Wichman |
SU-GG-T-119 |
124 Patients Treatment Plans Evaluation Experience Between Tomotherapy Helical, Eclipse Rapid-Arc and Static IMRT - S. Lam*, G. Ingram |
SU-GG-T-120 |
The Role of IMRT and IMAT in Targets of Varying Complexity - H. Zhang*, R. Meyer, S. Naqvi, L. Shi, W. D'Souza |
SU-GG-T-121 |
An Initial Study of Dose Distribution in the Junction of SmartArc and 3D Superclavical Fields for Head and Neck Tumors - C. Wang*, P. Wong, S. Tung, M. Martel |
SU-GG-T-122 |
Comprehensive Study of Parameters for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Treatment Planning - C. Talbert*, J. Fontenot |
SU-GG-T-123 |
Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Therapeutic Advantage of Single Fraction Megavoltage Grid Therapy for F98 Glioma Brain Tumor Cell Lines - H. Zhang*, T. Huo, R. Barth |
SU-GG-T-124 |
Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Brain Tumors: Dosimetric Comparison with Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy - R. Ter-Antonyan*, W. Yang, C. Geesey, D. Lain, J. Larner, S. Benedict |
SU-GG-T-125 |
Optimization of Three-Dimensional Treatment Plan in Beamlet Domain by Applying Spatial Variation Constraint of the Fluence Maps and by Compressed Sensing Method - B. Meng*, L. Zhu, B. Widrow, S. Boyd, L. Xing |
SU-GG-T-126 |
Non-Coplanar Helical Tomotherapy for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancer - W. Yang*, R. Jones, W. Lu, C. Geesey, P. Read, J. Larner, S. Benedict, K. Sheng |
SU-GG-T-127 |
Investigation of a Tertiary Attached Photon Multileaf Collimator Module for Advanced Mixed Beam Radiotherapy - H. Ammar*, A. Eldib, E. attallah, J. Fan, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-128 |
Handling Multiple Clinical Objectives in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning - E. Lee*, K. Cha, J. Deasy, C. Hamilton |
SU-GG-T-129 |
Sparing of Neural Stem Cells During Whole-Brain Radiation Treatments - N. Kirby*, C. Chuang, J. Pouliot, A. Hwang, I. Barani |
SU-GG-T-130 |
Rotational IMRT Delivery Using a Siemens Artiste in Flattening-Filter-Free, High Dose-Rate Mode - V. Sarkar*, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, M. Szegedi, B. Wang, H. Zhao, Y. Huang, H. Shukla, B. Salter |
SU-GG-T-131 |
A Linear Metric of Knowledge-Based IMRT Treatment Plan Quality for the Prostate - M. Freeman*, V. Chanyavanich, S. Das, J. Lo |
SU-GG-T-132 |
Application of Non Flat Beams for Breast Radiotherapy Using Direct Aperture Optimization - Y. Wang*, S. Gajdos, R. Tendulkar, A. Vassil, J. Bayouth, P. Xia |
SU-GG-T-133 |
Increasing the Delivery Efficiency of IMRT DAO-Based Plans Through Segment Reordering - B. Salter*, V. Sarkar, S. Ruhnau, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, Y. Huang, H. Zhao, B. Wang, M. Szegedi |
SU-GG-T-134 |
Knowledge-Based IMRT Treatment Planning for Prostate Cancer - V. Chanyavanich*, M. Freeman, S. Das, J. Lo |
SU-GG-T-135 |
Comparison of Treatment Planning Systems in Elekta Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Elekta VMAT) - Prostate Cancer Study - A. Haga*, S. Kida, Y. Okano, S. Itoh, T. Matsuura, N. Saotome, A. Sakumi, J. Kotoku, S. Kenshiro, K. Nakagawa, Y. Iwai |
SU-GG-T-136 |
Treatment Plans Comparison with Static-Gantry IMRT and RapidArcTM for Head-And-Neck Cancers Involving Cervical Lymph Nodes - S. Yoo*, S. Das, Q. Wu, D. Brizel, F. Yin |
SU-GG-T-137 |
Similarities Between Static and Rotational Intensity Modulated Plans - Q. Wu*, F. Yin, R. McMahon, X. Zhu, S. Das |
SU-GG-T-138 |
Dosimetric Benefits of Non-Coplanar Arcs in VMAT Delivery for Intracranial Targets - D. Cao*, F. Chen, M. Rao, J. Ye, D. Shepard |
SU-GG-T-139 |
Incorporating the Tongue-And-Groove Effect in Direct Aperture Optimization - E. Salari*, E. Romeijn, C. Men |
SU-GG-T-140 |
Treatment Planning of Left-Sided Breast Cancer Patients with Regional Lymph Nodes Using Dynamic Jaws and Dynamic Couch Technique On TomoTherapy - S. Goddu*, M. Michaletz-Lorenz, V. Rodriguez, O. Pechenaya Green, I. Zoberi, M. Taylor, S. Mutic, Y. Chen, D. Parnell, G. Olivera, D. Low |
SU-GG-T-141 |
Current Status of the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open-Source Software System - A. Pyakuryal*, A. Kepka, M. Gopalakrishnan, S. Jang, V. Sathiaseelan, B. Mittal |
SU-GG-T-142 |
A New Fluence-Based Volumetric Modulated Arc Treatment (VMAT) Planning Method - D. Schulze*, T. Zhang, D. Yan |
SU-GG-T-143 |
MLC-Based CyberKnife Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer - J. Fan*, J. Li, R. Price, L. Jin, L. Wang, L. Chen, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-144 |
Dosimetric Effect of Using Non-Flat Photon Beam to Create Conventional Open Fields and Standard Phantom IMRT Plans - M. Kolar*, P. Xia |
SU-GG-T-145 |
Inverse Planning for IMRT with Flattening Filter Free (FFF) Beams - L. Xing*, B. Meng, L. Wang, K. Kielar, E. Mok |
SU-GG-T-146 |
Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) for GBM Boost: The Impact of Multileaf Collimator Leaf Width and Calculation Grid On Planning Quality and Delivery Efficiency - D. Schifter*, S. Al Ani, B. Corn |
SU-GG-T-147 |
The Feasibility of Dose Delivery Error Prediction of IMRT Fields Using Support Vector Machine - H. Jeon*, D. Park, J. Nam, W. Kim, D. Kim, Y. Ki, D. Kim |
SU-GG-T-148 |
Planning Study for Cone Beam Therapy - G. Chen*, X. Hu, C. Corbit, H. Shukla, X. Li |
SU-GG-T-149 |
A Dosimetric Comparison of Conventional Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy for Left-Breast Cancer After Breast-Conserving Surgery - T. Sun*, Y. Yin, x. lin, J. Lu, t. liu, J. Chen, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-151 |
Initial Clinical Experience with Monaco VMAT - D. Shepard*, D. Cao, V. Mehta, F. Chen, M. Rao, T. Wong |
SU-GG-T-152 |
Pediatric Craniospinal Irradiation with RapidArc: A Feasibility Study and Dosimetric Comparison - T. Atwood*, S. Soltys, L. Xing |
SU-GG-T-153 |
Dosimetric Impact of Titanium Spinal Fixation Devices in Spine IMRT - Y. Fu*, B. Tang, J. Xiao, S. Wang |
SU-GG-T-154 |
Special Radiation Treatment Procedures Using RapidArc™ - D. Roa*, G. Vanderbeck, J. Zhang, D. Schiffner, J. Wong, J. Kuo, N. Ramsinghani, M. Al-Ghazi |
SU-GG-T-155 |
Carbon Fiber Couch Effects On Skin Doses for Volumetric Arcs - I. Mihaylov*, K. Bzdusek, M. Kaus |
SU-GG-T-156 |
Jaw Tracking for Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy: Is There An Advantage? - M. Guerrero*, H. Zhang, S. Naqvi, W. D'Souza |
SU-GG-T-157 |
Accurate Modeling of Calypso KVue Couch for Pinnacle SmartArc Based Elekta VMAT Prostate Treatments - C. Wu*, C. Tunnicliff, D. Asche |
SU-GG-T-158 |
A Coverage Probability Based Method to Estimate Patient-Specific Planning Organ-At-Risk Volumes for the Small Bowel to Account for Organ Motion During Radiotherapy - L. Hysing, M. Söhn, L. Muren*, M. Alber |
SU-GG-T-159 |
Beam Angle Optimization for IMRT Plans - T. Nguyen*, V. Nguyen, W. Fong |
SU-GG-T-160 |
Multi-Objective Optimization of Beam Orientation and Apertures in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) - R. Cao*, X. Pei, Y. Wu |
SU-GG-T-161 |
Effect of Leaf Motion Calculator Parameters in Head and Neck IMRT - J. Maria Das*, K. Mani, S. Yoganathan, A. Agarwal, S. Kumar |
SU-GG-T-162 |
Using Tumor Motion Trajectory as a Constraint for 4D-IMRT Treatment Planning - L. Qin*, J. Zhang |
SU-GG-T-163 |
Implications of 120-MLC Plans Treated On An 80-MLC Linear Accelerator - C. Esquivel*, X. Wang, O. Calvo, S. Stathakis, I. Corona, D. Mihailidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-164 |
Population Dose Volume Histograms: An Institutional Analysis of An Uniform Sample of IMRT Plans for Prostate Treatments - W. Neves-Junior*, T. Casagrande, T. Alves, A. Mancini, E. Pelosi, C. Haddad, J. SILVA |
SU-GG-T-165 |
Evaluation of the Effect of the Head Holder Base Plate On Head/Neck RapidArc Plans - L. Wang*, I. Veltchev, J. Fan, L. Jin, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-166 |
Patient Characteristics That Predict the Need for Breast IMRT - C. Harrington*, Y. Lyatskaya, M. Czerminska, J. Harris, R. Cormack |
SU-GG-T-167 |
Faster IMRT Delivery On a Siemens Primus with a Novel High Performance MLC Controller - J. Mallah*, D. Mihailidis, L. Limanen |
SU-GG-T-168 |
Comparison of Target Coverage and Organs at Risk Dose Between Simultaneous Integrated Boost Whole Field IMRT and a Junctioned IMRT with Conventional Radiotherapy Field in Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - J. Chung*, J. Lee, J. Kim, I. Kim, B. Choe, T. Suh |
SU-GG-T-169 |
The Utility of Off-Cord Arc Beams in RapidArc Planning for Head/neck Cancers - J. Zhang*, W. Laub |
SU-GG-T-170 |
Evaluation of Tradeoffs Between Delivery Efficiency and Clinical Plan Quality Arising From Optimizer and MLC Sequencer Compromises - J. Wilkie*, M. Feng, M. Matuszak, J. Moran, B. Fraass |
SU-GG-T-171 |
Use of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters, OSLDs, for An Independent Verification of Dose Delivered by IMRT Treatments - R. Sharma*, P. Jursinic |
SU-GG-T-172 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Low Dose Region (V5) for Tomotherapy Versus Conventional IMRT Plans of Lung Cancer - S. Jang*, S. Krafft, R. Hamilton, C. Watchman, N. Nguyen |
SU-GG-T-173 |
Dosimetric Verification of IMRT Fields Using GafChromic® EBT-2 Film - R. McLawhorn*, R. Ter-Antonyan, S. Benedict, K. Wijesooriya |
SU-GG-T-174 |
Comparison of Structure Contouring Efficiency and Dose-Volume Histograms (DVH) of Pinnacle3 and Eclipse Treatment Planning Systems for Prostate IMRT - N. Reddy*, A. Ravi, H. Chang, C. Lange, D. Nori |
SU-GG-T-175 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of the Use of Air Or Water Filled Endorectal Balloons for Prostate IMRT Patients - R. Kudchadker*, Q. Nguyen, K. Vu, L. Wootton, O. Vassiliev, S. Choi, S. Frank, J. Johnson, D. Kuban, A. Lee |
SU-GG-T-176 |
Influence of the Multileaf Collimator Step Size in Step&shoot IMRT Prostate Treatments - C. Descamps, E. Garrigo, C. Venencia* |
SU-GG-T-177 |
Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Planning Characteristics of Celiac Deep-Seated Tumor - J. Zhu*, M. Liu, Y. Yin, t. bai |
SU-GG-T-178 |
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in the Treatment of Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: Clinical Outcomes and Relation of Parotid Gland Volume with Xerostomia - A. Turaka*, B. Weinberg, T. Li, N. Nicos, B. Burtness, M. Lango, J. Ridge, S. Feigenberg |
