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true 2021 AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting - From Page to Clinic - Bringing Good Ideas to your Physics Group - 2021-04-17T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting - Session: From Page to Clinic - Bringing Good Ideas to your Physics Group

Real-World Implementation of Recent TG Reports
Edward Clouser, Mayo Clinic Arizona

Handout(s): 165-55256-15561640-168418-243304299.pdf
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All videos in this session:
Real-World Implementation of Recent TG Reports - Courtney Buckey, Mayo Clinic Arizona
Real-World Implementation of Recent TG Reports - Daniel Harrington, Mayo Clinic Arizona
Well-Oiled Machine: Going the Extra Mile Through Clinical Efficiencies - Tyler Blackwell, Radformation
Q & A -
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