Symposia and Educational Courses are an important part of the meeting. Scientific symposia, panel discussions, courses, and workshops on emerging and practical topics provide members with valuable opportunities to learn and interact with peers and leaders of the field. The Program Directors would like your input on possible Symposia and Educational Courses for our 2023 Annual Meeting (July 23 - 27) in Houston, TX. These can be scientific, educational, or professional in nature:
All AAPM members are encouraged to submit proposals, including members early in their medical physics careers.
Proposed panels should be diverse (race, gender, institution, discipline, career stage, etc.) We strongly encourage participation of speakers, organizers, and session moderators from underrepresented minorities. Please note that your proposal is meant to serve as a suggested topic of interest, along with a recommended list of speakers.
To submit a proposal for a Symposium, Educational Course or Partners in Solutions/Guided Tour click here. Please respond by October 11, 2022.
The online application will request the following information for proposals:
**Required items for the Partners in Solutions/Guided Tours Program Suggestions
All proposals will be reviewed by the Program Directors, who will make the final selection of topic, content, moderators, and speakers. Selection of proposals will be based on criteria such as the theme for the 2023 meeting, topics presented in previous years, and the potential advancement of a diverse and inclusive professional discipline consistent with the AAPM Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Goal. Not all proposals will be accepted, and some proposals may be combined or re-categorized as deemed necessary by the Annual Meeting Subcommittee.
Accepted submissions will be informed of their acceptance in December 2022, and Session Organizers of an accepted proposal will need to submit an abstract for inclusion in the 2023 Annual Meeting Program.
Ingrid S. Reiser, PhD – Chair, Annual Meeting Subcommittee
Kristy Brock, PhD – Vice-Chair, Annual Meeting Subcommittee
2023 Annual Meeting Program Working Groups
Scientific Program:
Ioannis Sechopoulos, PhD – Chair, Annual Meeting Scientific Program Working Group
Stephen Bowen, PhD – Therapy Scientific Program Director
Magdalena Bazalova Carter, PhD – Therapy Scientific Program Co-Director
Wojciech Zbijewski, PhD – Imaging Scientific Program Director
Xiangyang Tang, PhD – Imaging Scientific Program Co-Director
Charles Mayo, PhD – Data Science Specialty Program Co-Director
Maryellen Giger, PhD – Data Science Specialty Program Co-Director
Zayang Long, PhD – Ultrasound Specialty Program Co-Director
Education Program:
Tyler Fisher, MS – Chair, Annual Meeting Education Program Working Group
Kai Yang, PhD – Imaging Education Program Director
Samuel Brady, PhD – Imaging Education Program Co-Director
Hania Al-Hallaq, PhD – Therapy Education Program Director
Jon Kruse, PhD – Therapy Education Program Co-Director
Professional Program:
Michelle Wells, MS – Chair, Annual Meeting Professional Program Working Group
Carnell Hampton, PhD – Professional Program Director
Yixiang Liao, PhD – Professional Program Co-Director
Technical Exhibit/Vendor Program:
Deborah Schofield, PhD – Chair, Technical Exhibits Sub-Committee