SU-GG-T-179 |
Dosimetric Analysis of Simultaneous Integrated Boost with Step and Shoot IMRT - P. Ravindran*, S. Balukrishna, P. Viswanathan |
SU-GG-T-180 |
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for the Para-Nasal Sinus (PNS) Malignancies: Outcomes From Fox Chase Cancer Center (FCCC) - A. Turaka*, R. Cattaneo, N. Nicos, M. Lango, B. Burtness, J. Ridge, S. Feigenberg |
SU-GG-T-181 |
Effects of the MLC Characteristics On IMRT Dose Distribution - J. Li*, T. Lin, L. Chen, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-182 |
Two Years of Clinical Experience with DAVID - a Translucent Multi-Wire Detector for On-Line Verification of Patient Treatments - B. Poppe*, H. Looe, D. Harder, Y. Upphoff, A. Ruehmann, K. Willborn |
SU-GG-T-183 |
Enhanced Accuracy of IMRT Photon Fluence Profile Surveillance: Iterative Resolution Correction of the DAVID Chamber - H. Looe*, D. Harder, A. Ruehmann, K. Willborn, B. Poppe |
SU-GG-T-184 |
Per-Patient Dose QA Based On Clinically Relevant Metrics: Validation of the Planned Dose Perturbation Method to Estimate Patient Dose/DVH Using Conventional QA Data - B. Nelms*, H. Zhen, D. Savitskij, R. Hardee, W. Tome |
SU-GG-T-185 |
Eliminating Errors in Setup and Positioning for Patient-Specific IMRT QA - S. Kamath*, J. Palta |
SU-GG-T-186 |
Fast and Generalized Dose Reconstruction Method Using Virtual Beamlet Dose Responses - I. Yeo*, J. Jung, J. Kim |
SU-GG-T-187 |
Impact of Breathing Irreproducibility On Dose Delivery for Phase and Amplitude Gating - S. An*, J. Jung, I. Yeo, R. Lee, B. Yi |
SU-GG-T-188 |
A Field Size Specific Backscatter Correction Algorithm for Accurate EPID Dosimetry - S. Berry*, C. Polvorosa, C. Wuu |
SU-GG-T-190 |
Effects of the MLC Leaf Offset On IMRT Dose Distribution - J. Li*, T. Lin, L. Chen, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-191 |
DynaLog File Analysis for IMRT Delivery Verification - B. Aydogan*, B. Smith, J. Li |
SU-GG-T-192 |
Automatic Ionization Chamber Measurement Points Selection for IMRT Point Dose QA - D. Yang*, S. Goddu, D. Rangaraj |
SU-GG-T-193 |
Evaluation of Three IMRT QA Techniques to Detect MLC Positioning Errors - A. Bergan*, H. Elson, M. Lamba, B. McGill |
SU-GG-T-194 |
Commissioning, Validation, and Implementation of the COMPASS System Into a Clinical Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Quality Assurance Program - J. Crass*, M. Morales, C. Coffey |
SU-GG-T-195 |
On the Correlation of Conventional IMRT QA Metrics to Clinical Impact in Per-Patient Dose QA - H. Zhen*, B. Nelms, W. Tome |
SU-GG-T-196 |
Effect of Small Field Output Factors On Pinnacle IMRT Dose - R. Azimi*, P. Alaei, P. Higgins |
SU-GG-T-197 |
Dosimetric Investigation of Patient Specific IMRT QA Using MatriXX - T. Lin*, M. Hossain, R. Price, L. Jin, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-198 |
A Pitfall in IMRT Verification: The Jaw Position - C. Lin*, Y. Huang |
SU-GG-T-199 |
Quality Assurace for Large Field IMRT Using EPID Images - R. Rice*, G. Kim, E. Kinsey, M. Whitaker, T. Pawlicki |
SU-GG-T-200 |
Comparison of a Novel Transmission Detector to a Standard Measurement Technique for Patient IMRT Quality Assurance - B. McCurdy*, K. Malkoske |
SU-GG-T-201 |
Managing the Transition of IMRT QA Systems: From Radiographic Films to Detectors Array - W. Neves-Junior*, T. Alves, T. Casagrande, A. Mancini, E. Pelosi, C. Haddad |
SU-GG-T-202 |
Automation of Patient Specific IMRT QA Plan Generation - S. Yaddanapudi*, D. Yang, K. Moore, S. Goddu, S. Mutic, D. Rangaraj |
SU-GG-T-203 |
Dosimetric Properties of a Transmission Detector in a 6 MV Photon Beam - Y. Nakaguchi*, F. Araki, S. Saiga |
SU-GG-T-204 |
Feasibility Study of On-Site IMRT Audit in Japan - N. Tohyama*, T. Kojima, T. Kawachi, M. Kurooka, S. Kitou, H. Okamoto, Y. Kumazaki, S. Hashimoto, Y. Fujita, N. Hayashi, T. Kodama, K. Hatano, H. Saitoh |
SU-GG-T-205 |
Limitations of Delta4 IMRT QA for Large Field Sizes - M. Lawrence*, S. Chang |
SU-GG-T-206 |
A Comparison of Four IMRT Quality Assurance Techniques - M. McKissick*, D. Duggan, J. Gaiser |
SU-GG-T-207 |
Investigation of the Segmental- and Dynamic-IMRT Delivery Performance for Combination of Varian 21iX-S and CMS XiO Treatment Planning System - T. Kojima*, N. Tohyama, T. Kodama, T. Kawachi, T. Iwase, T. Shimizu, J. Uno, K. Hatano, M. Kurooka, H. Saitoh |
SU-GG-T-208 |
3-D Dosimetric Comparison of IMRT with 2.5 Mm HD120 MLC Using Optical CT Based Polymer Gel and PRESAGE Dosimeters - C. Wuu*, M. Maryanski, J. Adamovics, Y. Xu |
SU-GG-T-209 |
A Novel Method for Further Analysis of IMRT QA - M. Lawrence*, T. Cullip, L. Potter, J. Lian, S. Wang, Z. Xu, K. Deschesne, S. Chang |
SU-GG-T-210 |
An Examination of the Usefulness of Films in Addition to Electronic Methods in Pre-Treatment IMRT QA - D. Bailey*, S. de Boer, M. Podgorsak |
SU-GG-T-211 |
An Independent MU Calculation Program for Dynamic IMRT - A. Dimofte*, T. Zhu, T. Ivanova |
SU-GG-T-212 |
Verification of IMRT Plans for SRT with 2D Detector Array - T. Ivanova*, A. Kassaee |
SU-GG-T-213 |
Portal Dosimetry for Pre-Treatment Verification of IMRT Plan: A Comparison with 2D Ion Chamber Array - D. Sharma*, V. Mhatre, M. Heigrujam, K. Talapatra, S. Mallik |
SU-GG-T-214 |
Application of a Simple Transmission Dosimetry for Prevention of Loss of MLC Accident (LOMA) During Record and Verification (R&V) System Upgrade - S. Kim*, S. Oh, C. Serago, A. Gale, T. Suh |
SU-GG-T-216 |
Practical Considerations and Clinical Implementation of Patient Specific QA for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - Y. Song*, C. Obcemea, B. Mueller, C. Burman, B. Mychalczak |
SU-GG-T-217 |
Can Two Dimensional Diode Arrays Serve as An Effective Tool for VMAT Quality Assurance? - F. Chen*, M. Rao, J. Ye, J. Wu, T. Wong, D. Shepard, D. Cao |
SU-GG-T-218 |
A Feasibility Study of Using Convolution Method of a Motion Kernel to Correct Tumor Motion Effect When Treating Pancreatic Cancer with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) - J. Shen*, T. Zhu, J. Plastaras, V. BarAd, J. Metz, S. Both |
SU-GG-T-219 |
Comparison of Techniques to Simulate VMAT for Matching Delivery to Dose Calculation - D. Cao*, M. Rao, F. Chen, J. Ye, D. Shepard |
SU-GG-T-220 |
Comparison of RapidArc and IMRT Peripheral Doses for Pediatric Patients Based On Measured and TPS Doses - Z. Han*, P. Nitsch, Y. Lyatskaya, K. Marcus, P. Zygmanski |
SU-GG-T-221 |
Clinical Implementation of Monte Carlo Simulation for RapidArc Dosimetry Verification - M. Lin*, C. Lee, J. Li, L. Wang, C. Ma, T. Chao, C. Tung |
SU-GG-T-222 |
Angular Response Correction Factors for ImRT MatriXX in Rotational Beam Radiotherapy - N. Janardhan*, A. Bhardwaj, T. Kataria, S. J, V. S, K. KP, K. Jassal |
SU-GG-T-223 |
Characterization of Responses of 2D-Array Seven29 Detector and Its Combined Use with Octavius Phantom for the Patient Specific Quality Assurance in Rapid Arc Treatment Delivery - K. Syam*, P. Sriram, S. Prabakar, N. Vivekanandan |
SU-GG-T-224 |
Quality Assurance of Tomotherapy BreastTreatments Using Exit Detector Data: A Feasibility Study - S. Goddu*, H. Wooten, V. Rodriguez, J. Cates, S. Yaddanapudi, D. Yang, D. Rangaraj, S. Mutic, G. Olivera, D. Low |
SU-GG-T-225 |
Gantry-Angle Dependence of a 2D Ion Chamber Array for IMAT QA - J. O'Daniel*, M. Kishore, S. Das, Q. Wu, S. Yoo, F. Yin |
SU-GG-T-226 |
Reproducible QA of RapidArc Treatment Plans with MapCHECK2 and MapPHAN - M. Kowalok* |
SU-GG-T-227 |
Dynamic IMRT Split Beam Technique Verification Using EPID Based Dosimetry - J. Richart*, J. Perez-Calatayud, D. Granero, F. Ballester |
SU-GG-T-228 |
A New Technique to Measure Orthogonal Dose Distribution in Phantom for IMRT QA with Gafchromic EBT2 Film - S. Ozawa*, T. Furuya, M. Kawashima, C. Kurokawa, K. Karasawa, K. Sasai |
SU-GG-T-229 |
Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy for Pediatric Brain Tumors - J. Gray*, C. Beltran |
SU-GG-T-230 |
Performance Monitoring of VMAT Delivery - B. Norrlinger*, R. Heaton, G. Wilson, M. Islam |
SU-GG-T-231 |
Respiratory Organ Motional Effect On the Dose Distribution in Tomotherapy - J. Song*, M. Yoon, T. Nam, S. Ahn, W. Chung, B. Nah |
SU-GG-T-232 |
Evaluation of RapidArc Dose Delivery Using Radiological Physics Center Phantoms - K. Kisling*, D. Yaldo, D. Followill, S. Kry, S. Scarboro, S. Frank, R. Howell |
SU-GG-T-233 |
An Integration Calculation Method for Dose Verification of Arc-Based Radiotherapy - S. Li*, Z. Liu, P. Chan, B. Micaily, C. Miyamoto |
SU-GG-T-234 |
Quality Assurance of IMAT Plans - G. Kim*, N. Detorie, T. Pawlicki, R. Rice |
SU-GG-T-235 |
Consistency and Reproducibility of the VMAT Plan Delivery Using Three Independent Validation Methods - V. Chandraraj, S. Stathakis*, R. Manickam, C. Esquivel, C. Knaup, P. Myers, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-236 |
Quality Assurance of VMAT Treatment Delivery: Comparison of Four Different Dosimetric Equipments for the Verification of Plans Created by Two Treatment Planning Systems - L. Masi*, R. Doro, F. Casamassima, C. Menichelli, I. Bonucci, S. Masciullo |
SU-GG-T-237 |
Impact of Modeling the Treatment Couch for IMAT Treatments - C. McGarry*, J. O''Sullivan, A. Hounsell |
SU-GG-T-238 |
In-Silico Verification of RapidArc Using Swiss Monte Carlo Plan - P. Manser*, D. Schmidhalter, E. Born, R. Mini, W. Volken, D. Frei, M. Fix |
SU-GG-T-239 |
Initial Experience of Patient Specific Rotational Quality Assurance for VMAT Using a Cylindrical Diodes Array Detector System - S. Qi*, A. Hu, D. Westerly, H. Rice, F. Newman, K. Stuhr, C. Chen, D. Raben, B. Kavanagh, L. Gaspar, M. Miften |
SU-GG-T-240 |
3D Dose Calculation in Delta4 - G. Nilsson*, V. Feygelman |
SU-GG-T-241 |
Patient Specific QA Using EBT2 Films for VMAT - M. Chan*, J. Li, C. Burman |
SU-GG-T-242 |
Sensitivity Analysis of Single and Partial Arc Plans for VMAT Planning, Delivery and QA - K. Yang*, D. Gersten, D. Yan, N. Tyagi |
SU-GG-T-243 |
Quality Assurance Measurements for Varian/ RapidArc - G. Wu*, C. Saw, M. Ferenci, J. Yang |
SU-GG-T-244 |
3-Dimensional Dosimetry QA Evaluation for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - Y. Liu*, J. Campbell |
SU-GG-T-245 |
3-Dimensional Dosimetry QA Evaluation for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - Y. Liu*, J. Campbell |
