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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Multimodality, Optical, and Emerging Imaging Technologies Q & A - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Multimodality, Optical, and Emerging Imaging Technologies Q & A

Q & A

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All videos in this session:
Quantitative and Sensitive Diagnosis of Early Tumor Metastases Using X-Ray and Bioluminescence Tomography - Jiahao Chen University of Science and Technology of China
Liquid Immunogenic Fiducial Eluter (LIFE) Gel for Image-Guided Radiotherapy - Geraud Richards Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Quantification of Tumor Location and Growth for Orthotopic Pancreatic Cancer Model Using Bioluminescence Tomography-Guided System - Zijian Deng University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Preliminary Investigation of a Novel 3D Dosimetry System Consisting of ClearView 3D Radiochromic Dosimeters with Telecentric Optical Computed Tomography Scanning - Scott Hoopingarner Duke University
Evolution and Development of Micro-CT and Optical Imaging for Breast Conserving Surgery - Benjamin Maloney Dartmouth College
Use of Computer-Controlled Automatic Injector to Perform 1000-Fps High Speed Angiography During Neurointervention Procedures - Swetadri Vasan Setlur Nagesh University at Buffalo
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