2012 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting [amosv.2]
2012 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting
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Session: SA - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Late Effects of Radiation Therapy
Title: Therapy 1 - Late Effects of Radiation Therapy
Byline: R Howell1 *, S Kry1 , (1) MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX
Contact Email: rhowell@mdanderson.org
Session: SA - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Late Effects of Radiation Therapy
Title: Therapy 1 - Late Effects of Radiation Therapy
Byline: S Kry *, R Howell,  MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX
Contact Email: sfkry@mdanderson.org
Session: SA - A-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Patient Safety & Medical Error Prevention
Title: Medical Errors Management and Early Warning for the Medical Physicist
Byline: D Hintenlang1 *, (1) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Contact Email: dhinten@ufl.edu
Session: SA - A-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Patient Safety & Medical Error Prevention
Title: Role of Human Factors in Medical Errors and Prevention
Byline: C Serago1 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: serago.christopher@mayo.edu
Session: SA - B-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Performance of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms / CT Dose Registries
Title: Diagnostic - Performance of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms / CT Dose Registries
Byline: R Mather, K Boedeker*, Toshiba Medical Research Institute USA, Alexandria, VA
Contact Email: rmather@tmriusa.com
Session: SA - B-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Performance of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms / CT Dose Registries
Title: ACR Dose Index Registry
Byline: R Morin1 *, (1) Mayo Clinic , Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: morin.richard@mayo.edu
Session: SU - A-Ft. Worth Ballroom - VMAT for Dummies: Concepts, Clinical Implementation and Treatment Planning
Title: Therapy 2 - VMAT for Dummies: Concepts, Clinical Implementation and Treatment Planning
Byline: R Kudchadker1 *, R Popple2 *, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Univ Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Contact Email: rkudchad@mdanderson.org
Session: SU - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Advances in Brachytherapy - A Transition to Volume Based Planning
Title: MRI Guided, Conformal Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer
Byline: Y Kim1 *, (1) University Of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA, USA
Contact Email: yusung-kim@uiowa.edu
Session: SU - D-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Current Advantages and Safety Considerations in SBRT
Title: Therapy 4 - Current Advantages and Safety Considerations in SBRT
Byline: R Timmerman1 *, (1) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Contact Email: robert.timmerman@utsouthwestern.edu
Session: SU - D-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Current Advantages and Safety Considerations in SBRT
Title: Therapy 4 - Current Quality Assurance and Safety Considerations in SBRT
Byline: S Benedict1 *, K Yenice2 , (1) University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, VA, (2) University of Chicago, Chicago, il
Contact Email: shb4x@virginia.edu
Session: SU - C-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Regulatory and Legislative
Title: How Far Has the Bus Gone In the Past 12 Months? Or Legislative and Regulatory Update
Byline: L Fairobent1 *, (1) AAPM, College Park, MD
Contact Email: lynne@aapm.org
Session: SU - C-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Regulatory and Legislative
Title: Toward Minimum Practice Standards in Clinical Medical Physics
Byline: P Halvorsen1 *, (1) Alliance Imaging/Alliance Oncology, Newton, MA
Contact Email: phalvorsen@allianceoncology.com
Session: SU - A-Dallas Ballroom 3 - MQSA/ACR Update
Title: Update On MQSA and ACR Mammography Accreditation
Byline: P Platt1 *, (1) American College of Radiology, ,
Contact Email: pplatt@acr.org
Session: SU - A-Dallas Ballroom 3 - MQSA/ACR Update
Title: ACR Mammography QC in the Digital Era
Byline: D Pfeiffer1 *, (1) Boulder Community Foothills Hospital, Bolder, CO
Contact Email: xraydoug@me.com
Session: SU - B-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Tomosynthesis/Breast Biopsy
Title: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis System Acceptance Testing
Byline: J Clements1 *, (1) Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, Dallas, TX
Contact Email: JessicaClements@gmail.com
Session: SU - B-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Tomosynthesis/Breast Biopsy
Title: The Breast Imaging Center of Excellence Program Requirements
Byline: W Geiser1 *, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: wgeiser@mdanderson.org
Session: SU - D-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Advanced Modalities
Title: ACR Breast MRI Accreditation Program
