Therapy General Poster Discussion |
Therapy General Poster Discussion |
3:00:00 PM - 6:00:00 PM |
Room: Exhibit Hall |
SU-E-T-1 |
Tumor Control Probability Models Derived Using Machine Learning for Head and Neck and Lung Tumors Including a New Metric, Total Clonogen Survival (TCS) - J. Oh*, A. Zuniga, W. Thorstad, J. Bradley, J. Deasy |
SU-E-T-2 |
Reduced Tumor Control Probability Becaused of the Interplay Between Tumor Motion and IMRT - K. Sheng*, S. Saraiya, P. Read, W. Yang |
SU-E-T-3 |
Proximity Effects and Intra-Track DSB Interactions Within the Repair-Misrepair Fixation (RMF) Model - J. Park*, D. Carlson, R. Stewart |
SU-E-T-4 |
A Generalized Linear-Quadratic Model Incorporating Reciprocal Time of Radiation Damage Repair - Z. Huang*, N. Mayr, W. Yuh, S. Lo, M. Gao |
SU-E-T-5 |
Biophysical Modeling Intercomparison of Proton Radiation Effectiveness - A. Carabe-Fernandez*, C. Grassberger, D. Carlson, R. Stewart, M. Frese, L. Gerweck, L. Skarsgard, B. Wouters, H. Paganetti |
SU-E-T-6 |
Investigating in Vitro Gamma-H2AX Response and Chromosome Damage in Human Lymphocytes and Lymphocyte Subsets for Biomarkers of Radiation Sensitivity - L. Beaton*, C. Ferrarotto, N. Ringuette, S. Malone, S. Samiee, R. Wilkins |
SU-E-T-7 |
Dose to Medium Or Dose to a Water Cavity Embedded in Medium? - S. A. Enger*, A. Ahnesjo, F. Verhaegen, L. Beaulieu |
SU-E-T-8 |
A PO2-Based Vascular Tumour Model for Iterative Radiobiological Modeling - C. Kirkby*, E. Ghasroddashti |
SU-E-T-9 |
Investigate the Impact of Prolonged Treatment Delivery Time On Tumor Control Probability - L. Wang*, J. Uzan, A. Nahum, J. Fan, L. Jin, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-10 |
A Computational Model for the Estimation of Biological Dose in a Clinical Proton Beam - I. Das*, V. Anferov, A. Besemer, V. Moskvin, D. Nichiporov |
SU-E-T-11 |
Some Analytic Results of Cell Radiation Survival Fraction for Lethal and Potentially Lethal Model - S. Zhou* |
SU-E-T-12 |
Development of a Software Tool for Investigation of Methods to Compensate for An Interrupted Radiation Treatment - P. Shokrani*, S. Danesh, M. Tavakoli Hosseinabad |
SU-E-T-13 |
Radiobiological Model for Evaluation of Targeted Radionuclide Therapeutic Potential in Metastases Control - R. Martin* |
SU-E-T-14 |
Predicted Biological Effectiveness of Treatments Delivered Using Dynamic MLC IMRT Versus VMAT - J. Schmitt*, Z. Wang |
SU-E-T-15 |
GEANT4 Microdosimetry for Simulation of Dose Enhancement in Vivo at Orthovoltage Energy - N. Ackerman*, M. Bazalova, E. Graves |
SU-E-T-16 |
Use of Radiation Protraction for Target Dose Escalation - V. Kuperman* |
SU-E-T-17 |
Fractionation Effect On SBRT Using the Red Shell Concept and Linear Quadratic Model - J. Yang*, J. Lamond, J. Fowler, R. lanciano, J. Feng, L. Brady |
SU-E-T-18 |
Nanoscale Proton Dose Distributions Using GEANT4-DNA Simulation - Y. Chen*, S. Ahmad |
SU-E-T-19 |
The Use of Probability Volume Histograms (PVH) and Iso-Probability of Response Charts in Treatment Plan Evaluation - P. Mavroidis, B. Ferreira, N. Papanikolaou*, M. Lopes |
SU-E-T-20 |
Differential Modulation of Antioxidant Defense System in Various Organs of Balb/c Mice by Whole Body Exposure to Low-Dose Gamma Radiation - C. Pathak*, P. Avti, K. Khanduja |
SU-E-T-21 |
Repair of DNA Damage From Ionizing Radiation in the Range of Doses Experienced in CT Studies - S. Saxon*, M. McNitt-Gray, S. Ruehm, K. Iwamoto |
SU-E-T-22 |
Improving Physicists’ Workflow with Electronic Logbooks - L. Goggin*, J. Chen, M. Descovich |
SU-E-T-23 |
Ontological Representation of Radiation Treatment Guidelines - Y. Ge*, T. Minta, J. Kirkpatrick, L. Yuan, Q. Wu |
SU-E-T-24 |
Remote, Automated Daily Delivery Verification of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Treatments Using a Commercial Record and Verify System - J. Fontenot*, J. Gibbons |
SU-E-T-25 |
A Learning Method for Assessing Margin Definition From Daily Image Deformations - A. Apte*, D. Mansur, I. El Naqa |
SU-E-T-26 |
Automated Plan Evaluation System: Design and Implementation - P. Kapur*, R. Kapoor, S. Kapoor |
SU-E-T-27 |
An Ontology-Based Framework for Radiation Oncology Patient Management - D. McShan*, M. Kessler, B. Fraass |
SU-E-T-28 |
Task Tracking and Messaging for Workflow Optimization of Treatment Planning Process - M. Kantor*, J. Kanke, L. Dong |
SU-E-T-29 |
Workflow and Data Architecture Paradigm for Building a Large Scale Dose-Volume Registry - J. DeMarco*, D. Low, J. Wang, P. Kupelian |
SU-E-T-30 |
National Radiation Oncology Registry: Concept to Design Specification - A. Le*, R. Kapoor, J. Palta |
SU-E-T-31 |
Development of a Radiation Oncology Patient Flow Dashboard System - I. Yeung*, M. Gallamore, D. Moseley |
SU-E-T-32 |
An Integrated IGART Planning Environment - B. Zhang*, M. Fatyga, W. Sleeman, N. Dogan |
SU-E-T-33 |
Pydicom: An Open Source DICOM Library - D. Mason* |
SU-E-T-34 |
Time Series Analysis of Skin Reactions During Heck and Neck IMRT - D. Glennie*, L. Doerwald-Munoz, O. Ostapiak, M. Patterson, J. Hayward, T. Farrell |
SU-E-T-35 |
Comparison of IMRT Verses 3D-CRT Dose and Acute Toxicity for Rectal Cancer Patients - L. Levinson*, D. Moore, C. Chen, N. Yue, S. Jabbour |
SU-E-T-36 |
Sensitivity of Tumor Control Probability to Changes in Radiobiological Parameters - C. Knaup*, P. Mavroidis, S. Stathakis, G. Swanson, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-37 |
A New Metric to Predict Rectal Bleeding Based On Dose-Surface Properties - R. Lee*, M. Liu, V. Moiseenko |
SU-E-T-38 |
Validating the Use of a New Tumor Irradiation Quality Metric for Lung and Head and Neck Tumors: Total Clonogen Survival - A. Zuniga*, W. Thorstad, J. Oh, A. Apte, J. Bradley, J. Deasy |
SU-E-T-39 |
Volume Regression: An Appropriate Surrogate for Treatment Response in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer? - M. Guerrero*, J. Hou, W. D'Souza |
SU-E-T-40 |
Exploring the Reproducibility of Tumor Volumes Measured by Radiologist, Computer-Aided Radiologist and Computer Alone - B. Zhao*, Y. Tan, Y. Li, P. Guo, L. Schwartz |
SU-E-T-41 |
Measurement and Modeling of the Gross Tumor Volume Shrinkage of Lung Tumors as a Function of Delivered Therapeutic Dose - I. Ali*, O. Algan, S. Ahmad |
SU-E-T-42 |
Changes in Submandibular Gland Volume During Radiotherapy - J. Niedzielski*, L. Court, J. Cheung, B. Beadle, L. Dong |
SU-E-T-43 |
Calculation of the Risks of Second Cancer and Cardiac Toxicities for a Pediatric Patient Treated with Photon and Proton Radiotherapies - R. Zhang*, R. Howell, A. Giebeler, P. Taddei, A. Mahajan, W. Newhauser |
SU-E-T-44 |
Model Prediction of Radiation Induced Duodenal Toxicity for a Dose Escalation in Radiation Therapy of Pancreatic Cancer Using Published Reports - P. Prior*, B. Erickson, X. Li |
SU-E-T-45 |
Rectal Motion Simulations - Exploring the Associations with Rectal Toxicity - M. Thor*, A. Apte, J. Deasy, M. Væth, L. Muren |
SU-E-T-46 |
Evaluation of Different Cancer Risk Models On Second Cancer Risk Calculation for Conventional Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy - A. Joosten*, F. Bochud, O. Matzinger, R. Moeckli |
SU-E-T-47 |
A Method to Increase Statistical Power in Micro-Clinical Trials for Second Cancers Following Advanced Techniques for Pediatric Radiotherapy - A. Giebeler*, R. Howell, R. Zhang, C. Etzel, A. Mahajan, W. Newhauser |
SU-E-T-48 |
Application of Evidence Theory in Radiation Oncology Outcome Analysis - W. Chen*, Y. Cui, J. Galvin, Y. Yu, Y. Hussaini, Y. Xiao |
SU-E-T-49 |
A Method of 3D Dose Reconstruction Using MapCHECK Measurement for IMRT QA - S. Kim*, E. Barnett, M. Gallamore, I. Yeung |
SU-E-T-50 |
Updating a Familiar Clinical Tool: Including Structures in Gamma Index Calculations - C. Knill* |
SU-E-T-51 |
Patient Collision Detection in Proton Therapy During Treatment Planning Phase - W. Zou*, H. Lin, H. Wang, V. Bui, Z. Tochner, J. McDonough, S. Both |
SU-E-T-52 |
A Monte Carlo Model of the Varian IGRT Couch for RapidArc - T. Teke*, B. Gill, I. Popescu |
SU-E-T-53 |
Statistical Process Control Methodologies for Predictive Maintenance of Linear Accelerator Beam Quality - C. Able*, A. Baydush, C. Hampton |
SU-E-T-54 |
Initial Investigation Applying Statistical Process Control to Accelerator Beam Quality - C. Able*, C. Hampton, A. Baydush |
SU-E-T-56 |
A New Method for EPID-Based Winston-Lutz Tset Based On the Circular Hough Transform - G. Kalantzis*, Y. Lei, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-57 |
Comprehensive Web-Based QA in Radiation Oncology - J. Kildea*, M. Evans, W. Parker, M. Anjum |
SU-E-T-58 |
A Basic MU-Checker as An Effective Alternative for AAPM-114 - W. Dries*, J. Steenhuijsen, G. Meijer |
SU-E-T-59 |
A Clinical Workflow for TomoTherapy Delivery Verification - W. Lu*, D. Parnell, G. Olivera, D. Galmarini |
SU-E-T-60 |
Efficient and Accurate Treatment Planning System Commissioning for the Enhanced Dynamic Wedge - J. Peng*, M. Ashenafi, D. Kahler, D. McDonald, K. Vanek, N. Koch, C. Liu |
SU-E-T-61 |
IMRT Patient QA with Dosimetry Check: The Effect of Detector Selection in Volumetric Dose Reconstruction - T. Zalman*, S. Stathakis, C. Esquivel, A. Gutierrez, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-62 |
A Quality Control Computer Program for MLC Leafs Position Verification in IMRT - D. Lazos*, J. Sillanpaa, E. Furhang, L. Harrison |
SU-E-T-63 |
The Unintended Dose to Normal Tissues Resulting From Incorrect Jaw Settings Using Cones in Stereotactic Radiosrurgery (SRS) - G. Ding*, C. Coffey, A. Malcolm |
SU-E-T-64 |
Quantitative Assessment of Dose Differences Between CT and Cone-Beam CT Using Pencil Beam Convolution and Analytical Anisotropic Algorithms - I. Ali*, S. Oyewale, S. Ahmad |
SU-E-T-65 |
Using Gauge R&R for Analyzing the Process of Daily IGRT - T. Pawlicki*, L. Perry |
SU-E-T-66 |
IMRT Dose Reconstruction Using An A-Si EPID-Based System - M. Fitzpatrick*, L. Vazquez-Quino, H. Alkhatib, X. Chen, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-67 |
A Simple Tool for Evaluation of Fiducial Placement for CyberKnife SRS/SBRT Treatment - S. Lei*, S. Collins, F. Xia, A. Ju, G. Zhang, A. Rashid, D. Pang, A. Dritschilo |
SU-E-T-68 |
Beam Matching of Linear Accelerators by Using Mathematical Functions - B. Sarkar*, A. Manikandan, S. Roy, P. Senthilkumar, A. Roy, S. Basu, K. Bhattachrya, B. Ghosh |
SU-E-T-69 |
A Broad Implementation of Treatment Planning System QA - M. Hossain*, R. Price, A. Guemnie Tafo, I. Veltchev, T. Lin, L. Wang, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-70 |
Comparison of Two 3D Gamma Index Calculation Schemes - T. Liu*, P. Rajaguru, R. He, G. Dieck, J. Edwards, M. Brewer, P. Mobit, C. Yang |
SU-E-T-71 |
Modified Machine Uptime Calculation for a Modern LINAC - V. Goli*, C. Yang |
SU-E-T-72 |
Dosimetric Effects of Vaccum Bag , Body Positioning System and Accelerator Treatment Couch for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy - X. Lin*, Y. Yin, T. Sun, G. Zhang, T. Liu, T. Bai |
SU-E-T-73 |
Investigation of Dose Reconstruction Using the Dosimetry Check Platform for Different Anatomical Sites - T. Zalman*, S. Stathakis, C. Esquivel, A. Gutierrez, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-74 |
An Improved Dose Calculation Method for MapCHECK in IMRT Quality Assurance - X. Liu*, Y. Qian |
SU-E-T-75 |
Comparison of Gold Deconvolution and Backward Stripping for Correcting Low-Energy Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Spectra - J. Moga*, L. DeWerd |
SU-E-T-76 |
Construction of a Cost-Effective and Versatile Optically Stimulated Luminescence Detector (OSLD) Reader for Research - A. Scullion*, E. Yukihara, G. Sawakuchi |
SU-E-T-77 |
Patient Specific Quality Assurance for Robotic Radiosurgery - O. Blanck*, H. Breyer, S. Dieterich, G. Hildebrandt |
SU-E-T-78 |
Evaluation of IMRT QA Methods Using a Configurational Cylindrical Phantom - A. Kerr*, T. Halsall, T. Olding, L. Schreiner, J. Darko |
SU-E-T-79 |
Fabrication of Miniature X-Ray Tube Using Carbon Nanotube Field Emitter for Electronic Brachytherapy - S. Heo*, H. Kim, J. Ha, S. Cho |
SU-E-T-80 |
Development of IMRT Postal Audit Phantom Using Radiophotoluminescence Glass Dosimeter - N. Tohyama*, S. Hashimoto, Y. Fujita, T. Minemura, M. Kurooka, Y. Kumazaki, T. Kawachi, T. Kojima, T. Kodama, K. Hatano, S. Ishikura, H. Saitoh |
SU-E-T-81 |
Demonstration of PET/CT Used to Detect Neutron-Induced Activation of Solid Phantoms After Irradiation by Proton Therapy Beams - C. Allgower*, L. Zhao |
SU-E-T-82 |
Position-Dependent Discrete Point Spread Functions for EPID IMRT QA - E. Nichita*, O. Ostapiak, T. Farrell |
SU-E-T-83 |
Potential Improvements in Nonstandard Beam Quality Correction Factor Measurements Using Radiochromic Film Mutlichannel Analysis - H. Bouchard* |
SU-E-T-84 |
Development of a Modified Winston-Lutz Test for Evaluating Errors in IGRT Based Setups - J. Jones*, N. Childress, S. Kry |
SU-E-T-85 |
Ionization Chamber Measured Dose-Rate Constant of the Xoft Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy Source - T. Pike*, S. Davis, J. Micka, L. DeWerd |
SU-E-T-86 |
Evaluation of the OSLD System for Remote Dosimetry Audits Implemented by the RPC - P. Alvarez*, J. Aguirre, D. Followill |
SU-E-T-87 |
Radiation Detector Responses to Applied Homogeneous Magnetic Fields - M. Reynolds*, B. Fallone, S. Rathee, S. Vidakovic |
SU-E-T-88 |
3D Dosimetry for Small Irregular Proton Fields Using a New PRESAGE® Dosimeter - L. Zhao*, J. Newton, J. Adamovics, M. Oldham, C. Cheng, I. Das |
SU-E-T-89 |
Comparison of a Liquid Ionization Chamber with a Diamond Detector for Relatively Small Photon Field Measurements - C. Yip*, H. Cheng, F. Cheung, C. Chan |
SU-E-T-90 |
Determination of Orthovoltage Beam-Hardening Filters Generating the NIST-Traceable Beam Quality - S. Han-Oh*, J. Cheng, H. Ning, B. Arora, Y. Zhuge, H. Xie, J. Ondos, R. Miller |
SU-E-T-91 |
VMAT Monthly Quality Assurance Using An In Vivo Dosimetric Device Attached to the Linac Gantry - P. Myers*, C. Buckey, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, C. Esquivel, A. Gutiérrez, N. Papanikolaou, S. Stathakis |
SU-E-T-92 |
The Field Size Dependence of the ArcCheck 4D Diode Array and Its Correction Strategy - J. Li*, G. Yan, B. Lu, C. Liu |
SU-E-T-93 |
A CT Polymer Gel Dosimetry System for End-To-End Dosimetry - M. Hilts*, J. Carrick, H. Johnston, A. Jirasek |
SU-E-T-94 |
Proton Characteristics of the NanoDot Dosimeter - J. Kerns*, S. Kry, N. Sahoo |
SU-E-T-95 |
Imaging Protocol Investigations with a Fan-Beam Optical CT Scanner for 3D Dosimetry - W. Campbell*, A. Jirasek, D. Wells |
SU-E-T-96 |
Toward Absolute Dose Measuments Using Radiochromic Film - F. Girard*, H. Bouchard, F. Lacroix |
SU-E-T-97 |
Controllable Fluid Flow Using Polymer Compartments Within a Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) Imaging Phantom Design for Quality Assurance - A. Thomas*, S. Hollister, J. Balter |
SU-E-T-98 |
VMAT Quality Assurance: Improving the Angular Correction Factors for Ion Chamber Arrays - M. Kishore*, J. O'Daniel, J. Bowsher, F. Yin |
SU-E-T-99 |
A Patient Specific QA Protocol for Verification of 4D Dosimetry - F. Yin*, A. Thomas, H. Yan, I. Vergalasova, J. Adamovics, Q. Wu, M. Oldham |
SU-E-T-100 |
Measurement of a Cobalt-60 Teletherapy Irradiator Spectrum Using a Compton Spectrometer - L. Bartol*, L. DeWerd |
SU-E-T-101 |
Two-Peak Ratio Method in LiF Thermoluminescent Dosimeters to Determine the LET and the Separate Absorbed Dose Components in a Mixed Radiation Field for Applications in Radiation Therapy - C. Reft* |
SU-E-T-102 |
Factors That Affect the Accuracy of IMRT Quality Assurance Measurements and Their Clinical Significance - Y. Cao*, A. Riegel, A. Kapur, G. Gill, L. Brewster Mallalieu, A. Jamshidi, L. Potters |
SU-E-T-103 |
Making Plane-Parallel Ionization Chambers Available for Reference Dosimetry of High-Energy Photon Beams - B. Muir, M. McEwen*, D. Rogers |
SU-E-T-104 |
Utilizing Statistical Process Control and EPID for Routine QA of Medical Linear Accelerators - P. Andersson*, U. Bjelkengren, D. Sjöström, C. Behrens |
SU-E-T-105 |
Using GaF-Chromic Film to Determine Microscopic Dose Enhancement of Gold Nanoparticles - F. Van den Heuvel*, M. Seo, G. De Kerf, S. Nuyts, J. Locquet |
SU-E-T-106 |
Experimental Characterization of Al2O3:C Optically Stimulated Luminescence Detector (OSLD) Exposed to 6 MV X-Ray Beams - A. Omotayo*, J. Cygler, G. Sawakuchi |
SU-E-T-107 |
Dosimetric Characteristics of a Glass Dosimeter for Proton Beam Measurements - J. Rah*, D. Kim, S. Park |
SU-E-T-108 |
EBT2 Film Based Dosimetry Incorporating Correction for Spatial-Temporal Dose Response Variation - S. Tenn*, D. Ruan, T. Dou, D. Low |
SU-E-T-109 |
Evaluation of the Stability of the Central Axis Response of An Amorphous-Silicon EPID Used in the Continuous Mode of Image Acquisition - L. Vazquez-Quino*, M. Fitzpatrick, H. Alkhatib, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-110 |
Quantitative Image Based Measurement of Electron Beam Spot Position - B. Nyiri*, J. Smale, L. Gerig |
SU-E-T-111 |
Radiochromic Film Measurements of Small Field Surface Doses From Flattened and Unflattened 6MV and 10MV Beams - C. Clift*, D. Mynampati, R. Yaparpalvi, D. Mah |
SU-E-T-112 |
18 MV X-Ray Beam Commissioning with the IC Profiler: A Fast 3D Relative Dosimetry Technique Using An Ion Chamber Array in a Solid Tissue-Equivalent Phantom - V. Leduc*, C. Furstoss, P. Pater, P. Munger, W. Wierzbicki |
SU-E-T-113 |
Measurement of the Cutout Output Factor On Ortho-Voltage Unit Using EBT-2 Model GafchromicTM Film - L. Liang*, N. Tomic, S. Devic, J. Seuntjens, F. Deblois |
SU-E-T-114 |
Intercomparison of Stereotactic Scanning Diodes for Small Field Dosimetry - C. Yeager*, B. Hasson, P. Sullivan, C. Hand |
SU-E-T-115 |
Dose Rate Dependence of OSLDs in Flattened and Flattening-Filter Free Photon Beams - A. Riegel*, G. Gill, A. Kapur |
SU-E-T-116 |
Measuring Dose Distribution Accuracy in Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Gamma Knife Treatment Using MR Or CT Imaging - R. Best*, M. Bennett, J. Gersh, D. Wiant, J. Bourland |
SU-E-T-117 |
Absorbed Dose to Water Measurement with a Sandwich Method for High Dose-Rate Ir-192 Brachytherapy Sources - F. Araki*, F. Yoshiyama, T. Ohno, K. Kakei, J. Wulff |
SU-E-T-118 |
The Beam Quality Dependence of a Radiophotoluminescent Glass Dosimeter in Megavoltage Photon and Electron Beams - F. Araki*, T. Ohno, F. Yoshiyama, T. Kohno, J. Wulff |
SU-E-T-119 |
A Phenomenological Model of the Al2O3:C Optically Stimulated Luminescence Detector (OSLD) Fading - G. Sawakuchi*, E. Yukihara |
SU-E-T-120 |
Characterization of EBT2 Film for Absolute Dosimetry in Proton Beams - V. Devaraju*, R. Slopsema |
SU-E-T-121 |
A New Procedure That Simultaneously Measures Beam Energy and Beam Symmetry - H. Hsu*, S. Johnsen |
SU-E-T-123 |