SU-GG-T-246 |
Systematics Review of Patient-Specific Plan Dose Verification in IMRT and RapidArc Treatments by Ion-Chamber Measurements - H. Xiang*, Y. Lo, R. Sheu, A. Svoboda, V. Dumane, I. Veksman, S. Green, I. Germano, J. Kao, V. Gupta, R. Stock |
SU-GG-T-247 |
A New Method to Compensate Angular Dependency of MapCheck Device in Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy - J. Zhang*, W. Laub |
SU-GG-T-248 |
Dose-Escalation for a Dominant Intraprostatic Lesion Using a Combination of IMRT and VMAT - A. Abdellatif*, D. Hoover, J. Craig, H. Mosalaei, M. Mulligan, K. Bzdusek, G. Bauman, J. Chen, E. Wong |
SU-GG-T-249 |
Delivery Quality Assurance for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Using a Teflon Cylindrical Phantom - D. Worthy*, M. Snyder, R. Starin |
SU-GG-T-250 |
3D Dose Reconstruction for Delivery Quality Assurance (DQA) From Multiple 2D Planes Using the OCTAVIOUS Phantom - O. Calvo*, B. Guo, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-251 |
Evaluating Dose Measurements of Rotational Treatment Techniques - w. crijns*, F. Van den Heuvel |
SU-GG-T-252 |
The Comparison of Matrixx IMRT QA and MapCheck IMRT QA - L. Lu*, N. Gupta, D. Zhang, M. Weldon, J. Wang, H. Zhang, I. Sundararaman, Z. Huang |
SU-GG-T-253 |
Need for Robust Treatment Planning and Review Tools - S. Boddu*, S. Goddu, K. Moore, S. Mutic, S. Yaddanapudi, D. Rangaraj |
SU-GG-T-254 |
A Quantitative Assessment of Safety Measures in a Radiation Oncology Clinic - E. Ford*, L. Myers, D. Song, R. Zellars, J. Wong, D. Theodore, S. Terezakis |
SU-GG-T-255 |
Development of A Computational Infrastructure for GPU-Based Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy - O. Fluck*, X. Gu, C. Men, D. Choi, A. Majumdar, S. Jiang |
SU-GG-T-256 |
An Enhanced DICOM-RT Viewer - Y. Yan*, Y. Dou, X. Weng, A. Wallin |
SU-GG-T-258 |
Solutions to Transforming a Radiotherapy Clinic with Multigenerational Equipment Into a Paperless and Filmless Facility - Y. Yan*, Y. Dou, X. Weng, C. Cox |
SU-GG-T-258 |
Quality Assurance of Plan Parameter Integrity Before and During Treatment - E. Furhang*, C. Kim, J. Sillanpaa, L. Harrison |
SU-GG-T-259 |
Validation of CERR for Use as a Digital Data Review Tool at the Quality Assurance Review Center - K. Ulin*, M. Schmitter, M. McNulty |
SU-GG-T-260 |
Dicompyler: An Open Source Radiation Therapy Research Platform with a Plugin Architecture - A. Panchal*, R. Keyes |
SU-GG-T-261 |
An Integrated Software Environment for Image Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy Research - M. Fatyga, N. Dogan, W. Sleeman, B. Zhang* |
SU-GG-T-262 |
Open-Source Tool for Assessing Variability in DICOM Data - W. Bennett, J. Matthews, W. Bosch* |
SU-GG-T-263 |
A Customized Report to Enhance/Facilitate Chart Rounds in the E-Chart Era - J. Roeske*, F. Vali, K. Albuquerque, M. Siddiqui, M. Gao, M. Quinn |
SU-GG-T-264 |
An Infrastructure Towards Better and Safer Radiation Therapy- Quality Assurance Information System (QAIS) - D. Rangaraj*, K. Moore, L. Santanam, S. Yaddanapudi, D. Yang, S. Goddu, R. Brame, S. Mutic, D. Low |
SU-GG-T-265 |
Stopping Power for Tissue Equivalent Materials and Hounsfield Numbers for Proton Radiation Treatment Planning: Calculation and Measurements - A. Ayan*, C. Ainsley, K. Shahnazi, E. Garver, S. Both, K. Oliver, J. McDonough |
SU-GG-T-266 |
Impacts of the Sensitomertic Curve Depending On Scanning Parameters and Post-Operative Corrections On Radiochromic Film Dosimetry - J. Park*, J. Lee, K. Choi, W. Jung, T. Suh |
SU-GG-T-267 |
Imaging Properties of the OCTOPUS™-IQ Scanner in Combination with a New Polymer Gel Dosimeter - S. Sriprisan*, O. Zeidan, M. Maryanski |
SU-GG-T-268 |
The Effect of Scanning Pattern and Dose Rate On Output Factor for Uniform Scanning Proton Beam - Q. Zhao*, H. Wu, D. Pack, C. Cheng, I. Das |
SU-GG-T-269 |
Should the Image Rotation Be Addressed During Routine CBCT QA? - A. Ayan*, H. Lin, N. Anderson, T. Zhu, H. Lu, S. Both |
SU-GG-T-270 |
Impact of Quality of Triaxial Cable On Radiation Dose Measurement - S. Srivastava*, I. Das, A. Gautom, C. Cheng |
SU-GG-T-271 |
Dosimetric Properties of Flattening Filter Free Photon Beams From a New Clinical Accelerator - E. Mok*, K. Kielar, A. Hsu, P. Maxim, L. Xing |
SU-GG-T-272 |
Evaluation of the Use of Optically Stimulated Luminescent Detectors and Thermoluminescent Detectors for Measuring the Output of Self-Shielded X-Ray Units and the Absorbed Dose to Patients From a CT Procedure - C. Reft* |
SU-GG-T-273 |
A Neutron Measurement Comparison of Varian and Elekta 10&18 MV Photon Beams - K. Chen*, E. Klein |
SU-GG-T-274 |
A Practical MLC Pattern for Comprehensive Routine MLC QA - S. Neupane*, B. Yi, B. Berman |
SU-GG-T-275 |
On Improving the Accuracy of EBT2 Film Dosimetry Using a Flatbed Scanner - T. Pawlicki*, M. Whitaker, G. Kim |
SU-GG-T-276 |
Dosimetric Characterization of a Set of Surface Applicators From Xoft Inc - R. Kennedy*, T. Pike, S. Davis, L. DeWerd |
SU-GG-T-277 |
Dosimetric Comparison of the New Siemens 160 MLC and the Varian Millennium 120 MLC - L. Appenzoller*, H. Perera, P. Sullivan, C. Hand, B. Hasson |
SU-GG-T-278 |
Clinical Dosimetry of Photon Sources Used in Brachytherapy: Need for ISO Standardization, Based On and Extending the AAPM TG-43U1 Formalism by Calibration in Terms of Absorbed Dose to Water - U. Quast*, T. Kaulich, A. Ahnesjö , J. Álvarez-Romero, D. Donnarieix, F. Hensley, L. Maigne, D. Medich, F. Mourtada, A. Pradhan, G. Zakaria |
SU-GG-T-279 |
Current Practice in Small Radiosurgery Field Dosimetry – Preliminary Results From 21 Centers Participating in the International Leksell Gamma Knife Calibration Survey - J. Novotny*, M. Desrosiers, J. Bhatnagar, J. Novotny, G. Bednarz, M. Huq, J. Puhl, S. Seltzer |
SU-GG-T-280 |
Validation of Intrabeam® Bare Probe 50 KVp X-Ray Source Delivered Dose and Vendor Calculated Dose, Using Reference Dosimetry in a Water-Equivalent Phantom - A. Dorgu*, D. Pavord, G. Sherouse, J. Gong, S. Kriminski |
SU-GG-T-281 |
Clinical Experience with An EPID-Based Quality Assurance System for Linear Accelerators - R. Heaton*, B. Norrlinger, J. Smale, M. Islam |
SU-GG-T-282 |
Commissioning Compensator-Based IMRT in the Pinnacle Treatment Planning System - D. Opp*, V. Feygelman, K. Forster |
SU-GG-T-283 |
Tool for Automated Monthly Quality Assurance On Tomotherapy Using Film - S. Yaddanapudi*, J. Garcia Ramirez, O. Pechenaya Green, H. Wooten, G. Palaniswaamy, D. Rangaraj, S. Mutic, S. Goddu |
SU-GG-T-284 |
A Method of Using Ir192 Brachytherapy System to Check the Constancy of PTW 2D-Array Seven29 Ion Chambers - K. Yeh*, C. Su, K. Chuang, R. Chen, Y. Huang |
SU-GG-T-285 |
Combined Effect of Intrinsic Energy Dependence and Intrinsic Linearity On TLD-100 Response to Moderately Filtered 50 KVp X-Ray Spectra Relative to 60Co - Q. Liang*, S. Davis, L. DeWerd |
SU-GG-T-286 |
Cyberknife Quality Assurance Using a Diode Array - G. Cernica*, M. Goss, J. Rodgers |
SU-GG-T-287 |
: A Practical Method for Verifying Constancy of Output Factor for Small Fields Shaped by Variable Beam Limiting Devices - M. Nikolic* |
SU-GG-T-288 |
Dosimetric Characterization of a New Prototype Varian Linear Accelerator - S. Naqvi*, C. Schinkel, Z. Jiang, G. Lasio, W. D'Souza |
SU-GG-T-289 |
A Lifelike Breathing Phantom and Model Tumor for IGRT and 4D Dose Calculation Applications - L. Court*, J. Seco, X. Lu, K. Ebe, C. Mayo, D. Ionascu, B. Winey, N. Giakoumakis , M. Aristophanous, R. Berbeco, J. Rottmann, M. Bogdanov , D. Schofield, T. Lingos |
SU-GG-T-290 |
Virtual SSD and Mean-Square Angular Spread for Broad Electron Beams Measured with a 2D Ion Chamber Array - T. Li*, J. Gong, S. Tong, B. Fountain, E. Duffy |
SU-GG-T-291 |
Evaluation of Two Formulations of Commercial Water-Equivalent Plastic to Establish Suitability for Dosimetry of The ZEISS Intrabeam® 50 KVp X-Ray Source - A. Dorgu*, D. Pavord, J. Gong, G. Sherouse, S. Kriminski |
SU-GG-T-292 |
Comparison of Helical TomoTherapy Patient Quality Assurance Using PTW Seven29 and ScandiDos Delta4 - P. Myers*, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, P. Mavroidis, D. Mihailidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-293 |
Development of National Radiotherapy Audit in the UK - S. Bolton*, G. Budgell, E. Bradshaw, M. Trainer, J. Berresford |
SU-GG-T-294 |
Quality Assurance for Small SRS Photon Field Using LUCY Phantom On BrainLab Iplan - X. Zhang*, C. Velasco, Y. Yan, P. Corry, V. Ratanatharathorn, E. Moros |
SU-GG-T-295 |
Use of the PTW 729 for Routine QA of a TomoTherapy Unit - D. Pavord*, A. Dorgu, J. Gong |
SU-GG-T-296 |
Experience On Using Modified CHECKMATE For Hi-Art Tomotherapy Daily QA - W. Li*, L. Liu |
SU-GG-T-297 |
DMLC Leaf Position Tests for Dynamic Arc Using Array Detector Devices - J. Ho*, P. Koltermann |
SU-GG-T-298 |
A New Method for Quality Control of Multileaf Collimators Using a 2D Ion Chamber Array - R. Diaz Moreno, C. Venencia*, E. Garrigo, Y. Pipman |
SU-GG-T-299 |
A Digital QA Solution Using 2D Ion Chamber Array - Y. Dou*, Y. Yan, C. Velasco, X. Zhang, M. Chao, E. Han, E. Moros |
SU-GG-T-300 |
Method for In-House Leaf-Dependent MLC Offset Correction - B. Mader*, J. Rice |
SU-GG-T-301 |
Replacing Film with Computed Radiography for Routine Linear Accelerator QA - Q. Zhang*, R. Chan |
SU-GG-T-302 |
Measuring Pacemaker Dose: A Clinical Perspective - M. Studenski*, Y. Xiao, A. Harrison |
SU-GG-T-303 |
Evaluation of the Sensitivity of the Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm (AAA) to the Commissioning Dataset - D. Yaldo*, R. Tailor, S. Scarboro, N. Sahoo, S. Kry, K. Kisling, D. Followill, R. Howell |
SU-GG-T-304 |
Spreadsheet for Determination of Irradiance Delivered by Cylindrical Diffusers for Intracavitary PDT Treatments - M. Ferreira*, C. Austerlitz, C. Sheng, S. Benhabib, R. Allison, C. Sibata |
SU-GG-T-305 |
Evaluation of Some Essential Dosimetric Parameters for Beam Matching of Similar Accelerators - J. Bhangle*, V. Narayanan , N. Kumar, J. Joseph, A. Nirhali, R. Vaitheeswaran |
SU-GG-T-306 |
Can Single Dataset in Treatment Planning System Represent Several Beam-Matched Accelerators? - E. Gershkevitsh, A. Peraticos, D. Dimitriadis Raad, A. Aritkan, T. Efthymiou, E. Stylianou-Markidou, A. Giannos, C. Constantinou* |
SU-GG-T-307 |
