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true 2021 AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting - Don't Throw the Past Away: New Takes on QA and 3D Printing - 2021-04-17T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting - Session: Don't Throw the Past Away: New Takes on QA and 3D Printing

Practical Application of IAEA-AAPM TRS-483 for Co-60 Based SRS/SBRT Systems
Stewart Becker, University of Maryland School of Medicine

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All videos in this session:
3D Printing of QA Phantoms - From Conception to Prototype to Application - Justin Gagneur, Mayo Clinic Arizona
Tungsten Filled 3D Printed Field Shaping Devices for Electron Beam Radiation Therapy - Lawrie Skinner, Stanford University
Reference Dosimetry Techniques On a GammaPod System - Wesley Culberson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Everything Old Is New Again: Revival of the Winston-Lutz Test to Improve Machine QA in the Digital Age - Weiliang Du, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Q & A -
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