Evaluation of Integrated Gating Systems On a Novalis Tx System Using Quantitative Motion Tracking Analyses and Efficient Time-Delay Measurements - Z. Chang*, T. Liu, J. Cai, Q. Chen, Z. Wang, F. Yin |
SU-E-T-124 |
Feasubility Study of Absorbed Dose Estimation Using Radiophotoluminescence Glass Dosimeter for Proton Therapeutic Beam - W. CHANG*, N. Kadoya, S. Hashimoto, Y. Fujita, T. Kato, H. Saitoh |
SU-E-T-125 |
VMAT Monthly Quality Assurance Using a 2D Ionization Chamber Array - P. Myers*, C. Buckey, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, C. Esquivel, A. Gutiérrez, N. Papanikolaou, S. Stathakis |
SU-E-T-126 |
Analysis of Uncertainties for the RPC Remote Dosimetry Using Optically Stimulated Light Dosimetry (OSDL) - J. Aguirre*, P. Alvarez, G. Ibbott, D. Followill |
SU-E-T-127 |
Two Dosimetric Methods of Measuring Linac Beam Spot Position - B. Nyiri*, J. Smale, L. Gerig |
SU-E-T-128 |
Characterizing the Uniformity of Gafchromic EBT2 Film Response in a Cobalt-60 Field - T. McCaw*, J. Micka, L. DeWerd |
SU-E-T-129 |
Angular Dependence and Its Correction of the MatriXXEvolution System for IMRT and VMAT Dose Verification - Y. Shimohigashi*, F. Araki, H. Tominaga, J. Sakata |
SU-E-T-130 |
Evaluation of Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters as An In-Vivo Dosimeter for Breast Surface Dose Measurement - S. Harrop*, F. Cao, K. Kohli, E. Harvey, P. Dubrowski |
SU-E-T-131 |
Iterative Deconvolution of Dose Profile Measurements with Ionization Chambers Based On Lorentz-Type Lateral Response Functions of the Detectors - B. Poppe*, T. Stelljes, S. Foschepoth, H. Looe, K. Willborn, D. Harder |
SU-E-T-132 |
Commissioning Integrated System in High-Dose-Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy - C. Saw*, J. Juliano, H. Wagner |
SU-E-T-133 |
A Method to Improve the Accuracy of Optical-CT 3D Dosimetry by Correcting for Stray Light - A. Thomas*, J. Newton, M. Oldham |
SU-E-T-134 |
Angular Dependence of the NanoDot Dosimeter - J. Kerns*, S. Kry, N. Sahoo, D. Followill, G. Ibbott |
SU-E-T-135 |
3D Dose Distribution Measurement with a New TLD Sheet - C. Kurokawa*, A. Urushiyama, S. Ozawa, C. Toramatsu, S. Sugimoto, T. Fujita, Y. Tsutsumi, K. Ito, K. Karasawa |
SU-E-T-136 |
Measure the Actual Radiation Dose Delivered for Prostate IMRT Treatment Using An Implantable MOSFET Dosimeter - J. Cao*, T. Showalter, I. Buzurovic, C. Peng, A. Harrison, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu |
SU-E-T-137 |
Evaluating How the Sample-Volume Dependence of Well-Type Chambers Affects the Current Clinical Determination of Y-90 Microsphere Activity - A. Paxton*, J. Micka, L. DeWerd |
SU-E-T-138 |
Evaluation of CAFCHROMIC® EBT2 Films as An Absolute and Relative Dosimeters in Small Field Dosimetry - Y. Huang*, J. Kim, H. Li, S. Kim, N. Wen, T. Nurushev, I. Chetty, J. Jin |
SU-E-T-139 |
Note On the Underestimation of the Dosimetrical Significance of Detected IMRT Verification Deviations Using the Gamma-Index Method and a Global Acceptance Criterion Based On the Number of Passing Points - B. Poppe*, H. Looe, T. Luellau, N. Chofor, B. Allgaier, K. Willborn, A. Ruehmann, D. Harder |
SU-E-T-140 |
Experimental Determination of the Effective Point of Measurement for Various Detectors Used in Photon and Electron Beam Dosimetry - H. Looe*, D. Harder, B. Poppe |
SU-E-T-141 |
Leaf Position Verification During Dynamic Beam Delivery of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Using Electronic Portal Imaging Device - B. Sarkar*, A. Manikandan, R. Holla |
SU-E-T-142 |
Impact of Quality of Tri-Axial Cable On Radiation Dose Measurement in Proton Beam - A. GAUTAM*, S. Srivastava, L. Fanelli, I. Das, C. Cheng |
SU-E-T-143 |
Quality Assurance of Complex Rotational and Stereotactic IMRT Treatments Using Gafchromic EBT2 Film - T. Kairn*, T. Aland, N. Hardcastle, B. Hill, J. Kenny, R. Knight, R. Meldrum, N. Middlebrook, W. Tome |
SU-E-T-144 |
Study of the Effect of the Optical Density to Dose Conversion Calibration Curves On the Measurement of Transverse Lateral Dose Profiles of Proton Beams Using Kodak XV Films - N. Sahoo*, A. Anand, C. Martin, G. Ciangaru, F. Poenisch, H. Li, M. Gillin, X. Zhu |
SU-E-T-145 |
Patient Specific Quality Assurance - Not Just Stamp Collecting - E. Barnett*, D. Moseley, D. Comsa, A. Abbas, M. van Prooijen, I. Yeung |
SU-E-T-146 |
Uncertainty of Stopping Powers of Tissue Equivalent Materials In Uniformly Scanned Proton Beam - C. Butuceanu*, B. Athar, N. Baillie, S. Duvvuri, C. Keppel, T. Lee, V. Nazaryan, K. Shahnazi |
SU-E-T-147 |
Scintillating Fiber Array to Determine the Proton Beam Range - U. Hwang*, D. Shin, M. Song |
SU-E-T-148 |
The IMRT and VMAT QA Experience Using PTW 2D-ARRAY - C. Hung*, K. Liu, W. Chen, C. Lai, H. Chen, C. Liu, Y. Huang, M. Chen |
SU-E-T-149 |
3D Proton Gel Dosimetry - T. GORJIARA*, Z. Kuncic, C. Baldock |
SU-E-T-150 |
Filmless Quality Assurance for Linear Accelerator with Electronic Portal Image Device - H. Chen*, D. Jacob, L. Simpson, W. Chen |
SU-E-T-151 |
Application of a 2D Ionization Chamber Array for Monthly and Annual Linear Accelerator QA - C. Buckey*, P. Myers, P. Mavroidis, C. Esquivel, D. Mihailidis, A. Gutiérrez, N. Papanikolaou, S. Stathakis |
SU-E-T-153 |
Proton Linearity and Energy Dependence Studies of Optically Stimulated Luminescent Detectors for Remote Audits of Proton Beam Calibrations by the Radiological Physics Center - J. Cho*, P. Alvarez, D. Followill, M. Gillin, G. Ibbott |
SU-E-T-154 |
Evaluation and Improvement of the ArcCHECK 3D Dosimeter - J. Kozelka, J. Robinson, G. Zhang, B. Nelms, V. Feygelman* |
SU-E-T-155 |
Evaluation of An in Vivo Device for Daily Patient Treatment Delivery Measurements Using a Varian Linear Accelerator - C. Buckey*, P. Myers, C. Esquivel, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, A. Gutiérrez, N. Papanikolaou, S. Stathakis |
SU-E-T-156 |
Fast Cone-Beam Optical CT Scanning of a Radiochromic Solid Dosimeter for Clinical 3-D Dose Verification - S. Hoogcarspel*, Y. Xu, C. Wuu |
SU-E-T-157 |
A Statistical Technique to Unmask Accelerator Performance Trends - A. Saito*, D. Rangaraj, S. Yaddanapudi, G. Palaniswaamy, S. Ozawa, K. Karasawa, S. Mutic, E. Klein |
SU-E-T-158 |
An End-To-End Quality Assurance Procedure for Advanced Radiation Therapy - H. Liu*, J. Xue, X. Chen, M. Lin, S. Koren, Z. Dong, L. Chen, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-159 |
Average and Maximum Doses in Thin Fricke Layers Irradiated with Soft X-Rays - C. Austerlitz*, D. Campos, S. Benhabib |
SU-E-T-160 |
Absolute MLC Positions Derived From Epid Measurements On a Siemens Artiste - P. Haering*, C. Lang, A. Schwahofer |
SU-E-T-161 |
Small Field Surface Doses for 6X and 10X Photon Beams - FFF Versus FF - D. Mynampati, R. Yaparpalvi*, C. Clift, S. Tsai, D. Mah |
SU-E-T-162 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Radiochromic Film and Diode Array Measurements for Quality Assurance of Small IMRT Fields - T. Ivanova*, A. Kassaee |
SU-E-T-163 |
Characterization of the Response of Active Detectors and Passive Dosemeters Used for Dose Measurement in Small Photon Beams - S. Derreumaux*, C. Bassinet, C. Huet, M. Chéa, G. Boisserie, G. Brunet, M. Baumann, F. Trompier, P. Roch, I. Clairand |
SU-E-T-164 |
Determination of Response Factors for Si-Diode Detectors in Photon Fields - O. Sauer*, M. Parczyk |
SU-E-T-165 |
Systematic Evaluation of Uncertainties Associated with GAFCHROMIC EBT2 Film Dosimetry for 6MV Photon Beams - J. Kim*, S. Kim, M. Shaikh, H. Li, Y. Huang, N. Wen, C. Glide-Hurst, J. Jin, T. Nurushev, I. Chetty |
SU-E-T-166 |
Dosimetric Considerations for Applying a Commercial 2D Ion Chamber Array in Evaluation of IMRT Plans On Account of Big Gradient Areas - A. Cordero-Ramirez* |
SU-E-T-167 |
IMRT Pre-Treatment Verification in the Build-Up Region: Comparison of I’matriXX and EDR-2 Film - s. sharma*, D. Manigandan, V. Subramani, P. Julka, G. Rath |
SU-E-T-168 |
Variations in Dose Response of Gafchromic EBT2 Film Scanned in Transmission and Reflection Mode - S. Park*, S. Kang, K. Cheong, T. Hwang, M. Lee, K. Kim, D. Oh, H. Bae |
SU-E-T-169 |
Modification and Implementation of the RPC Heterogeneous Thorax Phantom for Verification of Proton Therapy Treatment Procedures - A. Blatnica*, G. Ibbott, X. Zhu, P. Balter, R. White, D. Followill |
SU-E-T-170 |
Development and Testing of a Single Exposure Film Calibration Procedure - J. Niedzielski*, S. Kry, N. Childress |
SU-E-T-171 |
Quantitative Evaluation and Correction of the Gantry Angular Dependence of MapCheck2 for Patient QA Measurement - H. Zhou*, C. Wu |
SU-E-T-172 |
Output Factors of a Cyberknife System : Comparison Between Measurements and Monte Carlo Calculations - C. Huet*, C. Bassinet, S. Derreumaux, C. Moignier, M. Baumann, T. Lacornerie, F. Trompier, P. Roch, I. Clairand |
SU-E-T-173 |
Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Modified, Anthropomorphic, Head and Neck, Quality Assurance Phantom for Use in Stereotactic Radiosurgery - A. Faught*, S. Kry, D. Luo, A. Molineu, J. Galvin, R. Drzymala, R. Timmerman, J. Sheehan, M. Gillin, G. Ibbott, D. Followill |
SU-E-T-174 |
First Results From An Epid Based MLC QA Program On a Siemens Artiste - P. Haering*, C. Lang, A. Schwahofer, C. Stahl-Arnsberger, F. Schwamm |
SU-E-T-175 |
3D Dose Verification of Varian RapidArc Treatment Plans by BANG Polymer Gel Dosimetry - Y. Watanabe*, R. Malmin, N. Hayashi |
SU-E-T-176 |
A Web Based Tool for the Implementation of Routine Linac QA Following TG142 - N. Papanikolaou*, G. Beck, J. Peyton, A. Gutierrez, C. Esquivel, P. Mavroidis, S. Stathakis |
SU-E-T-177 |
RPLGD: A Navel Tool for TBI in Vivo Dosimetry - C. Lin, C. Lin*, Y. Huang |
SU-E-T-178 |
Can a Portal Monitor Be Used for Screening of Population From Radiological Terrorism Events? - M. Fredrickson*, T. Yoshizumi |
SU-E-T-179 |
Quality Assurance of Enhanced Dynamic Wedge Profiles Using I''mRT MatriXX - S. Gao*, P. Balter, J. Ohrt, J. Pollard, H. Chung |
SU-E-T-180 |
Using the Gafchormic EBT2 Film and the NACP Parallel Plate Ion Chamber to Commission the Total Skin Electron Treatment - X. Wu*, Y. Wang, G. Jones, M. MacPherson |
SU-E-T-181 |
IMRT Quality Assurance - Evolution From 2D to 3D - E. Fan*, L. Qin, S. Chaudhari |
SU-E-T-183 |
Validation of COMPASS System for RapidArc Patient-Specific QA - H. Huang, P. Tsai, Y. Huang*, C. Yeh |
SU-E-T-184 |
Usefulness of Triple Channel Correction for Gafchromic EBT2 Film On Patient Specific Quality Assurance of IMRT and IMAT - N. Hayashi*, Y. Watanabe, R. Malmin, A. Micke, H. Kato |
SU-E-T-185 |
Passing Rates of 83 Patient-Specific IMRT QA Measurements with ArcCHECK Using Various Gamma Criteria - B. Sintay*, T. Ramer, D. Wiant |
SU-E-T-186 |
Evaluation of Optical Density Growth and Sensitivity of EBT1 and EBT2 Gafchromic Films On the Dosimetry for IMRT Quality Assurance - Y. Hu, S. Ahmad, I. Ali* |
SU-E-T-188 |
Patient Specific Quality Assurance for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (RapidArc) Using COMPASS 3D Dosimetry System - g. arun*, v. shanmuga subramanian, s. thirumalai, k. murugesan, K. RAMALINGAM, s. kala, s. ashok kumar, k. karthikeyan, a. anantharaman, n. jagdish kumar, I. arivarasan, M. Babaiah |
SU-E-T-189 |
Determination of Output Factors with Different Types of Active Detectors and Passive Dosemeters for Stereotactic Systems Equipped with MicroMLC and Circular Cones - C. Bassinet*, C. Huet, S. Derreumaux, G. Brunet, M. Chéa, M. Baumann, F. Trompier, P. Roch, G. Boisserie, I. Clairand |
SU-E-T-190 |
Measuring Patient Cone Beam CT Dose Using a Commercial 4D Diode Array - L. Qin*, P. Alaei, J. Zhang, S. Chaudhari |
SU-E-T-191 |
Evaluation of a Commercial QA Device for Daily Output Check for a Large Multi-LINAC Institution - S. Gao, P. Balter, J. Pollard* |
SU-E-T-192 |
Spatial Accuracy Considerations in the Development of a Gamma Knife Quality Assurance Program - L. Vorndran* |
SU-E-T-193 |
EPID IMRT QA for Brain, and Head-Neck Treatment Plans in Radiation Therapy - L. Vazquez-Quino*, M. Fitzpatrick, X. Chen, H. Alkhatib, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-194 |
Accounting for Support Arm Backscatter in EPID-Based IMRT QA - E. Nichita*, O. Ostapiak, M. Das |
SU-E-T-195 |
Determination of Standard TG-51 Calibration Factors for Matched Therapy Beams Over a Three Year Period - D. Rosenzweig, R. Meiler, A. Gray, A. Matloubieh, D. Cavanaugh, D. Clark, M. Schell*, R. Abu-Aita |
SU-E-T-196 |
A Quality Assurance Method for Stereotactic Radiosurgical Cones Output Factor Check Using Kodak EDR2® Film - G. Hong*, J. Rahimian, Y. Qian, R. Boone |
SU-E-T-197 |
Normoxic Polymer Gel Dosimetry for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy - S. Kwon*, Y. Cho, S. Lee, K. Cho, Y. Ji, H. Jung, K. Kim, K. Kim |
SU-E-T-198 |
Evaluation of Dosimetric Characteristics of MOSFET Dosimeter for the Quality Assurance of Photon and Electron Beams - D. Manigandan*, G. Bharanidharan, S. Ganesan, P. Aruna, s. sharma, V. Subramani, G. Rath |
SU-E-T-199 |
Three-Dimensional Dose Verification Using Normoxic Polymer Gel Dosimeters for Tomotherapy - T. Huang*, G. Zhang |
SU-E-T-200 |
The Verification of Dose Information for Two-Dimensional Ion Chamber Array of IMRT Dose Verification Using Mutual Information - K. Tateoka*, A. Nakata, Y. Saito, Y. Yaegashi, T. Nakazawa, J. Suzuki, K. Shima, K. Fujimoto, M. Hareyama |
SU-E-T-201 |
Issues Encountered in Film-Based IMRT QA - J. Mallah*, D. Mihailidis |
SU-E-T-202 |
Evaluation and Commissioning of KODAK RT2000 CR System for Its Application in Routine Portal Imaging - P. Nookala*, F. Piskulich, A. Wroe, B. Patyal |
SU-E-T-203 |
Sensitivity Study On the Use of Computed Radiography for Linac Routine Quality Assurance - Light/radiation Field Coincidence - R. Sheu*, A. Svoboda, V. Dumane, Y. Lo |
SU-E-T-204 |
Real-Time Monitoring of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Radiosurgery Using Plastic Scintillation Dosimetry - C. Tien*, J. Cantley, D. Hintenlang, W. Bolch, M. Firpo, E. Chell |
SU-E-T-205 |
Physical Model for in Vivo Dose Image Prediction - K. Chytyk*, E. Van Uytven, T. Van Beek, P. Greer, B. McCurdy |
SU-E-T-206 |
A Patient Dose Monitor for a Proton Uniform Scanning Gantry - D. Nichiporov*, A. Klyachko, K. Solberg, B. Kunkler, A. Eads, M. Ball |
SU-E-T-207 |
Local and Limited Projection Tomography Reconstructions for Contrast-Enhanced Synchrotron Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Vivo Dosimetry - J. Le Bourhis, M. Vautrin, H. Elleaume, F. Esteve, L. Desbat, C. Nemoz, J. Adam* |
SU-E-T-208 |
Optimizing Parameters in Imaging for Accurate EPID Exit Dosimetry Application - K. Li*, A. Beardmore, A. Able |
SU-E-T-209 |
Testing of Prototype Delta4AT Diode Array for In-Vivo Radiotherapy Dosimetry - S. Riley*, T. Matzen, A. Carver |
SU-E-T-210 |
Precise Gantry Angle Determination for EPID Images During Rotational IMRT - P. McCowan*, D. Rickey, P. Rowshanfarzad, W. Ansbacher, P. Greer, B. McCurdy |
SU-E-T-211 |
Optical Fluorescence Monitoring During External Beam Radiation Therapy Using Cerenkov Emission as Excitation Source - J. Axelsson*, S. Davis, D. Gladstone, B. Pogue |
SU-E-T-212 |
Measurement Comparison and Monte Carlo Analysis for Rapid Arc Delivery Verification Using ArcCheck Dosimetry System - S. Koren*, M. Lin, I. Veltchev, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-213 |
Preliminary Testing of a 2-D Fluence Measurement Prototype Device (Delta4-AT) for In-Vivo Patient Verification Dosimetry - O. Calvo*, T. Matzen, R. Wright, A. Gutiérrez |
SU-E-T-214 |
Volumetric Particle Beam Quality Assurance - S. Utsunomiya*, E. Klein, K. Karasawa |
SU-E-T-215 |
Tissue Optical Properties Determination in PDT Treated Head & Neck Patients Using a Balloon Diffusing Light Source - A. Dimofte*, T. Zhu, J. Finlay, J. Sandell |
SU-E-T-216 |
Investigation of the System Performance of An Online Dose Verification Device - G. Asuni*, D. Rickey, B. McCurdy |
SU-E-T-217 |
Characterization of the Respisens™ Motion Sensor Device for Intra-Fraction Patient Tracking - A. Gutierrez*, S. Stathakis, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-218 |
In Vivo 3D Dose Verification for IMRT Using Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) - C. Chang*, N. Anderson, T. Zhu |
SU-E-T-219 |
Ion Chamber Dosimetry Modification Under Strong Magnetic Field Conditions; Air and Liquid Filled Chambers Study. - S. Koren*, R. Price, A. Guemnie Tafo, I. Veltchev, E. Fourkal, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-220 |
Towards Automatic Quality Assurance of Kv-CBCT Based IGRT Systems: A Time Series Analysis of KV-MV Isocentre Coincidence - M. Naisbit, R. Viard*, J. Sykes |
SU-E-T-221 |
An In-House Developed Resettable MOSFET Dosimeter for Radiotherapy - S. Van Vaerenbergh, D. Verellen, I. Van De Vondel, K. Heuninckx, K. Tournel*, T. Reynders, M. Duchateau, T. Gevaert, K. Leysen, T. Depuydt, K. Poels, M. De Ridder |
SU-E-T-222 |
Performance Comparison of In-Vivo Dosimeters, Including TLDs, MOSFETs, and OSLDs for Patients Receiving Total Body Irradiation - S. Pillai*, W. Laub, T. He |
SU-E-T-223 |
Characterization of a Large Area Ion Chamber Used for On-Line Monitoring of Radiotherapy - Y. Wang*, M. Islam, B. Norrlinger, R. Heaton |
SU-E-T-224 |
An Assessment of EBT2 Gafchromic Film as a Potential Means for Depth Dose Measurement of Radiotherapy Beams - B. Arjomandy*, R. Tailor, L. Zhao, S. Devic |
SU-E-T-225 |
An Evaluation of the Impact of Calypso Electromagnetic Beacons On in Vivo Dosimeter Function in Prostate IGRT - M. Winburn*, G. Gejerman, F. Cardel, E. Mullokandov, A. Zacchino, V. Lanteri, M. Goldstein, A. Siegel, J. Scheuch, M. Espisito, S. Katz |
SU-E-T-226 |
Image Acquisition and Processing Characteristics of a Siemens EPID: Potential Problems for EPID Dosimetry - S. Deshpande*, P. Vial, L. Holloway, P. Metcalfe |
SU-E-T-227 |
Patient Treatment Quality Assurance for a Uniformly Scanned Proton Therapy Beam - N. Baillie*, T. Lee, S. Duvvuri, K. Shahnazi, C. Long, C. Butuceanu, V. Nazaryan, C. Keppel, B. Athar |
SU-E-T-228 |
Correlation of 3D Surface Matching with AlignRT and MV Imaging for Whole-Breast Radiotherapy (WBRT) - J. Li*, H. Kang, T. Wu, K. Farrey, S. Chmura, H. Al-Hallaq |
SU-E-T-229 |
Clinical Implementation and Validation of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters (OSLDs) for Radiotherapy Dosimetry - D. Pokhrel,*, J. David, B. Mittal, V. Sathiaseelan |
SU-E-T-230 |
Intracavitary in Vivo Dosimetry Based On Multichannel Real-Time Fiber-Coupled Radioluminescence (RL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) of Al2O3:C - E. SPASIC*, S. Magne, L. de Carlan, I. Aubineau-Lanièce, C. Malet, P. Ferdinand |
SU-E-T-231 |
Exit Fluence Analysis in RapidArc Using EPID - S. Prabakar*, S. Padmanaban, D. Rajasekaran, M. Kannan, N. vivekanandan |
SU-E-T-232 |
Using EPID Images for MLC QA: A Northwestern Memorial Hospital Experience - D. Pokhrel,*, M. Gopalakrishnan, G. Luo, J. David, B. Mittal, V. Sathiaseelan |
SU-E-T-233 |
