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3D XACT Breast Imaging for Microcalcifications

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L Xiang

S Tang1 , K Yang2 , Y Chen3 , L Xiang1*, (1) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Oklahoma,Norman, OK,(2) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (3) University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK


WE-F-708-4 (Wednesday, August 2, 2017) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM Room: 708

Purpose: The objective of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of three dimensional (3D) breast X-ray induced acoustic computed tomography (XACT) for microcalcification detection. The proposed technique provides the true 3D imaging for breast volume which overcomes the disadvantage of the tissue superposition in mammography.

Methods: 3D breast model was acquired from contiguous two dimensional (2D) breast CT slices. Three different tissue types, including the skin, adipose tissue, and glandular tissue, were segmented from the 3D breast model. Micro-calcifications were manually embedded in different locations inside the breast model. For each tissue type, the initial pressure rise caused by the X-ray induce acoustic (XA) effect was calculated according to its themoacoustic properties. The XA wave’s propagation from the point of their generation were simulated by MATLAB K-Wave toolbox. The XACT image and volume were then reconstructed to illustrate the system characterization.

Results: The simulation results illustrated that the proposed breast XACT system has the ability to detect µCa as small as 100µm in size. System characterization reveals that the spatial resolution of the breast XACT system could reach 100µm and 150µm in vertical and horizontal directions, respectively. The glandular dose required by the proposed XACT configuration was calculated to be 0.4 mGy for a 4.5cm-thick compressed breast. This is one-tenth dose level of a typical two-view mammography for the breast with same compression thickness.

Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to reveal a 3D breast XACT imaging system for microcalcification detection in the simulation studies. The proposed 3D breast XACT imaging has the potential to provide valuable information that may, in time, replace mammography in the clinic, thus challenging the paradigm for diagnostic imaging and breast cancer screening.

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