Byline: D Reeve1 *, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: dmreeve@mdanderson.org
Session: SU - D-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Advanced Modalities
Title: Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) – Physics and Performance Testing
Byline: J Hugg *, B Simrak , P Smith, B Patt , Gamma Medica, Inc, Northridge, CA
Contact Email: james.hugg@gammamedica.com
Session: MO - A-Ft. Worth Ballroom - 4D Imaging for Motion Characterization and Management
Title: Therapy 5 - 4D
Byline: G Starkschall *, P Balter, Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Contact Email: gstarksc@mdanderson.org
Session: MO - A-Ft. Worth Ballroom - 4D Imaging for Motion Characterization and Management
Title: "4D-MRI" for Motion Management in Radiotherapy
Byline: E Tryggestad1 *, (1) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Contact Email: etrygge1@jhmi.edu
Session: MO - D-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Beam Data Collection, Commission and Modeling in Treatment Planning System
Title: Therapy 6 - Beam Data Collection, Commission and Modeling in Treatment Planning System
Byline: N Papanikolaou1 *, (1) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX
Contact Email: papanikolaou@uthscsa.edu
Session: MO - D-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Beam Data Collection, Commission and Modeling in Treatment Planning System
Title: Therapy 6 - Beam Data Collection and Commissioning for Linear Accelerators: Technical Considerations and Recommendations
Byline: I Das1 *, (1) Indiana University- School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Contact Email: Idas@iupui.edu
Session: MO - A-Dallas Ballroom 3 - MRI Safety and Accreditation
Title: MRI Accreditation Programs: An Overview of Each and Specifics of One
Byline: E Jackson1 *, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: ejackson@mdanderson.org
Session: MO - A-Dallas Ballroom 3 - MRI Safety and Accreditation
Title: Diagnostic - MRI Safety and Accreditation
Byline: J Felmlee1 *, (1) Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN
Contact Email: jpfelmlee@mayo.edu
Session: MO - D-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Ultrasound & Nuc Med Accreditation and Testing
Title: Diagnostic Ultrasound Performance Testing & Accreditation
Byline: N J Hangiandreou, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Contact Email: hangiandreou.nicholas@mayo.edu
Session: MO - D-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Ultrasound & Nuc Med Accreditation and Testing
Title: Nuclear Medicine – Testing of Gamma Camera, SPECT, and SPECT/CT Systems in a Clinical Environment
Byline: James Halama, PhD, FAAPM Loyola Univ Medical Center, Maywood, IL
Contact Email: jhalama@lumc.edu
Session: MO - C-Ft. Worth Ballroom - PQI Training, Workforce and Project Management
Title: Medical Physics Worksforce Assessment
Byline: M Mills1 *, (1) James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, KY
Contact Email: mdmill03@louisville.edu
Session: MO - C-Ft. Worth Ballroom - PQI Training, Workforce and Project Management
Title: DMP Program Implementation and Financial Models
Byline: C Coffey1 *, (1) Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, TN
Contact Email: charles.coffey@vanderbilt.edu
Session: MO - C-Dallas Ballroom 3 - ABR Exam Update
Title: Professional - ABR Exam Update
Byline: J Keener1 *, S Leon2 *, G Ibbott3 *, (1) Forsyth Medical Center, Greensboro, NC, (2) University of Texas Health Science Ctr, Houston, Houston, TX, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: gibbott@mdanderson.org
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: A Technique for Pediatric Total Skin Electron Irradiation
Byline: Q Bao1 *, B Hrycushko2 , J Dugas3 , F Hager4 , T Solberg5 , (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (3) Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Baton Rouge, LA, (4) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (5) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Contact Email: qinan.bao@utsouthwestern.edu
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Comparison of Daily Localization by Kilovoltage Cone-Beam Computed Tomography and Electromagnetic Tracking System (Calypso) for Prostate Patients Receiving Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
Byline: Y Lee1 *, J Perks1 , S Yi1 , R Stern1 , J Purdy1 , R Valicenti1 , (1) UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
Contact Email: dr.cecilialee@hotmail.com
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Quantifying Weightloss with Boundary Detection in MATLAB Using Verification Images of the Head and Neck – A Feasibility Study
Byline: P Adurkar*, V Murthy, S Rathod, D Deshpande, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Contact Email: pranjal.adurkar@gmail.com
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: A Dosimetric Study On Two Different Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Delivery Techniques
Byline: S.A Syam Kumar1 *, Raghavendra Holla2 , S Prabakar1 , P Sriram1 , N Vivekanandan1 , (1) Cancer Institute, Chennai, , IN, (2) AIMS, Cochin, Kerala, IN.