Commissioning of An Implantable Dosimeter for External Beam Radiation Therapy - I. Buzurovic*, T. Showalter, A. Dicker, J. Cao, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu, A. Harrison |
SU-E-T-234 |
Use of GafChromic RTQA Film for Head Leakage Tests - C. Deufel*, N. Remmes, T. Niedermayr, T. Harms |
SU-E-T-235 |
Evaluation of Dosimetric Properties of Plastic Detectors in Proton Beam Therapy - S. Kim*, S. Lee, S. Yoo, S. Cho, D. Kim, S. Lee, D. Kim, S. Park, J. Shin, D. Shin, S. Park |
SU-E-T-236 |
Evaluation of Electronic Portal Imaging Device in the Quality Assurance of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - Z. Liu*, P. Chan, S. Li, B. Micaily, C. Miyamoto |
SU-E-T-237 |
Patient-Specific Quality Assurance of Dose Delivery for Intracranial Linac-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using High-Definition Multileaf Collimators - M. Morales*, R. Krauss, C. Coffey, G. Ding |
SU-E-T-238 |
OnedosePlus MOSFET Dosimeter Performance in Tangential Field in Vivo Dosimtery - T. Chen*, L. Levinson, M. Zhang, S. Goyal, B. Haffty, N. Yue |
SU-E-T-239 |
Evaluation of Daily Patient Setup for Various Treatment Sites Using MVCT Image Guidance - R. Sandhu*, D. Lack, J. Burmeister |
SU-E-T-240 |
In-Vivo Measurement of Shallow Dose for a Spoiled Mega Voltage Radiotherapy Beam - M. Hossain*, A. Guemnie Tafo, T. Lin, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-241 |
Characterization of MOSFET Detectors for in Vivo Dosimetry in Interventional Radiology and for Dose Reconstruction in Case of Accident - C. Bassinet*, C. Huet, M. Baumann, C. Etard, J. Réhel, G. Boisserie, J. Debroas, B. Aubert, I. Clairand |
SU-E-T-242 |
Quality Assurance for a Novel Translating Bed Total Body Irradiation Technique - D. Granville*, D. Brown |
SU-E-T-243 |
The Utilization of a Head-And-Neck IMRT QA Benchmark to Identify the Cause of Individual Imrt Qa Failure - Z. Gao*, C. Cheng, G. Wu, M. Li |
SU-E-T-244 |
Should Treatment Time Be Included in Assessing the Quality of a Gamma Plan? - D. Luo*, J. Eley, W. Du, A. Shiu, E. Chang, P. Brown, W. Newhauser |
SU-E-T-245 |
Continuous Quality Improvement for Patient-Specific IMRT/SBRT QA - S. Boddu*, J. Perks, R. Stern, H. Wooten, J. Cui, W. Semon, J. Purdy |
SU-E-T-246 |
Practical Quality Assurance for Image-Guided Robotic Brachytherapy System - I. Buzurovic*, T. Podder, Y. Yu |
SU-E-T-247 |
A Solution to the Real-Time Safety Interlock Control of the Linac and the Externally Mounted Multi-Leaf Collimator - Y. Tan*, Y. li, J. Yao |
SU-E-T-248 |
Development of Checklist Enabling Comprehensive Review of Plan Quality and R&V Parameter Fidelity in a Paperless Environment - H. Malhotra*, L. Kumaraswamy, M. Podgorsak |
SU-E-T-249 |
Evaluation of the Surface Rendering Patient Localization System for Proton Therapy Facility - M. Mamalui-Hunter*, Z. Li |
SU-E-T-250 |
Results of a Survey to Assess the Current Status of In-Vivo Dosimetry in Canada - G. Sawakuchi*, L. Archambault, A. Scullion, J. Cygler |
SU-E-T-251 |
Prototype QA Device for HDR Source Position Simulator - D. Jacob, L. Simpson*, H. Chen |
SU-E-T-252 |
Safety Systems and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for a Linear Accelerator – Magnetic Resonance Imager – Brachytherapy System - M. Lamey*, M. Carlone, H. Alasti, J. Bissonnette, J. Borg, S. Breen, C. Coolens, R. Heaton, M. Islam, M. Sharpe, T. Stanescu, M. van Prooijen, D. Jaffray |
SU-E-T-253 |
Checklist: A Tool for Safety in Radiation Oncology - C. Hand, P. Sullivan, C. Yeager, B. Hasson* |
SU-E-T-254 |
Comprehensive Quality Assurance Program for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using the SAVI HDR Applicator - J. Cui*, J. Mayadev, R. Stern |
SU-E-T-255 |
Photoneutron Activation of An IMRT QA Device and the Radiation Safety Implications - A. Eagle*, M. Mann, J. Washington, L. Sweeney, D. Kaurin, S. Qi, W. Simon, F. Newman |
SU-E-T-256 |
Investigation of Positional Accuracy and Reproducibility of Small Fields Defined by Collimating Jaws and MLC - M. Li*, S. Srivastava, C. Cheng, I. Das |
SU-E-T-257 |
Examination of Medical Events On High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Repored to the NRC - C. Saw*, J. Juliano, H. Wagner |
SU-E-T-258 |
Comparison of Dosimetric Characteristics Between Elekta Synergy Linear Accelerators with MLCi and Beam Modulator Collimator Heads - J. Fabien*, Y. Zheng, L. Anton, V. Colussi, C. Shields, G. Shields, B. Wessels |
SU-E-T-259 |
Implementation of An Automated Workflow Auditing and Notification System for Radiation Oncology - S. Chong*, N. Anderson, J. Finlay |
SU-E-T-260 |
Daily Quality Assurance of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Using Dynamic Log Files: Retrospective Study - H. Tachibana*, G. Luxton, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-261 |
Daily Quality Assurance for a 6D Robotic Couch System - N. Detorie*, L. Scinta, I. Dragojevic, W. Song |
SU-E-T-262 |
Quality Assurance On Field Size Shaped by Iris Collimator of the CyberKnife - F. Wong*, T. Chow |
SU-E-T-263 |
Development of a Video Guided Real-Time Patient Motion Monitoring System - C. Hong*, S. Ju, J. Kim, J. Shin, E. Shin, Y. Han, Y. Ahn, H. Park, D. Choi, W. Huh |
SU-E-T-264 |
Independent Quality Control and Quality Assurance Programs for IMRT - T. Minemura*, Y. Narita, m. tamura, M. Ishikawa, S. Ozawa, t. miyagishi, T. Nishio |
SU-E-T-265 |
A Simple Method for Clinical Verification of the Digital Graticule On a Per-Patient Basis - M. Lambert*, M. Taylor |
SU-E-T-266 |
Propagation of Human Error Within a Radiation Oncology Department - H. Song*, J. Salama |
SU-E-T-267 |
A Comprehensive QA Method of MLC Accuracies for Dynamic IMRT - M. Oita*, M. Sasaki, M. Yamada, H. Aoyama, K. Tateoka |
SU-E-T-268 |
The Evaluation of Dosimetric Characteristic of Radiophotoluminescent Glass Dosimeter According to Reading Methods of Reader - K. Son*, S. Shin, H. Lee, S. Lee, M. Kim, Y. Ji, K. Kim, H. Jung |
SU-E-T-269 |
Study IMRT Dosimetry Uncertainty Factors by Simulation - Z. Jiang*, J. Naughton, E. Holupka, K. Huang, S. Chin |
SU-E-T-270 |
A “Rolling Average” Adaptive Planning Technique to Compensate Target Volume Changes in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy - H. Liu*, Q. Wu |
SU-E-T-271 |
A Variable Target Comparison of Whole Breast and Partial Breast Irradiation Fractionation Regimens. Do the Current Margins Make Sense? - E. Al Sulaimani *, D. Arthur, D. Todor |
SU-E-T-272 |
In-Vivo Proton Dose Reconstruction From PET Images - S. Remmele*, J. Hesser, H. Paganetti, T. Bortfeld |
SU-E-T-273 |
Beyond Utilizing Functional Imaging for Contours and Visualization, Towards Physiological Radiotherapy to Improve Patient Outcome - H. Zhang*, N. Mistry, W. D'Souza |
SU-E-T-274 |
Evaluation of Atlas-Based Segmentation Algorithms: VelocityAI Vs. MIMvista - M. Morcos*, K. Sultanem, G. Stroian, F. Deblois |
SU-E-T-275 |
Evaluation of Deformable Contour Propagation - M. Morcos*, K. Sultanem, B. Bahoric, G. Stroian, F. Deblois |
SU-E-T-276 |
Learning Statistical Correlations of Deformation for Adaptive Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer - Y. Shi*, D. Shen |
SU-E-T-277 |
Image-Guided Radiation Therapy: The Accuracy of CT-MR Fusion for Prostate Treatment Planning - J. Xue*, H. Liu, X. Chen, M. Lin, Z. Dong, L. Wang, L. Chen, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-278 |
Volume Based Comparison of Deformable Image Registration Algorithms Using Spatial Discrepancy Volume Histograms - M. Fatyga*, N. Dogan, K. Wijesooriya, W. Sleeman, B. Zhang, G. Christensen |
SU-E-T-279 |
Improvement of Deformable Registration Accuracy Using Modified MV CBCT Images - M. Kim*, J. Chang, S. Park, T. Kim, Y. Kang, T. Suh |
SU-E-T-280 |
DSA as the Primary Image Modality in Frameless SRS for Treatment of Arteriovenous Malformations - X. Lu*, G. Mathiowitz, P. Lin |
SU-E-T-281 |
Quantitative Evaluation Of The MRI Image Distortion In Gamma Knife Radiosurgery - W. Feng*, Y. Xu, R. Burri, H. Chen, C. Wuu, S. Isaacson |
SU-E-T-282 |
Magnitude and Impact of Localization Error in Stereotactic Radiosurgery(SRS) Treatments - H. Deng*, S. Li |
SU-E-T-283 |
Deforming Planning CT Images to CBCT Images Using MIMVista - E. Wennerstrom*, C. Knill, T. Bossenberger, M. Snyder |
SU-E-T-284 |
Quantifying Respiratory Hysteresis Via An Inter-Cluster Distance Metric - D. Ruan* |
SU-E-T-285 |
Generating Lung Tumor Internal Target Volumes From 4D-PET Maximum Intensity Projections - J. Lamb*, C. Robinson, J. Bradley, F. Dehdashti, R. Laforest, B. White, D. Low |
SU-E-T-286 |
A Case Study of More Accurate Phase Re-Assignment for 4DCT Images - B. Wang*, M. Sadinski, V. Sarkar, S. Ruhnau, M. Szegedi, C. Anker, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, H. Zhao, Y. Huang, B. Salter |
SU-E-T-287 |
The Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Amplitude-Based Binning Algorithm for 4D CT Reconstruction - H. Li*, J. Garcia Ramirez, D. Low, J. Bradley, C. Robinson, S. Mutic, P. Parikh |
SU-E-T-288 |
A Finite-Element Model to Predict Prostate Displacement and Deformation Due to Bladder Filling, Rectal Distension and Patient Posture During Prostate Brachytherapy - M. Mosleh-Shirazi*, R. Faghihi, M. Bagheri, K. Hadad, M. Baradaran-Ghahfarokh |
SU-E-T-289 |
Optimal Slow Scan Technique On a Single Slice CT Scanner - A. Markovic*, L. Jeutang |
SU-E-T-290 |
Dosimetry Comparison of Gating V.S. ITV Approach for Moving Targets in SBRT, Dynamic Treatments - D. ALEZRA*, M. Ben Ayun, L. Tsvang, V. Pyatigorsky, S. Dubinsky |
SU-E-T-291 |
How Many Sets of Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography (4DCT) Images Are Needed to Determine the Internal Target Volume (ITV) for Lung Radiation Therapy? - J. Cao*, Y. Cui, M. Werner-Wasik, C. Champ, H. Liu, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu |
SU-E-T-292 |
CBCT Imaging and the Assessment of PTV Margin Size for Rectal Cancer Patients Treated Prone On Belly Board - G. Cranmer-Sargison, V. Kundapur, H. Vachhrajani, N. Sidhu* |
SU-E-T-293 |
Accuracy of Elekta - Image Guided Radiation Therapy - M. Sutton*, K. Matthews, B. Parker |
SU-E-T-294 |
A Method for Dosimetric Verification of Exit Dose Using Deconvolution of Integrated Cone Beam CT Images to Obtain Incident Fluence for Dose Reconstruction - N. Sperling*, E. Parsai |
SU-E-T-295 |
Clinical Evaluations of a Novel Metal Artifact Reduction Technique for Helical CT Scans in Radiation Therapy - H. Li*, W. Thorstad, J. Garcia Ramirez, K. Moore, H. Li, C. Noel, D. Low, S. Mutic |
SU-E-T-296 |
Dose Delivered to Gantry-Mounted Electronics in Proton Therapy - A. Wroe*, R. Schulte, J. Slater |
SU-E-T-297 |
Neutron Fluxes at the Patient Plane and Dosages Measured at the Maze Door with Various Openings for the Jaws and MLC - M. Krmar, M. Baucal, N. Jovancevic, O. Ciraj-Bjelac, K. Ganezer* |
SU-E-T-298 |
Re-Evaluation of Transmissions for a Commercial Tungsten Eye Shield in Electron Beams Using Radiochromic Film - Y. Wang*, X. Wu, M. MacPherson |
SU-E-T-299 |
Verification of High Density Concrete Transmission Characteristics Under User Beams - C. Yang*, G. Dieck, J. Edwards, T. Liu, P. Rajaguru, R. He, P. Mobit |
SU-E-T-300 |
Linac Bunker Access Control System for An Exactrac/Novalis Imaging System - M. Evans*, J. Larkin, B. Siva, P. Leger, H. Patrocinio, W. Parker |
SU-E-T-301 |
A Dual TLD System for X-Ray Energy Discrimination in Personnel Monitoring - V. Nelson*, I. McLean, L. Holloway |
SU-E-T-302 |
Modular Technology as a Tool to Streamline the Construction and Clinical Readiness of a New Radiotherapy Clinic - D. Shepard* |
SU-E-T-303 |
Neutron Measurements for the Monarch-250 Proton Accelerator - K. Chen*, E. Klein, C. Bloch, S. Rosenthal |
SU-E-T-304 |
Proposed Design and Shielding Requirements of a Mini Linear Accelerator Treatment System - E. Eslick*, K. Fitzsimmons, P. Keall |
SU-E-T-305 |
An Automated Program for Shielding Calculation of a Radiotherapy Vault - C. Rhodes*, E. Parsai |
SU-E-T-306 |
Radiological Consequences of Atmospheric Releases at PET Isotope Production Facilities - A. Dodd* |
SU-E-T-307 |
A Dummy Eye Shield for Electron Treatment Planning - S. Kang*, S. Park, T. Hwang, K. Cheong, M. Lee, K. Kim, D. Oh, H. Bae |
SU-E-T-308 |
Monte Carlo Assessment of the Dosimetric Characteristics of Tungsten Eye Shield On the Various Eye Structures Under Oblique Incidences of Electron Beam - C. Lee*, J. Prisciandaro, C. Fox, C. Lee |
SU-E-T-309 |
Significant Discrepancies Found Between the MC Simulated and Experimentally Measured Beam Shape of the Electron Beam - S. Krechetov* |
SU-E-T-310 |
Investigation of Neutron Survey Meter Response in Pulsed Fields - D. Niven*, Y. Picard |
SU-E-T-311 |
Comparison of Two Imaging Setups for Small Animal Cone Beam CT - Y. Yang*, M. Armour, J. Siewerdsen, I. Iordachita, J. Wong |
SU-E-T-312 |
Development of a Rat Model of Radiation-Induced Heart Disease Using SACRTD - S. Sharma*, M. Boarma, V. Sridharan, P. Corry, E. Moros |
SU-E-T-313 |
Ionization Chamber Measurements in a Small, Non-Uniform Beam - Applications for Synchrotron Beam Dosimetry - D. Anderson*, B. Warkentin, E. Siegbahn, B. Fallone |
SU-E-T-314 |
Challenges in Radiochromic Film Dosimetry Applied to Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) - D. Anderson*, B. Warkentin, E. Siegbahn, B. Fallone |
SU-E-T-315 |
In Silico, in Vitro, and in Vivo Quantification of Tungsten and Iodine in Dose Enhanced RT (DERT) - G. Nelson*, M. Bazalova, K. Chang, N. Ackerman, M. Vilalta Colomer, E. Graves |
SU-E-T-316 |
Integration of Bioluminescence Imaging with Small Animal Radiotherapy for Treatment Planning and Response Assessment - J. Noll*, G. Nelson, M. Vilalta Colomer, R. Ali, M. Bazalova, E. Graves |
SU-E-T-317 |
MOSFET Assessment of Radiation Dose Delivered to Mice Using the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP) - W. Ngwa*, H. Korideck, L. Chin, M. Makrigiorgos, R. Berbeco |
SU-E-T-318 |
Using Monte Carlo in the Design of Small Animal Irradiator Collimators - E. Han*, S. Sharma, Y. Yan, E. Moros, P. Corry |
SU-E-T-319 |
Radiochromic Film Characterization of a Small Animal Irradiator - B. Lynch*, S. Samant, R. Helmig, A. Zhang, L. Zhang, C. Liu |
SU-E-T-320 |
Micro CT Assessment of Magnetic Nanoparticle Retention in Arteries for Targeting Therapeutics - F. Wang*, S. Wu, Y. Ma, S. Tu |
SU-E-T-321 |
Whole Brain Irradiation Technique for Radiation-Induced Cognitive Impairment - J. Bourland*, M. Robbins, S. Deadwyler |
SU-E-T-322 |
The Effects of Microsphere and Surrounding Material Composition On Y-90 Dose Kernels - A. Paxton*, S. Davis, L. DeWerd |
SU-E-T-323 |
Investigation of the Effect of the Gold-Tissue Interface On the Radiation Dose Enhancement Due to Gold Nanoparticles - N. Paudel*, D. Shvydka, E. Parsai |
SU-E-T-324 |
A Nephron-Based Dosimetry Model for Alpha-Particle Radiopharmaceutical Therapy - R. Hobbs*, H. Song, D. Huso, G. Sgouros |
SU-E-T-325 |
Development of a Radioscandium Immunoconjugate for Radioimunotherapy - L. Moghaddam-Banaem*, A. Jalilian, M. Ghanadi M. |
SU-E-T-326 |
Investigating the Use of Tantalum Mesh Bolus in Electron Beams - J. St. Aubin*, J. Villarreal-Barajas, C. Newcomb |
SU-E-T-327 |
Guidelines of Measurements Required for Extended SSD Electron Beam Therapy - D. Wilson* |
SU-E-T-328 |
Evaluation of Radiation Dosimetry of Bolus Electron Conformal Therapy (ECT) - C. Toramatsu*, T. Furuya, S. Sugimoto, S. Kitou, C. Kurokawa, S. Ozawa, K. Karasawa, K. Sasai |
SU-E-T-329 |
Degrading Electron Beam Energy in Rotational Total Skin Electron Therapy - M. Xu*, A. Sethi, M. Gao, G. Glasgow, J. Roeske |
SU-E-T-330 |
Comparison of Measured, Calculated and Verified Electron Dose Distribution in Varian Trilogy - M. Gao*, Y. Yin, T. Liu |
SU-E-T-331 |
A Geant4 Simulation Study for the Yields of Positron-Emitting Nuclei (10C, 11C, and 15O) Induced by Protons and Carbon Ions - A. Lau*, S. Ahmad |
SU-E-T-332 |
Determination of Skin Dose During Smart Arc Delivery - M. Regan*, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-333 |
Validation of Align RT System for Breast Radiation Therapy with Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) Technique - Y. Lyatskaya*, R. Cormack, J. Bellon |
SU-E-T-334 |
A Rapid Method for Testing the Accuracy of Heterogeneity Correction Algorithms Using a 2-D Detector-Array QA Tool - A. Chu*, W. Feng, W. Liu, Z. Chen, R. Nath |
SU-E-T-335 |
Contrast-Enhanced Stereotactic Synchrotron Radiation Therapy Clinical Trials: A Dry Run Report - A. Tessier, M. Vautrin, Y. Prezado, P. Deman, M. Renier, T. Brochard, C. Nemoz, R. Philibert, A. Bravin, F. Esteve, J. Balosso, H. Elleaume, P. Berkvens, J. Giraud, J. Adam* |
SU-E-T-336 |
Quantification of the 3D Dose Distributions Around Small Metal Objects Using Polymer Gel Dosimeter - L. Warmington*, Y. Watanabe |
SU-E-T-337 |
Monte-Carlo Study of Dose Perturbation Effects in External Beam Therapy of the Prostate Caused by the Presence of Post-Implant Brachytherapy Seeds - R. Bassalow*, A. Sabbas, M. Delamerced, S. Trichter, F. Kulidzhanov, L. Nedialkova, D. Nori, K. Chao, J. Chang |
SU-E-T-338 |
Percent Depth Dose Comparison Between Measurements From Three Varian Linear Accelerators and Varian AAA Golden Beam Data - G. Wu*, G. Courlas, D. Lewis, B. Jackson |
SU-E-T-339 |
Target Change Effect On Surface Dose of Treatment and Imaging Helical Tomotherapy Beams - E. Ehler*, B. Gerbi |
SU-E-T-340 |
Dose Enhancement Due to Backscattered Electrons of Gold Nanoparticle: Size and Shape Dependency Study by Thermoluminescent Dosimetry - T. Marques*, G. Barbi, O. Baffa, P. Nicolucci |
SU-E-T-341 |
Dosimetric Verification of a Wedge Shaped Midline Block for Teletherapy in Cervical Cancers - K. Shenoy*, C. Srinivas, B. Kulal |
SU-E-T-342 |
Dosimetric Verification of Treatment Planning Systems in a Clinical Setting Using IAEA Test Package - H. Khosravi, K. Asnaashari Lahroodi*, M. Golrokh, S. Gholami |
SU-E-T-343 |
Monte Carlo Study On a Novel Direction-Selective Flattening Filter System - N. Chofor*, D. Harder, K. Willborn, B. Poppe |
SU-E-T-344 |
A Study of True Beam Linac Operation in a Varying Magnetic Field Environment - J. Santoro*, E. Furhang, C. Kim, D. Whittum, J. Van Heteren, R. Potter |
SU-E-T-345 |
Evaluation of Dose Distribution in Total Body Photon Irradiation - D. Piriyasang*, S. Sakulsingharoj, S. Khachonkham, P. Tangboonduangjit |
SU-E-T-346 |
Evaluation of Inverse-Compton Scattering Gamma-Ray Sources for Clinical Use in Radiotherapy - B. Tonner* |
SU-E-T-347 |
A Cost-Effective Technique for Treating Penis Cancer with Delivery Accuracy Verified with In-Vivo Measurement - L. Liang*, V. Arterbery |
SU-E-T-348 |
Commissioning of An Independent Monitor Unit Verification Program (RadCalc Version 6.1) in Photon Point Dose Calculation - P. Changkaew*, N. Stansook, S. Khachonkham, D. Piriyasang, S. Sakulsingharoj, P. Tangboonduangjit |
SU-E-T-349 |
