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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
AP 116-A Appointment of representatives from other organizations to AAPM groups 6/24/2021 12/31/2026
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Policy text
It is recognized that the medical physics profession has become a global enterprise, and that on some issues the worldwide medical physics community should collaborate. It is the Board’s responsibility to exercise general supervision of the business of AAPM. By-laws Article III. Section 9 delegates this responsibility to the Executive Committee between Board meetings. The Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the Board, may enter into agreements with other organizations to guide collaborative activities. AAPM groups wishing to add a consultant or guest representing an outside organization to their group are asked to submit documentation describing the nature of the appointment to EXCOM at the time of appointment. EXCOM can then determine whether the appointment is consistent with any existing MOU, or if a new MOU should be considered. Chairs are responsible for ensuring that any committee appointments are in the best interest of AAPM. If chairs are uncertain about the appropriateness of a consultant or guest representative appointment, they are encouraged to seek guidance before making the appointment.
Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
AP 116-A Appointment of representatives from other organizations to AAPM groups 6/24/2021 12/31/2026 Active

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