Program Information
Imaging Scientific Session | Wednesday | ||
Radiography/Fluoroscopy | 1:45PM - 3:45PM | Room: 18A |
Moderator 1: Aaron Jones, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Moderator 2: Wei Zhao, SUNY Stony Brook
1:45 PM WE-E-18A-1 |
Large Area Avalanche Amorphous Selenium Sensors for Low Dose X-Ray Imaging J. Scheuermann*, A. Goldan, O. Tousignant, S. Léveillé, W. Zhao |
1:55 PM WE-E-18A-2 |
Enhancement of Lung Tumor Visibility by Dual-Energy X-Ray Imaging in An Anthropomorphic Chest Phantom Study M. Menten*, M. Fast, S. Nill, U. Oelfke |
2:05 PM WE-E-18A-3 |
How Accurately Can the Peak Skin Dose in Fluoroscopy Be Determined Using Indirect Dose Metrics? A. Jones*, A. Pasciak |
2:15 PM WE-E-18A-4 |
Precision In-Vivo Dosimetry Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters and a Pulsed-Stimulating Dose Reader Q. Chen*, A. Herrick, S. Hoke, J. Burns |
2:25 PM WE-E-18A-5 |
Bremsstrahlung of Laser-Plasma Interaction at KeV Temperature: Forward Dose and Attenuation Factors M. Saez-Beltran*, F. Fernandez Gonzalez |
2:35 PM WE-E-18A-6 |
To Remove Or Not to Remove: Comfort Pads From Beneath Neonates for Radiography X. Jiang*, M. Baad, I. Reiser, K. Feinstein, Z. Lu |
2:45 PM WE-E-18A-7 |
MAGIC: Multi-Acquisition Gain Image Correction for Mobile X-Ray Systems with Intrinsic Localization Crosshairs Y. Park*, G. Sharp |
2:55 PM WE-E-18A-8 |
Towards a Next-Generation Electronic Portal Device for Simultaneous Imaging and Dose Verification in Radiotherapy S. Blake*, P. Vial, L. Holloway, Z. Kuncic |
3:05 PM WE-E-18A-9 |
Application of a Channelized Hotelling Observer Model to Evaluate Angiographic Imaging Equipment C. Favazza*, K. Fetterly, N. Hangiandreou, S. Leng, B. Schueler |
3:25 PM WE-E-18A-11 |
Fluoro-Tomographic Images From Projections of On-Board Imager (OBI) While Gantry Is Moving B. Yi*, E. Hu, C. Yu, G. Lasio |
3:35 PM WE-E-18A-12 |
Sampling Correction of Parametric Imaging Maps Derived From Digital Subtraction Angiography in Vascular Phantoms C. Ionita*, D. Bednarek, S. Rudin |