2021 Accelerating Women and Minority Physicists
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Session Title: Building a Better Workplace
Question 1: Which of the following captures the extent to which one believes that others will give them the benefit of the doubt when taking risks?
Reference:Frazier, M. L., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R. L., Pezeshkan, A., & Vracheva, V. (2017). Psychological safety: A meta-analytic review and extension. Personnel Psychology, 70(1), 113-165.
Choice A:Psychological empowerment
Choice B:Psychological safety
Choice C:Trust
Choice D:Work engagement
Question 2: M. Lance Frazier et. al. suggests HR incorporate interview questions that capture which personality trait, personality construct, or dispositional construct for its positive affect at both the individual and group levels?
Reference:Frazier, M. L., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R. L., Pezeshkan, A., & Vracheva, V. (2017). Psychological safety: A meta-analytic review and extension. Personnel Psychology, 70(1), 113-165.
Choice A:Emotional stability
Choice B:Learning orientation
Choice C:Openness to experience
Choice D:Proactive personality
Question 3: Which of the following work design characteristics support psychological safety?
Reference:Frazier, M. L., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R. L., Pezeshkan, A., & Vracheva, V. (2017). Psychological safety: A meta-analytic review and extension. Personnel Psychology, 70(1), 113-165.
Choice A:Autonomy
Choice B:Interdependence
Choice C:Role clarity
Choice D:All of the above
Question 4: The outward mindset refers to an employee becoming more extroverted when they interact with others.
Reference:Reference: The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves by The Arbinger Institute
Choice A:True
Choice B:False
Question 5: What are characteristics of an interaction that occurs when one has an outward mindset?
Reference:The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves by The Arbinger Institute
Choice A:Focus on the needs/objectives of others
Choice B:Lateral awareness
Choice C:Trusting others
Choice D:All of the above
Question 6: According to research by McKinsey Consulting, how does the likelihood of success increase if companies can identify and address pervasive mindsets?
Reference:Nate Boaz and Erica Ariel Fox, “Change leader, change thyself,” McKinsey Quarterly, 2014. https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/leadership/change-leader-change-thyself
Choice A:Equally likely
Choice B:Twice as likely
Choice C:Four times as likely
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