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true 2016 AAPM Annual Meeting - Learning the New Approaches of TG-100 and Beyond (Session 3 of the TG100 Certificate Course series) - 2016-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2016 AAPM Annual Meeting - Session: Learning the New Approaches of TG-100 and Beyond (Session 3 of the TG100 Certificate Course series)

Peter Dunscombe, PhD The University of Calgary

Handout(s): 115-34544-387514-119643.pdf
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All videos in this session:
TG-100 Overview - M. Saiful Huq, PhD University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Process Maps - Jatinder Palta, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - Peter Dunscombe, PhD The University of Calgary
Fault-Tree Analysis - Bruce Thomadsen, PhD University of Wisconsin
Risk-Based QA/QM Programs - Ellen Yorke, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
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