Multi-Institution Comparison of Varian Linac Electron Commissioning Data: Application to Eclipse Generalized Gaussian Pencil Beam Algorithm Commissioning - B. Rasmussen*, K. Chu |
SU-GG-T-308 |
Commissioning of PTW Seven29 for Helical TomoTherapy Quality Assurance - P. Myers*, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, P. Mavroidis, D. Mihailidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-309 |
A Ratio-Test for Routine Electron Energy Check for Linear Accelerators - M. Hossain*, R. Price, L. Jin, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-310 |
Dose Perturbation Caused by MOSFET Dosimeter During in Vivo Dosimetry of Photon and Electron Beam Radiotherapy – a Film Dosimetry Study - D. Manigandan*, S. Ganesan, P. Aruna, G. Bharandharani, v. subramani, s. sharma, G. Rath |
SU-GG-T-311 |
Implementing Patient Specific Plan QA for CyberKnife: Comparison Between Two Independent Systems - G. Mardirossian*, P. Koltermann, M. Mirzasadeghi, M. Muniruzzaman |
SU-GG-T-312 |
Intrabeam-Intraoperative Radiotherapy Unit Quality Assurarance Measurements with EDR2 Films and Radiological Imaging Technology - K. Raja Muralidhar* |
SU-GG-T-313 |
A Procedure for Standardizing MLC Quality Assurance for Elekta Linacs - K. Yan*, M. Studenski, H. Liu, I. Buzurovic, Y. Cui, L. Shabason, A. Harrison, Y. Yu, M. Hossain, Y. Xiao |
SU-GG-T-314 |
Daily Evaluation of in Vivo Dose Verification Device - C. Knaup*, S. Stathakis, C. Esquivel, P. Mavroidis, D. Mihailidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-315 |
Single Event Effects in Radiotherapy - F. Guo*, Y. Zhai, Z. Chen, R. Nath |
SU-GG-T-316 |
Measurement of Photoneutron Depth Dose Equivalent and Beam Profiles of a High-Energy X-Ray Beam of Varian 2100C Medical Linear Accelerator by Thermoluminescent and CR-39 Detectors. - T. Kehwar*, M. Huq |
SU-GG-T-317 |
Investigation of Dosimetric Characteristics for Lung Tumor Geometries for a 6 MV Photon Beam - S. Hsu*, P. Roberson, J. Moran |
SU-GG-T-318 |
External Beam Dose Perturbation From Non-Radioactive I-125 Seeds: Film and Monte-Carlo Measurements - J. Steinman*, H. Malhotra |
SU-GG-T-319 |
Effects of Esophageal Stents On Radiotherapy Dose Perturbation Examined in An Experimental Model - T. Atwood*, M. Ogara, D. Luba, B. Tamler, J. DiSario, P. Maxim |
SU-GG-T-320 |
The Correction Factors of a Cylindrical Ion Chamber in Heterogeneous Phantoms for Megavoltage Photon Beams - F. Araki* |
SU-GG-T-321 |
Effect of Uneven Surface of Incidence On Dose Distribution for Electron Beams During Radiotherapy - N. Shah*, U. Sinha, S. Jani |
SU-GG-T-322 |
Dose Perturbation Due to Metallic Breast Tissue Expander in Electron Treatment of Breast Cancer - S. Srivastava*, I. Das, J. Andrews, A. Kumar, C. Cheng, P. Johnstone |
SU-GG-T-323 |
Verification of the Accuracy of the Proton Range Compensator Scatter Factor and Dose Within Inhomogeneity Calculations Using the Eclipse Treatment Planning System - J. Pollard*, F. Poenisch, N. Sahoo, X. Zhu, M. Gillin |
SU-GG-T-324 |
Experimental Evaluation of Dose Calculation Using Mega-Voltage Cone Beam CT with MOSFET Detector in An Anthropomorphic Phantom - K. Matsubara*, R. Kohno, K. Honmatsu, S. Kitou, M. Kawashima, T. Ogino, H. Saitoh |
SU-GG-T-325 |
The Effects of Neurosurgical Titanium Mesh On Radiation Dose in the Gamma Knife - K. Chin*, J. Rakowski |
SU-GG-T-326 |
Experimental Validation of a Scintillating Fiber Detector for Real-Time Quality Control of MLC-Driven Radiotherapy Treatment - M. Goulet*, L. Gingras, L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-327 |
Measurement of Small Field Output Factors Using Plastic Scintillation Detectors - D. Klein*, R. Tailor, L. Archambault, L. Wang, F. Therriault-Proulx, S. Beddar |
SU-GG-T-328 |
Dosimetric Performance of the Plastic Scintillation Detector for Radiosurgery Quality Assurance - J. Gagnon*, D. Thériault, M. Guillot, L. Archambault, S. Beddar, L. Gingras, L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-329 |
Gafgui: An Open-Source Project for Radiochromic Film Dosimetry - H. Bouchard*, F. Lacroix |
SU-GG-T-330 |
Experimental Comparison of Six Commercial Dosimetry Diodes for Measurement of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Cone Factors - G. Sherouse, S. Dieterich* |
SU-GG-T-331 |
Performance Evaluation of a New-Model P-Type Si Diode for Small Field Dosimetry - J. Dugas*, M. Speiser, P. Medin, T. Solberg |
SU-GG-T-332 |
Dose to Contralateral Breast: A Comparison of Traditional Linac and Tomotherapy Techniques - T. Fountain*, M. Lamba, R. Lavigne, T. Skidmore |
SU-GG-T-333 |
Validation of Experimental Results in Small Field Dosimetry - T. SABINO, L. Rodrigues* |
SU-GG-T-334 |
Comparison of Measurements and Eclipse Electron Monte Carlo Calculations for Small Electron Fields with Central Block - T. Ivanova*, A. Kassaee |
SU-GG-T-335 |
Analytical Formalism for the Output Factors of Small MLC-Shaped Beams - L. Abu Arida, S. Wadi-Ramahi*, S. Dababneh |
SU-GG-T-336 |
Effect of Treatment and Beam Parameters On Surface Dose in Proton Beam Therapy - I. Das*, L. Fanelli, A. Gautam, L. Zhao, M. Wolanski, D. Nichiporov, C. Cheng |
SU-GG-T-337 |
Surface-Dose Enhancement Characteristics of Brass Mesh for Breast Cancer Treatments - S. Utsunomiya*, O. Pechenaya Green, K. Karasawa, E. Klein |
SU-GG-T-338 |
Accuracy of Superficial Dose Calculation for Breast Cancer Treatments On Tomotherapy - O. Pechenaya Green*, S. Goddu, V. Rodriguez, J. Cates, M. Michaletz-Lorenz, I. Zoberi |
SU-GG-T-339 |
New Small Volume Scanner for Radiosurgery Beam Data Collection - J. Hevezi*, I. Monterroso, W. Nikesch, D. Navarro |
SU-GG-T-340 |
A Study of Surface Dosimetry for Breast Radiotherapy Treatments - R. Hill*, M. Nakano, M. Whitaker, J. Kim, Z. Kuncic |
SU-GG-T-341 |
Initial Results of Real-Time External Surface Motion and Dose Monitoring Study for Lung Patients - A. Cherpak, J. Cygler*, S. Andrusyk, J. Pantarotto, R. MacRae, G. Perry |
SU-GG-T-342 |
Dosimetric Evaluation and Characterization of a MicroLion Liquid Ionization Chamber - A. Gutiérrez*, O. Calvo, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-343 |
Small Photon Field Dosimetry with Gel - P. Ravindran*, M. Narmatha |
SU-GG-T-344 |
Comparison of Characteristics of Two Liquid-Filled Ionization Chambers - E. Chung*, J. Seuntjens |
SU-GG-T-345 |
Dose Response and Energy Dependency of Gafchromic EBT2 Film Over a Wide Range of Beam Energies and Modalities - A. Anand*, B. Arjomandy, R. Tailor, N. Sahoo, M. Gillin |
SU-GG-T-346 |
Impact of Post-Irradiation Time On the Accuracy of Dose Measurements for EBT-2 Model GAFCHROMIC(TM) Film - S. Aldelaijan*, H. Mohammed, N. Tomic, J. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois, L. Liang, S. Devic |
SU-GG-T-347 |
Determination of Proton Beam Range by Using Scintillating Fiber Optic Dosimetry - U. Hwang*, J. Rah, H. Jeong, S. Ahn, D. Kim, S. Lee, D. Shin, S. Lee, M. Yoon, S. Park, K. Jang, B. Lee |
SU-GG-T-348 |
Development of a Precise Position-Controlled Moving Phantom - K. Mizuno*, K. Nakae, M. Okamoto, H. Sasaki, K. Yoshiura, K. Uozumi, T. Mochiduki, K. Demachi, M. Uesaka |
SU-GG-T-349 |
Generalized Formalism and Optimization of the Calibration Sequence of Plastic Scintillation Detectors - L. Archambault*, M. Guillot, L. Gingras, L. Beaulieu, S. Beddar |
SU-GG-T-350 |
Beam Quality Correction of Radiophotoluminescence Glass Dosimeter in Accordance with Burlin Cavity Theory - S. Hashimoto*, Y. Fujita, T. Kawachi, N. Tohyama, T. Kojima, N. Hayashi, S. Kitou, M. Kurooka, H. Okamoto, Y. Kumazaki, Y. Suzuki, K. Hatano, H. Saitoh |
SU-GG-T-351 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of An Implantable DVS-HFT Dosimeter for Hypo-Fractionated Radiation Treatment - G. Ding*, C. Coffey, A. Malcolm |
SU-GG-T-352 |
A Tracking Database for Clinical Implementation of Microdosimeters - L. Brewster Mallalieu*, G. Gill, H. Gaballa, A. Jamshidi, A. Kapur, L. Potters |
SU-GG-T-353 |
Light Scattering Properties of EBT/EBT2 Radiochromic Films and Its Application in Radiation Dosimetry - K. Lam* |
SU-GG-T-354 |
Development and Evaluation of a Low Cost, EBT2 Film-Based Real-Time Dosimeter - H. Du*, S. Li, S. Zhou, H. Deng, M. Zhang, S. Chen, L. Schubert |
SU-GG-T-355 |
Theoretical Design and Performance of a Scintillating Fiber Detector for Real-Time Quality Control of MLC-Driven Radiotherapy Treatment - M. Goulet*, L. Gingras, L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-356 |
Investigation On Fading of MAGIC Gel Dosimeter - K. Dextraze*, A. Siddiqi, S. Cho |
SU-GG-T-357 |
Initial Evaluation of a Fast Optical CT Scanner for Gel Dosimetry - Y. Xu*, M. Maryanski, C. Wuu |
SU-GG-T-358 |
Indigenously Developed Multipurpose Acrylic Head Phantom for Verification of IMRT Using Film and Gel Dosimetry - g. natanasabapathi*, v. subbiah, s. vellaiyan, s. kale, G. Rath, m. laviraj, s. kumaran, s. thulkar, r. bisht, r. prabhakar |
SU-GG-T-359 |
The Applications of MatriXX to Electron Beam Dosimetry - M. Zhang*, S. Li, H. Deng, S. Zhou |
SU-GG-T-360 |
Investigation of TomoTherapy Patient Specific Delivery Quality Assurance (DQA) Using a Cylindrical Diodes Array Detector System - A. Hu*, S. Qi, F. Newman, C. Chen, D. Raben, T. Schefter, A. Liu, R. Rabinovitch, M. Miften, B. Kavanagh, L. Gaspar |
SU-GG-T-361 |
Feasibility of Making In-Vivo Peripheral Dose Measurements Using a Portable Dosimeter System – Beta Testing of a Novel Device - S. Jani*, N. Shah |
SU-GG-T-362 |
Is Distance-Dependent Energy Correction Needed for Dosimetric Measurements Surrounding Brachytherapy Sources? - H. Song*, M. Oldham, F. Yin |
SU-GG-T-363 |
3D Dosimetric Verification of Ir-192 HDR Brachytherapy Source Irradiation - M. Pierquet*, H. Song, M. Oldham |
SU-GG-T-364 |
Designing Custom Radiation Therapy Phantoms Using Contoured Regions-Of-Interest - B. Nelms* |
SU-GG-T-365 |
Backscatter Factor Measurements Using Gafchromic EBT2 Film - R. Hill*, L. Smith, J. Kim, M. Nakano, Z. Kuncic |
SU-GG-T-366 |
Evaluation of Effects of Cable Exposure On the Scanning Data for MV Linear Accelerator - C. Kurokawa*, C. Fox, S. Ozawa, S. Sugimoto, K. Karasawa, J. Palta, C. Liu |
SU-GG-T-367 |
Quantification and Reduction of Peripheral Dose From Electron Applicator Leakage - C. Yeboah*, A. Karotki |
SU-GG-T-368 |
