Program Information
Adaptive Radiation Therapy | Tuesday - 7/14/2015 | ||
Joint Imaging - Therapy Scientific Session | 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Room: 303 |
Moderator 1: John Roeske, Loyola Univ Medical Center
Moderator 2: Geoffrey Hugo, Virginia Commonwealth University
Tuesday 7:30 AM TU-AB-303-1 |
A Feasibility Study for Dynamic Adaptive Therapy of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer M. Kim*, M. Phillips |
Tuesday 7:40 AM TU-AB-303-2 |
A Novel Surrogate to Identify Anatomical Changes During Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer Patients S. Gros*, J. Roeske, M. Surucu |
Tuesday 7:50 AM TU-AB-303-3 |
CBCT-Based On-Site Simulation, Planning, and Delivery (OSPD) for Whole Brain Radiotherapy A. Le*, K. Choe, S. Jiang, R. Timmerman, H. Choy, A. Pompos |
Tuesday 8:00 AM TU-AB-303-4 |
Characterizing CT-Derived Mass Change of Non-Tumor Pathology During Lung Radiotherapy C. Guy*, E. Weiss, N. Jan, G. Christensen, G. Hugo |
Tuesday 8:30 AM TU-AB-303-7 |
Evaluation of Automatic Segmentation of Critical Structures for Head-And-Neck and Thoracic Radiotherapy Planning J. Yang*, P. Balter, L. Court |
Tuesday 8:40 AM TU-AB-303-8 |
GPU-Based Software Platform for Efficient Image-Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy S. Park*, W. Plishker, A. Robinson, G. Zaki, R. Shekhar, T. McNutt, J. Wong, J. Lee |
Tuesday 8:50 AM TU-AB-303-9 |
Investigation of Simple Method to Guide Adaptive Radiotherapy of Head-And-Neck Treatment Using Portal Imager M. Al Etreby*, w. Elshemey, N. El Sherbini |
Tuesday 9:00 AM TU-AB-303-10 |
KVCBCT, MVCBCT and MVCT On-Board Imaging Suitability for An Urgent Radiotherapy Treatment Workflow M. Held*, O. Morin, J. Pouliot |
Tuesday 9:10 AM TU-AB-303-11 |
Predict Parotids Deformation Applying SIS Epidemiological Model in H&N Adaptive RT N. Maffei*, G. Guidi, C. Vecchi, F. Bertoni, T. Costi |
Tuesday 9:20 AM TU-AB-303-12 |
Towards Inter and Intra Fraction Plan Adaptation for the MR-Linac C. Kontaxis*, G. Bol, J. Lagendijk, B. Raaymakers |