Evaluating a Stochastic Reconstruction Algorithm for Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging During Proton Therapy - D. Mackin*, J. Polf, S. Peterson, M. Gillin, S. Beddar |
SU-E-T-350 |
Calibration of a Prototype Proton CT Scanner - F. Hurley*, R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, A. Wroe, A. Ghebremedhin, B. Patyal, S. Penfold, V. Rykalin, H. Sadrozinsk |
SU-E-T-351 |
Dosimetric Impact of Periodic and Random Motion On Proton Double-Scattering and Uniform-Scanning Deliveries - Z. Su*, O. Lopatiuk-Tirpak, O. Zeidan, R. Slopsema, S. Flampouti, S. Meeks, Z. Li |
SU-E-T-352 |
Comparison of Dose Distributions Between Two Arrangements of a Range Compensator and of An Aperture Collimator in a Passive Scattering Method for Proton Therapy - K. Hotta*, R. Kohno, Y. Takada, Y. Hara, R. Tansho |
SU-E-T-353 |
Verification of Water Equivalent Thickness (WET) and Water Equivalent Spreadness (WES) of Proton Beam - N. Demez*, T. Lee, C. Keppel |
SU-E-T-354 |
Pairs of Sloped Spread-Out Bragg Peaks Improve Normal Tissue Sparing - I. Veltchev*, E. Fourkal, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-355 |
Dose and Range Perturbation by LiF TLD-100 in Proton Beam Therapy - H. Jin*, Z. Su, R. Slopsema, Z. Li |
SU-E-T-356 |
Intensity Modification of Small Diameter Proton Beam for Proton Radiosurgery - S. AHN*, Y. CHOI, H. LEE, W. Hur, J. Kwak, M. Yoon, D. Shin, S. Lee, S. Park |
SU-E-T-357 |
Development of An Anthropomorphic Head Phantom for the Assessment of Proton Therapy Treatment Procedures - P. Summers*, D. Followill, N. Sahoo, F. Poenisch, S. Tucker, M. Gillin, B. Riley, G. Ibbott |
SU-E-T-358 |
Dosimetric Effects of Beam Angle Arrangements in Lung Proton Therapy - Y. Kang*, O. Zeidan, P. Schenkenfelder, W. Hsi, Y. Zheng, A. Mascia, X. Ding, G. Larson, K. Prabhu, S. Keole |
SU-E-T-359 |
Forward / Backward Calibration and Clinical Application of a MLIC System for Uniform Scanning Proton Beam - T. Lee*, T. Mertens |
SU-E-T-360 |
A Novel Procedure to Determine the Dose Output Change with Spread Out Bragg Peak Width and Range Shift in Passively Scattered Proton Beams - Z. Wen*, N. Sahoo |
SU-E-T-361 |
Three Dimensional Dose Verification in Proton Therapy Using EBT2 Film Array - M. Yoon*, S. Kim, S. Choi, J. Han, D. Hwang, Y. Jeon, H. Kim, M. Kim |
SU-E-T-362 |
Small Field Dosimetry for Double Scattering Proton Beams - T. Zhu*, J. Shen |
SU-E-T-363 |
Investigation of PRESAGE® Dosimeters for Proton Therapy - R. Grant*, G. Ibbott, X. Zhu, M. Carroll, J. Adamovics, M. Oldham, D. Followill |
SU-E-T-364 |
Measurements of Field Size Factor for Proton Therapy - Z. Zhao*, C. Toramatsu, R. Slopsema, Z. Li |
SU-E-T-365 |
Dosimetric Study of An HDR Applicator of SAVI for Partial Breast Irradiation - K. Dou*, M. Jacobs, M. Ottinger, M. Seidel, S. Reynolds |
SU-E-T-366 |
Dosimetric Characterization of Brachytherapy Surface Applicators - R. Kennedy*, J. Micka, L. DeWerd |
SU-E-T-367 |
Cervix Brachytherapy Dosimetry: Inconsistencies in Defining Bladder and Rectal Points - J. Lowenstein*, J. Roll, I. Harris, F. Hall, A. Hollan, D. Followill |
SU-E-T-368 |
Semi-Independent Plan Verification Method for High-Dose-Rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy Using Benchmark Plan - Y. Takahashi*, M. Koizumi, I. Sumida, T. Ogata, Y. Akino, M. Yagi, F. Isohashi, K. Konishi, Y. Yoshioka |
SU-E-T-369 |
Comparison of Monte Carlo Calculations Around An Intracavitary Brachytherapy CT-MR Compatible Fletcher Applicator with Radiochromic Film - B. Mathews*, M. Price |
SU-E-T-370 |
Dosimetric Comparison Between Single-Lumen and Two Types of Multi-Lumen Catheters Used for Partial Breast Brachytherapy - B. Liu*, H. Jiang, S. Zhou, T. Kampp, M. Astrahan |
SU-E-T-371 |
Measurement of Transit Dose of An Ir-192 HDR Brachytherapy Stepping Source Using a 2D-Array of Ion Chambers - M. Yewondwossen* |
SU-E-T-372 |
A New P-32 Ophthalmic Applicator and Dosimetry - C. Choi*, I. Kim, H. Han, K. Son, U. Park, S. Ye |
SU-E-T-373 |
Treatment Plan Validation of the XPS (Interstitial) Applicator for Use with the Xoft Axxent 50kVp X-Ray Source - L. Kelley*, T. Rusch |
SU-E-T-374 |
Use of the Novel RadPos System for In-Vivo Dose Verification in Gynaecological Brachytherapy Treatment - B. Reniers*, G. Landry, R. Eichner, H. Abdelbasset, F. Verhaegen |
SU-E-T-375 |
The Impact of Heterogeneity Corrections in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy - D. Hyer*, A. Sheybani, G. Jacobson, Y. Kim |
SU-E-T-376 |
Is the Bladder Foley Point Dose Still An Effective Dose Factor for Three-Dimensional Image-Based Vaginal Brachytherapy? - S. Chen*, J. Longo, A. Wahl, C. Enke, S. Zhou |
SU-E-T-377 |
Evaluation of Calculated and Measured HDR Brachytherapy Doses in the Presence of Heterogeneities - B. Libby*, R. Van Ausdal, J. Morrison, R. Ter-Antonyan, S. Benedict |
SU-E-T-378 |
Radiochromic Film Based Reference Dosimetry System for 192Ir Brachytherapy Sources - S. Aldelaijan*, H. Mohammed, N. Tomic, L. Liang, F. Deblois, A. Sarfehnia, W. Abdel-Rahman, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic |
SU-E-T-379 |
Development of a Monte Carlo Based Correction Strategy for a TG-43 Based Brachytherapy Treatment Planning System to Account for Applicator Inhomogeneities - B. Mathews*, M. Price |
SU-E-T-380 |
Evaluation of Interfraction Motion of the Strut-Adjusted Volume Implant (SAVI) Using 3D Reconstruction From CT Scout Images - S. Park*, J. DeMarco, M. Kamrava, D. Demanes, D. Low |
SU-E-T-381 |
Dosimetric Analysis of Patients Treated with Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using the Mammosite® and SAVI Applicators - V. Sehgal*, J. Zhang, S. Dietrich, M. Al-Ghazi, J. Wong, J. Kuo, N. Ramsinghani |
SU-E-T-382 |
Revision of the Dosimetric Parameters of the CSM11 LDR Cs-137 Source - D. Granero, A. Otal, J. Martinez Fernandez, J. Vijande*, J. Perez-Calatayud, F. Ballester |
SU-E-T-383 |
Using a Force Gauge to Detect the Treatable Length of a HDR Catheter - L. Liu*, W. Li |
SU-E-T-384 |
Dosimetry Studies for Radioactive Gold Nanoparticles - R. Kulkarni*, J. Lattimer, E. Boote, R. Kannan, K. Katti |
SU-E-T-386 |
Improved Dose-Response Relationship for Focal Cancer Therapy Using Liposome-Encapsulated 186Re Radionuclides - B. Hrycushko*, S. Ware, S. Li, B. Goins, A. Bao |
SU-E-T-387 |
A Biologically Effective Dose Volume Histogram for Optimizing Eye Plaque Brachytherapy - N. Gagne*, K. Leonard, M. Rivard |
SU-E-T-388 |
Dosimetric Study of a New-Generation Iodine-125 Source in Polymer: Dosimetric Impact of Fluorescence X-Rays - F. Abboud*, M. Hollows, P. Scalliet, S. Vynckier |
SU-E-T-389 |
Energy Deposition Characteristics of Beta-Emitter P-32 and Photon Emitter Pd-103 - T. Li*, S. Tong, J. Gong, L. Fountain, E. Duffy |
SU-E-T-390 |
Real-Time Measurement of Urethral Dose and Position Using a RADPOS Array During Permanent Seed Implantation for Prostate Brachytherapy - A. Cherpak*, J. Cygler, C. E, G. Perry |
SU-E-T-391 |
Is 1D Anisotropy Function Recommended by TG-43U1 Protocol a Good Candidate for Clinical Brachytherapy Dosimetry? - F. Abboud*, P. Scalliet, S. Vynckier |
SU-E-T-392 |
Using Deformable Registration to Evaluate Combined Biological Effective Dose in Patients Receiving Combination External Beam Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy of Prostate Cancer Patients - A. Dhabaan*, A. Siddiqi, T. Fox, E. Elder, E. Schreibmann, P. Rossi |
SU-E-T-393 |
A Novel 4D Dosimetric Characterization of a Common 103-Pd Brachytherapy Source with Mobile Internal Components - M. Baradaran-Ghahfarokh*, M. Mosleh-Shirazi, R. Faghihi, K. Hadad, M. Bagheri, Z. Naghshnezhad, A. Meigooni |
SU-E-T-394 |
Effects of Various Encapsulation Materials to the Dose Fall-Off for Beta-Emitting Brachytherapy Seed - J. Jung*, T. Podder, C. Lee |
SU-E-T-395 |
Feasibility Study of a Novel Technique to Measure Instantly the Strength of ¹²5I Seeds Being Implanted - K. Tanaka*, K. Tateoka, O. Asanuma, S. Endo, K. Sato, H. Takeda, K. Kamo, M. Hori, M. Hareyama, J. Takada |
SU-E-T-396 |
Heterogeneity Effect On Dose Distributions for COMS Eye Plaques with 125I Seeds (model I25.S16): A Radiochromic EBT Film Dosimetry Study - H. Acar*, S. Chiu-Tsao |
SU-E-T-397 |
Development of An Ultrasound-Based Prostate Model to Aid in CT-Based Dosimetry in Prostate Brachytherapy - C. Tam*, I. Spadinger, S. Thomas, N. Chng, W. Morris, M. Keyes, M. Moradi, J. Lobo, T. Salcudean |
SU-E-T-398 |
3D Dosimetry Verification for Prostate Implant Treatment Plans - X. Wu*, R. Popple, J. Duan, S. Shen, I. Brezovich |
SU-E-T-399 |
CT Image Artifacts From Brachytherapy Seed Implants: The Impact of Seed Size and Motion - D. Wells*, P. Basran, A. Robertson |
SU-E-T-400 |
Evaluation of a Pencil Beam Algorithm and Pencil Beam Redefinition Algorithm for Bolus Electron Conformal Therapy - J. Kavanaugh*, R. Carver, C. Chu, G. Mancuso, K. Hogstrom |
SU-E-T-401 |
The Development of Intensity and Energy Modulated Electron Radiotherapy; An Alternative to Photon Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - A. Alexander*, E. Soisson, A. Sarfehnia, T. Hijal, F. Deblois, J. Seuntjens |
SU-E-T-402 |
Modulated Electron Radiotherapy Dose Delivery Using Photon Multileaf Collimators - L. Jin*, J. Li, L. Wang, J. Fan, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-403 |
Investigation of Electron Dose Calculation Using the Lateral Buildup Ratio Method - W. Gebreamlak*, D. Tedeschi, H. Alkhatib |
SU-E-T-404 |
The Effect of Field/target Size On Quality Assurance of TomoTherapy IMRT Treatments When Using a Diode Array for Absolute and Relative Dose Measurements - C. Foottit*, D. La Russa, R. Studinski |
SU-E-T-405 |
Evaluation of IMRT QA Using 3DVH, a 3D Patient Dose and Verification Analysis Software - G. Jarry*, D. Martin, M. Lemire, M. Ayles, P. Pater |
SU-E-T-406 |
Use of Portal Dosimetry with EPID for Quality Control of RapidArc - V. Goncalves*, A. Vieira, J. da Cruz, R. Sakuraba |
SU-E-T-407 |
Investigation of the Need for Bolus for Superficial Head and Neck Tumors Treated with 3D, RapidArc, and IMRT - A. Svoboda*, R. Sheu, Y. Lo, V. Dumane |
SU-E-T-408 |
RapidArc Dose Verification Using Ferrous Xylenol-Orange Gels and Optical CT - S. Babic*, G. Hajdok, K. Jordan |
SU-E-T-409 |
What Does Gamma Dose Evaluation Criteria Mean: A Novel Method for Delivery Uncertainty Included in Dose Distribution, Plan Evaluation and Dose Prescription in Radiation Therapy - M. Zhu*, L. Papiez, D. Rangaraj |
SU-E-T-410 |
Clinical Application of Dose Reconstruction Based On Full-Scope Monte Carlo Calculations - I. Yeo*, Q. Xu, Y. Chen, J. Jung, J. Kim |
SU-E-T-411 |
Validation of Plan Dose Perturbation Software for Use in Patient Specific IMRT Quality Assurance - M. Nielsen*, M. Carlone, C. Cruje, M. MacPherson |
SU-E-T-412 |
Biological Consequences of Errors in MLC Calibration in the Context of IMRT Delivery and QA - V. Moiseenko*, V. LaPointe, K. James, L. Yin, M. Liu, T. Pawlicki |
SU-E-T-413 |
Optimizing the Delivery of Intensity-Modulated Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy to Lung Tumours Influenced by Respiratory Motion - S. Gaede*, N. Hamelin, M. Kline, S. Goosheh, S. Yartsev, J. Chen |
SU-E-T-414 |
Treatment Delivery with High-Intensity Flattening-Filter-Free Beams for Head-And-Neck Cancers: Performance Assessment of Automated IMRT Versus VMAT - J. Duan*, S. Shen, R. Popple, X. Wu, I. Brezovich |
SU-E-T-415 |
Investigation of VMAT Patient Specific Quality Assurance Action Levels - G. Mancuso*, J. Fontenot, B. Parker, D. Neck, G. González, J. Gibbons |
SU-E-T-416 |
Geometric and Dosimetric Effects of Residual Setup Error On the Cord and Larynx in Split-Field Head and Neck Radiation Therapy - A. Yock*, L. Zhang, A. Garden, L. Dong |
SU-E-T-417 |
A Planning and Delivery Study of a Rotational IMRT Technique with Burst Delivery - K. Kainz*, G. Chen, Y. Chang, D. Prah, H. Shukla, J. Stahl, X. Li |
SU-E-T-418 |
Characteristics of MLC Leaf Positioning Errors in VMAT Delivery for SBRT Plans - L. Xiong*, I. Iftimia, M. Kazi, H. Mower |
SU-E-T-419 |
Clinical Protocol for the Use of Scrotal Shields in IMRT Treatment of Anal Cancer - Q. Wu*, R. McMahon, R. Hood, C. Willett, B. Czito |
SU-E-T-420 |
Sensitivity of the Plan-Class Specific Correction Factor to the Dose Distribution in Reference Dosimetry of Nonstandard Fields - E. Chung*, E. Soisson, J. Seuntjens |
SU-E-T-421 |
Commissioning and Validation of a Next Generation IMRT QA Method to Provide 3D Delivered-Dose Verification - J. Klaers*, L. Santanam, G. Pereira, E. Klein, S. Goddu |
SU-E-T-422 |
Monte Carlo Simulations for Photon Energy Modulation in Radiotherapy - J. Park*, S. Ye, I. Kim, J. Kim, C. Choi |
SU-E-T-423 |
Feasibility and Parameter Study On the Radiation Therapy with Laser-Accelerated Electrons Using a Sharp Density Transition Scheme - S. Yoo*, D. Kim, B. Min, H. Jeong, D. Shin, S. Lee, S. Park |
SU-E-T-424 |
Clinical Validation of a GammaBeam Tomotherapy System Using the Octavius Pre-Treatment QA Device - N. Adnani*, V. Rudraraju, L. Xu, G. Cernica, L. Smith, M. Romesberg |
SU-E-T-425 |
Plan-Specific Gamma Analysis Acceptance Criteria for Multi-Chamber Arrays - R. Price*, I. Veltchev, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-426 |
Assessment of the Limitations of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Quality Control Procedure - F. Girard*, F. Lacroix |
SU-E-T-427 |
Verification of the Accuracy of a Commercial Pre-Treatment IMRT QA Software - K. Gifford*, L. Hunter, M. Ballo, S. Kirsner, B. Mason, C. Nelson |
SU-E-T-428 |
1D Direct Dosimetric Leaf Separation Measurements as An MLC Quality Control Tool - I. Nygren*, X. Mei, J. Villarreal-Barajas |
SU-E-T-429 |
Clinical Use of ArcCHECK for IMRT and VMAT Delivery QA - N. Tyagi*, K. Yang, D. Yan |
SU-E-T-430 |
Quantifying Alterations in Flattened and Flattening-Filter-Free Beam Characteristics From a Gantry Mounted, in Vivo Beam Delivery Verification System On a TrueBeam Linear Accelerator - A. Riegel*, Y. Cao, A. Kapur, A. Jamshidi |
SU-E-T-431 |
Dosimetric Uncertainties in RapidArc Treatment - J. Li*, M. Lin, L. Wang, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-432 |
Independent Calculation of Modulation Factors Based On Comprehensive MLC and Head Scatter Modeling to Streamline IMRT 2nd Check Process - S. Steciw*, B. Warkentin, S. Rathee, B. Fallone |
SU-E-T-433 |
VMAT Arc Delivery with Gantry Acceleration Constraints - L. Papiez*, O. Daescu, S. Behra, D. Rangaraj |
SU-E-T-434 |
Improvements in Step-And-Shoot Dose Delivery Accuracy On Varian TrueBeam - C. Stepaniak*, J. Li, K. Farrey, K. Yenice, H. Al-Hallaq |
SU-E-T-435 |
Comparison in Dose Distributions Between 2D-Arrays for Pre-Treatment IMRT QA - Y. Nakaguchi*, F. Araki |
SU-E-T-436 |
Influence of Collimator Rotation On the Dose Verifications in IMRT Fields - Y. Kumazaki*, A. Kato, S. Takamatsu, N. Tsukamoto, H. Sekine |
SU-E-T-437 |
Dosimetry Study of Setup Errors in Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy of Cervical Cancer Post-Surgery - Y. Li*, Z. Chi, D. Liu |
SU-E-T-438 |
Motion Induced Dose Artifact of Multi-Fractional Tomotheapy - E. Shin*, Y. Han, H. Park, J. Shin, S. Ju, J. Kim, D. Choi |
SU-E-T-439 |
Implementation of An Iterative Deconvolution Method in a Daily In-Vivo Verification Procedure with the DAVID System - B. Poppe*, H. Looe, T. Luellau, K. Willborn, D. Harder |
SU-E-T-440 |
Assessing the Accuracy of Treatment Planning System Calculated Out-Of-Target Doses in IMRT and VMAT Plans Through 2D Measurements - Z. Han*, P. Nitsch, Y. Lyatskaya, M. Makrigiorgos, K. Marcus, P. Zygmanski |
SU-E-T-441 |
Sensitivity of a 3D-Verification System to VMAT Delivery Errors - R. Boggula*, H. Wertz, M. Birkner, A. Simeonova, V. Steil, F. Lohr, F. Wenz |
SU-E-T-442 |
Comparison of Global Versus Local Gamma Criteria for Planar Dose IMRT QA - N. Ozturk*, B. Smith, B. Aydogan |
SU-E-T-443 |
Dosimetric Verification for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) with Gating - J. Qian*, L. Xing, G. Luxton |
SU-E-T-444 |
Feasibility Study of In-Vivo Transit Dosimetry for IMRT Patients - G. Kim*, R. Rice, N. Detorie, I. Dragojevic, T. Pawlicki |
SU-E-T-445 |
Use of MAPPHAN for Patient Specific VMAT Plan Verification - D. Comsa*, E. Barnett, D. Moseley, M. van Prooijen |
SU-E-T-446 |
The Effect of Breathing Motion On the Delivery of Linac-Based Intensity Modulated Total Marrow Irradiation (IM-TMI) - M. Surucu*, G. Kavak, R. Wiersma, B. Aydogan |
SU-E-T-447 |
Energy-Dependent Geometric Correction Factor for the MatriXX™ QA Device for Validation of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Plans Utilizing Clinical Gantry Angles - S. Kirkpatrick*, R. Selvaraj, H. Gotts, S. Oliveira, A. Agarwal |
SU-E-T-448 |
A Dual-Plan Superposition and Adaptive Setup Strategy for the Reduction of Planning Margins in Whole-Pelvis and Prostate IMRT - B. Yi*, C. Yu, F. Lerma, K. Prado, P. Amin |
SU-E-T-449 |
Clinical Impact of Couch Top and Couch Rails On Treatment Dose for IMRT and Arc Therapy - K. Pulliam*, R. Howell, D. Followill, D. Luo, R. White, S. Kry |
SU-E-T-450 |
Can Low Frequency Electric Fields Be Generally Used as a Sensitizer for Radiation Therapy and Chemo-Therapy? - J. Hegseth* |
SU-E-T-451 |
Is Rotational IMRT More Susceptible to Delivery Uncertainties Than Dynamic IMRT? - G. Betzel*, Y. Niu, B. Yi, C. Yu |
SU-E-T-452 |
Dynamic Intensity Modulator - K. Kizuka*, L. Cerviño, B. Evans, K. Man, S. Mushegan, A. Park, I. Rahimian, S. Jiang |
SU-E-T-453 |
Feasibility of IMRT System Evaluations Using Pre-Made IMRT Leaf Patterns - J. Gordon*, S. Young, B. Dukes, R. Hamilton |
SU-E-T-454 |
Feasibilty of Image-Guided Total Marrow Irradiation Using Helical TomoTherapy - T. Reynders*, K. Tournel, G. Soete, M. Duchateau, T. Gevaert, T. Depuydt, K. Leysen, A. Gulyban, M. Boussaer, K. Poels, G. Storme, D. Verellen, M. De Ridder |
SU-E-T-455 |
Evaluation of the Influence of the Dosimetric Leaf Gap On RapidArc Plans Using Gafchromic Film and Monte Carlo Simulations - S. Szpala*, P. Atwal, F. Cao, K. Kohli |
SU-E-T-456 |
Comparison of Dosimetric Effect of Translational Setup Errors for Total Scalp Irradiation Using Conventional Photon-Electron Combination, IMRT and VMAT Techniques - H. Wang*, C. Wang, P. Wong, M. Martel, H. Chung, S. Tung |
SU-E-T-457 |
Influence of Changing Magnetron and Injector Current On the Beam Characteristics of a Tomotherapy Hi-Art SYSTEM. - I. Van De Vondel, K. Tournel*, M. Duchateau, T. Reynders, S. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Boussaer, K. Leysen, T. Depuydt, K. Poels, D. Verellen, M. De Ridder |
SU-E-T-458 |
Instability of Electronic Portal Imaging Device Responses for Intensity Modulated Irradiation - I. Yeo*, J. Jung, B. Yi, F. Piskulich, D. Choi, P. Nookala, B. Patyal |
SU-E-T-459 |
Measurement of Gated Rapidarc Accuracy - D. Kim*, W. Chung, H. Gwak, D. Shin, J. Kang, S. Hong |
SU-E-T-460 |
Impact On Delivered Dose Accuracy of a Moving Target in Different Types of Plan - R. He*, J. Edwards, G. Dieck, T. Liu, C. Yang |
