Question 1: The constant c0 in the exposure index (EI) calibration equation EI = c0 * KCAL is equal to: |
Reference: | International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 62494-1: Medical electrical equipment – Exposure index of digital X-ray imaging systems – Part 1: Definitions and requirements for general radiography |
Choice A: | 1 µGy-1. |
Choice B: | 10 µGy-1. |
Choice C: | 100 µGy-1. |
Choice D: | 1000 µGy-1. |
Question 2: Measures of central tendency used for calculating the EI from the values of interest (VOI) in a FOR PROCESSING image include all of the following except: |
Reference: | International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 62494-1: Medical electrical equipment – Exposure index of digital X-ray imaging systems – Part 1: Definitions and requirements for general radiography |
Choice A: | Mean. |
Choice B: | Mode. |
Choice C: | Trimmed mean. |
Choice D: | Kurtosis. |
Question 3: For adult radiography, what was the maximum percentage of exposures that fell within the deviation index (DI) target range (-0.5 to +0.5) proposed by TG-116? |
Reference: | AAPM Task Group 232. Current State of Practice Regarding Digital Radiography Exposure Indicators and Deviation Indices: Report of AAPM Imaging Physics Committee Task Group 232. |
Choice A: | 20%. |
Choice B: | 40%. |
Choice C: | 60%. |
Choice D: | 80%. |
Question 4: What is the likely cause of the observed difference in mean DI for the two listed views that are acquired using the same radiographic system?
View Mean DI
PA chest 0.0
Lateral chest +3.0
Reference: | AAPM Task Group 232. Current State of Practice Regarding Digital Radiography Exposure Indicators and Deviation Indices: Report of AAPM Imaging Physics Committee Task Group 232. |
Choice A: | Improperly calibrated AEC system. |
Choice B: | Target EI (EIT) too low for Lateral chest. |
Choice C: | Target EI (EIT) too low for PA chest. |
Choice D: | Improperly calibrated EI. |
Question 5: When using the IEC Standard EI, which of the following is a major source of variation in the reported EI? |
Reference: | An Exposure Indicator for Digital Radiography: Report of AAPM Task Group 116 (American Association of Physicists in Medicine, n.d.). |
Choice A: | Values of interest (VOI) segmentation. |
Choice B: | Definition of EI used. |
Choice C: | Image receptor technology. |
Choice D: | Grid ratio of installed anti-scatter grid. |
Question 6: Which of the following factors DOES NOT need to be considered when setting EIT values?
Reference: | J.A. Seibert and R.L. Morin, “The standardized exposure index for digital radiography: an opportunity for optimization of radiation dose to the pediatric population,” Pediatr Radiol 41(5), 573–581 (2011). |
Choice A: | Body part and view. |
Choice B: | Patient size. |
Choice C: | Image receptor technology. |
Choice D: | VOI identification method used. |
Choice E: | Source to image distance (SID) used for the view. |