Automated Measurement of Water Equivalent Path Length of a Patient Based On a Computed Radiography in Total Body Irradiation - S. Yoshidome*, H. Arimura, M. Tachibana, Y. Shioyama, S. Nomoto, J. Fukunaga, N. Hirano, Y. Noguchi, F. Toyofuku, H. Honda, H. Hirata |
SU-GG-T-369 |
An In-House Developed MOSFET Dosimeter with Reset Capabilities - D. Verellen, S. Van Vaerenbergh*, K. Tournel, M. Duchateau, N. Linthout, T. Gevaert, T. Reynders, I. Van de Vondel, L. Coppens, T. Depuydt, G. Storme |
SU-GG-T-370 |
Absorption Spectra of a New Radiochromic Film for Various Energies of Therapeutic Photon and Electron Beams - N. Hayashi*, H. Fukuma, Y. Shibamto, Y. Nishii, Y. Suzuki, H. Kato, A. Teramoto, M. Kawano |
SU-GG-T-371 |
Measurement of Dose to Pacemakers and Other Implantable Medical Devices - J. Pursley*, M. Oldham |
SU-GG-T-372 |
Optical Fiber Based Ionizing Radiation Microdetector - T. Vulcan, S. Marchena-Vega, M. Manciu* |
SU-GG-T-373 |
The Effect of Vessel Material On Fricke Dosimeter Yield - S. Benhabib*, C. Austerlitz, M. Ferreira, C. Sibata |
SU-GG-T-374 |
Use of a Rad-Hard Si Diode in Clinical Electron Beam Dosimetry - T. Santos*, W. Neves-Junior, J. Gonçalves, C. Haddad, J. Harkonen, C. Bueno |
SU-GG-T-375 |
A Custom-Developed Method for Accurate Dose Recalculation of Patient Plans Entered Into Clinical Trials - S. Davidson*, S. Kry, J. Cui, J. Deasy, G. Ibbott, M. Vicic, R. White, D. Followill |
SU-GG-T-376 |
Medical Physics Calculations in the Cloud: A New Paradigm for Clinical Computing - R. Keyes*, C. Romano, D. Arnold, S. Luan |
SU-GG-T-377 |
Experimental Verification of Clinically-Relevant Monte Carlo X-Ray Simulations - D. Sawkey*, T. O'Shea, B. Faddegon |
SU-GG-T-378 |
A Monte Carlo Simulation Method for Treatment Planning Optimization of Eye Plaques Using MCNP4C Code - P. Shokrani*, G. Raisali, A. Janati Esfahani, M. Ghasemi Ghonchenazi |
SU-GG-T-379 |
GEANT4 Monte-Carlo Simulation of Dosimetry Parameters of the Passively Scattered Beam Lines at the Proton Therapy Center in Houston - X. Ding*, N. Sahoo, X. Song, X. Zhu, M. Lii, M. Gillin |
SU-GG-T-380 |
Treatment Time Reduction for Proton Modulated Scanning Beams Using a Ridge Filter - J. Durgin*, D. Dolney, J. McDonough |
SU-GG-T-381 |
Monte Carlo Study of Neutron Dose Equivalent for a Compact Proton Therapy Unit - Y. Zheng*, E. Klein, K. Chen, Y. Liu |
SU-GG-T-382 |
Evaluation of Genipin Gel Dosimeter for Depth Dose Measurement of X-Ray Beams - T. Gorjiara*, R. Hill, Z. Kuncic, C. Baldock |
SU-GG-T-383 |
Investigation of Water Equivalency of PRESAGE Dosimeters for Electron Beam Radiotherapy - T. Gorjiara*, R. Hill, Z. Kuncic, C. Baldock |
SU-GG-T-384 |
Validation of An Electron Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Algorithm in the Presence of Heterogeneities Using Radiochromic Film - J. Aubry*, H. Bouchard, R. Doucet, F. Lacroix |
SU-GG-T-385 |
Dose Perturbation by a Steel Magnetic Injection Port in a Breast Tissue Expander in Proton Radiotherapy: A Monte Carlo Study - V. Moskvin*, I. Das, C. Cheng, L. Zhao, M. Wolanski, J. Andrews, P. Johnstone |
SU-GG-T-386 |
Monte Carlo Study of Absorbed Dose to Solid Water for External Auditing - J. Kim*, J. Park, Y. Park, C. Choi, y. choi, H. Kim, H. Kim, S. PARK, W. Cho, S. Ye |
SU-GG-T-387 |
Matching of Flattening-Filter-Less (FFL) to Standard (STD) Linac Beams Based On Monte Carlo Simulations - P. Tsiamas*, M. Bhagwat, J. Seco, Y. Lyatskaya, K. Kappas, K. Theodorou, K. Marcus, P. Zygmanski |
SU-GG-T-388 |
Assessing Dose Inaccuracies in the Superposition/Convolution Algorithm with Monte Carlo for SBRT Lung Tumors - J. Seco*, K. Westover, H. Willers |
SU-GG-T-389 |
Mixed Electron and Photon Beams Modulated by the XMLC for Partial Breast Irradiation - B. Palma, A. Ureba, F. Salguero, R. Arrans, A. Leal Plaza* |
SU-GG-T-390 |
Dose to Proximal Bronchial Tree in Lung SBRT Treatments: Comparison of Pencil Beam and Monte Carlo Dose Distributions - C. Altunbas*, M. Miften, K. Stuhr, L. Gaspar, B. Kavanagh |
SU-GG-T-391 |
Electron Beam Dose Modification Using Transverse MRI-Linac B Fields; A Shielding-Delivery Investigation - S. Koren*, E. Fourkal, A. Guemnie Tafo, I. Veltchev, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-392 |
Surface Dose Investigation for Open and Wedge Fields: Measurements Vs. Monte Carlo - J. Kim*, R. Hill, Z. Kuncic |
SU-GG-T-393 |
Optimization Platform Based On Monte Carlo Dose Calculation - M. D'Amours*, A. Dagnault, J. Pouliot, F. Verhaegen, L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-394 |
Proton SOBP Reconstruction for Low-Density Media and Divergent Beams - A. Guemnie Tafo*, E. Fourkal, I. Veltchev, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-395 |
Monitor Unit Calculation for Electron Arc Therapy Using Monte Carlo Simulations - J. Chow*, R. Jiang |
SU-GG-T-396 |
Secondary Neutron Production by a Scanning Proton Beam - V. Moskvin*, I. Das, C. Cheng, L. Zhao, P. Johnstone |
SU-GG-T-397 |
Voxel Size Effect On Dose Mass Histograms of Head and Neck- IMRT Monte Carlo Treatments - G. Mora*, J. Li, J. Fan, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-398 |
Monte Carlo Commissioning of BrainLab SRS Cones On a NovalisTX - S. Stathakis*, D. Mihailidis, C. Esquivel, A. Gutiérrez, P. Mavroidis, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-399 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Monte Carlo and Ray Tracing of Cyberknife T Spine Treatment Plans - A. Lo* |
SU-GG-T-400 |
A Monte Carlo Based Proton Therapy Dose Distribution Verification System - C. Beltran*, Y. Jia, R. Slopsema, D. Yeung, Z. Li |
SU-GG-T-401 |
The Effects On Parameters of Bragg Peak Curve by Inhomogeneities Location - S. Park*, W. Jung, J. Rah, S. Park, J. Shin, T. Suh |
SU-GG-T-402 |
On Monte Carlo Modeling of Megavoltage Photon Beams: A Revisited Study On Beam Parameters Sensitivity - O. Chibani*, B. Moftah, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-403 |
A Coarse Mesh Transport Method for the Calculation of Photon Energy Deposition in Tissue - R. Hayward*, F. Rahnema, D. Zhang |
SU-GG-T-404 |
Demonstration of the Ability to Morph An Existing Whole-Body Phantom to a Different Individual - Y. Na*, A. Ding, P. Caracappa, X. Xu |
SU-GG-T-405 |
Quantitative Analysis of Dose Enhancement Contributed by Different Photon Interactions in X-Ray Irradiation with the Presence of HZ Materials with Geant4 Monte Carlo Simulation - K. Huang*, Y. Yu |
SU-GG-T-406 |
A Feasibility Study On Monte Carlo-Based Organ Dose Reconstructions for Patients Treated by External Beam Radiotherapy - C. Lee, S. Lamart*, R. Curtis, P. Inskip |
SU-GG-T-407 |
Modeling a New Varian Linac Using a CAD to Geant4 Geometry Implementation: Dose and IAEA-Compliant Phase Space Calculations - M. Constantin*, J. Perl, D. Constantin, T. LoSasso, A. Salop, A. Narula, M. Svatos, P. Keall |
SU-GG-T-408 |
Validation of a Novel Dose Calculation Approach for Heterogeneous Voxelized Phantoms in a Parallel Computation Environment Using Electron Dose Kernels for Radiotherapy - M. Huang*, G. Sjoden, J. Li, A. Al-Basheer, W. Bolch |
SU-GG-T-409 |
Comparison of Proton MLC with Non-Divergent Brass and Tungsten Apertures - M. Kirk*, C. Ainsley, J. McDonough |
SU-GG-T-410 |
Evaluation of Varian’s AAA Algorithm by Monte Carlo Simulation for Lung Cancer SBRT - L. Jin*, L. Wang, J. Fan, J. Li, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-411 |
Monte-Carlo-Based Cavity Correction Factors for Ion Chambers in Clinical Electron Beams - T. Ono*, F. Araki, F. Yoshiyama |
SU-GG-T-412 |
PyEGS5 – A Python Programming Interface for EGS5 - Y. Ma*, L. Xing |
SU-GG-T-413 |
Comparison of Out-Of-Field Neutron Equivalent Doses in Scanning Carbon and Proton Therapies for Cranial Fields - B. Athar*, H. Paganetti |
SU-GG-T-414 |
Directional Dependence of the Response of Plastic Scintillation Detectors in Photon Beams - L. Wang*, D. Klein, S. Beddar |
SU-GG-T-415 |
Automated Photon Monte Carlo Linear Accelerator Model for Calculating In-Field and Out-Of-Field Dose - S. Randeniya*, D. Mirkovic, S. Kry, U. Titt, W. Newhauser, R. Howell |
SU-GG-T-416 |
Validation of a Varian BrachyVision Calculation Model for a GammaMed Plus HDR Source and Evaluating Heterogeneity Effects for Four Clinical Cases Using EGSnrc Monte Carlo User Code - R. Bassalow*, J. Gong |
SU-GG-T-417 |
Evaluation of a Commercial Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Algorithm for Electron Beam Treatment Planning - E. chamberland*, B. Lachance, L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-418 |
Comparing Computational Phantoms and Whole-Body Patient CT Images for Secondary Cancer Risk Estimation - V. Taranenko*, H. Paganetti, B. Juneja, W. Bolch |
SU-GG-T-419 |
Modeling Multiple Coulomb Scattering in Therapeutic Proton Beams: A Comparison of Two Algorithms - L. Rechner*, D. Mirkovic, J. Fontenot, W. Newhauser |
SU-GG-T-420 |
Electron Monte Carlo Dose Calculation in Eclipse for Elekta Linear Accelerators - M. Fix*, D. Frei, W. Volken, H. Neuenschwander, E. Born, P. Manser |
SU-GG-T-421 |
Study of Response of Plastic Scintillation Detectors in Small Field 6 MV Photon Beams - L. Wang*, S. Beddar |
SU-GG-T-422 |
Evaluation of the Variability in Peripheral Dose Between Different Linacs for 6MV Beams and Comparison with An Existing Monte Carlo Linac Model - A. Joosten*, F. Levi, S. Baechler, R. Mirimanoff, F. Bochud, R. Moeckli |
SU-GG-T-423 |
Tissue Composition Effect in Proton Dose Calculation Based On Human Antomical Model - Y. Liu*, Y. Zheng |
SU-GG-T-424 |
Domain-Division Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Method for Particle Therapy - K. Ishikawa*, K. Niita, K. Takeda, N. Fukunishi, S. Takagi |
SU-GG-T-425 |
Modeling a Multi Leaf Collimator for IMRT Monte Carlo Dose Calculations - J. Craig*, M. Mulligan, J. Chen, E. Wong |
SU-GG-T-426 |
Feasibility of An Independent Dose Calculation for VMAT with Monte Carlo - L. Vazquez Quino*, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, C. Shi, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-427 |
Development of Monte Carlo Dose Verification System for MHI-TM2000 - Y. Ishihara*, A. Sawada, M. Nakamura, S. Kaneko, K. Takayama, T. Mizowaki, M. Kokubo, M. Hiraoka |
SU-GG-T-429 |
Implementation of a Geant4 Based GPU Monte Carlo Algorithm and Benchmarking of An IMRT Patient Plan - L. Jahnke*, J. Fleckenstein, J. Hesser, F. Wenz |