SU-E-T-461 |
Using Foldable Gold Anchor Markers for IGRT Fiducial Tracking - H. Shao*, J. Yang, J. Feng |
SU-E-T-462 |
Microscopic Fractions of Dose Enhancement: Size Dependence Study to Gold Nanoparticle Using Monte Carlo - T. Marques*, F. Schuch, O. Baffa, P. Nicolucci |
SU-E-T-463 |
Utilizing the TG119 Assessment to Quantify Planning System Improvements - J. Gordon*, S. Hashmi, R. Hamilton |
SU-E-T-464 |
A Patient Specific Quality Assurance Study On Absolute Dose Verification Using Ionization Chambers of Different Volumes in RapidArc Treatments - S. kumar*, S. Prabakar, S. Aketi, S. Padmanaban, D. Rajasekaran, N. vivekanandan |
SU-E-T-465 |
Assessment of the Effect of Respiration Motion and Setup Error During Whole Breast Irradiation : Comparison of Standard Physical Wedges, Electric Compensation, and Field in Field Technique - T. Furuya*, S. Sugimoto, C. Kurokawa, S. Ozawa, K. Karasawa, K. Sasai |
SU-E-T-466 |
IMRT QA Technique Comparison Between Single-Gantry-Angle Composite (SGAC) and Patient-Gantry Angle Using MapCheckTM with Isocentric Mounting Fixture Tool - S. Khachonkham*, P. Changkaew, P. Tangboonduangjit |
SU-E-T-467 |
The Trick in MLC Calibration to Correct Underdose Region in IMRT Delivery - C. Lin, C. Lin*, Y. Huang |
SU-E-T-468 |
A Novel Complexity Index to Evaluate IMRT QA - R. Sadagopan*, L. Wang |
SU-E-T-469 |
Retrospective Multicenter Study of IMRT Absorbed Dose Verification in Japan - M. Kurooka*, T. Kawachi, N. Tohyama, T. Kojima, Y. Kumazaki, S. Kitou, H. Okamoto, S. Hashimoto, Y. Fujita, N. Hayashi |
SU-E-T-470 |
Reducing the Uncertainties in Plan Evaluation for VMAT Treatment Planning by Choosing Different Collimator Angles - H. Benedek*, E. Wieslander, T. Knoos, C. Ceberg |
SU-E-T-471 |
Noble Quality Assurance System for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: Dose Evaluation in Rolled-Up/-Out Plane of Radiochromic Films - J. Park*, J. Lee, K. Choi, J. Lee, T. Suh |
SU-E-T-472 |
Arc Therapy Dose Reconstruction Using An A-Si EPID-Based System - M. Fitzpatrick*, L. Vazquez-Quino, H. Alkhatib, X. Chen, C. Shi, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-473 |
Errors Introduced by Dose Scaling for Relative Dosimetry - Y. Watanabe* |
SU-E-T-474 |
Long Term Variation of ExacTrac Image Isocenter and Evaluation of Congruence Between EXACTRAC KV-Image Isocenter and Radiation Isocenter - S. Jang*, B. Dukes, N. Wilkinson |
SU-E-T-475 |
Small Field Dosimetry of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy According to a New Dosimetry Formalism - S. Choi*, H. Huh, S. Kim, C. Kim, Y. Ji, W. Kim, H. Kim |
SU-E-T-476 |
Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Plan Validation Using MatriXX Measurements and Monte Carlo Calculation - J. Kim*, W. Fu, R. Pourarian, D. Werry, A. Chen, K. Mehta, M. Huq |
SU-E-T-477 |
Multileaf Collimator Quality Assurance for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - T. Lin*, M. Hossain, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-478 |
TomoTherapy® with 180 Beam Angles Per Rotation for Small Target Off-Axis Treatment - Y. Chen*, Q. Chen, M. Chen, K. Ruchala, W. Lu |
SU-E-T-480 |
Classic Kaposi’s Sarcoma at Lower-Extremity Irradiation with Helical Tomotherapy - H. Yeh*, C. Lin, H. Tien, A. Shiau, N. Chong, S. Chen, L. Wu, P. Shueng |
SU-E-T-481 |
Dosimetric Verification of Large IMRT Fields at Shorter SSDs Using Two–dimensional Arrays – a Comparison to EDR-2 Films - D. Manigandan*, s. sharma, V. Subramani, M. Singh, H. Rahman, A. Gandhi, D. Sharma, P. Julka, G. Rath |
SU-E-T-482 |
Measuring Planned and Delivered Dose Discrepancies of Gated IMRT - S. Geneser*, B. Fahimian, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-483 |
Investigations of Dose Delivery Accuracy of High Dose Rate Flattening Filter Free (FFF) Beams in RapidArc™ and IMRT Deliveries On TrueBeam™ - G. Luxton*, E. Mok, J. Qian, B. Fahimian, K. Kielar, A. Hsu, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-484 |
Impact of Multileaf Collimator Leaf Positioning Accuracy On Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy - M. Sasaki*, T. Kishi, T. Kawashita, Y. Hara, Y. Fukunaga, M. Tominaga, H. Ikushima, M. Oita |
SU-E-T-485 |
Clinical Evaluation of Inverse Planning Models and IMRT Delivery Systems in the Framework of AAPM TG-119 Protocol - M. Ahmad*, W. Liu, M. Lund, M. Moran, P. Richards, D. Wu, Z. Chen, J. Deng, R. Nath |
SU-E-T-486 |
Comparison of TLD Measured Dose and MVCT Reconstructed Dose for Post-Mastectomy Chest Wall Irradiation with TomoTherapy - M. Roberts*, B. Parker, J. Gibbons, M. Price, M. Sanders, P. Sprunger |
SU-E-T-487 |
TomoTherapy Plan Quality Metrics for Multiple Anatomical Sites - S. Jang*, S. McNeeley, S. Lee, A. Pyakuryal, J. Hanley |
SU-E-T-488 |
Treatment of a Unique CNS Patient with Tomotherapy - A. Karotki*, H. Soliman, A. Wong, K. Ritchie, D. Erler, N. Makhani, A. Sahgal |
SU-E-T-489 |
An Investigation of the Effect of Couch Bar Position On Dose Delivered with IMRT and Rapid-Arc - M. Yu*, D. Gladstone, N. Nelson |
SU-E-T-490 |
Monitor Unit Verification Calculation in Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy - S. Lozares*, S. Pellejero, U. Iriondo, Á. Forner, A. Otal, P. Soto, S. Miquelez, F. Mañeru, M. Martín-Albina, A. Rubio |
SU-E-T-491 |
Accuracy of Dose Calculation in Inhomogeneity Region for Proton Radiotherapy - J. Rah*, D. Kim, S. Park |
SU-E-T-492 |
Spot Scanning Proton Therapy: Single Field Simultaneous Integrated Boost - X. Zhu*, D. Grosshans, A. Lee, S. Choi, A. Mahajan, E. Chang, T. Pugh, R. Wu, M. AMIN, M. Palmer, M. Taylor, M. Gillin, N. Sahoo |
SU-E-T-493 |
4D Considerations for Active-Scanning Proton Beams - J. Stoker*, J. Kruse |
SU-E-T-494 |
A Fan-Beam Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy System - P. Hill*, T. Mackie |
SU-E-T-495 |
Proton Therapy for CNS Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor in Children Under Three - J. Gray*, C. Beltran, A. Pai-Panandiker |
SU-E-T-496 |
Dosimetric Comparison Between Protons and Photons in the Field Junction in Craniospinal Irradiation (CSI) - C. Cheng*, S. Srivastava, J. Buchsbaum, L. Zhao, M. Wolanski, J. Simmons, P. Johnstone, I. Das |
SU-E-T-497 |
Experience in Prone Breast Setup Accuracy Improvment - F. Kulidzhanov*, A. Sabbas, J. Chang, S. Trichter, M. Hayes, G. Wernicke, D. Nori, K. Chao |
SU-E-T-498 |
Comparison of Inter-Fraction Setup Uncertainty of Two Commercially-Available, Cranial Immobilization Masks Using KV-CBCT and ExacTrac® Imaging Systems - N. Nayebi*, A. Gutierrez, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-499 |
Assessment of Patient Setup Accuracy at a Treatment Position After the Patient Has Been Registered at Another Location Using Robotic Positioner and a Dual KV Imaging System - A. Ghebremedhin*, N. Wang, B. Patyal |
SU-E-T-500 |
Immobilization Device for Supine Proton Craniospinal Irradiation - M. Wolanski*, A. Besemer, T. Hoene, A. Sandefur, J. Simmons, R. Simoneaux, J. Buchsbaum |
SU-E-T-501 |
Immobilization System Design and Testing for Proton Therapy - A. Wroe*, A. Ghebremedhin, M. Johnson, F. Piskulich, B. Patyal, R. Schulte, J. Slater |
SU-E-T-502 |
Investigation of Interfraction Setup Error From Using Non-Extended Standard Thermoplastic Mask for Head and Neck IMRT Patients - L. Tuntipumiamorn*, P. Liammookda, S. Dechawongsuwan, S. Chaikreng |
SU-E-T-503 |
A Practical Method of Determining CBCT Imaging Frequency - W. Culberson*, K. Stump |
SU-E-T-504 |
Development of An Offline Based Internal Organ Motion Verification System During Treatment Using Sequential Cine EPID Images - S. Ju*, C. Hong, Y. Han, E. Shin, J. Shin, J. Kim, H. Park, W. Huh, D. Choi |
SU-E-T-505 |
A Phantom Study of 4D-SBRT Lung Treatment with CyberKnife Using Novel Fiducial Markers - S. Lee*, J. Hepel, W. Mayo-Smith, B. Curran, T. Sio, S. Jang, E. Sternick |
SU-E-T-506 |
Low Dose Fluoroscopy Based Detection of Implanted Marker Position On the VERO System for Real-Time Tumor Tracking - T. Depuydt*, K. Poels, G. Van Gompel, N. Buls, T. Gevaert, M. Duchateau, T. Reynders, K. Tournel, D. Verellen, M. De Ridder |
SU-E-T-507 |
Respiratory Motion Management for Early Stage Lung Tumors: Is the Advantage Greater for Protons Or Photons? - J. Matney*, J. Bluett, C. Wages, H. Liu, J. Chang, P. Balter, L. Dong, R. Mohan |
SU-E-T-508 |
First Clinical Commissioning of a Dynamic Gating Interface for An Electromagnetic Tracking System - L. Santanam*, J. Ge, S. Goddu, A. Dlugosch, J. Garcia Ramirez, S. Mutic, P. Parikh |
SU-E-T-509 |
Automatic Detection of Non-Rigid Fiducial Motion for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) of Moving Tumors - Q. Xu*, L. An, N. Pahlajani, T. LaCouture, Y. Chen |
SU-E-T-510 |
Static and Dynamic Polynomial Correlations of Internal/external Marker Positions in Radiotherapy - A. Besemer*, H. Wu |
SU-E-T-511 |
Distribution of Hysteresis Magnitude During Free Breathing - B. White*, T. Zhao, S. Jani, J. Lamb, J. Bradley, D. Low |
SU-E-T-512 |
Targeting Mobile Tumors Precisely with An Integrated Robotic Target Tracking and Dynamic Couch-Based Motion Compensation System for a Conventional Linear Accelerator - D. Shah*, T. McAvoy, K. Malinowski, W. D'Souza |
SU-E-T-513 |
Breathing Motion Effects On Chest Wall and Resulting Dose Errors - S. Chaudhari*, S. Edlund, L. Cho, . Varadhan, S. Hui |
SU-E-T-514 |
Dosimetric Verification of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Using Conebeam Computed Tomography - G. Narayanasamy*, J. Feddock, J. Gleason, R. McGarry, J. Molloy |
SU-E-T-515 |
Implementation of Gated Beam Delivery at the Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center - A. Gemmel*, J. Naumann, R. Panse, A. von Knobloch, E. Rietzel |
SU-E-T-516 |
Evaluation of the Effects of Total Lung Volume, Age, and Body Mass Index On Breath-Hold Level for Left Breast Cancer Patients - C. Veale*, A. Jones, J. Treas, T. Gergel |
SU-E-T-517 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of Beam-Hold Interruption in Respiratory Gated RapidArc Delivery - S. Shen*, R. Popple, J. Duan, X. Wu, I. Brezovich |
SU-E-T-518 |
Application of Wii Remote in Patinet Respiratory Monitoring and Possible as a Patient Self Pratice Tool - Y. Peng*, S. Vedam, P. Balter |
SU-E-T-519 |
Reduction of Matching Errors Due to Variations of Breathing Patterns in Gated Breast Treatments - F. Van den Heuvel*, S. Petillion, W. Crijns, G. De Kerf, K. Haustermans, C. Sweldens, C. Weltens |
SU-E-T-520 |
Post-Treatment Evaluation of Dose Delivery by Gated Radiation Therapy Considering the Impact of Breathing Irreproducibility - J. Jung*, S. An, I. Yeo, R. Lee, B. Yi, T. LaCouture, S. DiBiase |
SU-E-T-521 |
Is Cone Beam CT (CBCT) Equivalent to 4-Dimensinoal (4D) MIP Images to Account for Target Motion in SBRT Lung Treatment? - L. Wang*, J. Fan, T. Lin, L. Jin, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-522 |
Evaluation of EDW and Sliding Window IMRT in the Presence of Organ Motion with Gating - J. Koilpillai*, A. Yoganathan, K. Senthil Kumar, C. Kesavan, R. Vikram, S. Kumar |
SU-E-T-523 |
Comparison of Fiducial and Bony-Anatomy Based Alignment for Prostate Localization in Proton Therapy - L. Wootton*, X. Zhu, R. Kudchadker, R. Sharma, B. Choi, M. Taylor, L. Dong, J. Johnson, Q. Nguyen, S. Choi, A. Lee |
SU-E-T-524 |
Intrafraction Motion and Dosimetric Evaluation of Margin Reduction During Fractionated Rapid Arc Treatment of Prostate Cancer - J. Heinzerling*, L. Jiang, D. Hong, H. Li, R. Foster, J. Anderson, T. Solberg, T. Boike |
SU-E-T-525 |
Evaluating the Tracking Performance of Non-Migrating Fiducial Markers for Lung Lesion Localization in CyberKnife Treatments - J. Gersh*, R. McLawhorn, S. Stephenson, J. Rosenman |
SU-E-T-526 |
Is the Marker Matching Method Adequate for Daily Setup of Pelvic Fields in Prostate Irradiation? - H. Ning*, B. Chin, J. Cheng, Y. Zhuge, H. Xie, J. Ondos, A. Kaushal, R. Miller |
SU-E-T-527 |
Comparison of CT-On-Rails and a 3D Surface Imaging System for Image Guided Partial Breast Radiation Therapy - H. Zhao*, B. Wang, P. Rassiah-Szegedi, Y. Huang, V. Sarkar, M. Szegedi, M. Sadinski, K. Kokeny, M. Poppe, B. Salter |
SU-E-T-528 |
Thermal Tomography for Skin Toxicity Prediction in Radiotherapy: Effect of Surface Heat Penetration - A. Templeton*, J. Chu, J. Sun, R. Yao, D. Bernard, K. Griem |
SU-E-T-529 |
The Dosimetric Uncertainty of Helical MVCT Images for Use in Adaptive Radiotherapy - J. Pukala*, S. Meeks, K. Langen |
SU-E-T-530 |
Projection Image Correction for 4D VMAT-CT - S. Kida, N. Saotome*, T. Onoe, K. Sasaki, T. Imae, K. Tanaka, A. Sakumi, Y. Masutani, A. Haga, K. Nakagawa |
SU-E-T-531 |
Comparison of Film and CBCT Based Fiducial Marker Localization for Prostate Patients - Y. Zhang*, V. Sathiaseelan, J. Kalapurakal |
SU-E-T-532 |
Measurements of the Doses Delivered During Radiotherapy CT Exams Using AAPM Task Group Report N°111 - C. Descamps, M. Gonzalez, E. Garrigo, A. Germanier, C. Venencia* |
SU-E-T-533 |
The Validity of Using Average Intensity Projected Target Volumes for CBCT Localization of SBRT Lung Tumors - J. Donaghue*, G. Borthakur, S. Gajdos |
SU-E-T-534 |
Assessing Planning Margins Using Shifting Dose Matrix Method to Calculate Daily and Cumulative Doses Under Imaging Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) - G. Huang*, N. Yu, K. Stephans, R. Tendulkar, P. Xia |
SU-E-T-535 |
Analysis of Results From An Anthropomorphic Stereotactic Radiosurgery Phantom - C. AMADOR*, A. Molineu, S. Smith, N. Hernandez, D. Followill, M. Stovall |
SU-E-T-536 |
SRS Diode and Diamond Detector Signal Response Correction Factors in Small Diameter Stereotactic Radiosurgery Fields - G. Khelashvili*, J. Chu, D. Bernard, A. Diaz, J. Turian |
SU-E-T-537 |
A Dosimetric Study of Gafchromic EBT2 Film for Small Field Size Stereotactic Radiosurgery QA - X. Zhang*, Y. Yan, S. Sharma, P. Corry, V. Ratanatharathorn, E. Moros |
SU-E-T-538 |
A Quantitative Evaluation of TomoTherapy Lung SBRT Set-Up Accuracy - D. Wiant*, B. Sintay, M. Ingram, M. Manning |
SU-E-T-539 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of PTV Margins and Intrafraction Motion for Prostate SBRT - L. Jiang*, H. Li, J. Heinzerling, T. Boike, T. Solberg, R. Foster |
SU-E-T-540 |
Verification of Dosimetric Accuracy On the TrueBeam STx: Rounded Leaf Effect of the High Definition MLC - K. Kielar*, E. Mok, L. Wang, G. Luxton, P. Maxim, A. Hsu, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-541 |
A Clinical Approach to Account for the Attenuation of Varian Exact IGRT Couch Top for Spine Stereotatic Radiosurgery Patients - X. Pan*, J. Yang, L. Dong, X. Zhu, M. Gillin, E. Chang, P. Brown |
SU-E-T-542 |
Evaluation of Lung Treatment Deliveries Using the Radiological Physics Center’s (RPC) Thorax Phantom: Monte Carlo Heterogeneity Correction Algorithms Vs. All Other Modern Heterogeneity Correction Algorithms - D. Followill*, P. Alvarez, A. Molineu, M. Gillin, G. Ibbott |
SU-E-T-543 |
The Use of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative Design for Optimized Real-Time Head Motion Correction in Frameless SRS - J. Rosenfield*, Z. Grelewicz, H. Kang, R. Wiersma |
SU-E-T-544 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of a Micro-MLC Developed for a Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery/Radiotherapy Machine - J. Li*, J. Fan, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-545 |
Assessing the Impact of Proton Range Uncertainties On NSCLC Lung Patients Treated with Proton Beam-Based SBRT - J. Seco*, H. Panahandeh, K. Westover, J. Adams, H. Willers |
SU-E-T-546 |
Clinical Impact of Detector Selection in Small Photon Beam Modelling - M. Brunet-Benkhoucha*, m. pazzola, C. Furstoss |
SU-E-T-547 |
ArcCHECK Diode Array for Dosimetric Verification of HybridArc - A. Petoukhova*, J. Egmond, M. Eenink, R. Wiggenraad, J. Santvoort |
SU-E-T-548 |
Retrospective Evaluation of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Plans at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre - J. Stanley*, D. Spencer, P. Dunscombe |
SU-E-T-549 |
Hypofractionated Spine Radiotherapy: How Do You QA? - S. Stathakis*, A. Gutiérrez, C. Esquivel, C. Buckey, P. Myers, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-550 |
Development of a Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor Array for Detection of Intrafraction Motion During Cranial Radiosurgery - E. Schreiber*, P. Dayton, J. Rosenman |
SU-E-T-551 |
Analysis of a Non-Invasive Patient Mask Immobilization System for Cranial SRS With TomoTherapy - T. Bichay, J. Kane, P. Ebrom, C. Chen* |
SU-E-T-552 |
Dosimetry Investigation of a PinPoint Ion Chamber for SRS Commissioning and Treatment Verification - L. Jin*, J. Fan, L. Wang, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-553 |
Evaluation of Rotational Errors in Treatment Setup of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) of Lung Cancer - M. Cao*, F. Lasley, A. Fakiris, C. Desrosiers, I. Das |
SU-E-T-554 |
Systematic Evaluation of SBRT of NSCLC Using VMAT, IMRT, and Multiple Short Arcs Considering Uncertainties in CT and PET-Based Planning, Body-Frame and Abdomen Compressed Setup, and XVI-Guided and Optical-Tracked On-Line Adjustment - S. Li*, Z. Liu, P. Chan, B. Micaily, C. Miyamoto |
SU-E-T-555 |
Small Field Dosimetry of the Flattening Filter Free (FFF) X-Ray Photons - y. wang*, S. Easterling, J. Ting |
SU-E-T-556 |
Interplay Effect Between Dynamic MLC and Moving Target for Lung SBRT with IMAT Technique Delivered by Flattening Filter Free Beam of True Beam Machine - X. Li*, Y. Yang, T. Li, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-E-T-557 |
Dose Calculation Accuracy Using Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) for Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) - W. Xiong*, Y. Huang, R. Gewanter, P. Dutta, C. Burman |
SU-E-T-558 |
Intrafractional Target Displacement During Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Lung for Patients Immobilized Using BodyFix System - S. Kriminski, D. Pavord*, M. O'Connor, A. Kim, E. Farhangi |
SU-E-T-559 |
Quality Assurance Utilizing 3D Dose Reconstruction for Stereotactic Lung Body Radiotherapy - J. Durgin*, D. Zhang, M. Weldon, N. Gupta |
SU-E-T-560 |
The Use of EBT2 Films for IPlan Commissioning Verification - M. Chan*, Q. Zhang, J. Li, K. Schupak, C. Burman |
SU-E-T-561 |
Multiple RapidArc-Based Radiosurgery for Intracranial Tumors: Comparison with Conventional Dynamic Conformal Arc Technique - Y. Yang*, B. Zhao, X. Li, T. Li, D. Heron, M. Huq |
SU-E-T-562 |
MAGAT Gel and EBT2 Film Based Dosimetry for Evaluating Source Plugging Based Treatment Plan in Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery - G. Natanasabapathi*, V. Subbiah, G. Rath, S. Kale, S. Senthilkumaran, S. Thulkar, V. Subramani, R. Bisht, A. Mahapatra |
SU-E-T-563 |
Applicability of Image Smoothing for Dose Calculation of High Density Phantoms in Patient Specific Delivery Quality Assurance - A. Kakakhel*, M. Snyder, D. Lack |
