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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Dose and Imaging Performance Assessment in CT and CBCT - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Dose and Imaging Performance Assessment in CT and CBCT

An Assessment of Uncertainties in Pediatric CT Organ Dosimetry When Scan Parameters and Individual Body Morphometry Are Unknown
Cameron Kofler

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All videos in this session:
A Method to Estimate a Fan-Beam CT NPS Using Two Basis Functions with a Limited Number of Noise Realizations - Hanjoo Jang
Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) and Achievable Doses (ADs) for the 11 Most Commonly Performed Pediatric CT Examinations in the United States (USA) as a Function of Patient Age and Size Using 1.5 Million Examinations in the American College of Radiology - Kalpana Kanal, PhD University of Washington
Fast Monte Carlo Simulation of Non-Isotropic X-Ray Source for CT Dose Calculation - Sen Wang Stanford University
Longitudinal QC Testing of CBCT and Helical MDCT Systems with a Unified Image Quality and Dose Phantom - Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD Johns Hopkins University
A Scanner-Specific Simulation Platform for Virtual Imaging Trials in Deep Si-Based Photon-Counting CT - Shobhit Sharma Duke University
Accurate and Efficient Measurement of Channelized Hotelling Observer-Based Low-Contrast Detectability On the ACR Accreditation Phantom - Mingdong Fan Mayo Clinic
Q & A -
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