SU-GG-T-430 |
Normalized Bragg Peak Curves for Various Proton Energies in a Cylindrical Water Phantom: A Simulation with MCNPX and GEANT4 Monte Carlo Codes - S. Handley*, Y. Chen, S. Ahmad |
SU-GG-T-431 |
Design of a Graphical User Interface Aiding Tool for Monte Carlo Simulation Tuning Process for Electron Beam Modeling - A. Eldib*, M. A.Moez, J. Fan, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-432 |
Implementation of Modular Phase Space IO in Geant4 with Enhanced Latch Capability - D. Sawkey*, B. Faddegon, H. Paganetti, J. Perl |
SU-GG-T-433 |
Study of the Dose Distributions in Serial and Helical Tomotherapy for CO-60, 6MV and 10MV Beams Using PENELOPE Monte Carlo - L. Gonçalves*, T. Marques, P. Nicolucci |
SU-GG-T-434 |
A Joint Research Investigation Comparing MCNPX and Geant4 Monte Carlo Codes to Reduce the Range Uncertainties in Proton Therapy - B. Bednarz*, D. Mirkovic, U. Titt, H. Paganetti |
SU-GG-T-435 |
Novalis Tx MonteCarlo Based Linear Accelerator - L. Vazquez Quino*, S. Stathakis, A. Gutiérrez, C. Shi, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-436 |
Monte Carlo Optimisation Of A BNCT Facility Including Multiplier, Reflector, Filter And Modrator For D-T Source - M. Eskandari, F. Mostafaei*, E. Salimi, S. Kashian |
SU-GG-T-437 |
The Depth-Dose Curves of 126 MeV Antiprotons in Water Using MCNPX Simulation Code - S. Handley*, S. Ahmad |
SU-GG-T-438 |
Dose to Medium Or Dose to a Water Cavity Embedded in Medium? A Monte Carlo Study - S. Enger*, A. Ahnesjö , L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-439 |
Linac Waveguide Performance in the Presence of Parallel MR Fringe Fields - D. Santos*, J. St. Aubin, B. Fallone, S. Steciw |
SU-GG-T-440 |
Graphical User Interface for Monte Carlo Phase Space Field Trimming - T. Sivayogan*, J. Chow |
SU-GG-T-441 |
Monte Carlo Dosimetric Verification Based On Double Source Model - G. Li*, H. Zheng, Y. Wu |
SU-GG-T-442 |
Dose Verification of SRS Monte Carlo Plan with a Moving Anthropomorphic Phantom - A. Lo*, A. Ho, S. Dieterich |
SU-GG-T-443 |
Benchmarking MCNPX for Carbon Ion Beams - A. Pompos*, T. Solberg, M. Speiser |
SU-GG-T-444 |
Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) Modeling Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) - E. Huang*, J. Bradley, I. El Naqa, L. Pesce, J. Deasy |
SU-GG-T-445 |
Sequential Treatment of Brain Metastases Using a Markov Decision Process - M. Phillips*, P. Zhang, M. Kim, A. Ghate |
SU-GG-T-446 |
Minimizing Energy Changes in Particle Therapy Using Voronoi Partitions - D. Riofrio*, G. Cabal, R. Keyes, M. Holzscheiter, J. DeMarco, O. Jäkel, S. Luan |
SU-GG-T-447 |
Interplay Between Prostate Intra-Fraction Motion and Proton Uniform Scanning Treatment: A Dosimetry Study - Z. Su*, R. Slopsema, S. Flampouri, Z. Li |
SU-GG-T-448 |
Beam Parameters for Gated Irradiations of Moving Targets in Scanned Particle Therapy - P. Steidl*, D. Richter, C. Schuy, N. Saito, J. Naumann, S. Brons, R. Panse, T. Haberer, M. Durante, C. Bert |
SU-GG-T-449 |
Dosimetric Impact of CT Metal Artifacts On Proton Pencil-Beam Scanning Delivery - J. Verburg*, M. Joshi, M. Bazalova, T. Madden, H. Kooy, J. Seco |
SU-GG-T-450 |
An Analytical LET Model for Fragmenting Ion Beams - M. Frese*, U. Oelfke |
SU-GG-T-451 |
Scattering Factor of Energy-Stacking Layer On Outputs of Modulated Protons Using Uniform Scanning Technique - W. Hsi*, A. Schreuder, Y. Zheng, X. Ding, Q. Zhao, I. Das |
SU-GG-T-452 |
In-Vivo Dosimetry Using a MOSFET Detector in An Anthropomorphic Phantom for Therapeutic Proton Beam - R. Kohno*, K. Hotta, K. Matsubara, T. Matsuura, S. Kameoka, T. Nishio, M. Kawashima, T. Ogino |
SU-GG-T-453 |
A Beam Angle Selection Algorithm for Particle Therapy - G. Cabal*, S. Luan, O. Jäkel |
SU-GG-T-454 |
Dosimetric Impact of Inter-Fractional Variations in Proton Therapy of Prostate Cancer: Assessment of Dose Accumulation and Plan Robustness Using Daily In-Room CT Images - Y. Wang*, J. Efstathiou, I. Ciernik, G. Sharp, H. Lu, A. Trofimov |
SU-GG-T-455 |
Experimental Evaluation of Irradiated Dose in Clinical Practice for Proton Therapy - T. Matsuura*, K. Hotta, R. Kohno, T. Nishio, S. Kameoka, S. Fukuhara, K. Sasaki, R. Ohta, K. Matsumura, T. Shimoju, T. Toda, T. Ogino |
SU-GG-T-456 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of Heterogeneity Correction Algorithm for Proton Therapy - J. Rah*, T. Suh, S. Park, H. Jeong, U. Hwang, S. Lee, M. Yoon, D. Shin, S. Park |
SU-GG-T-457 |
Optimal Commissioning for PBS Treatment Planning Systems - B. Clasie*, T. Madden, H. Lu, K. Zhang, J. Flanz, H. Kooy |
SU-GG-T-458 |
Perturbations to Proton Dose Delivery Due to High-Voltage Leads From Implanted Cardiac Devices. - J. Polf*, F. Poenisch, S. Peterson, J. Wilkinson, M. Rozner, P. Balter |
SU-GG-T-459 |
Laser-Based Particle Acceleration for Future Ion Therapy: Current Status of the Joint Project OnCOOPtics with Special Focus On Beam Delivery and Dosimetry - C. Richter*, E. Beyreuther, Y. Dammene, W. Enghardt, M. Kaluza, L. Karsch, L. Laschinsky, E. Lessmann, D. Naumburger, M. Nicolai, R. Sauerbrey, H. Schlenvoigt, M. Schürer, M. Sobiella, A. Weber, J. Pawelke, M. Baumann |
SU-GG-T-460 |
Liquid Scintillator Dosimetry for Passive Scattering Proton Beam Quality Assurance - D. Robertson*, F. Poenisch, L. Archambault, N. Sahoo, M. Gillin, R. Mohan, S. Beddar |
SU-GG-T-461 |
Water Equivalent Thicknesses of Materials in Protons, Helium, Carbon and Iron Ions - R. Zhang*, P. Taddei, M. Fitzek, W. Newhauser |
SU-GG-T-462 |
Observation of Quasi-Monoenergetic Laser Accelerated Proton and Carbon Beams - D. Litzenberg*, F. Dollar, S. Bulanov, A. Brantov, V. Bychenkov, V. Chvykov, G. Kalintchenko, T. Matsuoka, C. McGuffey, V. Yanovsky, K. Krushelnick, A. Maksimchuk |
SU-GG-T-463 |
Study of the Magnitude of Detector Size Effect in the Measured Lateral Profiles of Proton Pencil Beam Spots - N. Sahoo*, G. Ciangaru, G. Sawakuchi, A. Anand, F. Poenisch, K. Suzuki, R. Mohan, M. Gillin, X. Zhu |
SU-GG-T-464 |
Multi-Criteria Treatment Planning for IMPT - T. Bortfeld, W. Chen, D. Craft*, H. Kooy, T. Madden, K. Zhang |
SU-GG-T-465 |
Secondary Doses for the Treatment of Lung and Liver Cancers: IMRT Vs. Proton Therapy - S. Kim*, W. Kim, Y. Huh, Y. Kim, M. Kim, D. Hwang, S. Choi, M. Yoon |
SU-GG-T-466 |
A Retrospective Analysis in Head and Neck Cancer by Using the Simplified Monte Carlo Algorithm - K. Hotta*, R. Kohno, Y. Takada, Y. Hara, R. Tansho, T. Nishio, T. Ogino |
SU-GG-T-467 |
Extended Gamma Criteria in Proton Patient QA Using MatrixX and MLIC - l. lin*, J. McDonough, C. Ainsley |
SU-GG-T-468 |
Development of a Proton Beam Double-Scattering Apparatus for Radiobiology Research - A. Egan*, J. McDonough, R. Kiker |
SU-GG-T-469 |
Geometric Uncertainty Evalution of Proton Beam Delivery - l. lin*, J. McDonough, A. Kassaee, R. Maughan |
SU-GG-T-470 |
Impact of Daily Patient Setup Variation On Proton Beams Passing Through the Couch Edge - Z. Yu*, J. Bluett, Y. Zhang, X. Zhu, M. Lii, R. Mohan, L. Dong |
SU-GG-T-471 |
Towards Range Guided Prostate Treatment Using An AP Field - H. Lu, D. Prieels, S. Tang, E. Bentefour* |
SU-GG-T-472 |
Output Modeling for a Contemporary Proton Therapy Center - Y. Zheng*, W. Hsi, B. Harris, X. Ding, R. Jesseph, A. Mascia, B. Okoth, A. Wagner, A. Schreuder |
SU-GG-T-473 |
Dose Uncertainty Due to High-Z Materials in Clinical Proton Beam Therapy - L. Zhao*, C. Cheng, V. Moksin, M. Wolanski, M. Gossman, J. James, K. Dikeman, S. Srivastava, I. Das |
SU-GG-T-474 |
Feasibility Study of MVCT Imaging Guided Adaptive Proton Therapy for Head and Neck Cancers - L. Zhao*, C. Cheng, M. Wolanski, J. James, K. Dikeman, C. Allgower, M. Fitzek, M. Mills, I. Das |
SU-GG-T-475 |
Introducing and Evaluation of Energy Margin to Minimize the Dose Variation Due to Setup Uncertainty in the Distal Edge Tracking (DET) Based Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) - M. Zhang*, T. Mackie |
SU-GG-T-476 |
Effect of Film Orientation On Proton Beam Dosimetry - R. Grant*, G. Ibbott, B. Riley, N. Sahoo, S. Tucker, X. Zhu, D. Followill |
SU-GG-T-477 |
Dose Simulation in Random Media for Radiotherapy Planning with Proton Beams - A. Chvetsov*, Z. Su, R. Henderson, N. Mendenhall |
SU-GG-T-478 |
A Comparison of Proton Beam Monitor Units Predicted by the Treatment Planning System and Obtained From Physical Calibration - N. Wang*, A. Ghebremedhin, B. Patyal |
SU-GG-T-479 |
Anterior Fields Improve Rectal Sparing in Prostate Treatment by Proton Therapy - S. Tang*, S. Both, E. Bentefour, Z. Tochner, J. Efstathiou, H. Lu |
SU-GG-T-480 |
Neutron Production in Novel Heavy Ion Accelerators - I. Veltchev*, S. Koren, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-481 |
Investigation of the Influence of Aperture Rotation On the Dose Profiles of Proton Patch Fields - A. Wroe*, R. Schulte, B. Patyal |
SU-GG-T-482 |
Automatic Beam Placement for Breast Radiotherapy Using Support Vector Machine - X. Zhao*, D. Kong, J. Chang, E. Wong, G. Jozsef, Y. Wang |
SU-GG-T-483 |
Does Breath-Hold Immobilization Affect Tumor Radioresistance in Breast? - J. Adamson*, J. Kirkpatrick, F. Yin |
SU-GG-T-484 |
Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors (DDREF) for Fractionated Radiation Therapy - V. Yu*, R. Stewart, W. Newhauser |
SU-GG-T-485 |
A Statistical and Radiobiological Analysis of Circulating Blood Heterogeneity in Conformal TBI - J. Molloy* |
SU-GG-T-486 |
Sparing of Lung Function Using Perfusion SPECT Guided IMRT Treatment Planning for Lung Cancer Patients - L. Yin*, A. Bergman, S. Shcherbinin, A. Celler, M. Liu, J. Wu, C. Duzenli, B. Gill, V. Moiseenko |
SU-GG-T-487 |
Lack of Dose Rate Effect with Ultra-High Dose Rate Irradiation of Normal Tissue Fibroblasts and RT112 Tumour Cells - R. Jena*, C. Jeynes, J. Peacock, C. Thomas, S. Duane, N. Burnet, K. Kirkby, J. Stancanello |
SU-GG-T-488 |
SABER: A Software Tool Incorporating Spatial and Biological Information Into Radiotherapy Treatment Planning - B. Zhao*, M. Joiner, J. Burmeister |
SU-GG-T-489 |
Impact of the Fraction Size On the Efficiency of Hypoxia-Targeting IMRT Treatment. Single Fraction Simulation Study - M. Axente*, P. Lin, A. Pugachev |
SU-GG-T-490 |
Estimation of Boost Dose Required to Compensate for High FDG Uptake in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma - J. Jeong*, J. Deasy |
SU-GG-T-491 |