SU-E-T-564 |
End-To-End Test for LINAC-Based SBRT with Onboard Planar and Volumetric Imaging System - L. Wang*, K. Kielar, E. Mok, A. Hsu, S. Dieterich, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-565 |
Patient-Specific Evaluation of the Need for Adaptive Therapy in Lung SBRT - D. Owen*, A. Cherpak, J. Cygler, J. Belec, B. Clark |
SU-E-T-566 |
Comparison of Institutional Radiochromic Film Data of Small Circular Collimators with a Sun Nuclear Edge Detector, IBA Stereotactic Field Diode (SFD), and the Mapcheck 2 QA Tool - B. Hasson, P. Sullivan, C. Yeager, C. Hand, W. Murphy* |
SU-E-T-567 |
Small Field Dosimetry of Flattening Filter Free Beams - R. Popple*, S. Shen, J. Duan, X. Wu, I. Brezovich |
SU-E-T-568 |
A Comparison of Apparent Tumor Volume On Treatment Planning Scans and Daily Volumetric Imaging Scans for Lung SBRT - W. Ingram, B. Sintay*, D. Wiant, M. Manning |
SU-E-T-569 |
Potential Benefit of Dose-Guided Radiotherapy with On-Line Dose Evaluation for SBRT for Lung Tumors - D. van Rooijen*, N. van Wieringen, G. Stippel, A. Bel |
SU-E-T-570 |
Setup and Monitoring in SRS Treatments with Surface Imaging - L. Cerviño*, N. Detorie, M. Taylor, J. Lawson, T. Harry, K. Murphy, A. Mundt, S. Jiang, T. Pawlicki |
SU-E-T-571 |
EPID Assisted Dosimetric Evaluation of Treatment Planning Using Helical Or 4D CT in Stereotactic Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer - Y. Liao*, J. Turian, J. Chu |
SU-E-T-572 |
Dose Mass Histogram (DMH) Versus Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) for SBRT and Craniospinal Patients: What Can We Learn? - M. Chao*, X. Chen, J. Penagaricano, E. Moros, V. Ratanatharathorn, P. Corry |
SU-E-T-573 |
Monte Carlo Simulated Peripheral Doses in SRS of the Brain - G. Georgiev*, S. Jang, R. Hamilton |
SU-E-T-574 |
Assessment of Target Motion in SBRT Lung Patients Using the Frame-Based Stereotactic Coordinates - A. Sabbas*, F. Kulidzhanov, S. Trichter, R. Bassalow, B. Biritz, B. Parashar, D. Nori, K. Chao, J. Chang |
SU-E-T-575 |
Comparison of Total Scatter Factor for SRS Measured by Various Detectors - k. fukata*, S. Sugimoto, S. Ozawa, T. Furuya, M. Kawashima, T. Inoue, C. Toramatsu, K. Karasawa, K. Sasai |
SU-E-T-576 |
A Comprehensive Approach for SBRT Irradiation On RPC Spine Phantom - Z. Su*, Z. Zhao, T. Zhao, Z. Li |
SU-E-T-577 |
Stereotactic Radiosurgery for AVMs: Impact of Embolization Media On Radiation Dose - D. Beachey*, L. Da Costa, K. ter Brugge, Y. Andrade-Souza, P. Howard, M. Tsao, M. Schwartz, A. Sahgal |
SU-E-T-578 |
A Dual Detector Method for Determining CyberKnife Total Scatter Factors (TSF) - J. Szanto, E. Henderson* |
SU-E-T-579 |
Comparison of Dose Distributions Depending On the Patient Positions in Robotic Radiotherapy of Spine Metastases - Y. Lim*, K. Kang, G. Chai, I. Ha, D. Park |
SU-E-T-580 |
Study of the Positioning Accuracy of the BrainLab Mask for Frameless Stereotactic Head Radiotherapy Using the ExacTrac IGRT System - D. Granero, J. Rosello, A. Vicedo*, L. Brualla, T. Garcia-Hernandez |
SU-E-T-581 |
Correction Factors for Secondary Monitor Unit Calculation in Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy - A. Melancon*, R. Sadagopan |
SU-E-T-582 |
Monte-Carlo Study of Dosimetric Effects of Brachytherapy Seeds Presence in Lung External Beam SBRT - R. Bassalow*, S. Trichter, A. Sabbas, B. Parashar, F. Kulidzhanov, L. Nedialkova, G. Wernicke, D. Nori, K. Chao, J. Chang |
SU-E-T-583 |
QA Verifications of RapidArc Type SBRT Treatment Plans - X. Song*, N. Deb, T. Xue |
SU-E-T-584 |
The Accuracy of the Respiratory Motion Tracking with Robotic Radiosurgery System - M. Inoue*, H. Shiomi, K. Okawa, M. Senda, K. Inada, T. Koshi, N. Yokota, H. Iwata, K. Sato |
SU-E-T-585 |
A Dosimetric Analysis of Cranial Stereo-Tactic Radio Surgery Plans Treated by Gamma Knife - a. pendse*, S. Deshpande |
SU-E-T-586 |
Utrecht Applicator Reconstruction in MRI-Based Cervix Gynaecological Brachytherapy - J. Perez-Calatayud*, V. Carmona Meseguer, F. Lliso-Valverde, M. Pujades, C. Camacho, F. Ballester, A. Tormo, S. Rodriguez, S. Roldan, M. Santos, P. Antonini, J. Richart, D. Granero |
SU-E-T-587 |
A CT Based Monte Carlo Dosimetry for Post Implant LDR Brachytherapy - K. Hadad*, A. Ramzanzadeh, R. Hamilton, C. Watchman |
SU-E-T-588 |
3D Image-Based Customized Radiation Treatment Planning for Syed Interstitial HDR Brachytherapy for Patients with Parametrial Spread of Cervix Carcinoma - M. Baird, S. Packianathan, S. Vijayakumar, C. Yang, P. Mobit* |
SU-E-T-589 |
IGRT-Assisted Episcleral Eye Plaque Brachytherapy - K. Guida*, K. Niermann, A. Malcolm, P. Sternberg, G. Munn, C. Coffey |
SU-E-T-590 |
Treatment Planning Dosimetry Comparison Between Model 9011 I-125 ThinSeed and Model 6711 I-125 Seeds for Prostate Implant Brachytherapy - R. Kudchadker*, W. Du, T. Bruno, T. Pugh, S. Frank |
SU-E-T-591 |
Optimizing Quality Assurance in a Prospective Phase II Clinical Trial for Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer with Brachytherapy as Monotherapy Using a Paladium -103 Standed-Seed Nomogram - R. Kudchadker*, T. Pugh, T. Bruno, W. Du, D. Swanson, S. Frank |
SU-E-T-592 |
A Novel 3D CT-Based Treatment Planning for Palladium 103 Breast Seed Implant Brachytherapy - Y. Pham*, W. Ansbacher, H. Kader |
SU-E-T-593 |
Evaluation of Titanium Applicator Reconstruction Accuracy for Exclusive 3.0 Tesla MRI-Guided Brachytherapy for GYN Cancers - Y. Kim*, Y. Huang, W. Zhang |
SU-E-T-594 |
Estimation of the Clinical Impact of Dwell Time Modulation Restriction in HIPO Optimized HDR Prostate Brachytherapy Implants - P. Mavroidis, Z. Katsilieri, N. Papanikolaou*, A. Karabis, N. Zamboglou, D. Baltas |
SU-E-T-595 |
A Novel Method to Generate Treatment Plans for Vaginal Cylinder Patients in Oncentra: A Seamless Transition From No Imaging to 3D Brachytherapy - H. Malhotra*, V. Wu, Z. Wang |
SU-E-T-597 |
Starting An HDR Breast Implant Program Using the Contura Multilumen Balloon - I. Iftimia*, R. Ladd, E. Cirino, M. Kazi, H. Mower, A. McKee |
SU-E-T-598 |
Planning Target Optimization for Mobile Tumor Radiotherapy - T. Roland*, R. Hales, T. McNutt, J. Wong, P. Simari, E. Tryggestad |
SU-E-T-599 |
Distal and Proximal Margin Requirements for Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy of Nodal Boost During Cervical Cancer Treatment Using Repeat In-Room CT Imaging - Z. Yu*, A. Klopp, F. Mourtada, P. Eifel, P. Park, L. Dong |
SU-E-T-600 |
A Study On the Adaptive Strategy ‘expanding Treatment Plan Library’ for Mitigation of Inter-Fractional Organ Motion - W. Chen*, A. Gemmel, E. Rietzel |
SU-E-T-601 |
Patient Specific Margin Selection to Compensate for Intrafraction Motion During External Beam Radiation Therapy of the Lung - K. Foster*, R. Barnett |
SU-E-T-602 |
Investigation of Target Motion for Serially Delivered TMI Treatments - D. Fraser*, B. Nyiri, L. Gerig |
SU-E-T-603 |
Dosimetric Impact of Low-Z Vs. High-Z Metal Implants On IMRT Treatments - M. Spadea*, J. Verburg, G. Baroni, J. Seco |
SU-E-T-604 |
Decreasing Subcutaneous Skin Dose in Breast Radiotherapy Using TomoDirect (TD) - A. Hu*, S. Qi, G. Mu, F. Newman, M. Miften, B. Kavanagh, A. Liu, R. Rabinovitch |
SU-E-T-605 |
Validation of a GPU-Based Fast Deformable Image Registration Platform for 4D Treatment Planning Application - T. Roland*, R. Hales, T. McNutt, J. Wong, P. Simari, E. Tryggestad |
SU-E-T-606 |
Requirements for Performing a Retrospective Patient Chart Review at the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) for Clinical Trials - A. Hollan*, J. Lowenstein, I. Harris, F. Hall, J. Roll, D. Followill |
SU-E-T-607 |
Accurate Prostate Localization in CT Images with a Learning Based Hierarchical Framework - S. Liao*, D. Shen |
SU-E-T-608 |
What Did the Conventional Margins From GTV to IGTV for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Give Us? - Y. Yin*, G. Gong, T. Liu, J. Lu, J. Chen |
SU-E-T-609 |
Impact of Breath-Hold Level, Age, and BMI On Normal Tissue Dosimetry for Left Breast Cancer Patients - C. Veale, J. Treas*, A. Jones, J. Vognetz, T. Gergel |
SU-E-T-610 |
Investigation On Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography Imaging for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy: The Patient and Programmable Respiratory Motion Phantom Study - V. Subramani*, M. Singh, S. Sharma, D. Manigandan |
SU-E-T-611 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Helical to Standard Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Treatment for Distal Esophageal Cancer - A. Hu*, S. Qi, B. Kavanagh, T. Schefter |
SU-E-T-612 |
Treatment Planning Techniques for Proton Boost Radiotherapy On Treating Oropharynx Tumors of Head and Neck Cancers - W. Hsi*, C. Vargas, A. O''Ryan-Blair, N. Schreuder |
SU-E-T-613 |
A Method to Improve Cone Beam CT Image Quality and Hounsfield Units Accuracy for Prostate Proton Treatment Planning - R. Betancourt*, H. Lu, J. McDonough, Z. Tochner, S. Both |
SU-E-T-614 |
An Optimization Algorithm for Beam Angle, Beam Weight and Wedge Angle in Forward Treatment Planning of External-Beam Radiotherapy Based On An Integer-Representation Adaptive Mutation Probability Genetic Algorithm - H. Mahani*, M. Mosleh-Shirazi, R. Faghihi, K. Hadad, R. Boostani |
SU-E-T-615 |
Clinical Implementation of Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold for Left Breast Cancers Treatment - R. Jiang*, L. Zhan, D. Gopaul, E. Osei |
SU-E-T-616 |
Shifting MLC to Follow the Prostate Movements While Concurrently Treating Pelvic Lymph Nodes - G. Huang*, P. Qi, Q. Shang, L. Sheplan Olsen, K. Stephans, R. Tendulkar, P. Xia |
SU-E-T-617 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Prone Breast Treatment On Tomotherapy and Conventional LINAC - C. Yang*, Y. Chen, N. Sheth, S. Murphy, G. Wu |
SU-E-T-618 |
Flattening Filter Free Beams for 3D Breast Planning - D. Mah*, E. Miller, P. Godoy Scripes, H. Kuo, L. Hong, R. Yaparpalvi, S. Kalnicki |
SU-E-T-619 |
Dose Evaluation Tool for Proton Patch Field Irradiation - N. Wang*, A. Ghebremedhin, B. Patyal |
SU-E-T-620 |
Effect of Different Motion Management Strategies in Liver Cancer Using Four-Dimesional Computed Tomography Image and Active Breathing Control Technology - C. Ma*, Y. Yin, J. Lu, T. Liu, G. Gong |
SU-E-T-621 |
A Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of Average CT Based Proton Plan Dose Volume Histograms (DVHs) - J. Shen*, J. McDonough, Z. Tochner, S. Both |
SU-E-T-622 |
The Individual Internal Target Volume for Kidney Carcinoma: 4D-CT Vs 3D-CT Associated with Active Breathing Control (ABC) - M. Gao*, G. Gong, Y. Yin, T. Liu |
SU-E-T-623 |
Analysis of the Margin From Clinical Target Volume (CTV) to Planning Target Volume (PTV) for Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer - m. li*, J. Dai |
SU-E-T-624 |
Study of the Robustness of the Integrated Photon Boost Irradiation Technique for the Treatment of the Tumour Bed for Breast Patients - L. Brualla, J. Rosello*, D. Granero, T. Garcia-Hernandez, A. Vicedo, A. Gonzalez, J. Gordo |
SU-E-T-625 |
A Method to Estimate Lung Doses Under a Block During Total Body Irradiation (TBI) Treatment - R. Yao*, D. Bernard, J. Chu, J. Turian |
SU-E-T-626 |
A Dosimetric Study of Different MLC Expansion Aperture for the Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer - X. Lin*, Y. Yin, T. Sun, J. Lu, T. Liu |
SU-E-T-627 |
Evaluation of Dose-Volume Histogram of Inguinal Nodal Bed in Vulvar Cancer Patients Treated with Photon/Electron Beams - C. Higby, S. Ahmad, R. Sindhwani, T. Herman, E. Syzek* |
SU-E-T-628 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of Proton Arc Therapy for Brain Stereotactic Radiotherapy - B. Min*, D. Kim, S. Yoo, H. Jeong, S. Lee, D. Shin, S. Lee, S. Park |
SU-E-T-629 |
Dosimetric Effect of Different Commissioning Data On the SBRT of Small Lung Tumors - M. Huang*, C. Liu, G. Yan, T. Tappy, J. Li |
SU-E-T-630 |
Adaptive Liver SBRT: Daily Re-Planning to Compensate for Non-Rigid Anatomy Changes Improves Dose Distributions - S. Leinders, Y. Seppenwoolde*, S. Breedveld, E. Vasques Osorio, A. Mendez Romero, B. Heijmen |
SU-E-T-631 |
A Systematic Study On Dosimetric Impact of Grid Size and Angular Interval in Dynamic Conformal Arc Technique for Lung SBRT - J. Park*, S. Kim, T. Suh |
SU-E-T-632 |
Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Multiple Brain Metastases Using Flattening Filter-Free Beam and Comparison Study with the Regular 6MV - J. Wang*, K. Murphy, R. Rice, T. Pawlicki |
SU-E-T-633 |
Predictive Factors Influencing Low-Dose Conformality in Lung SBRT - L. Appenzoller*, C. Robinson, K. Moore |
SU-E-T-634 |
Dosimetric Impact of Temporal Variation of Electron Density Within Planning Target Volume for Lung Cancer SBRT - T. Zhuang*, A. Magnelli, T. Djemil, G. Videtic, P. Xia |
SU-E-T-635 |
Improvement of Arrangement to Collimator Sizes of Helmet in Gamma Knife Using Artificial Neural Network - L. Moghaddam-Banaem*, S. Setayeshi, M. Ghanadi M. |
SU-E-T-636 |
Composite Planning Technique for the Staged-Volume Gamma Knife Radiosurgery - G. Neyman* |
SU-E-T-637 |
Analytic Method for Evaluate the Conformity Index for Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Multiple Metastasis - K. LEANDRO*, D. RUSSO, R. GUIMARAES, S. BENABOU |
SU-E-T-638 |
Optimization of Prescription Isodose Selection for Stereotactic Radiation Therapy: Conventional Linac Vs. Cyberknife - C. Ding*, T. Solberg, R. Timmerman |
SU-E-T-639 |
Fast Beam Allocation Algorithm for Gamma Knife Based SRS Planning - T. Chen*, S. Danish, A. Cohler, S. Goyal, A. Khan, B. Haffty, N. Yue |
SU-E-T-640 |
DICOM-RT Data Transfer of Structure Sets Between SRS Treatment Planning Systems - C. Bloch* |
SU-E-T-641 |
Investigation Study of Tomotherapy Optimization Plan with Selections of Pitch, Modulation and the Avoidance in Lung Radiosurgery Cases - J. Syh, J. Syh*, H. Wu |
SU-E-T-642 |
PET-Image TCP-Driven Biological Planning for Cervical Cancer High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy - E. Lee*, F. Yuan, R. Yao, J. Chu |
SU-E-T-643 |
HDR Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Using An Adaptive Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithm with Physical Dose and GEUD Cost Functions - R. Yao*, A. Templeton, J. Chu, Y. Liao, J. Turian |
SU-E-T-644 |
Software Tool Used in Setting Optimization Control Points for Hypofractionated CyberKnife Treatment Planning - Y. Zheng*, Y. Zhang, J. Brindle, J. Fabien, W. Chen, C. Woods, N. Galanopoulos, J. Choe, C. Kunos, R. Ellis, L. Ponsky, G. Funkhouser, M. Machtay, D. Einstein, B. Wessels |
SU-E-T-645 |
Radiobiologic Evaluation of Lung Toxicity in Treatment Plan Quality Comparisons for Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Using Relative Damaged Volume Modeling - C. Han*, K. Nguyen, J. Kim, R. Pezner, T. Schultheiss, J. Wong |
SU-E-T-646 |
Feasibility Study of Radiobiological Effectiveness-Based Treatment Plan Optimization for Spot-Scanned Proton Therapy Beams - G. Ciangaru*, N. Sahoo, G. Sawakuchi, X. Zhu, R. Mohan, M. Gillin |
SU-E-T-647 |
Quality of Prostate IMRT Plans Generated Using Biological Versus Dose-Volume Constraints - V. Semenenko*, G. Chen, C. Lawton, X. Li |
SU-E-T-648 |
Range Uncertainty in Proton Therapy Due to Variable Biological Effectiveness - A. Carabe-Fernandez*, M. Moteabbed, N. Depauw, H. Paganetti |
SU-E-T-649 |
A Software Tool for Multi-Modality and Multi-Fractionation Biological Composite Plan Evaluation - B. Zhao*, D. Lack, B. Spencer, S. Miller, J. Burmeister, Q. Liu |
SU-E-T-650 |
Impact of Machine Output Rate On Effective Dose Rate and Biologically Equivalent Fraction Size in Total Body Irradiation (TBI) - R. Stewart*, A. Kalet, G. Laramore |
SU-E-T-651 |
Radiobiological Effect of Target Volume in SBRT of Lung Tumor: Comparison of Treatment Planning Algorithms Between Pencil Beam Algorithm and Monte Carlo Method - D. Liu*, S. Kumar, M. Ajlouni, J. Jin, C. Glide-Hurst, S. Ryu, N. Wen, M. Siddiqui, H. Li, C. Fraser, B. Movsas, I. Chetty |
SU-E-T-652 |
Rectal Equivalent Uniform Dose Analysis On the Prostate IMRT for Interfraction Organ Motion Using the Gaussian Error Function - W. Shan*, J. Chow, D. Markel, R. Jiang |
SU-E-T-653 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of Prostate Brachytherapy Using Single Isotope and Hybrid Seeds - J. Pritz*, K. Forster, A. Saini, M. Biagioli, G. Zhang |
SU-E-T-654 |
Calculation of Cumulative Biological Effective Dose Distributions for Multimodality Treatment Regimes - B. Schuller*, T. Kemmis |
SU-E-T-655 |
GEUD-Based Optimization for HDR Prostate Brachytherapy: Maximizing Conformal Index - D. Giantsoudi*, D. Baltas, A. Karabis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-656 |
Are We Ready for Biological Planning? A Dosimetric Study - J. Turian*, Y. Liao, D. Bernard, J. Chu |
SU-E-T-657 |
Quantitative Tumour Control Predictions for the Radiotherapy of Non-Small-Cell Lung Tumours - A. Nahum*, J. Uzan, P. Jain, Z. Malik, J. Fenwick, C. Baker |
SU-E-T-658 |
Calculation of the Prostate Equivalent Uniform Dose for Interfraction Organ Motion Using the Gaussian Error Function Model - W. Shan*, J. Chow, D. Markel, R. Jiang |
SU-E-T-659 |
Maximizing the Therapeutic Effect of a Fractionated Treatment with Delivery of Inhomogeneous Daily Dose Distributions - A. Trofimov*, A. Niemierko, J. Efstathiou |
SU-E-T-660 |
Does CMS XiO Electron Monte Carlo Model of a Siemens Artiste Linac Produce Accurate Dose Distribution for a Highly Irregular Electron Field? - I. Kostourkov*, K. Croft |
SU-E-T-661 |
Study On Rebuildup After Air Cavity with the Monte Carlo Technique and Ultra-Thin TLD Dosimeters - C. Lee*, C. Nieh, T. Chao, C. Yeh, C. Tung |
SU-E-T-662 |
Further Development of a Power Approximation of Range-Energy Relationship for Therapeutic Proton Beams - C. Shi*, Y. Zheng, Y. Liu |
SU-E-T-663 |
Extended TrueBeam Patient-Independent Phase Space Library for the 6X , 6XFFF, 10X and 10XFFF Radiotherapy Beams - M. Constantin*, D. Sawkey, S. Mansfield, A. Salop, T. LoSasso, M. Svatos |
SU-E-T-664 |
Accuracy of Patient Dose Calculation in Proton Therapy of Lung Cancer: A Comparison of Monte Carlo and Pencil Beam Computations - D. Mirkovic*, U. Titt, R. Mohan |
SU-E-T-665 |
Analytical Source Model for Modulated Electron Radiation Therapy - P. Papaconstadopoulos*, A. Alexander, T. Connell, J. Seuntjens |
SU-E-T-666 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Arbitrary Geometries and Heterogeneous Optical Properties for Treatment Planning in PDT - J. Sandell*, T. Zhu, J. Finlay, X. Liang |
SU-E-T-667 |
On the Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in the Sub-1 KeV Energy Range - R. Thomson*, I. Kawrakow |
SU-E-T-668 |
Comparison of the Physical Characteristics of Secondary Electrons and Dose Enhancement From X-Ray Irradiation of Gold Nanoparticles Using Monte Carlo Simulation - M. Leung*, J. Chow, D. Chithrani, M. Lee, D. Jaffray |
SU-E-T-669 |
