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true 2017 AAPM Annual Meeting - Contour Quality Assurance and Decision Support: Implications, Issues, and the State-of-the-Art - 2017-07-30T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2017 AAPM Annual Meeting - Session: Contour Quality Assurance and Decision Support: Implications, Issues, and the State-of-the-Art

Dosimetric Impact of Contouring Variability in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
James Kavanaugh, Washington University in St. Louis

Handout(s): 127-35510-418554-127661.pdf
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All videos in this session:
Contour Assessment for Quality Assurance and Data Mining - Thomas Purdie, PhD Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - University Health Network (UHN)
Advances and Challenges in Contour QA for Adaptive RT - Kristy Brock, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Q & A -
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