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cover image 2023
AAPM Task Group Report 307: Use of EPIDs for Patient-Specific IMRT and VMAT QA
'IMRT' found in Title, Committee/Notes

cover image 2021
Report of AAPM Task Group 219 on independent calculation-based dose/MU verification for IMRT
'IMRT' found in Title, Summary, Committee/Notes

cover image 2021
Report of Task Group 201 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine: Quality Management of External Beam Therapy Data Transfer
'IMRT' found in Summary

cover image 2018
Tolerance Limits and Methodologies for IMRT Measurement-Based Verification QA: Recommendations of AAPM Task Group No. 218
'IMRT' found in Title, Summary, Committee/Notes

cover image 2016
The report of Task Group 100 of the AAPM: Application of risk analysis methods to radiation therapy quality management
'IMRT' found in Summary

cover image 2011
Dosimetry tools and techniques for IMRT
'IMRT' found in Title, Summary, Committee/Notes, Keywords

cover image 2011
Verification of monitor unit calculations for non-IMRT clinical radiotherapy: Report of AAPM Task Group 114
'IMRT' found in Title, Summary

cover image 2009
Information technology resource management in radiation oncology
'IMRT' found in Summary

cover image 2009
Task Group 142 report: Quality assurance of medical accelerators
'IMRT' found in Summary

cover image 2009
IMRT commissioning: Multiple institution planning and dosimetry comparisons, a report from AAPM Task Group 119
'IMRT' found in Title, Summary, Committee/Notes, Keywords

cover image 2009
Report of AAPM Therapy Physics Committee Task Group 74: In-air output ratio, Sc, for megavoltage photon beams
'IMRT' found in Summary

cover image 2007
TG-69: Radiographic film for megavoltage beam dosimetry
'IMRT' found in Summary

cover image 2004
Quality Assurance for Clinical Trials: A Primer for Physicists
'IMRT' found in Summary

cover image 2003
Guidance document on delivery, treatment planning, and clinical implementation of IMRT: Report of the IMRT subcommittee of the AAPM radiation therapy committee
'IMRT' found in Title, Summary, Committee/Notes, Keywords
AAPM Reports are based on sources and information believed to be reliable, but AAPM and the editors disclaim any warranty or liability based on or relating to the contents of this publication. AAPM does not endorse any products, manufacturers, or suppliers. Nothing in these publications should be interpreted as implying such endorsement.