Clinical Implementation of a Commercial Monte Carlo Treatment Planning System for Electron Beams - E. Vandervoort*, J. Cygler |
SU-E-T-670 |
Toward Real-Time Monte Carlo Simulation Using a Commercial Cloud Computing Infrastructure - H. Wang*, Y. Ma, G. Pratx, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-672 |
Macro Monte Carlo for Protons: Proof of Principle - M. Fix*, D. Frei, W. Volken, E. Born, P. Manser |
SU-E-T-673 |
Development of Monte Carlo Dose Calculation System for Tumor-Tracking Irradiation with a Gimbaled X-Ray Head - Y. Ishihara*, A. Sawada, M. Nakamura, N. Mukumoto, S. Kaneko, K. Takayama, T. Mizowaki, M. Kokubo, M. Hiraoka |
SU-E-T-674 |
Development and Validation of a Monte Carlo Model of a Kilovoltage X-Ray Therapy Unit for Chest Wall Irradiation - M. Mosleh-Shirazi*, R. Faghihi, K. Hadad, A. Mosallaei, b. zeinali, S. Karbasi |
SU-E-T-675 |
Fast Monte Carlo Simulation for Total Body Irradiation of Co-60 - X. Liu*, J. Rakowski, M. Snyder |
SU-E-T-676 |
Dosimetric Dependence On Variations of the Lung Density and Geometry: A Monte Carlo Evaluation Using Virtual Dynamic Heterogeneous Phantom - L. Mylrajan*, J. Chow, G. Grigorov |
SU-E-T-677 |
Tissue Inhomogeneity in Hadron Therapy - E. Fourkal*, I. Veltchev, M. Lin, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-678 |
Monte Carlo Investigation On Dose Perturbations in the Lung Due to Constant Magnetic Fields During MRIgRT - Y. Yang*, B. Bednarz |
SU-E-T-679 |
Electron Contamination Modeling in Longitudinal Field MRI-Linac Systems - B. Oborn*, P. Metcalfe, M. Butson, P. Keall, A. Rosenfeld |
SU-E-T-680 |
Comparison Between XVMC Monte Carlo and Eclipse AAA Dose Calculations for Rapidarc Plans - W. Laub* |
SU-E-T-681 |
Patient Dose Distribution Comparison Between Monte Carlo Simulation and Treatment Planning System - Y. Jia*, C. Beltran |
SU-E-T-682 |
Skin Dose Changes in Transverse Field MRIGRT: The ERE Or the LFP? - B. Oborn*, P. Metcalfe, P. Keall, M. Butson, A. Rosenfeld |
SU-E-T-683 |
Improvement of LDR Brachytherapy TG-43 Dose Calculations with a GPU-Accelerated Raytracing Algorithm - A. Bourque*, J. Gariépy, D. Mathieu, S. Hissoiny, L. Beaulieu, P. Després |
SU-E-T-684 |
Simple Integrated Tissue-Air Ratio (SITAR) - M. Firpo*, E. Chell |
SU-E-T-685 |
Selection of the Optimized Source for Brachytherapy Treatment of Tongue Cancer Using Dose Distribution Simulation by MCNP4C - R. Faghihi*, b. zeinali |
SU-E-T-686 |
Monte Carlo Study of Material Approximation Introduced Dose Difference in Electron Conformal Therapy Planning - R. Zhang*, G. Zhang, E. Harris, K. Forster, V. Feygelman |
SU-E-T-687 |
Experimental Assessment of the Accuracy of a Semi-Empirical Model and a Monte Carlo System for Proton Dose Calculations for Highly Inhomogeneous Media - R. Mohan*, D. Mirkovic, U. Titt, X. Song, H. Li, X. Zhu, M. Gillin |
SU-E-T-688 |
McCloud: Toward 10 Million Monte Carlo Primaries in 5 Minutes for Clinical Use - R. Keyes*, D. Arnold, A. Reynaud, S. Luan |
SU-E-T-689 |
Monte Carlo-Based Optimization for Lung SBRT Treatment Planning - H. Zhong*, H. Li, C. Glide-Hurst, N. Wen, J. Siebers, T. Nurushev, I. Chetty |
SU-E-T-690 |
Fast Monte Carlo Treatment Planning for Prostate Brachytherapy: A Comparison with VariSeed - F. Abboud*, P. Scalliet, S. Vynckier |
SU-E-T-691 |
On the Use of Multiple Beam Angles to Minimize the Impact of High Density Fiducial Markers in the Prostate Proton Radiotherapy - M. Zhang*, X. Mo, L. Levinson, S. Goyal, N. Yue |
SU-E-T-692 |
Evaluation of Surface Dose Calculation of Superposition-Convolution Algorithms Using Monte Carlo Simulation - J. Chow*, R. Jiang, M. Leung |
SU-E-T-693 |
Surface Dose Reduction From Bone Interface in Superficial X-Ray Radiation Therapy: A Monte Carlo Study - J. Chow*, A. Owrangi, G. Grigorov |
SU-E-T-694 |
Evaluating Pencil Beam Dose Algorithm in Lung with Monte Carlo - N. Depauw*, J. Seco, J. Adams, H. Panahandeh, H. Paganetti, H. Kooy |
SU-E-T-695 |
Dose Calculation of A Breast Cancer Brachytherapy Treatment Using Monte Carlo Simulation - M. Graf*, D. Scanderbeg, L. Cerviño, C. Yashar, S. Jiang |
SU-E-T-696 |
The Need for Segmentation of Breast Tissue in Monte Carlo Calculations for Low-Energy Brachytherapy - J. Sutherland*, R. Thomson, D. Rogers |
SU-E-T-698 |
Clinical Evaluation of the McGill Monte Carlo Treatment Planning System (MMCTP) for Fixed-Field IMRT and RapidArc Plans - S. Davis*, A. Alexander, M. Renaud, M. Hobson, E. Soisson, R. Ruo, J. Seuntjens |
SU-E-T-699 |
Evaluation of a Monte Carlo Based TPS for SBRT - A. Sethi*, I. Rusu, M. Xu, J. Adams, J. Dillard, S. Nagda |
SU-E-T-700 |
PMMC - a High-Performance Monte Carlo Code for Proton Beam Dose Calculation - D. Jacqmin* |
SU-E-T-701 |
Guidance for Early Adoption of Model-Based Dose Calculation Algorithms in Brachytherapy: Progress Report From AAPM Task Group 186 - L. Beaulieu*, Å. Carlsson Tedgren, J. Carrier, S. Davis, F. Mourtada, M. Rivard, R. Thomson, F. Verhaegen, T. Wareing, J. Williamson |
SU-E-T-702 |
Accuracy of a Commercially Available Dose Calculation Algorithm for Small Field Dosimetry - S. Stathakis*, C. Esquivel, A. Gutiérrez, D. Mihailidis, C. Buckey, P. Myers, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-703 |
An Artificial Neural Network Treatment Planning System Based On Monte Carlo Calculation for VARIAN 2100C LINAC - K. Hadad*, M. Moshkriz, h. nedaie |
SU-E-T-704 |
Backscatter Correction Factor for Megavoltage Photon Beam Using Divergent Point-Spread Kernels - X. Liang*, T. Zhu |
SU-E-T-705 |
The Effects of Applicator Displacement On Dose Distribution Around Cs-137 Brachytherapy Sources - Z. Siavashpour*, M. Mosleh-Shirazi, R. Faghihi, h. nedaie, S. Mehdizade |
SU-E-T-706 |
A GEANT4 Simulation of Light-Ion Beams in Water - D. Johnson*, S. Ahmad |
SU-E-T-707 |
Clinical Evaluation of a New Commercial Dose Calculation Algorithm - C. Esquivel*, S. Stathakis, C. Sath, A. Gutiérrez, J. Dorward, D. Mihailidis, P. Mavroidis, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-709 |
Monte Carlo Evaluation of Superposition-Algorithm Skin Dose Calculation for Brain Radiotherapy - J. Li*, Y. Xiao, Y. Yu, W. Shi |
SU-E-T-710 |
A Quantitative Approach of Tongue-And-Groove Effect for the Varian 120 MLC - H. Kim*, S. Ye, J. Kim, J. Park, Y. Park, S. Kim |
SU-E-T-711 |
Monte Carlo Finite-Size Pencil Beam Dose Calculation Method Based On Energy Spectra and Fluence Reconstruction - H. Zheng*, G. Sun, G. Li, Y. Wu |
SU-E-T-712 |
An Antiproton Depth-Dose Curve Benchmark of Geant4 - R. Keyes*, N. Bassler, M. Holzscheiter |
SU-E-T-713 |
Kilovoltage Stereotactic Radiosurgery for AMD: A More Complete Evaluation of Effective Dose - J. Hanlon*, E. Chell, M. Firpo, W. Bolch |
SU-E-T-714 |
Developing a TG-43U1 Based Dose Calculation Treatment Planning Software for Cs-137 LDR Brachytherapy - S. Sina*, R. Faghihi, A. Meigooni, Z. Siavashpour, M. Mosleh-Shirazi |
SU-E-T-715 |
GATE Monte Carlo Simulation of a 6 MV SIEMENS Oncor™ Linear Accelerator Photon Beam : Feasibility and Preliminary Dosimetric Study - S. Benhalouche*, S. Edel, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, N. Boussion |
SU-E-T-716 |
An Investigation of Heterogeneity Dose Calculation Accuracy in IMRT From Five Commercial Treatment Planning Systems Useing Monte Carlo - Z. Chi*, D. Liu, Y. Cao, C. Han |
SU-E-T-717 |
Research On the Inhomogeneous Correction Algorithm Based On Monte Carlo Simulation - l. li*, z. zhang, b. xia |
SU-E-T-718 |
Modeling a Fast Neutron Therapy Beam with a Convolution/superposition Algorithm - A. Kalet*, M. Phillips, G. Sandison |
SU-E-T-719 |
Multi-Energetic, GPU-Accelerated Superposition/Convolution - R. Jacques*, R. Taylor, J. Wong, T. McNutt |
SU-E-T-720 |
Dosimetric Verification of Deterministic Acuros XB Radiation Transport Algorithm for IMRT and VMAT Plans with the RPC H&N Phantom - T. Han*, F. Mourtada, K. Kisling, J. Mikell, D. Followill, R. Howell |
SU-E-T-721 |
Spatial Re-Sampling of Pencil Beams to Improve the Dose-Calculation Accuracy in Proton Therapy - Y. Egashira*, T. Nishio, T. Matsuura, S. Kameoka, M. Uesaka |
SU-E-T-722 |
Investigation of Range and Dosimetric Calculation Uncertainty for a Proton Treatment Planning System Using An Animal Tissue Phantom - Y. Zheng*, Y. Kang, O. Zeidan, A. Schreuder |
SU-E-T-723 |
Pencil Beam Depth-Dose Distributions in the Astroid TPS - B. Clasie*, H. Kooy, N. Depauw, C. Goma, A. Carabe-Fernandez, H. Panahandeh, J. Seco, S. Tang, J. Flanz |
SU-E-T-724 |
A Phantom Study On IMRT and RapidArc Optimization Strategies for Midline and Peripheral Tumours and Its Clinical Validation by Comparing with Different Treatment Plans - S. Syamkumar*, S. Prabakar, S. Padmanaban, N. vivekanandan |
SU-E-T-725 |
Dose Kernel of 6 MV FFF Beam in TrueBeam for Pencil Beam Convolution Algorithms - G. Tang*, G. Georgiev, S. Lim, D. Lovelock, T. LoSasso, A. Kirov |
SU-E-T-726 |
Validation of ProACTive, An Irreducible Vector Space Method of Dose Calculation - R. Lalonde*, R. Holland, M. Sontag |
SU-E-T-727 |
Evaluation of Eclipse AAA Dose Calculation Accuracy In The Presence of A Titanium Spinal Fixation Device - T. He*, W. Laub, S. Pillai, B. Ragel, C. Kubicky |
SU-E-T-728 |
TG-51A: Part 1: An Alternative Secondary Standard for Medical Linear Accelerators Using Alanine Dosimeters - D. Cunningham*, V. Nagy |
SU-E-T-729 |
A Superficial Information Management and Calculation System - L. Zhan*, A. Fleck, R. Jiang, E. Osei |
SU-E-T-730 |
Aperture Modulated Total Body Irradiation Dose Optimization Based On the Calculation of Radiological Depth - a. hussain*, J. Villarreal-Barajas, P. Dunscombe, D. Brown |
SU-E-T-731 |
Implementation of a One Dimensional Analytical Model for Calculating Three Dimensional Linear Energy Transfer in Proton Radiotherapy - A. Faught*, D. Mirkovic |
SU-E-T-732 |
Accuracy of Electron Dose From Pencil-Beam Redefinition Algorithm in Patient-Like 2D Phantoms - R. Carver*, K. Hogstrom, C. Chu |
SU-E-T-733 |
Effect of IGRT Couch and Alpha-Cradle On Dose Distributions in the Buildup Region: Comparison of EBT2 Film Data and TPS Calculation - M. Chan*, S. Chiu-Tsao, J. Li, K. Schupak, C. Burman |
SU-E-T-734 |
Evaluation of a New, Grid-Based Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation Solver for Dose Calculation in the Presence of High-Density Materials - S. Lloyd* |
SU-E-T-735 |
New CT-Based Planning Method for TBI Treatment - J. Lucido*, C. Yuen, M. Pearson, I. Popescu |
SU-E-T-736 |
Dosimetric Evaluation with Heterogeneity in Eclipse Treatment Planning Dose Calculation Algorithms - S. Rana*, C. Cheng, K. Hibbitts, S. Ahmad |
SU-E-T-737 |
Accurately Estimating Electron Cutout Factors Using Only the Aperture Length and Width - M. Vossler*, N. David |
SU-E-T-738 |
Verification of An Automated Weighted Sector-Integration Algorithm for Determining Output Factors for Electron Cutouts - L. Brewster Mallalieu*, A. Riegel, G. Gill, F. Diaz Molina, A. Kapur, P. Yuen, A. Jamshidi |
SU-E-T-739 |
Dosimetric Consequences of Heterogeneity Correction Based On Maximum Vs. Average Intensity Projection CT Densities - K. Chapman*, N. Ohri, V. Bar-Ad, M. Werner-Wasik, Y. Yu, Y. Xiao, A. Harrison |
SU-E-T-740 |
TG-51A: Part 2: Factors Affecting Alanine Response and Overall Uncertainty of Dose Measurements with Alanine Under Conditions Suitable for Calibrations of Photon Beams of Medical Linacs - V. Nagy*, F. Torres, S. Miller, M. Melanson, D. Cunningham |
SU-E-T-741 |
The Effect of Grid Size On Dose Calculation Accuracy in Head & Neck and Prostate Cancers - T. Kim, S. Oh, J. Chung*, M. Kim, S. Kim, W. Jung, T. Suh |
SU-E-T-742 |
Dosimetric Comparison Between Model 9011 and 6711 Sources in Prostate Implants - H. Zhang*, D. Beyer, I. Das |
SU-E-T-743 |
The Comparison of Dose Modification Factors for Two Multi-Lumen Brachytherapy Applicators Used in Partial Breast Irradiation - J. Sherman*, D. Pearson, E. Parsai |
SU-E-T-744 |
Dose Distribution of a Hip Prosthesis Phantom in Photon Beams - T. Hwang*, S. Kang, S. Park, K. Cheong, M. Lee, K. Kim, D. Oh, H. Bae, T. Suh |
SU-E-T-745 |
Convolution-Superposition Model for Photon Dose Calculations of Finite Size Cobalt-60 Radiation Source - S. Dhanesar*, J. Darko, L. Schreiner |
SU-E-T-746 |
Electron Beam Dosimetric Characteristics for the Varian TrueBeam - R. Kashani*, L. Santanam, K. Moore, G. Pereira, S. Yaddanapudi, D. Rangaraj, S. Mutic, E. Klein |
SU-E-T-747 |
Uncertainty Reduction in Proton Prostate Planning - S. Flampouri*, R. Slopsema, Z. Li |
SU-E-T-748 |
Comparison of Three Treatment Planning Techniques for Adjuvant Radiation of the Bladder - A. Kassaee*, A. Dimofte, D. Dolney, K. Tucker, B. Baumann, J. Christodouleas |
SU-E-T-749 |
Effect of Different Optimization Techniques On Interstitial Breast Brachytherapy - s. sharma*, D. Manigandan, S. Muzumdar, V. Subramani, D. Sharma, P. Julka, G. Rath |
SU-E-T-750 |
Interfacing the Pencil Beam Redefinition Algorithm with a Commercial Treatment Planning System - R. Carver*, K. Hogstrom, C. Chu |
SU-E-T-751 |
Clinical Comparison of Point Source and Line Source Approximations for I-125 Brachytherapy Seeds - N. Mensah-Brown*, C. Enke, H. Deng, S. Zhou, S. Li |
SU-E-T-752 |
Energy Spectrum and Fluence Reconstruction of High Energy Photon Beams Based On Analytical Double-Source Model - G. Li*, G. Sun, H. Zheng, Y. Wu |
SU-E-T-753 |
Theoretical Investigation of Prostate Permanent Implant Treatment Planning Algorithm - H. Du*, S. Li, H. Deng, S. Zhou |
SU-E-T-754 |
A Clinical Software Solution to Produce Composite Dose From Multiple Patient Plans and Treatment Planning Software - D. Giantsoudi*, N. Papanikolaou |
SU-E-T-755 |
A Methodology for Evaluating the Clinical and Dosimetric Impact Resulting From the Change of a Calculation Algorithm in Radiotherapy - A. Chaikh*, J. Giraud |
SU-E-T-756 |
The Verification of Accuaracy in Dose Distribution Using Superpositon and Convolution Algorithm Including Couch for TomoDirect - K. Park*, W. Choi, O. Kum |
SU-E-T-757 |
Improvement of Electron Beam SSD Corrections by Variable Effective SSD - D. Lightfoot* |
SU-E-T-758 |
Cyberknife Treatment of Endometrial Cervical Cancer - E. Fourkal*, J. Fan, S. Hayes, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-759 |
Evaluation of Pencil Beam Convolution and Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm in Stereotactic Lung Irradiation - T. De La Fuente Herman*, K. Hibbitts, T. Herman, S. Ahmad |
SU-E-T-760 |
Limited Data Set Commissioning for Photon Treatment Planning - R. Lalonde*, M. Sontag |
SU-E-T-761 |
The Effect of Field Size Variation in Output Factors for SRS Cones - J. Morales* |
SU-E-T-762 |
Dose Perturbation Studies Due to Prostate Seed Implants in Proton Uniform Scanned Beams - V. Nazaryan*, J. DiGennaro, K. Shahnazi, C. Keppel |
SU-E-T-763 |
Acuros XB and AAA Dose Calculation Accuracy for Small Fields in RapidArc Treatments - A. Fogliata*, G. Nicolini, A. Clivio, E. Vanetti, L. Cozzi |
SU-E-T-764 |
Scattered Dose Measurement Outside the Field with 2d Array and Modeling - H. Erra Sriramulu*, M. Muruganandham, K. Meerza |
SU-E-T-765 |
Low Dose Volume Analysis Using Gamma Knife LGP - H. Erra Sriramulu*, H. Khajah, A. Khan |
SU-E-T-766 |
Verification of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Plans with Independent Three Dimensional Dose Computation Algorithm - k. murugesan*, v. shanmuga subramanian, g. arun, s. thirumalai, K. RAMALINGAM, s. kala, s. ashok kumar, a. anantharaman, k. karthikeyan, n. jagdish kumar, I. arivarasan, M. Babaiah |
SU-E-T-767 |
Improvement of Dose Conformity and Homogeneity of the Dose Distribution On Irregular-Surface-Compensator Based Breast Irradiation - R. Yada*, N. Hayashi, M. Nozue, H. Sai, K. Yamada, Y. Kato, R. Yamanaka |
SU-E-T-768 |
Tissue Phantom Ratios: Direct Measurement Vs. Derived From Percentage Depth Dose for Small Fields - R. Krauss*, M. Morales, C. Coffey, G. Ding |
SU-E-T-769 |
An Evaluation of Post-Implant Dosimetrics in Simulated Mixed Activity LDR Prostate Brachytherapy Implants - N. Chng*, I. Spadinger, W. Morris, M. Welsh, T. Salcudean |
SU-E-T-770 |
Compensator-Based Intensity Modulated Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer - R. Flynn*, Y. Kim, G. Jacobson, X. Wu |
SU-E-T-771 |
Isodose Line Driven Semi-Inverse Planning of High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer - J. Lian*, T. Cullip, J. Zhu, E. Jones, M. Varia, X. Tang, L. Potter, Z. Xu, K. Deschesne, S. Chang |
SU-E-T-772 |
Volume Matching for Brachytherapy Planning - O. Daescu*, Y. Cheung, L. Papiez |
SU-E-T-773 |
Dosimetric and Geometric Evaluation of a Hybrid Strategy of Online Image Guidance and Offline Adaptive Planning for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy - H. Liu*, Q. Wu |
SU-E-T-774 |
On the Effects of Intrafraction Motion On TomoTherapy SIB Treatments of Lung Tumors: A 4D Monte Carlo Study Including Non-Rigid Registration and Beamlet-Breathing Phase Correlation - E. Sterpin*, J. Orban, X. Geets, S. Goossens, M. Wanet, T. Mackie, S. Vynckier, V. Gregoire, G. Janssens |
SU-E-T-775 |
Toward Web-Based Real-Time VMAT and IMRT Inverse Planning Using Cloud Computing - Y. Na*, T. Suh, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-776 |
External Beam Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) - X. Wang*, X. Zhang, R. Amos, M. Salehpour, S. Zhang, T. Sun, E. Strom, T. Buchholz, K. Hoffman, W. Woodward |
SU-E-T-777 |
Clinical Implementation of An Automated Segmented MLC Field Approach to Improve Safety of Radiation Treatment Delivery: Eliminating Wedges, External Shields and Physical Junction Shifts - M. Davidson*, R. Korol, L. Chin, A. Ravi |
SU-E-T-778 |
Application of Robust Fluence Approach in IMRT Under Clinical Daily Shifts - Y. Fan*, Z. Chen, R. Nath, R. Decker |
SU-E-T-779 |
Adaptive RapidArc Treatment Planning for Esophageal Cancers Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography - S. Padmanaban*, S. Syamkumar, S. J, S. Prabakar, D. Rajasekaran, S. K, N. vivekanandan |
SU-E-T-780 |
Evaluation of Margin-Reduction Using a Framework for Image-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy (IGART) of Prostate Cancer in the Clinical Setting - N. Wen*, C. Glide-Hurst, I. Chetty, T. Nurushev, H. Zhong, J. Kim |
SU-E-T-781 |
Reduction of Thread Effect for Superficial Tomotherapy Treatments - E. Ehler*, P. Higgins, M. Reynolds |
SU-E-T-782 |
A Novel Geometric Index to Evaluate Image Guidance Strategies for Prostate Cancer Adaptive Radiotherapy - Q. Wu*, H. Liu |
SU-E-T-783 |
The TomoTherapy Thread Effect Revisited - M. Chen*, Y. Chen, Q. Chen, W. Lu |
SU-E-T-784 |
Automated VMAT Treatment Planning for Stage III Lung Cancer: How Does It Compare with IMRT? - E. Quan*, J. Chang, Z. Liao, T. Xia, H. Liu, X. Li, P. Balter, X. Zhang |
SU-E-T-785 |
Evaluation of HybridArc--a Novel Treatment Planning and Delivery Approach - J. Robar*, C. Thomas |
SU-E-T-786 |