: Identifying Patients Who Will Potentially Benefit From Functional-Guided Lung Avoidance in Thoracic Radiotherapy - J. Seger*, L. Marks, S. Das |
SU-GG-T-492 |
Determining RBE Values for a New Miniaturized X-Ray Source - J. DeMarco*, S. Saxon, B. Fahimian, K. Iwamoto |
SU-GG-T-495 |
Plan-Specific Proton RBE Calculation Using Monte Carlo - W. Luo*, J. Li, J. Fan, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-496 |
The Sensitivity of BED and TCP Parameters to Dose Heterogeneity in Brachytherapy Treatments - H. Afsharpour*, B. Reniers, F. Verhaegen, L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-499 |
TCP-Based Dose-Painting by Numbers at the Example of a Prostate Case with 18F-Choline PET - T. Dirscherl*, M. Rickhey, L. Bogner |
SU-GG-T-500 |
Controlling and Refining 3D Dose Distribution at An Individual Voxel Level in Biological IMRT Treatment Planning - P. Lougovski*, L. Xing |
SU-GG-T-501 |
An RBE Rescaling Method for the Comparison of Intensity Modulated Neutron Radiotherapy Plans to Conventional Photon Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Plans - M. Snyder*, M. Joiner, J. Burmeister |
SU-GG-T-502 |
On the Use of Unrestricted LET to Estimate Nanodosimetric Parameters - O. Vassiliev* |
SU-GG-T-503 |
Do Stricter IMRT Planning Constraints Produce Better Radiobiological Results? - Y. Lei*, P. Mavroidis, C. Buckey, S. Stathakis, G. Swanson, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-504 |
Design and Verification of a Phantom for Accurate Delivery of Prostate Treatment Plans to Cells In-Vitro - C. McGarry*, K. Butterworth, J. O''Sullivan, K. Prise, A. Hounsell |
SU-GG-T-505 |
Efficiency and Cost of RapidArc to Deliver Highly Heterogeneous Dose for Simultaneous Integrated Boost Plans: A Dosimetry Study - W. Yang*, R. Jones, P. Read, J. Larner, S. Benedict, K. Sheng |
SU-GG-T-506 |
Composition of Daily Tumor Control Probabilities for Fractionated Non Homogeneous External Beam Therapy - F. Cutanda*, S. Vargas Castrillon |
SU-GG-T-508 |
A Database For Dose Tolerance Limits In Hypofractionated SBRT - J. Xue*, J. Grimm |
SU-GG-T-509 |
Development of a Database and Software Tools for Outcome Analysis of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy - P. Prior*, G. Chen, J. White, X. Li |
SU-GG-T-510 |
A Two-Step Optimization Technique for Planning Multi-Target Treatments with Robotic Radiotherapy - L. Ma*, A. Sahgal, A. Hwang, W. Hu, C. Chuang, M. Descovich, D. Larson |
SU-GG-T-511 |
A Novel Conformal Arc Technique for Postoperative Whole Pelvic Radiotherapy of Endometrial Cancer - R. Yang* |
SU-GG-T-512 |
Causes and Prevention of MR-Induced Skin Heating for Patients with Attached Headframes for Gamma Radiosurgery - M. Bennett*, D. Wiant, J. Gersh, w. dolesh, X. Ding, R. Best, J. Bourland |
SU-GG-T-513 |
Patient-Specific Independent GammaPlan Quality Assurance for Gamma Knife Perfexion - M. Mamalui-Hunter*, T. Zhao, R. Drzymala |
SU-GG-T-514 |
Dosimetric Measurements of Onyx Embolization Glue for Stereotactic Radiosurgery - D. Roberts*, N. Chaudhary, A. Pandey, J. Balter |
SU-GG-T-515 |
The Influence of Longitudinal CT Resolution On Target Delineation and Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery - M. Bellon*, M. Siddiqui, B. Movsas, I. Chetty |
SU-GG-T-516 |
Investigation of Large Discrepancies in Dose-Rates of Gamma-Knife Units at Various Institutions - A. Shiu*, R. Drzymala, P. Alvarez, D. Followill, R. Tailor |
SU-GG-T-517 |
Dosimetric Characteristics of the Small Diameter BrainLab Cones for Stereotactic Radiosurgery - G. Khelashvili*, J. Turian, J. Chu |
SU-GG-T-518 |
Homogeneity and Conformity Comparison of RapidArc and IMRS Radiosurgery for Multiple Brain Metastases - J. Wang*, T. Pawlicki, R. Rice, A. Mundt, K. Murphy |
SU-GG-T-519 |
Improving Gamma Knife Plans Using Independent Sector Weighting - A. Hwang*, P. Sneed, I. Barani, J. Nakamura, N. Barbaro, L. Ma |
SU-GG-T-520 |
A Fault Tree Model and Analyses for Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Y. Watanabe* |
SU-GG-T-521 |
Analysis of Average Path Length and Inhomogeneity Correction Effect for Cranial SRS Cases - L. Kuo*, J. Mechalakos, A. Ballangrud |
SU-GG-T-522 |
Investigation of Intracranial Localization for SRS and SRT Using MV-CBCT - M. Johnson*, O. Gayou |
SU-GG-T-523 |
A Creative Measure to Ensure the Accuracy of Removable SRS Mask - C. Shang*, C. Vargas, A. Schramm, J. Sckolnik |
SU-GG-T-524 |
Evaluation of RapidArc Vs. Static Intensity-Modulated Radiosurgery in the Single-Isocenter Approach for Multiple Brain Metastases - J. Wang*, T. Pawlicki, R. Rice, A. Mundt, K. Murphy |
SU-GG-T-525 |
Quantification of the Peripheral Dose Components in Perfexion - N. Nayebi*, M. Ruschin, H. Nordström, J. Johansson, M. Eriksson, P. KJÄLL, D. Jaffray |
SU-GG-T-526 |
Clinical Implementation of a Novel Frameless and Maskless Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment - L. Cerviño*, J. Lawson, M. Taylor, S. Jiang, T. Pawlicki |
SU-GG-T-527 |
Patient Specific Delivery Quality Assurance for Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Functional Targets - A. Hsu, L. Wang*, A. Ho, S. Dieterich |
SU-GG-T-528 |
Study On MRI Image Distortions Caused By Leksell Gamma Knife Stereotactic Localization Box - W. Li*, S. Yee, D. Bassano, L. Liu |
SU-GG-T-529 |
Fully Automated Patient Specific Collision Check for Novalis Radiosurgery System - H. Deng*, S. Li |
SU-GG-T-530 |
Comparison of Coplanar and Non-Coplanar Intensity Modulated Arc Techniques for Treatment of Intracranial Multi-Focal Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Z. Wang*, J. Kirkpatrick, Z. Chang, J. Cai, T. Zhuang, F. Yin |
SU-GG-T-531 |
A Unique Method for End-To-End Quality Assurance Test For Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatments in CyberKnife - A. Prabhu*, D. Saini, B. Patadiya, R. Shankar |
SU-GG-T-532 |
A Method for Dose Calculation and Collision Detection in Gamma Plan Pre-Planning Mode - M. Bennett*, D. Wiant, J. Gersh, R. Best, J. Bourland |
SU-GG-T-533 |
Remote PC Application Access to a Stereotactic Treatment Planning System SQL Database - T. Zhao, R. Drzymala* |
SU-GG-T-534 |
The Impact of Linac Static Jaw Setting On Dose Output From Small Field SRS/SRT Using An Add-On Micro-Multileaf Collimator - E. Han*, X. Zhang, C. Velasco, Y. Yan, E. Moros |
SU-GG-T-535 |
The Impact of Imaging Frequency On Intrafraction Setup Corrections in Frameless Image Guided Stereotactic Radiosurgery - D. Westerly*, K. Stuhr, C. Altunbas, Q. Diot, B. Kavanagh, M. Miften |
SU-GG-T-536 |
A New Treatment Plan Evaluation Index for Comparing Various SRS Treatment Technique - J. Chin*, D. Chin, D. Medich, Z. Gao, C. French, M. Tries, B. Acker, T. Napier, M. Yunes, S. Kaufman, T. Wilson, M. Koblinski |
SU-GG-T-537 |
Dosimetric Effect of Residual Tumor Motion in Phase and Amplitude-Based Gated Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - B. Zhao*, Y. Yang, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-GG-T-538 |
Preliminary Estimates of Adverse Event Probability for Selected Critical Anatomical Structures in SBRT - J. Grimm*, J. Xue, S. Asbell, N. Pahlajani, M. Chew, T. Karasick, T. LaCouture |
SU-GG-T-539 |
Quantitative Analysis of Dosimetric Effects Due to Irregular Respiratory Motion in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer - Y. Mutaf*, D. Michalski, Y. Yang, X. Li, T. Li, G. Bednarz, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-GG-T-540 |
Intensity-Modulated Arc Therapy for Stereotactic Radiotherapy of Spinal & Paraspinal Tumors - X. Li*, Y. Yang, T. Li, S. Burton, D. Heron, G. Bednarz, M. Huq |
SU-GG-T-541 |
Dosimetric Impact of Daily Setup Variations During Spine Radiosurgery - J. Kwak*, S. Park |
SU-GG-T-542 |
Accurate Spine SBRT Setup with Properly Aligned MV and CBCT Image Systems - J. Yang*, W. Du, H. Li, D. Luo, M. McAleer, M. Martel, M. Gillin, E. Chang |
SU-GG-T-543 |
The Effect of Respiratory Motion On the Dose Distribution of Free-Breathing Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Spinal Tumors - C. Ding*, P. Medin, R. Timmerman, T. Solberg |
SU-GG-T-544 |
Delivery Time Minimization for Robotic Radiosurgery and IMRT Treatments - J. Dooley*, C. Sims, G. Orr, W. Kilby, E. Lessard, C. Maurer |
SU-GG-T-545 |
Analysis of Biological Effective Doses for 4D-SBRT Using a Model Based Simulation - M. Oita*, K. Tateoka, S. Tahara, K. Inamura, H. Kato, M. Kuroda, N. Katayama, M. Takemoto, S. Kanazawa |
SU-GG-T-546 |
Dosimetric Impact of Beam Margin On 3D Conformal Treatment Plan in the Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - L. Jin*, R. Price, L. Wang, J. Fan, A. Turaka, M. Buyyounouski, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-547 |
New Measures for Evaluating SBRT Dose Distribution Quality - L. Papiez*, S. Yaddanapudi, D. Rangaraj |
SU-GG-T-548 |
Energy and Spatial Distribution of Photon Fluence Emanating From the Head During Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Age-Related Macular Degeneration - J. Hanlon*, E. Chell, M. Firpo, W. Bolch |
SU-GG-T-549 |
Development of Respiration Verification Program and Procedure for 4-Dimensional Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy - E. Shin*, Y. Han, H. Park, J. Kim, J. Shin, S. Ju, J. Lee, J. Ahn, J. Lee, D. Choi |
SU-GG-T-550 |
Small Field Dosimetry for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) - J. Yang*, G. Wu, H. Wagner, C. Saw |
SU-GG-T-551 |
Spinal Radiosugery: Comparison Between Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy and Static Gantry IMRT - P. Chow*, N. Agazaryan, S. Tenn, C. Lee, A. Gorgulho, A. DeSalles, P. Lee, M. Selch, M. Steinberg |
SU-GG-T-552 |
Commissioning An Anthropomorphic Spine and Lung Phantom for Remote Quality Assurance of Spinal Radiosurgery - D. Caruthers*, G. Ibbott, A. Shiu, E. Chang, R. White, D. Followill |
SU-GG-T-553 |
Comparison of RTOG 0618, 0813, 0915, and Accuray STARS SBRT Lung Protocols - J. Grimm*, J. Xue, S. Asbell, N. Pahlajani, Y. Chen, R. Croce, M. Chew, T. Karasick, T. LaCouture |
SU-GG-T-554 |
A Computer Aided Approach to Accurately Cutting Custom Bolus - R. Sheu*, A. Svoboda, Y. Lo |
SU-GG-T-555 |
Dosimetric Effect of Couch Position Variation for Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy - R. Popple*, J. Duan, S. Shen, X. Wu, I. Brezovich |
SU-GG-T-556 |
