2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Building and Mentoring Diverse Teams to Achieve Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Greater Success
Question 1: Adverse impact is best characterized by which of the following?
Reference:● 29 CFR 1607 – Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures: https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/CFR-2020-title29-vol4/CFR-2020-title29-vol4-part1607 ● Questions and Answers to Clarify and Provide a Common Interpretation of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures: https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/questions-and-answers-clarify-and-provide-common-interpretation-uniform-guidelines ● CM-604 Theories of Discrimination: https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/cm-604-theories-discrimination
Choice A:Is indicated by a selection rate for any race, sex, or ethnic group that is substantially different from the group with the highest selection rate.
Choice B:Can arise in situations without discriminatory motives.
Choice C:Can still occur when employment policies and practices are applied evenly to all applicants.
Choice D:All of the above.
Question 2: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of structured interviews?
Reference:Levashina J, Hartwell CJ, Morgeson FP, Campion MA. The structured employment interview: Narrative and quantitative review of the research literature. Pers Psychol. 2014;67(1):241-293.
Choice A:Improved reliability (consistency of candidate evaluations and the evaluation process), validity (accuracy of job-related inferences from the interview), and fairness.
Choice B:Interviewers use their own discretion in asking different questions to different candidates.
Choice C:Standardized evaluation processes, such as using question-specific rating scales to focus interviewers on job-related information.
Choice D:Standardized interview processes, such as asking the same questions to all candidates.
Question 3: Which of the following statements is true about integrating undergraduate students into STEM careers?
Reference:Estrada M, Hernandez PR, Schultz PW. A Longitudinal Study of How Quality Mentorship and Research Experience Integrate Underrepresented Minorities into STEM Careers. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2018;17(1):ar9. doi:10.1187/cbe.17-04-0066)
Choice A:Science Identity uniquely predicts a STEM career choice 4 years after graduation.
Choice B:Valuing the objectives of science is significantly related to STEM career choice 4 years after graduation.
Choice C:Self-efficacy is significantly related to STEM career choice 4 years after graduation.
Choice D:All of the above.
Question 4: Which of the following strategies should be used by mentors in addressing cross-race mentoring challenges?
Reference:Thomas DA. The truth about mentoring minorities. Race matters. Harvard Business Review. 2001 Apr;79(4):98-107, 168.
Choice A:Accept minority mentees, even if you’re not the best role model.
Choice B:Withhold support until a mentee has proven they don’t personify racial stereotypes.
Choice C:Openly discuss and acknowledge how race can be a barrier to a mentee’s success.
Choice D:Avoid discussing issues around race with colleagues and mentees.
Question 5: According to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, when Black newborns are cared for by Black physicians, which of the following endpoints was improved as compared to when Black newborns are cared for by White physicians?
Reference:Greenwood BN et al. Physician-patient racial concordance and disparities in birthing mortality for newborns. PNAS 2020;117(35):21194-21200.
Choice A:Likelihood of being breastfed
Choice B:Re-hospitalization rates
Choice C:Mortality
Choice D:Car seat use
Question 6: Which of the following represents a barrier for underrepresented residents and faculty in navigating the workplace culture?
Reference:Deville C Jr et al. I can’t breathe: The continued, disproportionate exclusion of Black physicians in the United States radiation oncology workforce. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2020.
Choice A:Isolation and exclusion
Choice B:Minority tax
Choice C:Lack of mentorship
Choice D:All of the above
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