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true 2015 AAPM Annual Meeting - It Can't Happen to Me! - My Position has been Terminated, Now What? Q & A - 2015-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2015 AAPM Annual Meeting - Session: It Can't Happen to Me! - My Position has been Terminated, Now What? Q & A

Q & A

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All videos in this session:
Introduction - George Starkschall, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Legal Aspects of Employment - Jeffrey Masten, JD Aspirus Wausau Hospital
My Personal Experience - Bruce Curran, MEng Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Graph includes 40 member loads and 838 non-member loads (878 total loads). Exclude non-member? A load is defined as someone coming to this page, not necesarily that they pressed play, or watched the entire presentation.