Investigations Into Treatment Planning for Mycosis Fungoides Localized to the Face - C. Fox*, M. Matuszak, B. Fraass, J. Moran |
SU-GG-T-557 |
Single-Segment IMRT Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - C. Bloch*, K. Baker, J. Bradley |
SU-GG-T-558 |
Effective MLC Leaf Width for RapidArc Plans: Can Coarse Resolution Give Fine Results? - C. Buckey*, S. Stathakis, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-559 |
Novel Treatment Technique for Conjunctival Lymphoma of the Eye - K. Dikeman, M. Mills* |
SU-GG-T-560 |
Method for Optimizing Geometric Beam Parameters for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy of Multiple Brain Metastases - J. Kang*, E. Ford, K. Smith, J. Wong, T. McNutt |
SU-GG-T-561 |
The Effect of MLC Leaf Width in RapidArc Plan Optimization - S. Stathakis*, N. Papanikolaou, C. Buckey, P. Mavroidis, D. Mihailidis, C. Shi, A. Gutiérrez, C. Esquivel |
SU-GG-T-562 |
Dosimetric Comparison of 3D Conformal Proton Therapy and IMRT for Retroperitoneal-Sarcoma Treatments - R. Slopsema*, E. Swanson, D. Louis, S. Flampouri, Z. Li, D. Indelicato |
SU-GG-T-563 |
System for Treating Tumors with Necrotic Cores: Modeling and Experimental Results - D. Wu*, L. Garrett, H. Miao, M. Wong, H. Liu |
SU-GG-T-564 |
Secondary Cancer Risk Characterization of Pediatric Craniospinal Irradiation (CSI) Using Helical Tomotherapy and Conventional 3-Field Technique - D. Dick, A. Gutiérrez*, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-GG-T-565 |
Radiotherapy of Patients with Bilateral Hip Replacement Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (RapidArc) - B. Aydogan, M. Yeginer* |
SU-GG-T-566 |
VMAT Optimization On MVCT Dose and the Affects On Prostate IMRT Acceptance Criteria - R. Price*, A. Guemnie Tafo, E. Horwitz, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-567 |
Comparison of Two Different Implementations for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - N. Papanikolaou*, S. Stathakis, R. Holmes, A. Gutiérrez, C. Esquivel, C. Shi, P. Mavroidis, D. Mihailidis |
SU-GG-T-568 |
The Effect of Change in Target Volume and Tissue Heterogenity On Dose Distributions During the Course of Treatment with Intensity Modulated Proton Radiotherapy - B. Arjomandy*, Z. Yu, L. Dong, S. Frank |
SU-GG-T-569 |
A Real-Time Graphical User Interface-Driven Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Simulator - J. Barbiere*, J. Napoli, J. Hanley |
SU-GG-T-570 |
Selection of CT Image Sets for Treatment Planning in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancer - J. Wu*, C. Betzing, T. He, A. Srisuthep, M. Fuss |
SU-GG-T-571 |
A Comparative Study Between RapidArc and IMRT Techniques Applied to H&N Cancers - E. Nes*, M. Blough, J. Mira, G. Dixon |
SU-GG-T-572 |
Are Constant Dose Rate VMAT Plans Clinically Acceptable? – A Site-By-Site Plan Comparison Study - G. Palaniswaamy*, K. Moore, D. Rangaraj, L. Santanam, D. Low |
SU-GG-T-573 |
Total Scalp Irradiation: Comparison Between Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy, Helical Tomotherapy and Conventional Electron and Photon Field Combination - N. Agazaryan*, S. Tenn, A. Liu, P. Chow, C. Lee, S. Alexander, C. King, S. Lee, P. Lee, M. Steinberg |
SU-GG-T-574 |
When Is Fixed Field IMRT Superior to VMAT? - F. Chen*, M. Rao, K. McCune, J. Ye, D. Cao, V. Mehta, D. Shepard |
SU-GG-T-575 |
Comparison of RapidArc Vs. Fixed Beam IMRT for Treatment of Prostate Cancer at Fox Chase Cancer Center - R. Price*, G. Cherian, E. Horwitz, L. Wang, C. Ma |
SU-GG-T-576 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Three Arc Techniques in Prostate Treatment Planning - L. Jiang*, W. Rule, T. Solberg |
SU-GG-T-577 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Prone Whole-Breast Irradiation Techniques: Conventional Forward Plan Versus TomoTherapy - S. Chang*, F. Gilman, J. Lewis, P. Ku, J. Yuan, Y. Wang, W. Chen |
SU-GG-T-578 |
Radiation Treatment Plans Based On the 4D CT Phased Images Generated by Interpolation - S. Kang*, S. Park, T. Hwang, K. Cheong, M. Lee, K. Kim, D. Oh, H. Bae |
SU-GG-T-579 |
A Study of Forward Treatment Planning with Integrated Multi-Prescription Dose for Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - w. hu*, Z. Zheng, g. shan, c. yu, h. zhu, h. yang, b. wang, w. ding, x. liang, y. wang |
SU-GG-T-580 |
Parameterization of Dose Volume Histograms (DVHs) of Planning Target Volume (PTV) Among Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer - T. Liu*, C. Yang, J. Purdy |
SU-GG-T-581 |
Volume Variability in Treatment Planning Systems - I. Das*, M. Cao, S. Srivastava, C. Cheng, M. Li, A. Gautam, C. Desrosiers, P. Johnstone |
SU-GG-T-582 |
Comparison of Dose Based and Biological Based Treatment Planning Systems for the Siemens Artiste Linear Accelerator - E. Day*, O. Gayou |
SU-GG-T-583 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Anisotropic Analytical and Pencil Beam Convolution Algorithms in Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment Planning - S. Yoo*, J. O'Daniel, J. Horton, Q. Wu, F. Yin |
SU-GG-T-584 |
A Simple Mini-Total Body Irradiation Technique for Small Linac Room - Y. Lo, A. Svoboda*, R. Sheu |
SU-GG-T-586 |
Evaluation of RapidArc Techniques in Treatment of Liver Cancer: Comparison with 3D-CRT, IMRT and RapidArc Plans - H. Park*, M. Kim, M. Chun, Y. Oh |
SU-GG-T-587 |
Impact of Treatment Couch Shifts On Radiotherapy Dose Delivery When Couch Attenuation Is Included in Dose Calculation - J. Duan*, S. Shen, R. Popple, X. Wu, I. Brezovich |
SU-GG-T-588 |
System Integration and Preliminary Dose Verification of Dynamic TomoTherapy Delivery - Y. Chen*, W. Lu, D. Lucas, D. Henderson, E. Schnarr, G. Reitz, M. Chen, Q. Chen, K. Ruchala, G. Olivera |
SU-GG-T-589 |
Kernel Based Dose Calculation in Heterogeneous Media Using Fast Fourier Transform - C. Chang*, B. Bjarngard, C. Ceberg, T. Zhu |
SU-GG-T-590 |
Delta-Functional Multi Segmented Pencil Beam Algorithm for Highly Accurate Proton Dose Calculation in Heterogeneous Body - Y. Egashira*, T. Nishio, S. Kameoka, T. Matsuura, M. Uesaka |
SU-GG-T-591 |
Daily Imaging and Dose Deformation for Assessment of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) of Lung Cancer - L. Jiang*, R. Foster, K. Bzdusek, Y. Xiong, T. Solberg |
SU-GG-T-592 |
Accuracy of the Collapsed Convolution Superposition Algorithm Without a Flattening Filter - P. Rassiah-Szegedi*, M. Szegedi, V. Sarkar, H. Zhao, B. Wang, Y. Huang, B. Salter |
SU-GG-T-593 |
Evaluation of Lung Dose Using Deformable 4DCT Registration Method - J. Li*, M. Chan, Y. Hu, C. Burman |
SU-GG-T-594 |
3D Heterogeneous Dose Distributions for Total Body Irradiation Patients - M. Lavallee*, S. Aubin, M. Larochelle, I. Vallieres, L. Beaulieu |
SU-GG-T-595 |
Implementation of a Near Real-Time Dose Calculation Engine for IMRT - W. Zou*, T. Zhu, C. Chang |
SU-GG-T-596 |
Monitor Unit Verification of Proton Scattering Beam Using a Generic Beam Data - T. Zhu*, J. Shen, K. Shahnazi, R. Slopsema, S. Both, J. McDonough |
SU-GG-T-597 |
General Analytical Solution for Photon Beam Profile Deconvolution - G. Yan*, C. Liu, J. Palta, B. Lu, J. Li |
SU-GG-T-598 |
Dose Calculation with MV CBCT Images for Head and Neck From A New Imaging Beam Line - M. Lu*, W. Hu, O. Morin, B. Faddegon, J. Pouliot |
SU-GG-T-599 |
Comparison of Tumor and Normal Tissue Dose for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using An Electronic Brachytherapy EBx Source and Iridium-192 Source - S. Ahmad, D. Johnson*, J. Hiatt, D. Still, E. Furhang, D. Marsden, F. Kearly, D. Bernard, R. Holt |
SU-GG-T-600 |
IMRT for Craniospinal Irradiation: A Comparison with Traditional Techniques - M. Studenski*, T. Biswas, Y. Xiao, A. Harrison |
SU-GG-T-601 |
Design and Development of a New Micro Beam Treatment Planning System - H. Tachibana*, S. Miyajima, H. Kojima, A. Tsuda, M. Oguchi, T. Yamashita |
SU-GG-T-602 |
Cobalt-60 Based 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy Using An MLC and Corvus Treatment Planning System - L. Xu*, M. Romesberg, S. Bhat |
SU-GG-T-603 |
Generalized Equivalent Field Size in IMRT - M. Chen*, Q. Chen, G. Olivera, W. Lu |
SU-GG-T-604 |
GPU-Accelerated KV/MV Dose Computation - R. Jacques*, R. Taylor, J. Wong, T. McNutt |
SU-GG-T-605 |
Accuracy of TomoTherapy Calculated Dose Distributions: Correlation with Field Width and Gantry Rotation Period - N. Whitmore*, A. Nalichowski, J. Burmeister |
SU-GG-T-606 |
Phantom Study of Dose Verification for Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy in Presence of Hip Prosthesis Using KVCT and MVCT For Treatment Planning On Helical Tomotherapy, IMRT and Rapid ARC - J. Saini*, T. Kumar, R. Starin, J. Rakowski |
SU-GG-T-607 |
Effect of CT Contrast Materials On Dose Calculations in Tomotherapy Planning System - Y. Xu*, C. Watchman, S. Krafft, S. Jang |
SU-GG-T-608 |
Modeling Scatter-To-Primary Dose Ratio for Megavoltage Photons - K. Wang*, T. Zhu |
SU-GG-T-609 |
Development of a Sector-Integration Method for Calculating Cutout Factors for Large Electron Fields - M. Vossler*, E. Bilkert |
SU-GG-T-610 |
Skin Dose During Radiotherapy: A Summary and General Estimation Technique - S. Kry*, S. Smith, R. Weathers, M. Stovall |
SU-GG-T-611 |
Investigation of Different Carbon Fiber Tabletops Used in Radiation Therapy - S. Benhabib*, J. Syh, C. Austerlitz, M. Ferreira, C. Sibata |
SU-GG-T-612 |
Quantitative Tools to Assess the Fidelity of Treatment Planning System Commissioning for IMRT - G. Yan*, C. Liu, J. Palta, J. Li |
SU-GG-T-613 |
Oblique Incidence for Broad Monoenergetic Proton Beams - D. Jette*, W. Chen, J. Yuan |
SU-GG-T-614 |
The Implementation of Auto-Optimization Method to Determine Photon Energy Spectrums and Dose Profiles with Various Field Sizes for Collapsed Cone Convolution Algorithm - W. Cho*, J. Park, W. Jung, J. Lee, L. Xing, T. Suh |
SU-GG-T-615 |
Evaluation of Missing Tissue Compensators for Conventional Dose Calculation Techniques On Pinnacle Treatment Planning System Version 7.6c - P. Changkaew*, P. Tangboonduangjit, S. Khachonkom |
SU-GG-T-616 |
The Perturbation Correction Factors for Plane-Parallel Ion Chamber Dose Measurements in the Build-Up Region of Megavoltage Photon Beams - F. Yoshiyama*, F. Araki, T. Ono |
SU-GG-T-617 |
Contura Balloon Rotations and Its Impact On Patient Dosimetry for APBI - R. Pino, J. Jones*, P. Nitsch, B. Teh |