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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Real-time Tracking and Adaptive Radiation Therapy - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Real-time Tracking and Adaptive Radiation Therapy

BEST IN PHYSICS (MULTI-DISCIPLINARY): Real-Time Dose-Optimized Multi-Target MLC Tracking for Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer
Emily Hewson

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All videos in this session:
Automatic Stent Recognition Using Deep Neural Network for Quantitative Intra-Fractional Motion Monitoring in Pancreatic Cancer Radiotherapy - Xiuxiu He Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute
Dual-Energy Real-Time Stereoscopic X-Ray Image Guidance for Markerless Lung Tumor Tracking - Mike Sattarivand, PhD Nova Scotia Health Authority
Implementation of High-Quality Motion-Compensated Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (mc-SART) Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) Imaging Using the 5D Model in a Prospective Patient Study - Kamal Singhrao
One-Second Into the Future: A Deep Learning Method to Predict 3D Lung Cancer Target Motion to Account for Adaptation Latency - Doan Trang Nguyen University of Technology Sydney
Synthesizing Real-Time In-Treatment 4D Images Based On Optical Surface Signals and Pre-Treatment Images: A Proof-Of-Concept Study - Yuliang Huang Department of Radiotherapy, Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute
Evaluating the Clinical Impact and Accuracy of Real-Time KV Imaging in Liver SBRT - Andrew Santoso, MS University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Q & A -
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