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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Novel Strategies Using Existing Imaging Technology for Planning, Delivery and Toxicity Analyses - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Novel Strategies Using Existing Imaging Technology for Planning, Delivery and Toxicity Analyses

A Non-Parametric Analysis to Identify High-Risk Vs. Low-Risk Anatomic Regions Associated with Reduced Overall Survival in the RTOG 0617 Clinical Trial Data
Jiening Zhu Stony Brook University

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All videos in this session:
Blood Dose Calculation in Radiotherapy - Abdelkhalek Hammi TU Dortmund University
Enabling Few-View 3D Tomographic Image Reconstruction by Geometry-Informed Deep Learning - Liyue Shen Stanford University
Head-And-Neck IMRT Auto-Planning Through Fluence Map Prediction Using Progressive Growing of Generative Adversarial Networks - Xinyi Li Duke University Medical Center
Improvements in Beam's Eye View Fiducial Tracking Using A Novel Multilayer Imager - Thomas Harris Brigham & Women's Hospital
Quantifying Radiation-Induced Lung Injury as a Function of Regional Radiation Therapy Dose Using Hyperpolarized-129Xe MRI - Leith Rankine, MS The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Predicting Locoregional Recurrence Through Multi-Modality and Multi-View Deep Learning for in Head & Neck Cancer - Jinkun Guo Xidian University
Q & A -
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