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true 2014 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting - Safety 1: Incident Learning Systems in Radiation Therapy - 2014-03-15T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2014 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting - Session: Safety 1: Incident Learning Systems in Radiation Therapy

Incident Learning in Radiation Oncology: Examples in Incident Learning
Eric Ford, PhD, University of Washington, SEATTLE, WA, 98195, UNITED STATES

Handout(s): 87-22794-326454-102493.pdf
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All videos in this session:
Incident Learning in Radiation Oncology: An Update - Debbie Gilley, MPA, AAPM, COLLEGE PARK, MD, 20740, UNITED STATES
Using Incident Learning Systems to Improve Patient Safety: A Clinical Perspective - Eric Ford, PhD, University of Washington, SEATTLE, WA, 98195, UNITED STATES
Creation of a National Incident Learning System to Improve Patient Safety - Gary Ezzell, PhD, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, 85054, UNITED STATES
Lessons learned from SAFRON: Using Incident Learning in Multi-Institutional Settings - Debbie Gilley, MPA, AAPM, COLLEGE PARK, MD, 20740, UNITED STATES
Safety 1: Incident Learning Systems in Radiation Therapy Q&A - Eric Ford, PhD, University of Washington, SEATTLE, WA, 98195, UNITED STATES
Safety 1: Incident Learning Systems in Radiation Therapy Q&A - Debbie Gilley, MPA, AAPM, COLLEGE PARK, MD, 20740, UNITED STATES
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