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true 2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting - TG 203: Implanted Cardiac Devices - 2020-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting - Session: TG 203: Implanted Cardiac Devices

Review of Patient Management and Recommendations
Moyed Miften, PhD University of Colorado School of Medicine

Handout(s): 155-53872-1531640-157375-471028480.pdf
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All videos in this session:
Review of ICP and ICD Devices: Conditions in Clinical Use that can Induce Device Malfunctions - Joann Prisciandaro, PhD University of Michigan
Dose Assessment Considerations - Dimitris Mihailidis, PhD University of Pennsylvania
Q & A -
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