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  Volumetric Imaging and Motion Management Tuesday
Joint Imaging -Therapy Scientific Session 4:30PM - 6:00PM  Room: 141

Moderator 1: Tinsu Pan, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Moderator 2: Rabih Hammoud, Hamad Medical Corporation

4:30 PM
BEST IN PHYSICS (JOINT IMAGING-THERAPY)- A Novel 4D CT Acquisition and Analysis Technique to Generate Low Noise Artifact-Free Images at User Selected Breathing Phases
D. Thomas*, B. White, S. Gaudio, S. Jani, P. Lee, J. Lamb, D. Low
4:40 PM
Evaluation of Respiration Motion-Corrected Cone-Beam CT: Prospective Study in Lung
O. Dzyubak*, R. Kincaid, A. Hertanto, Y. Hu, H. Pham, A. Rimner, E. Yorke, Q. Zhang, G. Mageras
4:50 PM
An On-Board 4D-CBCT Reconstruction Technique Using Limited-Angle Projections Based On Motion Modeling and Free-Form Deformation (MM-FD)
Y. Zhang*, P. Segars, F. Yin, L. Ren
5:00 PM
Phase-Selected 4d CBCT Acquisition Based On An Internal-External Motion Correlation Model
M. Fast*, E. Wisotzky, U. Oelfke, S. Nill
5:10 PM
Limited Field-Of-View Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction for Adaptive Radiotherapy
W. Lu*, H. Yan, L. Zhou, L. Cervino, S. Jiang, X. Jia
5:20 PM
Deformation Vector Fields (DVF)-Driven Image Reconstruction for 4D-CBCT
J. Dang*, L. Ouyang, X. Gu, J. Wang
5:30 PM
An Innovative Iterative Neighboring Volume Morphing Algorithm Based On Landmark Mesh to Create 3DCT During Treatment
H. Wu*, M. Lu, C. Cheng
5:40 PM
Impact of Audiovisual Biofeedback Respiratory Training On 4D-PET Image Quality
J. Yang*, T. Yamamoto, M. Diehn, B. Loo, E. Graves, P. Keall
5:50 PM
Real Time Estimation of Prostate Tumor Rotation and Translation with a KV Imaging System Based On An Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
P. Keall*, j. nasehi, R. O'Brien, P. Poulsen, P. Keall