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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
PP 7-B Process for Selection of AAPM Nominees for the following positions in external organizations: ABMP Board of Directors, ABR Physics Trustee, Chair of ACR Commission on Medical Physics and CAMPEP Board of Directors 12/4/2002 7/28/2004
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Communication, deliberation and voting will be conducted via electronic media.

1. Nominations by Board Members (Days 1-10): Upon direction from the President-elect AAPM headquarters will send a solicitation to all members of the Board of Directors. Each Board member will have 10 days to return to AAPM headquarters up to two nominations for each position. Each person nominated should meet the qualifications for the external organization's Nominees and should have agreed to serve if selected by the external organization. AAPM Board members are encouraged to share information and opinions via email during this step of the process. Headquarters shall send potential nominees a copy of the nomination process.

2. Preparation of Ballot (Days 11-18): AAPM headquarters will compile the results, and a ballot of at least 3 names for each position will be prepared. Names will appear alphabetically on the ballot. If there are fewer than 3 nominees for each position, then EXCOM will provide additional nominees to bring the number to 3. If there are greater than 9 nominees for each position, then those names receiving only one nomination will be dropped from the ballot, providing there remains at least 3 nominees. If there are still greater than 9 nominees after this thinning process, then the individuals with only 2 nominations will be dropped, providing there again remains at least 3 nominees. A list of all nominees, number of nominations per nominee, and the final candidates will be presented to EXCOM for validation of the ballot. EXCOM will have the authority to restore up to 2 candidates for a position dropped from the ballot by a vote of 4 of 5 EXCOM members. AAPM headquarters will then collect via electronic transmission a one page statement of goals and objectives and a concise (approximately 1 page) abbreviated curriculum vitae from each nominee for distribution to the Board members for voting.

3. Board Ballot and Results (Days 19-23): AAPM headquarters will notify the Board of the availability of the electronic ballot. Each Board Member has 5 days to vote for his or her top 3 choices in rank order (top n*3 choices if ther are n positions). The results will be tallied by AAPM headquarters, and the potential nominees will be rank-ordered (3 points for a 1st place vote, 2 points for a 2nd place vote, 1 point for a 3rd place vote). (scaled if there is more than 1 position) The AAPM Secretary will validate the results. The candidate(s) receiving the highest score(s) will go forward as AAPM nominee(s) for the external organization position.

4. Notification of AAPM Board Members and Candidates of Results (Days 24-26): The President-elect will notify the candidates and the Board of the results of the election. The successful nominees will be presented alphabetically; letters to successful candidates will also request that a full curriculum vitae be provided to AAPM headquarters for inclusion in the nominations letter to the external organization.

5. Forwarding of Information to external organization (Day 27): The President of AAPM will notify the external organization of our nominees for th position. Each candidate's curriculum vitae and statement of goals and objectives will be attached.

6. Conflict of Interest: To avoid any conflict of interest, any AAPM officer who becomes a candidate at anytime during the process shall withdraw from further administration of the process (with the exception of the right to vote as a Board member).

7. Reappointment: In the event the President receives notice from one of the external organizations that a current representative is eligible for reappointment, the President shall, by vote of EXCOM, invoke one of the following options:

Submit the name of the sitting representative to the Board for approval of reappointment


Invoke the full process described in sections 1-6 above.

Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
PP 7-A ABR Process for Selection of AAPM Nominees for ABR Physics Trustees 7/1/1999 12/3/2002 Inactive
PP 7-B Process for Selection of AAPM Nominees for the following positions in external organizations: ABMP Board of Directors, ABR Physics Trustee, Chair of ACR Commission on Medical Physics and CAMPEP Board of Directors 12/4/2002 7/28/2004 Inactive
PP 7-C Process for Selection of AAPM Nominees for the following positions in external organizations: ABMP Board of Directors, ABR Physics Trustee, Chair of ACR Commission on Medical Physics and CAMPEP Board of Directors 7/29/2004 10/8/2006 Inactive
PP 7-D Process for Selection of AAPM Nominees for the ABR Physics Trustee 10/9/2006 10/16/2016 Inactive
PP 7-E Process for Selection of AAPM Nominees for the ABR Physics Trustee 10/17/2016 12/31/2022 Inactive
AP 121-A Process for Selection of AAPM Nominees for the ABR Physics Trustee 10/17/2016 12/31/2022 Inactive
AP 121-B AAPM Candidate Nomination Process for the American Board of Radiology (ABR) Board of Trustees – Medical Physics 7/14/2022 12/31/2027 Active

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