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true 2018 AAPM Annual Meeting - High Dose, Small Field Radiation Therapy: Lessons from the HyTEC Project and the ICRU 91 Report - 2018-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2018 AAPM Annual Meeting - Session: High Dose, Small Field Radiation Therapy: Lessons from the HyTEC Project and the ICRU 91 Report

Small Field Dosimetry
Jan Seuntjens, PhD Medical Physics Unit, McGill University

Handout(s): 137-38940-446581-135953.pdf
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All videos in this session:
IGRT for SBRT - George Ding, PhD Vanderbilt University
General Goals and Problems for the Hytec Project - Lawrence Marks, MD UNC School of Medicine
Spinal Cord NTCP - Lijun Ma, PhD UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center
Paraspinal TCP - Stanley Benedict, PhD UC Davis Cancer Center
Q&A - Ellen Yorke, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Q & A -
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