Available Search Tags:
103Pd, 125I, 3D Treatment Planning, 4DCT, Above and Below PET Room, absorbed-dose calibration coefficient, accelerator, Acceptance, Acceptance Testing, Acceptance Tests, AEC, Afterloader, AI, alignment, Angiography, annual testing, Artifact, Artifacts, Attenuation Correction, Auger Electron, Beam Attenuation, beam quality conversion factor, BED, best practices, Beta Emitters, Bid Specification, Biological Model, biophysical modeling, Bitewing, Bitnet, BOLD Imaging, Brachytherapy, Brachytherapy Source Data, Breast, CAD, Calculation, Calculation Methods, Calibration, Carbon Fiber Couch Top, Cardiology, care path, Cellular Dosimetry, Center of Rotation, Cephalometric, Cesium, chart check, checklist, Clinical dosimetry, Clinical implementation, clinical measurements, clinical survey, clinical trials, Cobalt, Code of Practice, Coils, Commissioning, Communication, Complications, Computational phantoms, Computed radiography, Computed tomography, Computer Networks, Computer-Aided, Coms, Cone Beam, Cone-Beam CT, Contrast, Coronary, Correction Factors, Couch Model, CR, Cryogen, CT, CT Localizer, CTDIvol, CT-on-rails, CTSC, Cummulative Dose, Cytotoxicity, Data Acquisition, Data Transfer, DBT, decision support systems, Definitions, Dental, dental cone beam CT, dental radiology, Dentist, detector correction factors, DICOM, DICOM information, Digital, Digital Image , Digital Radiography, Display, displays, DMP, DNA Dosimetry, Dose, Dose Calculation, Dose Calibrators, Dose Perturbation, Dose Prescription, Dose Reporting, Dosimetry , Dosimetry metrics, Dosimetry Protocol, downtime, dual-energy CT, Echo Planar Imaging, education, Electromagnetic Tracking, Electron Beam, Electron Range, electronic approval, Electronic Charting, electronic document, Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Portal Imaging, electronic portal imaging device, Electrons, Email, EMR, Energy Dependence, Energy Resolution, EPID, EPID QA, Equilibrium Dose, Equipment Selection, error prevention, Ethics, EUD, event reporting, Experimental Verification, Exposure Index, external beam, External Beam Radiation Therapy, Eye Plaques, Fan-Beam MVCT, fault recovery, Fetal Dose, Fetus, Field Homogeneity, File Structure, File Transfer Protocol, Film, film and scanner selections, Film Dosimetry, Film Processing, Film Scanner, fluorescence, fluorophore, fluoroscopically guided interventions, fluoroscopy, Focused ultrasound, Functional Imaging, Functional MRI, FUS, Gamma Knife, gamma stereotactic radiosurgery, Generators, gynecological cancer, HDR, Head Frame, Header, Headscatter, Helical Tomotherapy, HIFU, High Energy Brachyherapy, High-Energy Photon and Electron Beams, Hip Prosthesis, IHE, image analysis, Image Contrast, Image fusion, Image Guidance, image quality, Image registration, Immobilization, Immobilization Device, immobilization devices, Implementation, implementation committee, IMPT, IMRT, IMRT/VMAT QA, In-Air Output Ratio, incident report databases, incident reporting, Indicator, indocyanine gree, Informatics, Information Services, Information Systems, Information Technology, Inhomogeneity Calculation, Inhomogeneity Correction, Inhomogeneity Correction Methods, Inspection, Instrumentation, Integral Dose, Interoperability, Interstitial, intervention, interventional angiography, Intraoral, Inverse Planning, In-vivo Dosimetry, ionization chamber, Ionization Chambers, Iridium , IT, IT infrastructure, IVBT, kQ, Lasers, LDR, Lead Concrete Iron, Library of Clinical Examples, Light, light ions, linear accelerator, Liver, Localization, Long phantom, Low and Medium Energy X-rays, machine learning, magnetic resonance, Magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance quality control, mammography, material decomposition, material selective, Measurement, Medical Applications, medical Imaging, medical physicist, medical physics, Medical Physics Graduate Education, Megavoltage CT, Megavoltage Photons, Megavoltage Radiation, mesh, Metrology, Microsphere, Miniphantom, MLC and Imaging QA, model development, model-based dose calculation, modulated scanning, Molecular Imaging, Monitor, Monitor Unit, Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo Dose Calculation, Monte Carlo methods, Monte Carlo Simulation, Morals, motion management, MR Facilities, MR Safety, MR thermometry, MRgFUS, MR-guided, MR-HIFU, MRI, MRI accreditation program, MU Calculation, multi-energy CT, Mycosis Fungoides, NEMA, Neutron Beam, Ngas for PP Chambers, Noise, non-equilibrium dosimetry, Non-medical, NTCP, Nuclear Medicine, Oncologic Imaging, optical, Optical Power, Optical Tracking, Oral, Organ dose estimates, Orthodontist, Output Factor, Output Factors, Pacemakers, PACS, Panoramic, Parallel Imaging, particle beams, particle therapy, Patient Safety, Patient Size, patient-specific EPID QA, patterns of practice, PBS, PDD, peak skin dose, Pediatric imaging, Peer Review, penetration, Performance Evaluation, Periapical, Periodontist, PET/CT, PET-CT Shielding Requirements, Phantoms, Phased-array, Photodynamic Therapy, Photon and Electron Beams, Photon Beams, photon dose modeling, Photon Emitters, Photostimulable, Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, plan and chart check, Plan Optimization, plan review, Plane-parallel Ionization Chambers, planning, pMRI, Portal Imaging, Positron Emission Tomography, Post-Processing, Power Meter, PPM Scale, Pre-DICOM, prescription, Processing, Professional Conduct, professional doctorate degree, Prostate Brachytherapy, Prostate Cancer, Prostate Seed, Protocol, protocols, Proton, Proton Head Spectrocopy, proton therapy, PSP, Pulse Sequence, QA, QA/QC program, QC, Quality Assurance, quality assurance (QA), Quality Control, Quality Management Program, Radiance, Radiation, Radiation dose, Radiation dosimetry, Radiation Oncology, Radiation Oncology Physics, Radiation Physics, Radiation Physics Considerations, Radiation Protection, Radiation Safety, Radiation Therapy, Radiation Therapy Imaging, Radiobiology, Radiochromic Film, Radiochromic film dosimetry, Radioembolization, Radiographic Film, Radiography, Radiography , Radioimmunotherapy, Radionuclide, Radiotherapy, Real-time Respiratory Motion Tracking, rediotherapy, reference dosimetry, reference standards, Registration, Regulatory, reject, Reject Image , reject rate, reject rate analysis, relative dosimetry, Remote Afterloader, repeat, residency, respiratory motion management, RF Shielding, RIS, Robot, Robotic Radiosurgery, robustness, Roles and Responsibilities, Rotating Camera, Safety, SBRT, scanning, Scatter Correction, Scintilation Camera Testing, Screen-Film, Seed Implant, Sensitivity, Sensor, Servers, Shielding Survey, Silicon Diode, simulation training, Site Planning, Size specific dose estimate, skin brachytherapy, small field, SNR, Source Assay, Source modelling, Spatial Resolution, special clinical applications, SPECT Acceptance Testing, SPECT Performance, SSDE, standardization, static magnetic field homogeneity, Stent, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, Stereotactic Localization, Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Stereotactic Radiotherapy, Superficial Irradiation, surface applicator QA, surface brachytherapy, Surface Dose, surgery, survey, survey results, System Tests, TCP, technical guidelines, techniques, Teeth, Temporal Resolution, Testing, TG100, TG18, TG-186, TG-25, TG-43, TG-44, Therapy, thermal ablation, thermal dosimetry, Thoracic CDT, Tomosynthesis, tomotherapy, Tools, Total Skin, training, treatment history, treatment modalities, Treatment Planning, Treatment Protocol, Ultrasound, Ultrasound localization, Ultrasound QA, uncertainties, Uncertainty, uncertainty analysis, Uncertainty estimates, Uniformity, Uniformity Testing, Update of TG-40, Uptake Room, Verification of MU Calculation, Virtual monoenergetic, virtual non-contrast, Visible, Water Equivalent Diameter, workflow design, written directive, Xeromammography, X-ray, x-ray fluoroscopy, Yttrium