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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - 4D CT/CBCT and Sparse Acquistions - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: 4D CT/CBCT and Sparse Acquistions

Faster Safer Clearer 4DCBCT: Results of the ADAPT Clinical Trial
Owen Dillon University of Sydney

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All videos in this session:
A Deep Learning Technique for Projection Interpolation in CBCT Reconstruction - Ke Lu Duke University
BEST IN PHYSICS (IMAGING): A GAN-Based Technique for Synthesizing Realistic Respiratory Motion in the 4D-XCAT Phantoms - Yushi Chang Duke University
A Method for 4D Cone-Beam CT in Under 20 Seconds with New Generation Linacs - Samuel Blake ACRF Image-X Institute, The University of Sydney
Dual-Encoder Convolutional Neural Network (DeCNN) for Average Image-Constrained 4D-CBCT Reconstruction - Zhuoran Jiang Duke Univeristy
Rapid Low Dose 4DCBCT - Benjamin Lau University Of Sydney
Reference-Free, Learning-Based Rigid Motion Compensation in Cone-Beam CT for Interventional Neuroradiology - Heyuan Huang The Johns Hopkins University
Q & A -
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