2013 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting - Foundations of Radiation Physics: EBRT QA -
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2013 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting - Session: Foundations of Radiation Physics: EBRT QA
Foundations of Radiation Physics: External Beam Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance: Acceptance Testing, Commissioning, Quality Assurance of VMAT Technology Ying Xiao, Ph.D., Thomas Jefferson Univ Hospital,
Philadelphia, PA, 19107, US
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Foundations of Radiation Physics: External Beam Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance of Medical Accelerators - Fang-Fang Yin, Ph.D., Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC, 27710, US Foundations of Radiation Physics: External Beam Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance: Flattening Filter Free c-arm Accelerators - Stephen Kry, Ph.D., MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, 77030, US
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