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Plan to attend this full day interactive workshop to develop competence with the tools of TG 100, a structured systematic risk-based approach to quality management in radiation therapy. To allow full and active participation by all participants, no lecture is longer than 15 minutes. Participants will work on exercises in multidisciplinary groups of 4-8. Faculty will provide mentorship during the exercise sessions.

This workshop takes place just prior to the Spring Clinical Meeting.

Who Should Attend

Multidisciplinary participation is strongly encouraged. The registration fee is the same for Medical Physicists, Dosimetrists, Radiologic Technologists, Radiation Oncologists, Regulators and Administrators.

Dates to Remember

December 7 Registration Opens. Hotel group rate available online.
February 8 February 15 EXTENDED Deadline to receive early registration fees
February 20 Last day to make hotel reservations at the group rate
March 2 Last day to submit registration cancellation in writing and still receive a refund
March 17 Online evaluation system opens
April 17 Online evaluation system closes - last day to earn CAMPEP and/or ABR SAMs credit
April 27 Credits Posted