2011 Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting Program
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Sunday, July 31, 2011  
Abstract Information
Therapy General Poster Discussion
Sunday 3:00:00 PM - 6:00:00 PM  Room: Exhibit Hall

SU-E-T-802 Dosimetric Examination and Verification of Megavoltage Computed Tomography (MVCT) Based IMRT Treatment Planning with Helical TomoTherapy
Byline M Chao1 *, J Huang2 , X Chen1 , Y Yan1 , Y Xie3, K Boyd4 , E Moros1 , (1) University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, (2) Redwood Regional Oncology Center, Santa Rosa, CA, (3) Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China,(4) Central Arkanas Radiation Therapy Institute, Little Rock, AR,
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Document Files
Proffered Abstract 59-15936-49471-921.pdf