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  Motion Management Monday
Joint Imaging -Therapy SNAP Oral 4:30PM - 6:00PM  Room: Wabash Ballroom

Moderator 1: Gig Mageras, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Moderator 2: Ross Berbeco, Brigham and Women's Hospital

4:30 PM
A Comparison of 20 Free Breathing Versus AlignRT Based DIBH Breast Treatments
B. Sintay*, C. Yount, M. Hawkins, S. Wentworth, J. Terrell, J. Maurer, J. Pursley, D. Wiant
4:37 PM
Constancy of Time Lag Relationship Between External and Internal Signal in Abdominal Tumor Sites
R. Regmi*, D. Lovelock, P. Zhang, H. Pham, J. Xiong, E. Yorke, K. Goodman, A. Wu, G. Mageras
4:44 PM
Trajectory Imaging: Exploring Options of Kilovoltage Digital Tomosynthesis During Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
P. Zhang*, M. Hunt, H. Pham, G. Mageras
4:51 PM
Does a Threshold of Tumor Motion Exist to Indicate Respiratory Gating for Proton Therapy?
J. Matney*, J. Bluett, H. Li, L. Court, Z. Liao, R. Mohan
4:58 PM
Predictor Model Training for Real-Time Motion Management of Lung Tumors
J. Rottmann*, R. Berbeco
5:05 PM
Validation Framework and Benchmarking for Markerless Tumor Trajectory Estimation
S. Chen*, E. Weiss, N. Roman, G. Hugo
5:12 PM
A Novel 4D CT Acquisition and Analysis Technique to Account for the Effect of Cardiac Induced Lung Tissue Motion During Free Breathing
D. Thomas*, B. White, S. Gaudio, S. Jani, P. Lee, J. Lamb, D. Low
5:19 PM
Are Planning Target Volumes Derived From 4DCT Scans Adequate When Treating Lung SBRT with Static Tracking Methods?
C. McGuinness*, M. Descovich, D. Kannarunimit, D. Pinnaduwage, S. Yom, N. Kased, A. Gottschalk, J. Pouliot
5:26 PM
Improvement of Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph Quality of Thoracic 4D Cone Beam Computed Tomography
M. Wang*, G. Sharp, S. Rit, V. Delmon, G. Wang
5:33 PM
Evaluation of Scan Time Required for Motion Tracking in Four-Dimensional Cone Beam CT Using Patient Data Sets
R. Martin*, M. Ahmad, G. Hugo, T. Pan
5:40 PM
Investigation of CBCT-Based Patient Positioning Accuracy in Lung SBRT: Correlation with Breathing Irregularity
K. Turner*, Y. Zhang, I. Vergalasova, L. Ren, P. Segars, C. Kelsey, D. Yoo, F. Yin, J. Cai
5:47 PM
Quantification of Intrafractional Tumor Motion in the Upper Lung Using An Electromagnetic Tumor Tracking System
D. Schmitt*, S. Nill, F. Roeder, F. Herth, U. Oelfke