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true 2021 AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting - You Want It By When?: Automating Effective Radiation Oncology Workflows Q & A - 2021-04-17T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting - Session: You Want It By When?: Automating Effective Radiation Oncology Workflows Q & A

Q & A

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All videos in this session:
PinS Therapy - You Want It by When?: Automating Effective Radiation Oncology Workflows - Matthew Meineke, Ohio State University
Introduction of Vendor - Matthew Meineke, Ohio State University
Eclipse Automation - Juliana Simoes, Varian
Introduction of Vendor - Matthew Meineke, Ohio State University
Automating Effective Radiation Oncology Workflows - Muqeem Qayyum, RaySearch America
Introduction of Vendor - Matthew Meineke, Ohio State University
Challenges in Radiosurgery Treatment Planning for Multiple Brain Metastases: A Physicist's Perspective - Chantal Brigmann, Brainlab
Introduction of Vendor - Matthew Meineke, Ohio State University
Improving Patient Outcomes Through Automation of Error Detection During Treatment - Jennifer Hamilton, Sun Nuclear Corporation
Introduction of Vendor - Matthew Meineke, Ohio State University
InsightRT: Automated Adaptive Therapy Decision Support and Insurance Authorization - Leslie Schulte, Siris Medical
Q&A - Matthew Meineke, Ohio State University
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