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Use of Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging (GEPCI) in MR-Guided Radiation Therapy:A Feasibility Study Targeting Brain Treatment

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B Cai

B Cai1*, J Wen2 , Y Rao1 , C Tsien1 , J Huang1 , O Green1 , S Mutic1 , D Yablonskiy2 , H Gach1 , (1) Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, (2) Department of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO


SU-D-207A-4 (Sunday, July 31, 2016) 2:05 PM - 3:00 PM Room: 207A

To implement the Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging(GEPCI) technique in MRI-simulation for radiation therapy and assess the feasibility of using GEPCI images with advanced inhomogeneity correction in MRI-guided radiotherapy for brain treatment.

An optimized multi-gradient-echo GRE sequence (TR=50ms;TE1=4ms;delta_TE=4ms;flip angle=300,11 Echoes) was developed to generate both structural (T1w and T2*w) and functional MRIs (field and susceptibility maps) from a single acquisition. One healthy subject (Subject1) and one post-surgical brain cancer patient (Subject2) were scanned on a Philips Ingenia 1.5T MRI used for radiation therapy simulation. Another healthy subject (Subject3) was scanned on a 0.35T MRI-guided radiotherapy (MR-IGRT) system (ViewRay). A voxel spread function (VSF) was used to correct the B0 inhomogeneities caused by surgical cavities and edema for Subject2. GEPCI images and standard radiotherapy planning MRIs for this patient were compared focusing the delineation of radiotherapy target region.

GEPCI brain images were successfully derived from all three subjects with scan times of <7 minutes. The images derived for Subjects1&2 demonstrated that GEPCI can be applied and combined into radiotherapy MRI simulation. Despite low field, T1-weighted and R2* images were successfully reconstructed for Subject3 and were satisfactory for contour and target delineation. The R2* distribution of grey matter (center=12,FWHM=4.5) and white matter (center=14.6, FWHM=2) demonstrated the feasibility for tissue segmentation and quantification. The voxel spread function(VSF) corrected surgical site related inhomogeneities for Subject2. R2* and quantitative susceptibility map(QSM) images for Subject2 can be used to quantitatively assess the brain structure response to radiation over the treatment course.

We implemented the GEPCI technique in MRI-simulation and in MR-IGRT system for radiation therapy. The images demonstrated that it is feasible to adopt this technique in radiotherapy for structural delineation. The preliminary data also enable the opportunity for quantitative assessment of radiation response of the target region and normal tissue.

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