Fully Integrated Computerized Beam Angle Optimization for Coplanar and Non-Coplanar IMRT Treatments of Head and Neck-Cancer Patients and Implications for VMAT - M. Dirkx*, P. Voet, S. Breedveld, B. Heijmen |
SU-E-T-787 |
Noncoplanar Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for Young Female Patients with Mediastinal Lymphoma - x. chen*, D. Jin, J. Dai |
SU-E-T-788 |
DICOM-Based Electronic Patient Record (ePR) System with Computer-Aided Evaluation (CAE) of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Plans - F. Cheung, A. Le*, M. Law |
SU-E-T-789 |
A Study On the Sensitivity of VMAT and IMRT Prostate Plans Considering Uncertainties in Treatment Delivery and Patient Positioning - S. Arumugam*, A. Xing, L. Holloway, G. Goozee |
SU-E-T-791 |
Applications of RapidArc in Cervical Esophageal Cancer Radiation Therapy: A Comparison with Fixed-Field IMRT in Dosimetry and Implementation - J. Chen*, Y. Yin |
SU-E-T-792 |
Dosimetric Influence of Carbon Fiber Couchtop On Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy - Z. Hu*, J. Dai |
SU-E-T-793 |
Static-Gantry and Rotational IMRT with Flattening Filter Free Versus Flattening Filtered Beams - G. Chen*, X. Hu, K. Kainz, Y. Chang, X. Li |
SU-E-T-794 |
Effects of Dose Rate Variability for Volumetric Arc Treatments in Prostate Carcinoma - I. Mihaylov*, E. Sternick, B. Curran |
SU-E-T-795 |
Measuring Uncertainty in Dose Delivered to the Cochlea Due to Setup Error During External Beam Treatment of Patients with Cancer of the Head & Neck - M. Yan*, D. Lovelock, M. Hunt, J. Mechalakos, Y. Hu, H. Pham, A. Jackson |
SU-E-T-796 |
Assessment of Dose Distribution and Delivery Efficiency of Two Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Planning Techniques for Breast Cancer - P. Tsai*, S. Lee, H. Chen, C. Lo, C. Yeh |
SU-E-T-797 |
Effects of the Number of Intensity Levels in Step&shoot IMRT for Prostate Treatments - E. Garrigo, C. Venencia*, M. Almada, C. Descamps, Y. Pipman |
SU-E-T-798 |
Phantom and Clinical Study of Whole-Abdominal Radiation Therapy On a TrueBeam Linac: A Comparison Between Traditional Treatment and Volumetric Intensity–modulated Arc Therapy - P. Yuen*, K. Vaidya, R. Sharma |
SU-E-T-799 |
Improvement in Chest Wall Dose with Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for the Treatment of SBRT Lung Lesions - L. Happersett*, P. Zhang, A. Rimner, M. Hunt, E. Yorke, A. Jackson, G. Mageras, J. Mechalakos |
SU-E-T-800 |
Evaluation of Left-Sided Breast Cancer Treatment Using Rotational and Fixed-Gantry Radiotherapy - S. Qi*, A. Hu, F. Newman, A. Liu, B. Kavanagh, R. Rabinovitch |
SU-E-T-801 |
VMAT for the Treatment for Cervical Carcinoma and Para-Aortic Nodes - c. lee*, L. Hong, S. Tsai, k. mehta, D. Blakaj, H. Kuo, A. Wu, S. Kalnicki, D. Mah |
SU-E-T-802 |
Dosimetric Examination and Verification of Megavoltage Computed Tomography (MVCT) Based IMRT Treatment Planning with Helical TomoTherapy - M. Chao*, J. Huang, X. Chen, Y. Yan, Y. Xie, K. Boyd, E. Moros |
SU-E-T-803 |
Dosimetric Evaluation for Pulsed Low Dose Rate Radiation Therapy Using RapidArc Delivery Techniques - C. Ma*, M. Lin, L. Wang, R. Price |
SU-E-T-804 |
Total Scalp Irradiation Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy and Comparison with IMRT and Conventional Photon/Electron Field Combination - C. Wang*, H. Wang, S. Tung, H. Chung, P. Wong, M. Martel |
SU-E-T-805 |
A GPU-Based Re-Planning System for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy - Q. Gautier*, X. Gu, C. Men, X. Jia, A. Uribe-Sanchez, D. Choi, A. Majumdar, S. Jiang |
SU-E-T-806 |
IMRT Technique for CSI: Better Dose Distribution, Simplified Setup, No Need to Shift Junctions - H. Ning*, B. Chin, J. Cheng, R. Miller |
SU-E-T-807 |
Measured Data Set for Validation of Bolus Electron Conformal Therapy - J. Kavanaugh*, C. Chu, D. Perrin, K. Hogstrom |
SU-E-T-808 |
Improved Normal Tissue Dosimetry Using a Sequential Boost Plan for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer - T. Liu*, M. Brewer, G. Dieck, J. Edwards, C. Yang, J. Caudell |
SU-E-T-809 |
A Grading-Study Based Tool to Assist in the Choice of Treatment Modality - K. Petersson*, C. Ceberg, P. Engström, T. Knoos |
SU-E-T-810 |
Simultaneous Integrated Boost with Forward IMRT for Multiple Brain Metastases: A Planning Study - x. liang*, l. ni, w. hu, w. chen, s. ying, y. liu, q. gong |
SU-E-T-811 |
A Comparative Study of Replanning at the Midcourse and the Latter Course During Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - H. Yang*, W. Wang, C. Yu, G. Shan, W. Hu |
SU-E-T-812 |
Case Studies with the Monaco Treatment Planning System - W. Culberson* |
SU-E-T-813 |
Using Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Total Body Irradiation – a Phantom Study - D. Vade BonCoeur, C. Pelloski, N. Gupta, M. Weldon, J. Woollard, D. Martin, M. McGee, D. Boyle, P. Glass, P. Werner, K. Kuhn, L. Lu* |
SU-E-T-814 |
Dosimetric Feasibility of Dose Escalation with Gated IG-IMRT for Pancreatic Cancer - F. Liu*, X. Li |
SU-E-T-815 |
Deformable Registration and Cumulative Dose Records as Applied to Patients with Cervical Carcinoma - C. Hooker*, D. Scanderbeg, C. Yashar, L. Cerviño |
SU-E-T-816 |
Application of the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open Source Software System - A. Pyakuryal*, D. Pokhrel,, M. Gopalakrishnan, S. Jang, J. Luo, E. Goceri, V. Sathiaseelan, B. Mittal |
SU-E-T-817 |
Comparison of a Hybrid Planning Technique with Standard IMRT Planning - W. Estabrook*, T. Willoughby |
SU-E-T-818 |
Analysis of Internal Margin Based On Organ Deformation for Prostate IMRT - J. Suzuki*, K. Tateoka, K. Shima, Y. Yaegashi, K. Fujimoto, Y. Saito, A. Nakata, T. Nakazawa, M. Hareyama |
SU-E-T-819 |
Impact of Dental Extractions On Dose Distribution and Planning for Head and Neck Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) - P. Dubrowski*, F. Cao, P. Gardner |
SU-E-T-820 |
Comparison of VMAT and IMRT for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) of the Adrenal Metastases - Y. Zhang*, J. Xiao, J. Dai, Y. Zhang |
SU-E-T-821 |
Comparison of Intensity-Modulated Arc Therapy and Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Plans for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Simultaneously Integrated Boost Radiation Therapy - T. Liu*, Y. Yin, T. Bai, J. Chen, J. Lu, T. Sun, M. Gao, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-822 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Modes for Breast Cancer After Radical Mastectomy: Forward IMRT Vs. IMRT - G. Zhang*, J. Lu, Y. Yin, T. Sun, T. Bai |
SU-E-T-823 |
Implication of the Spatial Resolution of the Conventional Dose-Volume Histogram Analysis in the Radiation Therapy Treatments - A. Pyakuryal*, D. Pokhrel,, S. Jang, M. Gopalakrishnan, V. Sathiaseelan, B. Mittal |
SU-E-T-824 |
Accuracy of Low Doses in Lung for Locoregional Breast Irradiation with TomoTherapy and VMAT - N. Ploquin*, J. Belec, J. Caudrelier, B. Clark |
SU-E-T-825 |
Influence of the Multileaf Collimator Step Size in Step&shoot IMRT for Head&neck Treatments - M. Almada, C. Venencia*, C. Descamps, E. Garrigo, Y. Pipman |
SU-E-T-826 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy and 3D Proton Radiotherapy with Passively Scattered Beams for Primary Prostate Cancer - A. Dimofte*, P. James, D. Dolney, A. Kassaee, J. McDonough, Z. Tochner |
SU-E-T-827 |
The Impact of Artefact Contouring On the Optimization of Head and Neck Cancers Using IMRT - N. Nuraney*, F. Cao, P. Gardner |
SU-E-T-828 |
Dosimetric Comparison of IMRT Prostate Treatment Using Step&shoot (MLC and MMLC), Dynamic MLC and Tomotherapy - C. Venencia*, J. Delgado, C. Caballero, S. Zunino, Y. Pipman |
SU-E-T-829 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Three Different External Beam Partial Breast Irradiation Techniques: Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy - T. Sun, J. Li*, M. Xu, T. Liu, X. Lin, G. Zhang |
SU-E-T-830 |
A Plan Comparison Study Between Three Different Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy Techniques - . Varadhan*, S. Yerich, C. Overbeck, D. Kristupaitis, M. Weber, S. Hui |
SU-E-T-831 |
Four-Dimensional CT in the Study of Internal Target Volume and Dose Distribution for Lung Cancer - T. Bai*, J. Li, Y. Yin, J. Lu, J. Zhu, T. Liu |
SU-E-T-832 |
Segmental IMRT Treatment for Mycosis Fungoides of An Extremity - P. Cadman*, M. Mohamed |
SU-E-T-833 |
A Phantom Study to Measure Increased Testicular Dose From Elective Lymph Node IMRT Compared with Prostate Irradiation Alone - L. Schubert*, S. Chen, S. Zhou, C. Enke, A. Wahl |
SU-E-T-834 |
Comparison of Rapidarc, IMRT and 3D Conformal Planning for Treatment of Chestwall, and Regional Nodes - V. Dumane*, A. Powers, R. Sheu, S. Green, A. Svoboda, Y. Lo |
SU-E-T-835 |
Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Assisted by Active Breathing Control for Hepatocelluar Carcinoma Radiotherapy: A Planning Study - G. Gong*, Y. Yin |
SU-E-T-836 |
Dosimetric Comparison of Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Multiple Intracranial Metastases - X. Lin*, T. Sun, Y. Yin, T. Liu, J. Lu |
SU-E-T-837 |
Comparison Between Step&shoot and Dynamic MLC Based IMRT for Prostate Treatment - C. Venencia*, J. Delgado, S. Zunino, P. Besa, Y. Pipman |
SU-E-T-838 |
Inverse-Planned Multi-Beam Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Versus Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy for Left Breast Cancer Patients After Mastectomy - E. Rakhno*, J. Crass, P. Thompson, A. Chakravarthy |
SU-E-T-839 |
Treatment Planning Comparison Between IMRT and Protons Involving Patch Fields - A. Ly*, P. Nookala, D. Watt, B. Patyal |
SU-E-T-840 |
The Clinical Application of Filed-In-Arc Technique - C. Chang*, J. Hwang, K. Chuang |
SU-E-T-841 |
The Potential of Probablistic Optimization for Tumor Motion with IMRT - M. Kissick*, R. Flynn, T. Mackie, X. Mo, D. Zhao, D. Campos, Y. Yan |
SU-E-T-842 |
Robust Optimization of Dose Painting Treatment Plans Using Dosimetric Margins - T. Bradshaw*, S. Bowen, R. Jeraj |
SU-E-T-843 |
Direct Segment Optimization of Conformal Plans: Achieving Equivalence with Beamlet IMRT - B. Fraass*, J. Steers, M. Matuszak, D. McShan |
SU-E-T-844 |
Efficient IMRT Optimization by Appropriate Determination of Weighting Factors Using a New L1-Solver: TFOCS - H. Kim*, L. Zhu, T. Kim, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-845 |
Benefits From Achilles’ Heel of Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy Via Worst-Case Robust Optimization - W. Liu*, X. Zhang, Y. Li, W. Chen, R. Mohan |
SU-E-T-846 |
Considering Marker Visibility During Planning Optimization for Dynamic Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy - B. Zhao*, J. Dai |
SU-E-T-847 |
Reducing Gated IMRT Delivery Times: Dual-Gating - S. Geneser*, K. Kielar, T. Kim, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-848 |
Dose Mass – Based IMRT Inverse Planning for Radiotherapy of Thoracic Cancer - X. Chen*, M. Chao, J. Penagaricano, Y. Yan, P. Corry, V. Ratanatharathorn, E. Moros |
SU-E-T-849 |
Optimal Sequencing to Reduce Treatment Time While Improving the Quality of Intensity-Modulated Brachytherapy with Fixed-Angular Fan-Beams - Y. Liu*, R. Flynn, Y. Kim, X. Wu |
SU-E-T-850 |
Selection of Initial DVH Constraints for IMRT Planning Based On Target Dose Gradient Characteristics - L. Zhang*, L. Court, B. Choi, M. Palmer, L. Dong |
SU-E-T-851 |
An Inter-Institutional Comparison of Knowledge-Based IMRT Treatment Planning for Prostate Cancer - V. Chanyavanich*, J. Lo, S. Das |
SU-E-T-852 |
Determining Objective Function Weights in Prostate IMRT Using Inverse Optimization - T. Chan*, T. Lee, T. Craig, M. Sharpe |
SU-E-T-853 |
Robust Multicriteria Optimization for IMPT - W. Chen*, D. Craft |
SU-E-T-854 |
Key Anatomical Factors Influencing OAR Dose-Volume Distribution in Prostate IMRT Plans - L. Yuan*, Y. Ge, T. Li, X. Zhu, F. Yin, Q. Wu |
SU-E-T-855 |
The Correlation Analysis of IMRT Dosimetry Errors and Parameters of Beams - D. Liu, Z. Chi*, Y. Cao, R. Li, C. Han |
SU-E-T-856 |
Investigation of Fluence Parameterization Methods for PARETO Multi-Objective Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning Software - H. Champion*, J. Fiege, P. Potrebko, A. Cull, B. McCurdy |
SU-E-T-857 |
Comparison of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma IMRT Plans From Four Commercial Treatment Planning Systems (TPS) - Y. Cao*, Z. Chi, R. Li, C. Han, S. Zhu |
SU-E-T-858 |
Expanding the Search Space of Multiobjective IMRT Optimization - C. Holdsworth*, M. Phillips |
SU-E-T-859 |
A New Approach to Improve IMRT Delivery Efficiency by Intensity Map Discretization - X. Zhu*, T. Cullip, G. Tracton, E. Schreiber, Z. Xu, S. Chang |
SU-E-T-860 |
Developing a Fast-Monotonic Descent (FMD) Algorithm for RapidArc Radiotherapy - H. Yan*, F. Yin |
SU-E-T-861 |
Assessment of Collimator Jaw Optimization in Reducing Normal Tissue Irradiation with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy - S. Joy*, P. Balter, G. Starkschall, S. Kry, M. Salehpour |
SU-E-T-862 |
Planning and Delivery of Voxel-Based Dose Painting Plan Using TomoTherapy - Q. Chen*, Y. Chen, M. Chen, W. Lu |
SU-E-T-863 |
Feasibility Study of Using the HybridArc Treatment Technique for Preoperative Irradiation of Rectal Cancer: Comparison of Dose Patterns in Lesion and Organ at Risk with the Tomotherapy - T. Reynders*, T. Gevaert, B. Engels, D. Verellen, P. De Coninck, M. Duchateau, K. Tournel, T. Depuydt, M. De Ridder |
SU-E-T-864 |
Beam Orientation Optimization Using Ant Colony Optimization in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy - X. Pei*, r. cao, H. Zheng, J. Wang, Y. Wu |
SU-E-T-865 |
Biologically Optimized 4D Dose Distributions for the Treatment of Incurable Glioblastoma - C. Holdsworth*, D. Corwin, R. Stewart, R. Rockne, K. Swanson, M. Phillips |
SU-E-T-866 |
IMRT Dose Optimization in the Limit of Large Number of Incident Beams - H. Kim*, L. Zhu, T. Kim, L. Xing |
SU-E-T-867 |
Improving the IMRT Plan Quality by Minimizing the Discrepancy Between the Optimized and Segmented Intensity Maps - Y. li, Y. Tan* |
SU-E-T-868 |
Beam Orientation Optimization for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Using Adaptive L1 Minimization - X. Jia, C. Men*, Y. Lou, S. Jiang |
SU-E-T-869 |
Direct Aperture Optimization Based On Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy - r. cao*, X. Pei, J. Wang, Y. Wu |
SU-E-T-870 |
Volumetric Modulated ARC Radiotherapy for O-Shape and C-Shape Tumor Volume - J. Kwak*, B. Cho |
SU-E-T-871 |
Comparison of Treatment Plans in External Beam Radiotherapy - L. NUNEZ*, M. Herrero, J. Alfonso |
SU-E-T-872 |
The Effect of Photon Beam Energy On IMRT Plan for Prostate Cancer: A Planning Study - J. Chung*, J. Lee, J. Kim, I. Kim, T. Suh |
SU-E-T-873 |
Dosimetric Difference Between Direct Dose Mapping and Energy/Mass Transfer Mapping for 4D Dose Accumulation - H. Li*, H. Zhong, J. Kim, T. Nurushev, C. Glide-Hurst, M. Gulam, I. Chetty |
SU-E-T-874 |
Investigation of the Interplay Effect Between MLC and Lung Tumor Motions Using 4DCT and RPM Profile Data - H. Li*, H. Zhong, J. Kim, T. Nurushev, I. Chetty |
SU-E-T-875 |
The Potential for Respiratory-Gated VMAT to Reduce the Normal Lung Dose When Treating Early-Stage Lung Cancer with SBRT - I. Xhaferllari*, N. Hamelin, J. Chen, S. Gaede |
SU-E-T-876 |
Comparison of Dose Distributions for Plans Optimized by Using Monte Carlo and Ray-Tracing Algorithms for the Treatment of Lung Tumors with CyberKnife - J. Fan*, S. Hayes, L. Jin, L. Wang, J. Yang, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-877 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of Intracranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy with Helical Tomotherapy - N. Sheth*, J. Cheng, A. Jani, S. Sim, S. Murphy, Y. Chen, P. Stapleton, S. Winant, C. Yang |
SU-E-T-878 |
Accurate Small MLC Field and Penumbra Modeling and Its Clinical Impact - X. Wang*, R. Tailor, J. Yang, L. Court, M. Vicic, H. Chung, L. Dong |
SU-E-T-879 |
Dosimetric Analysis of Proton Passive-Scattering Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) of Treated Spine Lesions Versus Photon SBRT - H. Panahandeh*, M. Spadea, K. Oh, J. Seco |
SU-E-T-880 |
An Investigation of Kernel-Based Dynamic Dose Painting Treatment Approach - L. Ma*, W. Hu, S. Luan |
SU-E-T-881 |
Simulation of a Multileaf Collimator Vs. Iris Variable Aperture Collimation for Prostate Robotic Radiosurgery and IMRT - A. Stoll*, S. Nill, U. Oelfke |
SU-E-T-882 |
Electron Disequilibrium Pitfalls for Small Megavoltage Photon Fields Incident On Lung Tumors - B. Disher*, G. Hajdok, S. Gaede, J. Battista |
SU-E-T-883 |
Clinical Application of Monte Carlo for SBRT: Mediastinal Lung - J. Grimm*, T. LaCouture, S. Asbell, N. Kramer, N. Pahlajani, Y. Chen, Q. Xu, R. Croce, J. Xue |
SU-E-T-884 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of Arc Techniques in Stereotactic Radiosurgery - G. Zhang*, L. Ku, M. Yu, S. Sarangkasiri, W. Li, V. Feygelman |
SU-E-T-885 |
A Planning Comparison of Dynamic Conformal Arc (DCA), Static Non-Coplanar Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (NCP-IMRT), Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (RapidArc), Robotic Radiosurgery (Cyberknife), and Helical Tomotherapy (HI-ART TomoTherapy) for SRS - V. Thakur*, R. Ruo, R. Doucet, E. Soisson, J. Seuntjens, W. Parker |
SU-E-T-886 |
Exploration of SBRT Lung Treatment Using the First Non-Commercial VMAT - Y. Song*, C. Obcemea, B. Mueller, B. Mychalczak |
SU-E-T-887 |
Cyberknife Treatment for Early Stage Oral Tongue Cancer – Feasibility Study - J. Fan*, E. Fourkal, S. Hayes, L. Jin, L. Wang, R. Price, C. Ma |
SU-E-T-888 |
Dosimetric Evaluation of VMAT Techniques in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - G. Zhang*, L. Ku, T. Dilling, C. Stevens, W. Li, V. Feygelman |
SU-E-T-889 |
Target Definition in TomoTherapy Lung SBRT Treatment Plans - D. Wiant*, J. Terrell, B. Sintay |
SU-E-T-890 |
Comparison of SBRT Lung Treatments Using 3D Conformal, Conformal Arcs and VMAT - J. Haslam*, T. Paul |
SU-E-T-891 |
A Study of RapidArc SBRT Spine Treatment Plans - X. Song*, N. Deb, H. Moulding, T. Xue |
SU-E-T-892 |
Calculation Uncertainty in CyberKnife Dosimetric Parameters of Brainstem - J. Xue*, J. Grimm, T. LaCouture, Q. Xu, S. Asbell, N. Pahlajani, N. Kramer, Y. Chen, W. Goldman |
SU-E-T-893 |
A Standardized 11-Field Treatment Plan for Radiosurgery to Spinal Lesions - Y. Lo*, R. Sheu, S. Green, I. Germano |
SU-E-T-894 |
Rapid Arc for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - E. Cirino*, I. Iftimia, L. Xiong, H. Mower, G. Wong |
SU-E-T-895 |
A Comparison of RapidArc® and HybridArc® Treatment Plans for Cranial SRS/SRT - R. Kelly*, J. Robar |
SU-E-T-896 |
Effect of PTV Overlap with Chest Wall On Plan Quality of Rapid Arc Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) - A. Weyh, D. Lack, C. Knill, M. Snyder* |
SU-E-T-897 |
SRS Treatment Plan Quality for Large Brain Tumor Using Cyberknife and RapidArc - A. Lo* |