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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Image-Guided Treatment Response Modeling and Assessment - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Image-Guided Treatment Response Modeling and Assessment

A Bilateral Neural Network for Loco-Regional Recurrence Prediction in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer
Liyuan Chen UT Southwestern Medical Center

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All videos in this session:
An Automated Multi-Objective Model with Hyperparameter Optimization for Treatment Outcome Prediction in Metastatic Melanoma - Xi Chen, PhD Xi'an Jiaotong University
Changes in Post-Treatment Cardiac PET Avidity Predict Overall Survival in Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Chemoradiation - Tess Santangelo University of Colorado
Measuring Radiation-Induced Changes in Perfusion with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced 4DCT and Non-Contrast Lung Density Analysis in a Novel Swine Model - Antonia Wuschner
Quantitative Radiomics Approach to Assess Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients - So-yeon Park, MS Veterans Health Service Medical Center
Quantum Reinforcement and Deep Learning for Decision Support in Response-Adapted Lung Cancer Radiotherapy - Dipesh Niraula Moffitt Cancer Center
Computational Prediction of Symptomatic RP Based On Planning Computed Tomography Images Using Topologically Invariant Betti Numbers Prior to Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy - Kenta Ninomiya
Q & A -
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