Contact Email: skppm@yahoo.com
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Radiation Induced Pneumonitis Risk Analysis Based On V20 Measurements in Lung Cancer Patients
Byline: S Elguindi1 *, C Watchman2 , (1) University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ - Arizona, (2) University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Contact Email: sharife@email.arizona.edu
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Evaluation of External Factors Affecting Response of XR-QA2 Gafchromic Film for Diagnostic Energy Range Application
Byline: S Jackson1 *, Y Hu1 , S Ahmad1 , C Ruan1 , (1) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Contact Email: steven-jackson@ouhsc.edu
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Comparison Between the Dose Distributions Calculated for Lung Cancer Patients Using Pencil Beam and Collapsed Cone Convolution Algorithms
Byline: S Thomas1 *, (1) University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Contact Email: susancthomas112@gmail.com
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Evaluation of Techniques for Slice Sensitivity Profile Measurement and Analysis
Byline: X. Rong1 , T Greene2 *, (1) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: tgreen1@mdanderson.org
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Clinical Assessment and Utility of Eye Dose Measurements for Imaging Procedures
Byline: P Judy1 *, M Wintermark1 , M Claytor1 , R Stewart1 , A Goode1 , (1) University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA
Contact Email: pattyjudy@virginia.edu
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Collision Detection Software for Linac Based Cranial Radiosurgery
Byline: W Myers*, M Morales, A Nelson, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Contact Email: william.j.myers@vanderbilt.edu
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Evaluation of Commercial Cardiac Motion Phantom for Dual Energy Chest Radiology
Byline: C Hsieh1 *, C Willis1 , (1) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: chsieh1@mdanderson.org
Session: MO - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Young Investigator Clinical Symposium
Title: Evaluating Local Control of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Lung Cancer Treatments Using 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Byline: V Kathriarachchi1 *, C Shang2 , A Schramm3 , M Kasper4 , (1) Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, (2) Lynn Cancer Institute, Boca Raton, FL, (3) Lynn Cancer Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Boca Raton, FL , (4) Lynn Cancer Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Boca Raton, FL
Contact Email: vkathria@fau.edu
Session: TU - C-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Clinical Physics Implementation of Proton Therapy
Title: Therapy 7 - Proton
Byline: M Gillin1*, (1) MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston, TX
Contact Email: mgillin@mdanderson.org
Session: TU - C-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Clinical Physics Implementation of Proton Therapy
Title: Proton Therapy Planning: From Physics to Clinical Realities
Byline: S Both1 *, (1) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: Both@uphs.upenn.edu
Session: TU - A-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Clinical Radiation Biology and Radiation Risks
Title: Biologically Based Radiation Treatment Planning
Byline: X Allen Li, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Contact Email: ali@mcw.edu
Session: TU - A-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Clinical Radiation Biology and Radiation Risks
Title: Biological Effects and Risks of Radiation From Fluoroscopic Procedures
Byline: L Wagner*, UT Medical School, Houston, TX
Contact Email: Louis.K.Wagner@uth.tmc.edu
Session: TU - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Clinical Project Management and Leadership
Title: Project Management Principles for Medical Physicists
Byline: D Hintenlang1 *, (1) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Contact Email: dhinten@ufl.edu
Session: TU - B-Ft. Worth Ballroom - Clinical Project Management and Leadership
Title: Integrated Design - The Physicist and Their Role in Patient Comfort
Byline: Justin T. Parscale, AIA, LEED AP BD+C1 *, (1) Sr. Associate Perkins+Will, Dallas, TX
Contact Email: Justin.Parscale@perkinswill.com
Session: TU - C-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Manufacturer Specific Considerations for CT Accreditation/ Implementation of Low Dose Protocols
Title: Diagnostic - Manufacturer Specific Considerations for CT Accreditation/ Implementation of Low Dose Protocols
Byline: M Martin1 *, (1) Therapy Physics, Inc., Gardena, CA
Contact Email: melissa@therapyphysics.com
Session: TU - C-Dallas Ballroom 3 - Manufacturer Specific Considerations for CT Accreditation/ Implementation of Low Dose Protocols
Title: Implementation of (Low Dose) CT Protocols
Byline: C Cagnon1 *, (1) UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Contact Email: ccagnon@mednet.ucla.edu